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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 23 May 2012

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   23rd May 2012 Meeting No:  14



Deputy S.G. Luce , Chairman Connétable S.W. Pallett, Vice-Chairman Connétable M.J. Paddock

In attendance

Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Record of Meeting

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 25th April and 4th May 2012, which were signed accordingly by the Chairman.


11/05/12 Item 1


2. Aircraft Registry

The Panel noted receipt of recently received written submissions and additional background information, including the announcement made by the Commerce and Employment Department in Guernsey of the agreement  that  it  had  signed  with  a  strategic  partner  for  the development and operation of an aircraft Registry in the Bailiwick of Guernsey. The Panel agreed that it would write immediately to the Minister for Economic Development for clarification of where this left his proposals to work with Guernsey on a Channel Island Registry.

The Panel agreed to invite the following stakeholders to appear as witnesses at Public Hearings on Monday 11th June:

  • Executive Jet Charter
  • Chairman,  Aircraft  Owners  and  Pilots  Association,  CI


  • Aviation Beauport
  • Mr T Byron

The Panel agreed to invite the Minister for Economic Development to appear as a witness at a Public Hearing on Thursday 14th June.



11/05/12 Item 2


3. Incorporation of Harbours and Airport

The Panel agreed that, as a date had not yet been established, it would follow  up  its  previous  request  to  the  Economic  Development Department to undertake a site visit to the Harbour(s), after which it would consider scoping its Review. The Panel also agreed to request an  update  on  the  proposed  dates  for  lodging  and  debate  of  the proposition for incorporation.  


04/05/12 Item 3


4. Tourism Development Fund

The Panel received an update on the ongoing Review by the Sub-Panel of  the  Corporate  Services  Panel  reviewing  P.26/2012  Tourism Development Fund; Assistance to the Private Sector,  on which the Chairman was representing the Panel. It was noted in particular that there was a very short timeframe in which the Sub-Panel was operating, but that the scoping and Terms of Reference had been forwarded to the



Chairmen's Committee and work was underway.  



54. Medium Term Financial Plan

The Panel agreed to invite the Minister for Economic Development to provide a briefing on his Department's work on the draft Medium Term Financial Plan, ahead of the proposed Aircraft Registry and Quarterly Update Public Hearings on 14th June.



65. Future Meetings

Due to the proposed Public Hearings, the Panel agreed to cancel its meeting scheduled for 6th June, noting that its next meetings would now be scheduled for 11th and 14th June, in Blampied Room, States Building.