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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 31 October 2012

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:  31st October 2012 Meeting No: 31



Deputy S.G. Luce , Chairman Connétable S.W. Pallett, Vice-Chairman Connétable M.J. Paddock

Adviser - International Affairs, Chief Minister's Department Director Tax Policy, Treasury and Resources

Deputy Comptroller, Treasury and Resources

Senior Manager Tax Policy, Treasury and Resources



In attendance

Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the record of its meeting held on 18th October 2012, which was signed accordingly by the Chairman.


18/10/12 Item 2


2. Intellectual Property Unregistered Rights (IPURL)

The  Panel  received  a  response  from  the  Minister  for  Economic Development to the comments and questions raised by its adviser's report on the draft subordinate IPURL legislation. The Panel agreed that the Minister's response would be sent to its adviser for final comment.

The Panel also agreed to scope possible work, which would be similarly undertaken  by  an  adviser,  regarding  the  adequacy  of  Jersey's legislative framework for coverage of personal image rights'.


18/10/12 Item 2


3. Tourism Shadow Board  

The  Panel  confirmed  its  previous  agreement  that  the  proposals  to establish a Tourism Shadow Board and rebrand Jersey Tourism as Visit Jersey represented a potentially significant step and raised a number of questions, and as such required due scrutiny. The Panel was advised that the Minister for Economic Development had been informed of the Panel's intentions, but noted the recent lodging of P.113/2012 Tourism Shadow Board: Establishment.

Due  to  the  potential  consequences  of  a  significant  delay  to  this Proposition on the development of the new Tourism Strategy, the Panel agreed that this Review would need to be given priority over its Jersey Innovation  Fund  Review.  It  noted  that  this  decision  might  have consequential delays for the Jersey Innovation Fund Review. The Panel agreed that there would need to be further communication with the Minister for Economic Development regarding the Panel's requirement for delays to the current intended debate dates of both the Tourism



Shadow Board and Jersey Innovation Fund Propositions.

It was agreed by the Panel that following its discussions the Review of P.113/2012 Tourism Shadow Board: Establishment should be scoped, Terms of Reference drafted and a project timetable established and circulated to the Panel for its consideration.


18/10/12 Item 4


4. Jersey Innovation Fund

The Panel noted its draft Scoping Document, Terms of Reference and project timetable for its intended Review. In view of its discussions regarding the Tourism Shadow Board Review and the prioritisation of that  work,  further  consideration  would  be  given  to  these  draft documents in due course.


18/10/12 Item 5


5. Financial Services Ombudsman

The Panel welcomed receipt of a detailed timetable from the Economic Development Department for the remaining legislation drafting process, noting that as a result of which it was likely to begin its public work on the topic in the first quarter of 2013.


18/10/12 Item 7


6. Work Programme

The Panel welcomed receipt of a Workstream paper from the Economic Development  Department,  which  would  help  inform  its  own  work planning. The Panel agreed that it would request an amendment to the format of the paper to include more detail on the individual project timetables, comparable to the helpful information provided in relation to the Financial Services Ombudsman, in order to further assist its work planning and understanding of the Department's work schedule.

The Panel noted its draft Work Programme for 2013, but agreed that it would require revision based on the decisions it had made during the course of the meeting and the additional information requested as part of the Workstream paper.




7. Company Tax Update

The Panel welcomed the Adviser - International Affairs, Chief Minister's Department and Director Tax Policy, Deputy Comptroller and Senior Manager Tax Policy from the Treasury and Resources Department who provided a detailed briefing on updates to company taxation.


19/09/12 Item 2


8. Aircraft Registry

The  Ministerial  response  to  the  Panel's  Aircraft  Registry  report, S.R.6/2012, was distributed to the Panel in draft form. The Panel was informed that the response was due to be presented to the States shortly,  once  it  had  been  formally  signed  off  by  the  Minister  for Economic Development in the coming days.



9. Digital Skills

The Panel received an invitation from the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel to discuss their respective approaches to potentially overlapping work relating to digital skills and Digital Jersey. The Panel agreed that such discussions would represent a sensible step, and that it would suggest to the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel that a suitable date to meet might be the Panel's meeting scheduled for 28th November, 2012.



10. Future Meetings



The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled to take place at 9.30am on 14th November, Blampied Room States Building.