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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 1st October 2012 Meeting No: 19
Present | Deputy J. M. Maçon, Chairman Connétable M. P. S. Le Troquer, Vice Chairman Connétable S. W. Pallett |
In attendance | M. Haden, Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Minutes The Minutes of the meeting held on 11th September 2012 were approved and signed. |
Item 2 11.09.12 | 2. Raising standards of achievement in Education Following the suggestion that a review might be undertaken of ESC measures to improve standards of achievement amongst lower- performing students, the Panel considered a discussion paper prepared by the Scrutiny Officer looking at the potential areas such a review might explore, in advance of more detailed scoping. This paper focussed on issues relating to achievement at age 16, particularly in relation to the Island's four 11-16 schools which, due to the highly selective nature of the Education system dealt with the vast majority of lower-performing' students. It was suggested that the proposed review might examine issues such as the use of value-added measures of achievement, the challenges facing the 11-16 schools, action plans developed by those schools to address concerns about standards of achievement in core subjects (English, Maths and Science), the range of alternative vocational options for lower-achieving students and the performance of boys compared to girls. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to prepare a scoping document for this review. The Panel was mindful that consideration of the above issues would follow up matters raised in the review into examination results undertaken by the previous Scrutiny Panel (SR6/2011). Therefore it appeared appropriate to wait for the school's analysis of this year's exam results, which was due to be published in November, before undertaking this review. Members agreed that it would be appropriate to engage relevant expert advice with experience of school accountability and measurement of educational achievement. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to search for a local person in the first instance. | MH MH |
Item 4 09.02.12 516/1(58) | 3. Community Relations Trust – research project proposal: impact of socio-economic status on education The Panel was informed that the Education Department had agreed to the research project proposal from the Community Relations Trust |
| working in partnership with Professor Kelly of the University of Southampton Education School, subject to a meeting on 19th October to discuss working arrangements and the terms of a Service Level Agreement with Southampton University. Members recalled that consideration had been given previously to the Panel assisting with funding this project. They were conscious that the project was linked to issues around standards of achievement in literacy and numeracy at primary level and was relevant to the previous topic as these had a fundamental impact on the work of the secondary schools. They agreed therefore to request a meeting with Dr Moran, Chair of the Community Relations Trust, and Professor Kelly at the earliest opportunity. | MH |
Item 4 11.09.12 516/33 516/34 | 4. Annual Reports 2011 of (a) Jersey Customs and Immigration Service and (b) Jersey Prison Service
Members agreed to seek a meeting with the Jersey Addiction Group (Silkworth Lodge) prior to finalising this report.
Members agreed to seek meetings with the Prison Board of Visitors and the Health and Social Services Mental Health team in connexion with issues identified in the 2012 Annual Report of the Prison Board of Visitors regarding remand prisoners, youth custody and treatment of prisoners with mental health issues. | MH MH |
Item 2 11.09.12 516/27 | 5. CCTV Surveillance The Panel considered a submission from Professor W. Webster, Director of the Centre for Research into Information, Surveillance and Privacy (CRISP), University of Stirling, a potential adviser for the proposed review on CCTV Surveillance, setting out a thematic framework for the review enlarging on draft objectives agreed in the Panel's own scoping document. The Panel noted that Professor Webster proposed to undertake the review in tandem with Dr P. Fussey of the University of Essex. Both men were considered to be the leading experts on CCTV policy and practice in the UK and would be working on the review as a research project with their respective universities. They would be available to start work on the review in the new year. The Panel endorsed the engagement of Professor Webster and Dr Fussey as outlined above, having noted that the thematic framework required further discussion and refinement. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to make the necessary arrangements and to continue discussions with the two advisers. | MH |
| 6. Quarterly Hearing with Minister for Education, Sport and Culture Members recalled that the following issues had been discussed with the Minister at its meeting with him on 28th September 2012: (a) Digital Skills: Members agreed to follow up issues identified in the Institute of Directors Conference on the Digital Jersey report prepared by Skills Jersey, published in September 2012, in particular, the following questions: Was current funding for the ICT strategy sufficient to meet the challenges? Was ESC responding quickly enough to the |
| challenges posed by businesses? Could businesses be involved further in transforming the current curriculum? It was agreed that contact should be made with industry leaders and others who had contributed to the Skills Survey report. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to scope a potential review. (b) Higher Education Fees: Members noted that the Minister intended to proceed with certain reforms to the current student support system. It was agreed to request a copy of the draft White Paper in order to consider the Minister's proposals. | MH MH |
| 7. Scrutiny Newsletter – Autumn 2012 edition Members considered and approved a draft entry to the forthcoming newsletter. |
| 8. Police Headquarters: proposed location at Green Street The Panel considered the issue of the proposed new Police Station sited at Green Street and noted that concerns had been raised relating to the suitability of the proposed new site to meet the requirements of the states of Jersey Police over the next twenty to thirty years. Other concerns had been raised publicly regarding the traffic implications, the impact of the proposed building on its immediate environment and the loss of car parking at Green Street; however, these were not within the remit of the Panel. Members recalled that the former Projects and Facilities Manager of the States of Jersey Police, now retired, had contacted a number of States members to express his concerns regarding the proposed site which he considered to be both impractical and inappropriate. The Panel agreed to invite this person to meet them to discuss the issues he had with the building, prior to requesting a briefing from the Deputy Chief Officer, States of Jersey Police, and Jersey Property Holdings. Members agreed to invite Deputy J. Martin to meet the former Project and Facilities Manager. The Panel also agreed to invite comments from the Police Association who represented the views of serving police officers and requested that the Minister for Planning and Environment be advised of their interest in this matter. | MH MH |
| 6. Date of next meeting Next Panel meeting: Monday 29th October at 9.30am |