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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 22 June 2012

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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   22nd June 2012 Meeting No:  12



Deputy J. M. Maçon, Chairman

Connétable M. P. S. Le Troquer, Vice Chairman Connétable S. W. Pallett

In attendance

M. Haden, Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Minutes

The Minutes of the meetings held on 23rd April, 14th and 31st May 2012 were approved as a true record and signed accordingly.

The  Panel  also  received  notes  of  quarterly  hearing  held  with  the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture on 23rd April 2012 and a briefing with the Home Affairs Department on 31st May 2012.



2. Work Programme

The Panel received an update report from the Scrutiny Officer on its work programme.

Members requested further information on the publication of the Skills strategy and progress in developing the new Youth Service and Sports Strategies



3. Medium Term Financial Plan

Members endorsed the terms of reference for the review of the MTFP prepared by the Corporate Services Panel and the Chairman agreed to join the Corporate Services Sub Panel on the MTFP as the Panel's representative.

Members noted that the Council of Ministers intended to lodge the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) on 23rd July. They agreed to request public hearings with both departments on 27th July.


Item 4 14.05.12


4.  Review  of  Issues  surrounding  the  Review  of  Financial Management of Operation Rectangle: transcript

The Panel considered the outcome of a review of the transcript for the public hearing with Mr. S. Syvret on 28th October 2011.

Members  recalled  that  Mr.  Syvret  had  made  serious  allegations  of criminal behaviour against named individuals and that they had agreed to the principle that the text should be redacted to remove references to third parties who would not have the opportunity to respond to these allegations. They had further agreed to a request from the Chairmen's Committee  to  review  the  proposed  redaction  and  to  consider  the specific justification for each such redaction.



Having carefully reconsidered the text the Panel agreed on specific textual redactions and confirmed their previous decision to publish the transcript as redacted. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to forward a copy of the transcript to Mr. Syvret in the normal manner.


Item 1 14.05.12


5. Tasers: Proposed introduction into the Island

The Panel, with Deputy M. Tadier in attendance, considered the latest draft of its report on the above review.

The Panel agreed to sign off the report, subject to confirmation of a number of amendments to the key findings and recommendations, with a view to presenting the report to the States on or around 4th July 2012.


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6. Annual Reports 2011 of (a) Jersey Customs and Immigration Service and (b) Jersey Prison Service

The Panel noted and approved scoping documents referring to their review of the above annual reports.



7. Date of next meeting

Public hearings in the Blampied Room on Friday 22nd June 2012 with

  1. Jersey Customs and Immigration Service commencing at 2pm and
  2. Jersey Prison Service commencing at 3.30pm

Next Panel meeting: Monday 30th July 2012 at 9.30 in the Blampied Room