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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 27 January 2012

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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   27th January 2012 Meeting No:  5



Deputy J. M. Maçon, Chairman

Connétable M. P. S. Le Troquer, Vice Chairman Connétable S. W. Pallett

In attendance

M. Haden, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter


Item 4 23.01.12


1. Draft States of Jersey Police Force Law 201- (P.182/2011)

Following  its  discussion  with  the  Minister  for  Home  Affairs  on  the briefing  paper  prepared  by  Professor  Savage  (adviser  to  previous Scrutiny Panel review of the draft law), the Panel agreed to request the Minister to proceed with the amendments to the draft law suggested in the adviser's paper, namely:

  • Making a specific linkage between Article 19 with Article 4 to clarify the functions of the Police Authority; and
  • Amending Article 3(b) in order to specify that the Minister should consult the Chief Officer as well as the Police Authority in setting police force management policies.

The Panel accepted the difficulty of defining within legislation or supporting schedules what functions would come under the management policies' which the Minister would set and those that would or should not.

The Panel noted that the Minister also considered that it would be appropriate to cross reference Article 3. 3(b) with Article 19 (1) to clarify that whilst the Policing Authority prepared the Policing Plan, the final form of the Policing Plan was the responsibility of the Minister.

The Panel agreed that it would not be necessary to call in' the draft law for further scrutiny.

The Scrutiny Officer was requested to prepare a draft Comment to accompany the draft law.



2. Customs and Immigration Department

The Panel agreed that it would be appropriate to follow up the review conducted by a previous Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel into the Customs and Immigration Department (SR14/2008) in the light of ongoing staffing pressures. The Panel was minded to hold a hearing regarding the service following the publication of its Annual Report.

In the meantime the Panel requested that the opportunity for it to visit the department be arranged.



3. Future meetings

The Panel agreed to defer its next meeting until 9th February 2012