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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 9 February 2012

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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   9th February 2012 Meeting No:  6



Deputy J. M. Maçon, Chairman

Connétable M. P. S. Le Troquer, Vice Chairman Connétable S. W. Pallett

In attendance

M. Haden, Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Minutes

The Minutes of the meetings held on 23rd and 27th January 2012 were approved as a true record and signed accordingly.


Item 3 23.01.12


2. Home Affairs Departmental Briefing

The Panel considered the briefing note provided by the Scrutiny Officer on the informal briefing on 27th January 2012.

Members  also  noted  an  updated  report  on  the  Department's Comprehensive  Spending  Review  projects.  Further  information  was requested on the following matters:

  • Modernisation of criminal justice system;
  • Reasons  why  HSS  did  not  wish  to  participate  in  the  Fire- Ambulance merger project;
  • Staff reductions at Customs and Immigration

The Panel agreed to request a quarterly public hearing with the Minister in the last week of March 2012. Members also agreed that it would be appropriate to call for public hearings with the Chief Officers of each of the services in the Department based on their annual reports once these  had  been  published. The  process  would  commence  with  the Chief  Officer  of  Police  and  the  Chief  Officer  of  Customs  and Immigration.



3 & 6 23.01.12


3. Education, Sport and Culture Departmental Briefing

The Panel considered the briefing note provided by the Scrutiny Officer on the informal briefing on 30th January 2012.

The  Panel  confirmed  its  interest  in  the  development  of  the  Youth Service  Strategy  and  the  ongoing  negotiations  on  new  partnership arrangements (Business Plan ref YS 1-3) and indicated their intention to review  the  Strategy  in  due  course.  It  was  agreed  to  request  a presentation from the Island Youth Officer at the next meeting.

The Panel also confirmed its interest in reviewing the working of Skills Jersey (Business Plan ref LLL3). Conscious that tackling current youth unemployment was a cross-cutting issue the Panel agreed to liaise with the Economic Affairs Panel regarding their intentions for reviewing this




It was also agreed to request information from the Education, Sport and Culture  department  on  their  plans  for  enhancing  vocational  training (Business  Plan  ref  LLL4)  for  the  academic  year  commencing September 2012.

The Panel noted the Minister's intention to publish White papers on School Catchment Areas and Higher Education Fees. In connexion with the latter, the Panel noted the recent Ministerial Decision (MD-ESC- 2012  -0003)  to  maintain  current  arrangements  for  student  financial support for the academic year 2012/13 and to undertake a review of student financial support with a view to proposing changes to take effect from September 2013 onwards. Members requested clarification of the Minister's timetable for both these projects.

Consideration of an audit report on the recently implemented Jersey Framework for Schools Evaluation was deferred to the next meeting.



Item 5 23.01.12


4. Impact of socio-economic status on educational achievement

The  Panel  noted  the  views  of  the  Chairmen's  Committee  on  the proposed Community Relations Trust research project. The Chairmen's Committee  believed  that  it  was  not  the  role  of  Scrutiny  to  provide funding for independent research projects and questioned whether the proposed project should be more properly funded by the Education, Sport  and  Culture  Department  or  the  Home  Affairs  Department. However, there would be justification for the Panel to provide funding if the research was part of a review of Departmental Policy.

Members  noted  that  the  promotion  of  social  inclusion  and  equal opportunity was a high priority for the Minister (Key Objective 4(iii)) and agreed  to  consider  of  a  possible  review  of  this  issue  which  could encompass the proposed research project. Members requested a copy of the 2011 Inclusion Report accordingly.



5. States Medium Term Financial Plan

The Panel noted that the Chairmen's Committee wished all Panels to play an active part in the preparation and development of the States Medium  Term  Financial  Plan.  Members  confirmed  their  interest  in scrutinising the proposals and requested early information from the two Departments within the Panel's remit.



6. Code of Conduct for Scrutiny

Members requested the Chairmen's Committee to consider the practice of  Scrutiny  Chairmen  conducting  regular  informal  meetings  with Ministers. Members recognised the value of such opportunities to gain information on departmental developments; however they also believed that  there  was  a  potential  for  the  Chairman's  position  to  be compromised  if  the  relationship  to  become  too  "cosy".  It  was  also important that other Panel members were kept fully informed.


Item 2 27.01.12


7. Customs and Immigration Department

Members considered the Ministerial Response to the previous Scrutiny Panel report on departmental staffing (SR14/2008).

Members noted that evidence was given to the previous Panel review in



2008 which appeared to indicate that increased quantities of illegal drugs were being imported into the Island and that this was linked to reductions  in  Customs  control.  They  requested  updated  information from both Customs and Immigration and the States of Jersey Police in order to evaluate whether this trend continued.

Members also noted that further staff reductions had been implemented as part of Comprehensive Spending Review savings in 2011. It was agreed that it was important to evaluate the impact of these reductions in  the  light  of  concerns  expressed  in  the  aforementioned  Scrutiny Report. These matters would be raised at the forthcoming meeting with Customs and Immigration on 14th February 2012.


Item 1 27.01.12


8. Draft States of Jersey Police Force Law 201- (P.182/2011)

The Panel considered draft comments on the draft law and agreed to finalise the comments once they had had the opportunity to consider the amendments proposed by the Minister.


Item 7 15.12.11


9. Surveillance – topic proposal

The Panel considered a briefing paper prepared by the Scrutiny Officer outlining the potential scope for a review of surveillance.

Members noted that a number of recent parliamentary inquiries into this subject had taken a broad view of this subject including issues such as the gathering and use of personal information in central government databases and monitoring of telephone and internet communication by intelligence  agencies.  Members,  however,  decided  to  focus  their attention on camera surveillance and to examine issues such as:

  • Evidence for the effectiveness of such surveillance in preventing and detecting crime
  • How much it was being used by employers to monitor staff
  • How images were monitored and by whom
  • Public understanding of the function and operation of CCTV cameras

It was noted that the Data Protection Commissioner had published a Code  of  Practice  setting  out  legally  enforceable  standards  for  the processing of images.

The Panel noted that the Scrutiny Officer had arranged opportunities to meet the States of Jersey Police and the Data Protection Commissioner prior  to  drafting  a formal  scope for  the  proposed  review.  Members agreed to consider a further briefing paper on the topic in due course


Item 7 23.01.12


10.  Ministerial  response:  issues  surrounding  the  review  of financial management of Operation Rectangle (SR16/2011)

The Panel considered the Ministerial Response and agreed that no further action was required on their part.



11. Jersey Fire and Rescue Service

The Panel noted the following consultation papers on the following:

(a)  Petroleum  (Jersey)  Law  1984   proposed  amendment  to Petroleum Licensing fee structure



(b)  Fire  Precautions  (Jersey)  Law  1977  and  Fire  Precautions Designated  Premises  (Jersey)  Regulations  1979   proposed extension of fire safety legislation to Houses in Multiple Occupation and private hospitals  

Members  requested  the  opportunity  to  review  the  consultation responses.



12. Future meetings

The following meetings were noted:

  1. Meeting with Customs and Immigration Department at Maritime House – 2pm on 14th February 2012
  1. Next  Panel  meeting:  Monday  12th  March  2012  at  9.30  in  the Blampied Room