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Environment - Approved Panel Minutes - 21 August 2012

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Environment Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 21st August 2012 Meeting No: 10



Deputy J. Young, Chairman Connétable P. Rondel

Deputy S. Luce (Vice chairman)





In attendance

Mr. M. Orbell, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Record of meeting

The Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd July 2012 were approved and signed.


3.07.12 Item 2


2. Ash Disposal

The Panel received an oral update on progress since the adviser's visit on 26th July. The adviser had carried out two site visits in the UK to assess potential ash treatment processes, accompanied by the  Chief  Officer  of  Transport  and  Technical  Services  as  the department had shown an interest in the technology involved; the outcome was not yet known. The first invoice from the consultants had been received and approved for payment. Review hearings had been  confirmed  with  departments,  to  take  place  on  Friday  21st September at 10.00am (Minister for Planning and Environment) and 1.30pm (Minister for Transport and Technical Services).



3.07.12 Item 3


3. Radon

The Scrutiny Officer was asked to contact the Health and Social Services Department to arrange a meeting to discuss the review with the Minister.


19.06.12 Item 6


4. Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP)

The Panel discussed recent claims reported in the media that the predictions  for  growth  on  which  the  MTFP  was  based  were  too optimistic. There was concern that this could potentially undermine the MTFP process and efforts to scrutinise it. There were also doubts about the timing of the process, in particular whether the need for any amendments could be properly assessed and agreed in time for the debate.

It was agreed that the Chairman would prepare a draft written report based  on  Ministers'  responses  at  recent  public  hearings  and circulate  to  members  for  agreement  prior  to  submission  to  the Corporate Services (MTFP) Sub-Panel.



5. Asbestos

The Panel considered recent media coverage and concerns from members of the public and Save Our Shoreline concerning asbestos storage  at  La  Collette.  The  Chairman  had  received  emailed



messages of support over comments made to the media; there was clearly a high level of public interest in this matter.

Possible approaches were discussed, one option being to embark on a targeted review in a short timeframe. It was noted that problems with  asbestos  were  not  limited  to  La  Collette,  as  in  times  past quantities had been disposed of at various sites around the Island, including quarries in St John. It was understood that the Department of  the  Environment  kept  a  register  of  contaminated  land  which contained information on such sites.

Members agreed that informal meetings to discuss asbestos should be requested with the Chief Officers of Transport and Technical Services and the Department of the Environment in the first instance, with a view to following up subsequently with Ministers.



6. Long term plans for La Collette

It was agreed that no Panel position would be taken in respect of the proposition: Incorporation of Ports of Jersey (P.70/2012). Members would take an individual approach.



7. Quarterly public hearing with the Minister for Planning and Environment

The Panel agreed a range of topics for discussion in its forthcoming hearing on 4th September. The Chairman would circulate a draft list of questions to members prior to the meeting.  



8. Damage to coastal headlands

The Panel noted correspondence received from a member of the public  in  respect  of  erosion  allegedly  being  caused  on  various headlands by motorcycle and mountain bike riding. It was agreed that this matter would be raised with the Minister at the quarterly public hearing on 4th September. The Scrutiny Officer would inform the individual who raised the matter of the Panel's decision.



9. Forthcoming meetings

Quarterly  public  hearing  with  the  Minister  for  Planning  and Environment:  2.00pm  on  4th  September  2012,  Blampied  Room, States Building

Next scheduled Panel meeting: 2.00pm on 18th September 2012, Blampied Room, States Building

Ash Disposal review public hearings:

  1. Minister  for Planning  and  Environment:  10.00am  on  21st September 2012, Blampied Room, States Building
  1. Minister for Transport and Technical Services: 1.30pm on 21st September 2012, Blampied Room, States Building