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Health, Social Security and Housing Panel
Record of Meeting
Meeting by electronic mail
Date: 15th May 2012 Meeting No: 39
Present | Deputy K. L. Moore , Chairman Deputy J. A. Hilton, Vice-Chairman Deputy J. G. Reed |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
30.04.12 Item 1 517/19 | 1. Health White Paper: Caring for each other, caring for ourselves Review The Panel received a revised draft of its Terms of Reference and the document was thereby approved accordingly. It noted that its Terms of Reference would be sent to the Minister for Health and Social Services. The Panel also approved a new title for the review and it was noted that it would be recorded as "A new health service for Jersey: the way forward." | KB |
11.05.12 Item 3 517/20 | 2. Housing Transformation Programme Sub-Panel The Panel noted that the Sub-Panel would comprise Deputy K.L. Moore , Deputy J.G. Reed, Senator A. Breckon, Deputy T.A. Vallois and Deputy J.M Le Bailly. |
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