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Public Accounts Committee - Approved Committee Minutes - 16 April 2012

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Public Accounts Committee

Record of Meeting

Date:   16th April 2012 Meeting No:  4



Deputy T. Vallois, Chairman Senator S. C. Ferguson, Deputy R. Rondel

Mr A. Fearn

Mr C. Evans


Deputy S. Pitman Mr S. Haigh



In attendance

Mr. C. Swinson O.B.E. – Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) Mr M. Robbins, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Committee noted that a section of the minutes of 19th March 2012 had been omitted which related to the process that the Comptroller and Auditor General applied during the publishing of his reports. This was to be added and the minutes returned to the Committee.



2. Conflict of Interest

No  conflict  of  interest  was  declared  relating  to  any  matter  on  the agenda.


Item  7 19.03.12


3. Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005

The Committee recalled that, following the letter from the Treasurer of the States dated 8th March 2012, it had decided to request a copy of the

brief to the Law Draftsman in relation to the amendments to the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005. The officer advised the Committee that this had not been done firstly due to pressure of the work and secondly the letter related to proposed amendments to the Law, scrutiny of which was  outside  the  remit  of  the  Public  Accounts  Committee.  The Committee  questioned  the  officer  on  the  content  of  the  letter  and advised that this was within the remit of the Committee as it stemmed from recommendations within a report of the Comptroller and Auditor General (Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 – A review in the light of experience). Further, it had been agreed at the meeting of 19th March 2012  that  the  information  would  be  requested  as  it  was  essential because the letter did not outline the detail of the proposals and the Committee  was  unable  to  examine  the  matter  with  incomplete information. The Committee made a direct instruction that the letter would be drafted and sent straight away.


Item  7 19.03.12


4 Work Programme

The Committee approved the work programme in principle but agreed that the  work  on the  Public  Finance  (Jersey) Law  2005  should  be included.  It  was  agreed  that  this  would  replace  the  suggested



procurement review expected to start in June 2012. The Procurement review would form part of the review into the report and accounts.

Income Support had now been in place for sufficient time that the Committee could look at it to establish if it were value for money. It was considered that the large expenditure which it incurred was of interest to the  Public  Accounts  Committee  and  the  Comptroller  and  Auditor General agreed to include this in his work programme.

It was further agreed that this would have a higher priority than a review into  the Town  Park.  Dependant  on the timing  of the report  by  the Comptroller and Auditor General, the Income Support review may be undertaken prior to the Town Park. That would be decided closer to the launch of the review.


Item  8 19.03.12


5. Recruitment of non-elected members

The recruitment of Committee members had not been pursued due to the  priority  of  the  preparation  for  the  hearings  relating  to  the Compromise Agreements Review. The matter was to be discussed with the Chairman of the Jersey Appointments Commission.  


Item  5 19.05.12


6. Review into the Bus Contract.

A  letter  has  been  sent  to  the  Transport  and  Technical  Services Department to establish what has been done in response to the report of  the  Comptroller  and  Auditor  General,  Management  of  the  Bus Contracts'. It was expected that the response would show that the recommendations had been actioned. If that were the case, a brief report or comment' would be produced to reflect that the Committee had examined the matter and may include recommendations that a Scrutiny Panel examined current contract negotiations. The response was to be circulated when received.


Item  4 19.03.12


7. Compromise Agreements: Review of the C&AG Reports

The Committee had held two public hearings on 16th April 2012. One with Mr M. Dubras, former Chairman of the Finance and Economic Committee  in  2005  when  the  former  Chief  Executive  contract  was reviewed and amended. The second was with Mr F. Walker O.B.E. who was the first Chief Minister.

Further public hearings were to follow the same day with the current Chief  Minister  and  the  Minister  for  Treasury  and  Resources.  The Committee prepared for those hearings.

Transcripts were to be circulated as soon as possible with the Chairman to liaise with the officer to progress the review.



8. Future Meetings

The Committee agreed that the next meeting was to be at 12.30 pm on Monday 14th May 2012 in the Blampied Room of the States Buildings.