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Public Accounts Committee - Approved Committee Minutes - 20 February 2012

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Public Accounts Committee

Record of Meeting

Date:   20th February 2012 Meeting No:  2



Deputy T. Vallois, Chairman Senator S. C. Ferguson, Deputy R. Rondel

Mr S. Haigh

Mr A. Fearn


Mr C. Evans


Deputy S. Pitman

In attendance

Mr. C. Swinson O.B.E. – Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) Mr M. Robbins, Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Committee approved the record of its meeting of 24th January 2012, which was to be signed by the Chairman pending a typographical amendment..



2. Conflict of Interest

In  examining  the  area  of  conflict  of  interest  raised  in  the  previous meeting,  the  Committee  noted  that  the  risks  section  of  scoping documents was the suitable place for such concerns.

The Committee decided that it was to have a simple permanent addition to the agenda requiring consideration and declaration of conflict relating to any item on that agenda.



3.  Commonwealth  Parliamentary  Association  Public  Accounts Committee workshop.

The  Committee  approved  all  arrangements  relating  to  the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association workshop.



4. Westminster visit.

The Committee approved all arrangements for the Westminster visit, noting that the hotel had not been finalised at this time.



5. Pay-offs to States Employees [Golden Handshakes]

The Committee agreed that a review into pay-offs to States Employees [known colloquially as Golden Handshakes] needed to be part of a larger  piece  of  work  relating  to  relationships  at  top  levels,  pay arrangements  and  company  payments  within  the  remit  of  the Committee to look retrospectively at matters.

The  Committee  examined  areas  of  personality  clashes  between Ministers and top Civil Servants and considered how these were dealt with in other jurisdictions. It was recognized that this matter returned to the responsibility matrix within the Jersey system where there was no



single point of responsibility or control and no point of mediation. The problem  was  exacerbated  by  the  Ministers  being  corporation  sole'. These problems, all relating to the machinery of government, had been recognized in previous reports by the Comptroller and Auditor General, the  Corporate  Services  Scrutiny  Panel  and  the  previous  Public Accounts Committee.

The  Comptroller  and  Auditor  General  agreed  to  produce  a  report relating to the subject to assist the Committee with its considerations at the next meeting.



6. Report from the Treasurer of the States

The Committee noted a report received by the Chairman from the Treasurer of the States relating to the response to recommendations from the Comptroller and Auditor General by the States Treasurer since  2005.  The  document  was  to  be  circulated  to  Committee members. It was recognized that a large part of the Committees work should revolve around what action had been taken following such recommendations.



7. Work Programme.

Further areas of interest were expressed, including:-

Comprehensive Spending Review, Central Purchasing,

Aspects of the Airport,

Electronic Tendering and

The Town Park.

Prior  to  any  decisions  on  a  work  programme,  the  Comptroller  and Auditor General was requested to supply the Committee with his work programme.



8. Recruitment of non-elected members

Prior to commencement of this subject, Mr S. Haigh and Mr A. Fearn declared a conflict and took no part in the discussion. The Committee was advised that the Human Resources Department suggested that the Committee defined the role precisely with a clear outline of the functions and expected outputs required of members. Such criteria were to be advertised by appropriate means, with applicants being selected by the normal shortlist and interview process. The officer was to produce an outline of what the Committee was expected to achieve. The Chairman and Comptroller and Auditor General would oversee this work.

MR / TV / C&AG


9. Review into the Bus Contract.

The Committee noted that the Chairmen's Committee had challenged the previous Terms of Reference, questioning whether they fulfilled the criteria  of  the  Public  Acounts  Committee  in  considering  matters retrospectively. This inspired discussion relating to procurement within the States of Jersey, the role of specific officers and the skills available to procure complicated contracts.

The Terms of Reference were to be redrafted with the assistance of the Chairman and the Comptroller and Auditor General.



10. Training relating to questioning Accounting Officers.



The Committee received a briefing from the Comptroller and Auditor General relating to training he could arrange to assist the Committee with the questioning of Chief Officers / Accounting Officers. This could be supplied by an approved trainer, until recently from the National School of Government. The Committee requested this be arranged and approved £2,000 for the purpose. The Chairman and Comptroller and Auditor General were to make the necessary arrangements.



11. Training on Accounts.

The  Comptroller  and  Auditor  General  provided  the  Committee  with training relating to accounts.



12. Private Briefing by the Comptroller and Auditor General.

The Committee went into private session under 3.2 of the Code of Practice on Public Access to Official Information to receive an update from the Comptroller and Auditor General.



13. Future Meetings

The Committee agreed that the next meeting was to be at 12.30 pm on Monday  19th  March  2012  in  the  Blampied  Room  of  the  States Buildings.