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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 13th November 2013 Meeting No: 118
Present | Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Connetable D.W. Mezbourian Deputy R.J. Rondel |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Mr. M. de la Haye, Greffier of the States [Part of Item 8] Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Records of Meetings The Panel approved the public records of meetings held on 24th and 30th October and 4th November 2013. |
04/09/13 Item 8 513/1(41) | 2. Modernisation Programme The Panel noted receipt of information it had previously requested from the Department in regards to Public Sector Reform. It was advised that, due to the highly operational nature of the timetable that had been provided, the Officer had requested further details of the programme's political' timetable i.e. when States approval or decision making was required. The Panel noted that this information was yet to be received from the Department. In considering its review, the Panel noted the importance of public engagement and identifying subjects that are relevant to the general public. The Panel recalled its decision to break down the Modernisation Programme into manageable areas in order to begin work as soon as possible. The Panel agreed that before it could make an informed decision about what area to review, more information was required regarding the current status of the programme. Subsequently, the Officer was requested to arrange a private briefing from the Department. The Panel identified 27th November 2013 as a potential date for the briefing. | SM |
30/10/13 Item 2 513/36 | 3. Population and Migration/Long Term Plan The Panel received an update on the status of work. It was advised that the information previously requested from the Department, in regards to both the Interim Population Policy and the Long Term Plan, had not yet been received. The Officer was requested to follow up on this matter. The Panel noted that, due to the delay of information from the Department, a private meeting with Senator P.F. Routier MBE, | SM |
| Assistant Chief Minister and Paul Bradbury, Director of Corporate Policy had not yet been arranged. The Panel recalled that it had previously been advised that the Department intended to lodge the Interim Population Policy in December 2013 for debate in February 2014. It was noted that due to the limited timeframe the Panel had to scrutinise the Policy, it was very important that requests to the Department were dealt with as early as possible. On this note, the Chairman advised the Panel that the Chairmen's Committee had agreed that Scrutiny would greatly benefit from receiving draft propositions a week before they were lodged in the States. It was further advised that the President of the Chairmen's Committee was due to raise this issue with the Chief Minister during their next meeting. The Panel noted receipt of the Statistics Unit's Publication Release Schedule for 2013, which it had previously requested. The Panel received further information in regards to the exemption from duty to obtain a registration card for persons who work in Jersey for 10 days or less in one period (stated within the Control of Housing and Work (Exemptions) (Jersey) Order 2013). The Panel was advised that an individual working in an undertaking for an aggregate period of 10 days or less in any period of 12 months would be disregarded for maximum numbers condition in business licences. It was noted that, as a result of these exemptions, the only way of monitoring such individuals would be through spot checks carried out by enforcement officers. The Panel agreed that, as this matter related to a previous review carried out by the Corporate Services Sub-Panel, it would be considered during a follow-up review in June 2014. |
30/10/13 Item 3 513/37(4) | 4. Public Finances Law Amendments The Chairman advised the Panel that, as a result of its request, the issue regarding the timing of Ministerial Responses and the benefits of receiving them before a debate had been considered by the Chairmen's Committee. The Committee agreed that the President would follow up on this matter at her next meeting with the Chief Minister. |
03/10/13 Item 7 513/1(40) | 5. Quarterly Hearing with the Chief Minister The Panel considered a question plan for the Quarterly Public Hearing with the Chief Minister due to take place on 28th November 2013. Amendments and additions were agreed which the Scrutiny Officer was requested to enact. During its discussion, the Panel considered questioning the Chief Minister about the Strategic Housing Unit. The Officer was requested to ascertain the status of the Unit. | SM/ WM SM/ WM |
04/09/2013 Item 9 | 6. Budget Report The Panel noted a report on its expenditure as of 30th September 2013. |
| 7. Machinery of Government Review The Panel noted that the Chairmen's Committee had requested feedback from each Scrutiny Panel regarding the recommendations made in respect of the Scrutiny function in Machinery of Government |
| Review Sub-Committee: Final Report (R.105/2013). It was agreed to discuss the recommendations at the Panel's next scheduled meeting, unless feedback were required prior to that time in which event the Panel agreed it would meet earlier. The Scrutiny Officers were therefore requested to confirm the deadline for comments to be received. | WM / SM |
08/11/13 Item 1 513/40 | 8. 2014 Budget The Panel considered its draft report on Draft Budget Statement 2014 (P.122/2013) alongside the reports it had received from MJO Consulting and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA). Questions were identified in respect of some of the statements made by the advisors in their reports which the Scrutiny Officer was requested to confirm with the advisors. The Panel agreed to meet during the lunchtime adjournment on 20th November 2013 to discuss the draft report further. The Panel, with the Greffier of the States in attendance, considered whether the Draft Budget could be amended to ensure that additional income generated from increases in Impôts on alcohol and tobacco could be placed in the Health Insurance Fund so that the sums would be expended on health matters. The provisions of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 in respect of amendments to the Draft Budget were noted. It was also noted that there would be potential difficulties in amending the Draft Budget in achieving the Panel's aim, for instance in that a legislative change might be required for such an amendment to be feasible. It was ultimately agreed to pursue exploring whether an amendment could be lodged to the Draft Budget to achieve the Panel's intentions. The Greffier agreed to consider the matter. The Panel recalled advice it had received during the review that approval of the Budget proposals in respect of Impôts on alcohol would see duty rates on spirits rise to the third highest level in Europe, behind Sweden and Finland. The Scrutiny Officer was requested to undertake research into the corresponding situation in those two jurisdictions. | WM GoS WM |
| 9. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 27th November 2013. |