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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 31 January 2013

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:   31st January 2013 Meeting No:  67



Senator S.C. Ferguson, Chairman Deputy J.G. Reed, Vice-Chairman Connétable D.J. Murphy

Deputy S. Power

Deputy R.J. Rondel





In attendance

Senator P.F.C. Ozouf , Minister for Treasury and Resources [Item 3] Deputy E.J. Noel, Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources [Item 3] Ms. L. Rowley, Treasurer of the States [Item 3]

Mr.  K.  Hemmings,  Head  of  Financial  Management,  Accounting  and Reporting [Item 3]

Mr. W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer

Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer [Item 3]


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Agenda matter


23/01/13 Item 6


1. Deposit Loan Scheme  

The  Panel  considered  its  review  of  Starter  Home  Deposit  Loan Scheme (P.131/2012). It received an update from the Scrutiny Officer on the search for an expert advisor and it was noted that no potential candidates had yet been identified. The Panel identified further people whom  the  Scrutiny  Officer  was  requested  to  contact  to  ascertain whether they could assist the Panel.

The Panel was advised that requests for written submissions had been sent to stakeholders and that more were due to be despatched. It was noted that background documentation had been received from the Chief Minister's Department which had been circulated to the Panel by e-mail and which would also be circulated in hard copy.

Consideration was given to  Housing Affordability in Jersey 2002 – 2011 and to Jersey House Price Index Third Quarter 2012, both of which had been published by the Statistics Unit and which the Panel had  received  as  part  of  the  background  material  from  the  Chief Minister's Department. It was agreed that it would be beneficial to receive a briefing from the Statistics Unit on the documents and the Scrutiny  Officer  was  therefore  requested  to  ascertain  whether  the briefing could take place at the Panel's meeting on 6th February 2013.

The Panel was further advised that a call for evidence had been drafted for insertion in the Jersey Evening Post. The Panel agreed to increase the budget for the call for evidence to £600 (and the overall review budget to £6,700)  in order to ensure that the full costs of advertising were covered. It was noted that expenditure on the call for




evidence would amount to £526.13 exclusive of GST.


23/01/13 Item 7


2. External Relations

The Panel received an update on its review of proposals to establish a Minister  for  External  Relations.   The  Panel  was  advised  that  the Scoping  Document  had  been  forwarded  for  the  attention  of  the Chairmen's Committee and that Senator I.J. Gorst , Chief Minister, had been advised that the Panel would be happy for the draft Regulations to be presented to the States as a report in the first instance. The Panel noted that revised draft Terms of Reference had been circulated by e-mail. It was agreed that Panel Members would consider the draft Terms of Reference by e-mail with a view to approving a final version on 6th February 2013.


23/01/13 Item 10


3. Meeting with the Minister for Treasury and Resources

The  Panel  met  Senator  P.F.C.   Ozouf ,  Minister  for  Treasury  and Resources, in order to discuss priorities for 2013 and the 2013 Work Programme. The  meeting  took  place  in  private  session  under Paragraph 3.2.1(a)(xiv) of the Code of Practice on Public Access to Official Information and a private record was therefore taken.