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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 27 February 2013

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 27th February 2013 Meeting No: 46



Deputy S.G. Luce , Chairman Connétable S.W. Pallett, Vice-Chairman


Connétable M.J. Paddock

In attendance

Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer Mrs J. Hales , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter


22/02/13 Item 1


1. Jersey Innovation Fund

The Panel was updated about early progress of the drafting of its report. It agreed that the drafting should continue as discussed, with liaison between the Officers and the Chairman, until a draft was sufficiently developed to be considered by the Panel.

The Panel was informed by the Chairman that, in light of the envisaged scale and nature of the report, the Minister for Economic Development had  agreed  to  defer  the  States  debate  of  the  Innovation  Fund Proposition, scheduled for 19th March, until 16th April. This would allow a more appropriate amount of time for States Members and the Minister to consider the issues raised by the report.



2. Records of Meetings

The records of the Panel's meetings held on 23rd and 30th January 2013 were approved, and accordingly signed by the Chairman.


10/01/13 Item 1


3. Tourism Shadow Board

The Panel noted that the official Ministerial Response to its Tourism Shadow Board report (S.R.1/2013) had been presented to the States, within which the Minister for Economic Development had accepted all of the Panel's Recommendations. The Panel agreed that it would monitor implementation of the accepted recommendations accordingly.

It also discussed certain issues that had come to light regarding the recruitment process for members of the Tourism Shadow Board, which it agreed to bring to the Minister's attention.



28/11/12 Item 6


4. Work Programme

Updated versions of the Economic Development Workstream and its own Panel Workstream, were received and considered by the Panel. It noted and agreed that it would undertake to update its 2013 Work Programme,  based  on  the  discussions  of  these  documents  and decisions made relating to individual topic areas.



5. Enterprise Strategy



The  Panel  agreed  to  scope  a  possible  Review  of  the  Enterprise Strategy,  recently  forwarded  by  the  Economic  Development Department, for consideration at its next scheduled meeting


10/01/13 Item 4


6. Fuel Supplies

The Panel noted a response from the Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority to the Panel's request for further details about its ongoing process regarding the proposed change of ownership of La Collette Terminal Ltd. It agreed to give further consideration to the matter and to draft a Scoping Document, with a view to establishing what, if any, work it may undertake upon completion of its Innovation Fund Review.


10/01/13 Item 3


7. Aircraft Registry

It  was  agreed  to  request  a  written  update  from  the  Minister  for Economic Development, on progress made since his response to the Panel's report S.R.6/2012 was presented to the States in January 2013.


17/12/12 Item 3


8. Digital Skills/Digital Jersey

The Panel noted receipt of the documents ICT Strategy update' and ICT Strategy Project Initiation Document' from the Education, Sport and Culture Department. It discussed the Panel's approach to the formation of a Sub-Panel to undertake separate but linked Reviews of Digital Skills  and  Digital  Jersey,  and  noted  that  the  Sub-Panel  Chairman, Connétable S. W. Pallett, was in the process of identifying Members interested in taking a role on the Sub-Panel. It was agreed that an invitation should be extended to the Chairman of the Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel, given the cross-cutting remit of the Sub- Panel.


03/01/13 Item 3


9. Financial Services Ombudsman

A written update regarding the progress of the development of Financial Services Ombudsman legislation was noted by the Panel. It was agreed that a briefing would be requested, as it would to help inform the Panel about the timing of its pending Review.


03/01/13 Item 4


10. Licensing Law

It was noted that the Panel would shortly be receiving a written update from the Economic Development Department on the progression of the draft Licensing Law.


30/01/13 Item 1


11. Financial Regulation Regulations

The  Panel  approved  its  Comments  on  Draft  Financial  Regulation (Disclosure of Information) (Amendments) (Jersey) Regulations 201-, for presentation to the States.


17/12/12 Item 4


12. Intellectual Property - Image Rights

Correspondence  from  the  Minister  for  Economic  Development, regarding  work  being  undertaken  on  Image  Rights  legislation,  was received by the Panel. The Panel agreed to upload the correspondence to the Scrutiny website accordingly, as outlined to the Minister in the Panel's original correspondence. The matter would be raised with the Minister  as  part  of  the  Panel's  ongoing  work  in  2013  to  establish progress being made.



13. Dormant Bank Accounts



The Panel noted receipt of the following documents from the Economic Development Department:

  • Correspondence regarding the proposed Dormant Bank Accounts (Jersey) Law 201-;
  • Summary of responses to public consultation on proposed Dormant Bank Accounts (Jersey) Law 201-;  
  • Media  Release  regarding  proposed  Dormant  Bank  Accounts (Jersey) Law 201-.

At an appropriate time during its drafting, it was agreed to include work on the legislation as part of the Panel's Work Programme for 2013.



14. Draft Companies (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Regulations 201-

The Panel noted receipt of the following documents from the Economic Development Department:

  • Correspondence  regarding  the  lodging  of  draft  Companies (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Regulations 201-;
  • Draft Companies (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Regulations 201-
  • Draft Report: Companies (Amendment No. 7) (Jersey) Regulations 201-;
  • Correspondence  regarding  a  Response  Paper  dealing  with proposed amendments to Companies (Jersey) Law;  
  • Companies Law Response Paper.



15. Future Meetings

The Panel noted confirmation of the dates of its scheduled meetings for 2013, and agreed the following forthcoming arrangements:

  • A  monthly  update  briefing  with  the  Minister  for  Economic Development on, 1st March, 11am, Cyril Le Marquand House;
  • The  Panel's  next  meeting  re-scheduled  for  12th  March  2013, replacing the cancelled meeting of 13th March;
  • The cancellation of the Panel meeting scheduled for 27th March, with the subsequent Panel meeting to take place on 10th April;
  • A visit to Jersey Finance on Friday 12th April, beginning 12.30pm;
  • Re-arrangement to 25th April of the meeting originally scheduled 24th April, which now clashed with the recently agreed Referendum on Reform of the States.