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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 8 May 2013

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 8th May 2013 Meeting No: 52



Deputy S.G. Luce , Chairman Connétable S.W. Pallett, Vice-Chairman Connétable M.J. Paddock



In attendance

Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The records of the Panel's meetings held on 10th and 22nd April 2013 were approved by the Panel and signed accordingly by the Chairman.


22/04/13 Item 1


2. Jersey Innovation Fund

The Panel considered follow up work to its recent Review and report on Phase 1' of the Jersey Innovation Fund, and the timetable for a Review of the anticipated Phase 2' of the Fund. The Panel agreed to request from the Economic Development Department a detailed implementation Plan  for  Phase  1',  and  a  project  plan  for  the  development  of  the necessary proposals and legislation for Phase 2'.



3. McKinsey Review (Financial Services)

The Panel gave consideration to a possible Scrutiny Review of the implementation of the McKinsey Review recommendations, noting that issues including confidentiality and remit would need to be addressed before scoping and Terms of Reference could be finalised. The Panel agreed that it would follow up on its request to receive a full copy of the McKinsey report, and requested that it should be forwarded a recent Ministerial  Decision  relating  to  Ministerial  Responsibilities  for consideration.  Subsequently,  draft  scoping  of  a  Review  on  the implementation  of  the  McKinsey  Recommendations  could  then  be undertaken.

In addition, it was agreed that the Chairman would raise the issue of remit with the Chairmen's Committee, in view of the recent statement made by the Chief Minister outlining changes to existing Ministerial responsibilities relating to the finance industry.



10/04/13 Item 3


4. Enterprise Strategy

It  was  recalled  that  the  Panel  had  recently  approved  a  scoping document and Terms of Reference for a Review of the forthcoming Enterprise Strategy, subject to minor agreed changes. However, the Panel  had  since  been  informed  by  the  Economic  Development Department that the Strategy would be subject to some revision. The Panel was advised that it was now planned by the Department for the



amended document to be issued as a White Paper, for consultation with stakeholders, within the coming few weeks, and it was intended to lodge the Strategy as a Report and Proposition before the summer recess.

The Panel agreed to request receipt of the consultation document at the earliest opportunity, at which point it would be better placed to finalise its approach to the Review.


10/04/12 Item 5


5. Digital Skills/Digital Jersey

The Panel was advised by the Sub-Panel Chairman, the Connétable of St Brelade, that the Connétable s of St. Mary and St. Lawrence , and Deputy J.M. Maçon, had confirmed their interest in forming a Sub-Panel for the purpose of the Review. The potential Sub-Panel members would be holding an initial meeting on Thursday 16th May, with a view to discussing and establishing the scope and Terms of Reference for the Review.


10/04/13 Item 10


6. Retail Framework

The  2010  Retail  Framework  was  considered  by  the  Panel,  and  it discussed the Economic Development Department's current approach to retail strategy. The Panel agreed that it would raise the issue with the Minister for Economic Development at the next Quarterly Update Public Hearing.



7. Channel Islands (CI) Airspace Review

The formal CI Airspace Review consultation paper (Feb- May 2013) and update paper (April 2013) on the proposed CI Airspace re-design were considered by the Panel. It was agreed that the Panel did not envisage a necessity for it to undertake any further work on the issue.



8. Condor Ferries

The Panel considered correspondence from a member of the public regarding  tariffs  established  by  Condor  Ferries  for  non-commercial freight. The concerns raised were acknowledged by the Panel, but as the issue was not within its direct remit it agreed to write to the member of the public to explain that the Chairman would follow up on the matter individually and liaise accordingly with him.



9. Locate Jersey

The Panel noted information received in relation to Locate Jersey, and agreed that it would question the Minister on the work being undertaken in this area with the Minister for Economic Development at the next Quarterly Update Public Hearing.



10. Briefing Visits

The  Panel  agreed  that  arrangements  should  be  finalised  for  the following site visits:

  • Ports of Jersey – St Helier Harbour
  • Jersey Business/Digital Jersey
  • Jersey Gambling Commission
  • Rural Economy



11. Future Meetings



The Panel agreed to meet again on Thursday 23rd May, in place of its scheduled meeting on 22nd May. It also agreed that the postponed Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development should be re-scheduled for 23rd May, and if that was not possible then on an alternative date shortly thereafter.