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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 23 July 2014

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 23rd July 2014 Meeting No: 98



Deputy S.G. Luce , Chairman Connétable S.W. Pallett Connétable J.E. Le Maistre


Connétable M.J. Paddock - Vice-Chairman

In attendance

Senator A.J.H. Maclean, Minister for Economic Development (Items 3 to 7 in part)

Mr. D. Scott , Strategy Manager, Economic Development Department (Items 3 to 7 in part)

Mr. T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1.  Records of Meetings

The records of the Panel's meetings held on 25th June and 3rd and 9th July 2014 were approved and accordingly signed by the Chairman.


25/06/14 Item 2


2. Digital Skills

The Panel was updated about the progress of the Review. The Sub- panel had concluded its evidence gathering and was considering the first draft of its report.


14/07/14 Item 1


3. Jersey Aircraft Registry

The Panel met the Minister for Economic Development and received a briefing on the draft Jersey Aircraft Registry (JAR) Financial Case. As the document had only been forwarded by the Economic Development Department  the  previous  day,  it  was  agreed  that  the  Panel  would require more time to consider whether it was satisfied to the support the presentation of the Financial Case to the States by the Minister for Economic Development. Its position would be communicated to the Minister in due course.

It was further agreed that the Panel  would meet the Department's aircraft  registry  consultant  and  accompanying  officers  from  the Department for a further update on progress in establishing the JAR in September.

Panel/ TO

23/04/14 Item 5


4. Tourism Shadow Board

The Panel also received a briefing from the Minister for  Economic Development on the progress of the implementation of the Tourism Shadow Board's recommendation to replace Jersey Tourism with a grant  funded,  independent  organisation.  Most  notably,  the  Shadow Board had recently presented a Transition Report' and accompanying implementation plan to the Minister for Economic Development. The transition process would include the short-term contract appointment of a  consultant  to  undertake  a  final  evaluation  of  the  proposed



organisational change and the plan for its implementation. This position had recently been filled.

It was agreed that the Panel would further consider the documentation provided by the Minister and meet the consultant and officers from the Department for an update on progress in September.

Panel/ TO

09/04/14 Item 3


5. Financial Services Ombudsman

The Panel was updated by the Minister for Economic Development about the proposed appointment of a Chairman for the Jersey Financial Services Ombudsman Board following a recent recruitment process, that  the  Panel  was  informed  had  attracted  significant,  high  quality applications. It was intended that the Minister would seek to complete the appointment of the successful candidate via the required States process in September.

It  was  agreed  that  an  introductory  meeting  would  be  established between the Chairman and the Panel at a convenient time after the appointment had been finalised.


09/07/14 Item 1


6. Sea Routes/Condor Ferries

Recent matters relating to Sea Routes, notably issues resulting from the recent loss from service of the Condor Clipper vessel, were raised with the Minister for Economic Development. It was noted that whilst there was a proposal from Condor to charter a temporary replacement vessel,  this  had  yet  to  be  achieved  and  concerns  were  mounting regarding delays to supplies to the island, including for notable tourist events such as the Battle of Flowers. The Panel was informed that Minister and his Department would continue to press for a satisfactory solution to this situation from Condor Ferries.  


11/06/14 Item 7


7. Jersey Innovation Fund

The Panel noted that the Minister for Economic Development would shortly  be  lodging  a  Proposition  regarding  the  remuneration  of  the Jersey Innovation Fund Board. It agreed to invite the Chairman of the Fund  to  its  meeting  on  3rd  September  to  discuss  the  proposal, progress to date of the Fund and its future outlook.



8. Future meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would to take place on 3rd September 2014. It agreed that, should the need arise, it would try to make arrangements to meet before that date and would continue to conduct business electronically.

It agreed to seek to hold a Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development early in September, and to arrange a site visit that month to Digital Jersey.