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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 16 June 2014

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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 16th June 2014 Meeting No: 61



Connétable S. W. Pallet, Chairman

Connétable M. P. S. Le Troquer, Vice Chairman Connétable S. Rennard





In attendance

Mr M. Robbins, Scrutiny Officer

Miss L. Stoodley , Scrutiny Administrator


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Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The minutes of the meetings held on the 28th May and 2nd, 4th, 9th and 13th June 2014 were approved and signed accordingly.


02.06.14 Item 5


2. Swimming Pool Feasibility Study

It was agreed that the Chairman would meet with the Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources for an update on whether the proposed feasibility study on the future of public swimming pools in the Island was to go ahead. The Chairman would report back to the Panel.


13.06.14 Item 1


3. Draft Explosives Law

It was noted that the draft amendment to P.96/2014, Draft Explosives Law 201-was with the Greffier of the States and would be approved later that day.

The  Panel  considered  whether  to  produce  a  comments  paper  in addition to the amendments. The Panel agreed that this would not be necessary as the amendment would provide the necessary information.


09.06.14 Item 1


4. Trackers Apprenticeship Programme

The Panel agreed that it would no longer be necessary to hold a public hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources as it was felt that it had gathered sufficient evidence.

It was agreed that the officer would begin to draft the report and would meet with the Chairman to discuss the way forward.



5. Oral Question

The Panel noted that the Chairman was to be asked a question in the States  by   Deputy .  M.   Tadier  in  respect  of  whether  the  Panel  was intending to follow up on the recommendation made in S.R.10/2011 Policing  of  Beaches  and  Parks  concerning  the  creation  of  a  Dog Ward en' post.

The Panel noted that the recommendation concerning the creation of a Dog Ward en' post had not been agreed by the Minister for Home



Affairs  within  the  Ministerial  response  and  that  position  had  been accepted by the Panel of the day. The question would more properly have been asked of the Minister for Home Affairs as this Panel had undertaken nothing in relation to this matter and was not minded to do so.


02.06.14 Item 4


6. Youth Service

The Panel considered whether it would be feasible to complete a review of the Youth Service before the Summer Recess.

The Panel questioned whether Members would have the time to hold any public hearings during such a busy time.

It was agreed that due to workload they would instead include the Youth Service in the Scrutiny Legacy Report.



7. Quarterly Public Hearing

The Panel considered questions for the Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture on Monday 30th June.

The Officer was to prepare a draft question plan.



8. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on Monday 30th June at 09.30am in Blampied Room, States Building. This would  also  include  a  quarterly  public  hearing  with  the  Minister  for Education, Sport and Culture.