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Health and Social Security - Approved Panel Minutes - 12 December 2014

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 12th December 2014



Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman (arrived at 10:40am) Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman

Deputy T. McDonald





In attendance

Mr J. Medway, Representative for SNAP

Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Meeting with Mr J. Medway

The Panel met with Mr. J. Medway, a representative of SNAP (Special Needs Advisory Panel). The meeting was held in private session under Paragraph 3.2.1(a)(xiv) of the Code of Practice on Public Access to Official Information and a private record was therefore taken.  


04/12/12 Item 2 517/30

2. Respite Care for Adults

The Panel agreed that its review of respite care for adults in Jersey would focus on respite users between the ages of 18-65. The Panel further  agreed  that  its  review  would  follow  up  on  those recommendations within the previous Panels S.R.2/2012 Report which related to the transition period between child and adult respite care services.  It  was  also  agreed  that  the  recommendations  made  in S.R.2/2012 that related to child respite care services would be followed up in a separate piece of work outside of this review.  



3. Respite Care for Children and Young Adults

The Panel considered the recommendations made by the previous Panel in its review of respite care for children and young adults. The Officer was asked to draft a letter to the Minister for Health and Social Services  to  request  an  update  in  respect  of  the  accepted recommendations.


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