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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 1 June 2015

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date:  1st June 2015



Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré, Chairman Deputy S.M. Brée, Vice-Chairman Connétable C.H. Taylor

Deputy K.C. Lewis





In attendance

Mrs J. Hales , Scrutiny Officer

Mr T. Oldham , Scrutiny Officer (item 2 only) Mr W. Millow , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 30th April 2015, 5th,  8th,  11th,  13th  and  15th  May  2015  and  they  were  signed accordingly.


Item 1 26.05.15


2. Jersey International Finance Centre (JIFC)

The Panel discussed the recent development regarding the signature of UBS to a legally binding pre-let agreement. The Panel agreed to lodge an urgent oral question and discussed the wording of the question and any supplementary areas that would follow. The Panel recalled the written  question  it  had lodged  prior to  the  pre-let  agreement  being signed and agreed it was still of relevance and would not be withdrawn.


Item 2 26.05.15


3. Public Finances (Jersey) Law – Amendment

The  Panel  was  informed  that  the  Department  of  Treasury  and Resources had missed the deadline for amending the wording to its amendment to the Panel's amendment. The Panel was advised that should  it  request  alternative  wording  be  used,  the  Department  of Treasury  and  Resources  would  have  to  withdraw  the  current amendment and lodge a new one. This would cause a minimum 2 week delay in the debate. The Panel agreed this course of action and discussed alternative wording to be circulated to the Department of Treasury and Resources.


Item 6 11.05.15


4. MTFP 2016 – 2019

The Panel recalled the previous scheduled briefing had been cancelled due  to  lack  of  final  figures  by  the  Department  of  Treasury  and Resources and raised concern of the lack of available data at this late stage. The Panel requested a briefing from the Department of Treasury and Resources to give an overall update on the MTFP on Friday 5th June  2015  at  1pm.   The  Panel  also  requested  that  all  the  latest available information be sent to it prior to this meeting.



Item 5 11.05.15


5. Transfer of Functions

The Panel was informed that correspondence had been entered into with its possible advisors to undertake the transfer of Jersey Property Holdings (JPH) following the lodging of P.46/2015 by the Chief Minister. The Panel was advised the Scoping Document and Terms of Reference would be circulated to Chairmen's Committee for approval. The Panel recalled that its possible advisors had offered the option of a verbal report and requested they be asked if this could be transcribed and published  at  the  end  of  the  review. The  Panel  requested  further research be undertaken into financial services to determine if Jersey was adopting best practice with other jurisdictions.


Item 5 27.05.15 513/1/1(5)

6. Public Sector Pensions

The Panel requested that, if possible, a conference call be held with the advisor who had previously undertaken work on this topic and identified 23rd June 2015 as a possible date for the call. The Panel noted that a Scoping Document and Terms of Reference would be drafted in due course and circulated for approval.


Item 3 26.05.15 513/37(7)

7. Public Finances (Jersey) Law – Amendment No.3

The Panel noted that a Scoping Document and Terms of Reference would be drafted and circulated for approval. The Panel confirmed its desire to use CIPFA as expert advisors to assist the review.



8. Ministerial Decisions

The Panel noted a recent Ministerial Decision to transfer Ann Court housing development to Andium homes. The Panel requested an email be sent to the Department of Treasury and Resources to ask if any appraisal had been done on this site to ascertain if it was suitable for office space. The Panel also requested the Ministerial Decision be put on  hold  until  the  Panel  had  time  to  consider  as  per  the  rules  on Ministerial Decisions.



8. Administrative Matters

The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting to be held on 15th June 2015 in Le Capelain Room, States Building. The Panel requested its work programme be rolled over to its next scheduled meeting.