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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 25 November 2015

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

25th November 2015



Deputy S.M. Brée, Chairman

Deputy D. Johnson , Vice-Chairman

Deputy J. M. Maçon, co-opted member (Item 2 only)


Connétable J.E. Le Maistre Connétable M.J. Paddock



In attendance

Mr. M. Orbell, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1.  Records of meetings

The Minutes of the meetings held on 11th and 16th November 2015 were approved and signed.


Item 1 24.11.15


2.  Transfer of Functions

The Panel discussed the outcomes of recent public hearings and agreed a number of points for inclusion in its Comments on the Proposition. The Scrutiny Officer was asked to begin drafting the Comments with a view to circulating them to members by email; depending on progress a further Panel meeting could take place on 3rd December to consider the draft. It was noted that a final version would need to be approved at the latest by Wednesday 9th December to enable presentation of the Comments to the States in time for the debate.


Item 4 23.11.15


3.  Northern Ferry Route

The Panel reflected on its meeting with the Group Chief Executive of Ports of Jersey Limited on 23rd November. It was agreed that following that discussion the objectives of the proposed review should be re- defined, and the Scrutiny Officer was asked to review and update the draft scoping document accordingly. It was agreed that the Panel would aim to meet with both the Minister for Economic Development and Condor Limited separately before confirming terms of reference for the review and seeking the approval of the Chairmen's Committee.



Item 4 10.07.15


4.  Work programme

The Panel discussed two matters previously considered for its work programme.  It  was  noted  that  while  the  Licensing  Law  had  been suggested as a topic for review following an earlier briefing from the Economic  Development  Department,  this  subject  had  been  under discussion between various departments for so long that it would be unwise to engage with it until firm proposals for a new draft law were ready. There was no perceived benefit in the Panel beginning a review while the policy was still under development, as this was not an area in which members had any particular expertise, nor was there compelling evidence of great public interest at present. It was agreed that if a review




was eventually deemed to be necessary it would be more efficient to call the draft law in for review at the appropriate time.

Members also briefly discussed the Panel's position regarding the Rural Economy Strategy (RES). It was felt that this was potentially a more important topic than the Licensing Law as it could have a significant impact on the future of agriculture in the Island. Members agreed that the Panel should make further enquiries about the progress of departmental work on the new RES early in the New Year, to assist in planning a possible review in the Panel's programme for 2016.




5. Forthcoming meetings

Transfer of Functions:

Meeting to review draft Comments: 9.30am on 3rd December 2015, Blampied Room, States Building (to be confirmed)

Next  scheduled  Panel  meeting:  9.30am  on  9th  December  2015, Blampied Room, States Building