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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 4 March 2015

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

4th March 2015



Connétable J.E. Le Maistre, Chairman Deputy S.M. Brée, Vice-Chairman Connétable M.J. Paddock

Deputy D. Johnson





In attendance

Mr. M. Orbell, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1. Records of meetings

The Minutes of meetings held on 26th January and 18th February 2015 were approved and signed.


Item 4 01.12.14


2. MONEYVAL legislation

The  Panel  welcomed  the  Director  and  an  officer  of  the  Financial Services  Unit  and  H.M.  Solicitor  General  for  a  briefing  on  draft legislation lodged by the Minister for External Relations and the Chief Minister for debate on 10th March 2015:

  • P.16/2015:  Draft  Terrorist  Asset-Freezing  (Amendment  of  Law) (Jersey) Regulations 201-  
  • P.21/2015:  Draft  Foundations  (Amendment  of  Law)  (Jersey) Regulations 201-
  • P.22/2015: Draft Proceeds of Crime (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 201-
  • P.23/2015: Draft Terrorism (Amendment No.4) (Jersey) Law 201-

It was explained that the draft legislation was generally of a minor nature  involving  the  improvement  of  definitions  rather  than material changes, in response to initial comments by the MONEYVAL assessors following their visit to the Island in January 2015.  


Item 1 18.02.15


3. Ports of Jersey Incorporation

The Panel received an oral update on progress with the search for advisers, and discussed a completed proposal circulated the previous day.  It  was  noted  that  this  appeared  to  be  of  good  quality  and appropriate to the task. The Panel agreed that the choice would be made between this and two other candidates already in contact with the Scrutiny Office; the decision to be made by electronic meeting on 6th March 2015, by which time the remaining submissions were expected.

Members discussed public hearings and agreed possible dates for the




first  sessions.  The  Scrutiny  Officer  was  asked  to  follow  up arrangements for a hearing with trade unions representing staff to be transferred to the incorporated body. Letters had also been sent to clubs  and  associations  potentially  affected  by  the  incorporation, requesting responses by 17th March 2015.



Item 4 19.11.14


4. London visits

The Panel discussed recent visits to Westminster to witness Select Committees  and  the  London  Assembly  in  action  and  meet  with Members and officers engaged in scrutiny there. It was agreed that the visits had been highly informative, and members felt they had learned from the public hearings attended. In particular it was suggested that Scrutiny room layouts in the States Building could benefit from changes to encourage a more formal, judicial atmosphere instead of the present round table' arrangements, to better reflect the purpose of Scrutiny hearings. This would assist in focusing questioning on Ministers or other key  witnesses,  rather  than  extra  officers  or  other  parties  whose presence  at  the  table  was  not  always  necessary.  The  Panel  also considered  ways  in  which  greater  public  attendance  at  Scrutiny hearings could be encouraged; it was noted that advance publicity and the use of social media could assist with this, but the topics to be discussed tended to dictate the level of public and media interest.



4. Forthcoming meetings

 Next  scheduled  meeting:  9.30am  on  18th  March  2015, Blampied Room, States Building