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Health and Social Security - Approved Panel Minutes - 20 February 2015

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 20th February 2015



Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman

Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman

Deputy T. McDonald

Deputy J. Hilton [Co-opted Member, Items 1 and 2 only]





In attendance

Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter


19/02/15 Item 3


1.  Respite Care for Adults

The Panel requested that a briefing was arranged with Mr. C. Dunne, Director of Adult Services to discuss outreach and in-reach services as well as the Department's tendering process. The officer advised that this would be arranged for as soon as possible.

The Panel requested that a site visit was arranged to Mont à L'Abbé School  following  the recommendation from  a parent that  the  Panel should  visit  both  the  primary  and  secondary  schools.  The  officer advised  that  this  would  hopefully  be  arranged  during  the  week commencing 2nd March.




2.  Respite Care for Adults: Private Hearings

The Panel held individual Private Hearings with two witnesses to talk about their experiences with adult respite care in Jersey. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 25.



3.  Long-Term Incapacity Allowance

The Panel noted that new rules to the Long-Term Incapacity Allowance had been announced by the Minister for Social Security. The Panel was disappointed that it had not been advised of the changes during its quarterly hearing with the Minister on 18th February. In that regard, the Panel requested that a Public Hearing was organised with the Minister so that the Panel would have the opportunity to question her on the changes. The officer advised that a Public Hearing would be organised as soon as possible.


19/02/15 Item 6


4.  Mental Health Legislation

The officer explained that the 16th March had been identified as a potential date for the briefing on the new mental health legislation by the Director of Older Adult Services. The Panel agreed that the briefing would take place on the 19th March. The Vice-Chairman of the Panel




advised that if the meeting were not held in public, he would not be attending. The Chairman requested the officer to liaise with the Scrutiny Manager so that an update could be given as to the position of the Chairmen's Committee on public and private meetings.