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Health and Social Security - Approved Panel Minutes - 26 November 2015

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 26th November 2015



Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman Deputy T. McDonald





In attendance

Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer

Miss L. Stoodley , Acting Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 29th October 2015, 3rd, 5th and 13th November 2015. The Chairman thereby signed them accordingly.


29/10/15 Item 3


2. Staff Recruitment and Retention

The Panel noted that it was due to hold a Public Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services and Director of Human Resources on 7th December 2015. The Panel discussed the question plan and agreed to meet at 9:00am on 7th December to prepare for the Hearing.

The  Panel  requested  that  it  receive  the  number  of  posts  awarded voluntary redundancy within the hospital and their pay scale grades before the Hearing. The Panel also requested that it receive any internal reports or strategies relating to staff recruitment and retention.


05/11/15 Item 1


3. Zero Hours Contracts

The Panel noted that it was due to meet to discuss its heads of report on Friday 27th November at 10:00am.


29/10/15 Item 4


4. Future Hospital Sub-Panel

The Panel received an update from the Officer on progress of the review. It was noted that information was due to be received imminently from the Department.


18/11/15 Item 1


5. Living on Low Income Review

The Panel received a copy of its draft Scoping Document and Terms of Reference. After a discussion into the matter it was agreed that the Scoping Document and Terms of Reference would be approved after further discussions.



6. Waiting Lists: Topic Proposal

The Panel noted that a topic proposal regarding waiting lists had been received from a member of the public. The Panel was advised that




waiting lists was listed on its work programme and would be discussed at the next meeting.

The Panel agreed that waiting lists would be monitored and would be included as a question area for the next Quarterly Hearing with the Minister.



7. Legal Aid Correspondence

The Panel noted that correspondence had been received from Legal Aid in relation to a query on single parents who were chasing maintenance. The Panel was advised that the correspondence was marked private and confidential and asked the Officer to confirm with Legal Aid that the correspondence must remain confidential.

The Panel requested that, if Legal Aid approved, the correspondence would  be  forwarded  to  the  Minister  for  Social  Security  prior  to  the Quarterly Hearing on 10th December.



01/10/15 Item 2


8. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security: Question Plan

The Panel discussed question areas in preparation for the Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Social Security on 10th December. The Officer advised that a question plan would be circulated in due course.


29/10/15 Item 6

9. Meeting Schedule 2016

The Panel noted and approved the meeting schedule for 2016.



10. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would be held on 10th December at 9:30a.m in the Le Capelain room, States Building.