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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 11 May 2016

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel Record of Meeting

Date:  11th May 2016



Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré, Chairman Deputy S.M. Brée, Vice-Chairman Connétable C.H. Taylor

Deputy K.C. Lewis



In attendance

Mrs J. Hales , Scrutiny Officer

Mr S. Spottiswoode, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1.  Question Plan

The Panel discussed areas for questioning for its upcoming hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources. The Panel requested a draft copy of the question plan be circulated for further consideration.


Item 1 25/04/16


2.  MTFP Addition

The Panel was informed that the Fiscal Policy Panel (FPP) would be on Island on 8th June and would like to meet with the Panel during its visit. The Panel agreed and asked that the allocated time be confirmed. The Panel discussed the timings of the Public Hearings due to be held with the relevant Ministers in relation to the MTFP Addition. The Panel agreed that the timeslots available for Ministers were less than ideal under the circumstances of the MTFP being lodged during the Summer recess. The Panel confirmed the hearing with the Minister for Treasury and  Resources  would  go  ahead  on  2nd  September  as  planned, however, requested the hearing with the Chief Minister, currently due on  5th  September,  be  rescheduled  to  the  week  commencing  19th September. The Panel agreed it would do a presentation to all States Members on the MTFP Addition on the morning of 26th September prior to the States sitting that day.

The Panel discussed its timeline for presentation of its report on the MTFP Addition. The Panel initially agreed on a presentation date of 9th September, however, following further discussion, it was agreed this would not be achievable due to the timing of the hearing with the Minister  for  Treasury  and  Resources  on  2nd  September  and  the deadline given to the advisor of 31st August. The Chairman discussed the importance of presenting a document prior to the deadline date for MTFP Addition amendments of 13th September. The Panel therefore agreed to present an interim report by 9th September with its final report  presented  week  commencing  19th  September.   The  Panel requested that the advisor be contacted to see if their report could be drafted by 22nd August for circulation to the Panel.



Item 1 27/04/16


3.  Jersey International Finance Centre (JIFC)

The Panel noted the final decision in relation to its summons on the States of Jersey Development Company (SOJDC) from Privileges and




Procedures Committee (PPC) which would be made public on 12th May 2016. The Panel discussed holding a private meeting with Mrs N. Palios, Chair of SOJDC in light of the final decision being made and asked the officer look into some dates for when she is next on the Island.

The Panel requested the updated call for evidence letter be circulated to stakeholders with a 2 week deadline for submissions.



4.  Questions from Members of the Public

The Panel discussed the recent decision to include 3 questions from members of the public at hearings. The Panel agreed it would use its hearing  with  the  Chief  Minister  on  13th  June  to  initiate  this  and requested a press release be drafted and circulated for approval.