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Corporate Services - Approved Panel Minutes - 14 March 2016

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel Record of Meeting

Date:  14th March 2016



Deputy J.A.N. Le Fondré, Chairman Connétable C.H. Taylor

Deputy K.C. Lewis


Deputy S.M. Brée, Vice-Chairman

In attendance

Mr S. Spottiswoode, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter


Item 1 02/03/16


1. Jersey International Finance Centre (JIFC)

The Panel continued its review of the Ministerial Response to its Interim Report on the JIFC (Financial Viability). The Officer was requested to collate question areas arising from the discussions in order to prepare for a public hearing with the Minister for Treasury & Resources to be held at a later date.

The Panel requested that updated statistics in relation to the JIFC and current  market  conditions  be  obtained  from  the  Department  of Infrastructure, Department of Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture and the Department of Treasury & Resources.

The Panel agreed to budget for a maximum of 12 public hearings in relation  to  the  final  part  of  the  review  and  requested  the  Scoping Document be updated and circulated to the Panel for approval



2. Panel name

The Panel noted that it was proposed that Scrutiny Panel names be more closely aligned with the terminology used to identify ministers. The Panel discussed alternative names to "Corporate Services" and agreed to consult with the Scrutiny Manager before coming to a final decision.



3. MTFP Addition

With regards to the confidential Framework of Impact Assessments provided by the Council of Ministers, the Panel noted receipt of a draft briefing paper by its adviser, CIPFA, on the content of the Framework.

The Panel requested that a conference call with CIPFA be arranged to discuss the briefing paper in more detail.

In the context of the advisor's comments, the Panel noted that input from the States Statistics Unit would be very valuable in considering the impact of measures proposed in the MTFP. The Officer was asked to follow up with the Statistics Unit to confirm if they could undertake the work.




4. Quarterly Public Hearing with Minister for External Relations

The  Panel  discussed  areas  of  questioning  for  its  upcoming  Public Quarterly hearing with the Minister for External Relations.

In light of a workshop for all States Members which was now scheduled at the same time as the Public Quarterly Hearing, the Panel gave consideration  to  moving  the  Hearing  and  agreed  to  propose  some alternative times and dates to the Minister.