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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 20 April 2016

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

20th April 2016



Deputy S.M. Brée, Chairman Deputy D. Johnson , Vice-Chairman Connétable M.J. Paddock


Connétable J.E. Le Maistre



In attendance

Mr. M. Orbell, Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1.  Records of meeting

The Minutes of the meeting held on 5th April 2016 were approved and signed.


Item 4 05.04.16


2.  Licensing Law

The Panel noted a letter sent by the Chairman to the Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture on 14th April 2016 confirming the Panel's review of the new Licensing Law. No reply had yet been received.


Item 5 05.04.16


3.  Harmful Telecommunications

The Chairman informed the Panel that he had received two emails on this subject from members of the public, one from a local blogger' concerned about the possible impact of the amended legislation on free speech, and the other from a former States Member referring to UK research on the effects of similar legislation.

The Panel considered plans for the review and potential witnesses. It was  agreed  that  the  aim  would  be  to  finalise  comments  on  the proposition at the Panel meeting on 8th June. Bearing in mind the limited  timescale  and  the  fact  that  consultation  on  the  subject  had previously been carried out by the department, it was agreed that a public call for evidence would not be required. The Scrutiny Officer was asked to prepare a media release explaining the purpose of the review, and to begin background research into the effects of similar legislation in other jurisdictions.

The Panel also discussed possible dates for receiving submissions and holding public hearings. It was agreed that initial submissions would be requested by 13th May, and public hearings could take place between 18th and 27th May.



 Item 4 05.04.16


4.  Dormant Bank Accounts

The Panel noted that the review had been approved by the Chairmen's Committee and the debate was currently scheduled to take place on




26th  April.  The  Scrutiny  Officer  was  asked  to  draft  a  letter  to  the Assistant Chief Minister confirming the Panel's intention to review both this topic and Harmful Telecommunications, and referring to the need for improved communications between the department and the Panel.



5.  Medium Term Financial Plan Addition

On the understanding that proposals for the MTFP Addition should by now be well advanced, the Panel agreed that contact should be made with Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture and the Chief Minister's Department requesting early sight of relevant information, to be followed as soon as possible by detailed briefings.


Item 3(b) 27.01.16

6.  Rural Economy Strategy (RES)

The Scrutiny Officer had been offered a briefing by the department on the latest position with the RES. This was planned to take place on 21st April, but in view of other priorities would be postponed to a later date. The  Chairman  of  the  Environment,  Health  and  Technical  Services Panel asked if any information obtained could also be circulated to members of that Panel.



7.  Draft  Protocol for  Engagement  between  Scrutiny  Panels and the Executive

It was agreed to defer discussion of this item to a future meeting.



8.  Forthcoming meetings

Next scheduled Panel meeting: 9.30am on 4th May 2016, Blampied Room, States Building