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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
27th January 2016
Present | Deputy S.M. Brée, Chairman Deputy D. Johnson , Vice-Chairman Connétable J.E. Le Maistre Connétable M.J. Paddock |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Mr. M. Orbell, Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Records of meetings The Minutes of the meeting held on 13th January 2016 were approved and signed. | MO |
Item 2 13.01.16 515/34 | 2. Northern Ferry Route The Panel welcomed the Minister, Chief Officer and Assistant Director for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture (ED, TS&C), the Group Chief Executive Officer, Ports of Jersey Limited and the Harbourmaster for the purpose of a private briefing on benchmarking and comprehensive service reviews being carried out on the ferry service. |
Item 3 13.01.16 515/1/1(1) | 3. Work programme
The Licensing Law White Paper had been drafted but was awaiting final approval from Ministers before it could be shared with Scrutiny and published for consultation. The Panel was advised that there had been significant changes from earlier versions received from the department. It was agreed that there would be no benefit in preparing scoping or terms of reference for a review until the Panel received the latest draft.
Contact with the department since the last Panel meeting had confirmed that the RES was well advanced but had not yet received ministerial approval. There were understood to be some concerns regarding the budget which might not be resolved until the draft MTFP Addition was finalised, so there was a possibility that significant changes or rewriting might be required. The most appropriate time for a review could still be some months away.
Background information on the activities of Locate Jersey had been requested from the department. | MO |
| 4. Matters arising from Chairmen's Committee
The Panel was advised of the outcomes of discussion at the Chairmen's Committee meeting of 26th January 2016 concerning Scrutiny Panel areas of responsibility following the Transfer of Functions. Digital, Innovation, and Competition, which had now transferred to the Chief Minister's Department would continue to be the responsibility of the Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel along with Financial Services, which moved to Chief Minister's in 2014. These arrangements would be confirmed by amendments to Standing Orders in due course. The Panel also discussed the transfer of Sport and Culture from Education to Economic Development. Members agreed that as the department intended to focus on the wider economic benefits and opportunities presented by these activities it was appropriate for the Panel to accept responsibility for their scrutiny. It was felt that there was no need for the Panel to change its name to reflect this.
Members expressed an interest in further training in questioning techniques. It was suggested that while previous questioning training had been productive, it would be helpful if future sessions could be designed with Scrutiny public hearings more in mind, rather than using examples from courtroom questioning. |
| 5. Forthcoming meetings Next scheduled Panel meeting: 9.30am on 10th February 2016, Blampied Room, States Building | MO |