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Education and Home Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 14 November 2016

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Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 14th November 2016



Deputy T. A. Vallois, Vice-Chairman Deputy J. M. Maçon

Deputy S. Y. Mezec


Deputy L. M. C. Doublet , Chairman



In attendance

Miss S. McKee , Scrutiny Officer.


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Agenda matter






1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on 12th and 15th September and 3rd, 5th and 14th October 2016. The Vice-Chairman signed the records accordingly.


Item 4 12/09/16

2.  Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Education

The Panel noted that it was due to receive the Minister for Education for a Quarterly Public Hearing at 10:00am on Monday 5th December.

The Panel agreed to meet at 12:30pm on Friday 25th November to discuss the question plan. The Vice-Chairman advised that she would bring a draft question plan to the meeting to help inform the Panel's discussion.



3.  Comptroller and Auditor General Report, Management Information in Education

The Panel noted the report and the findings and recommendations contained within. It was agreed that the Panel would wait for six months to allow the Minister time to address the concerns raised in the report before questioning him on this matter at a Quarterly Hearing. The Officer was requested to put this item back on the agenda in six months' time.



4.  Schools, Pupils and their Characteristics

The Panel considered the recent report published by the Education Department that contained the latest statistics in regards to Jersey schools and their current pupils.

The Panel agreed to use the report to help inform its questioning at the next Quarterly Hearing with the Education Minister.

The  Panel  raised  a  number  of  queries  it  had  with  the  information contained within the report and the Officer was requested to seek answers from the Department prior to the Quarterly Hearing.




5.  Draft Criminal Justice (Young Offenders) (Jersey) Law

The  Panel  noted  that  the  Draft  Criminal  Justice  (Young  Offenders) (Jersey) Law 2014 (Appointed Day) Act 201- (P.98/2016), Draft Criminal Justice  (Young  Offenders)  (Consequential  Provisions)  (Jersey) Regulations 201- (P.99/2016) and the Draft Criminal Justice (Young Offenders) (Placement Panel) (Jersey) Regulations 201- (P.100/2016) were due to be debated in the States Assembly on 15th November 2016.

It was advised that the Panel had previously received a briefing on the draft Legislation and that it did not have any concerns it wished to raise.



6.  Misuse of Drugs (Jersey) Law 1978 Reform

The Panel recalled that a topic proposal to examine the Misuse of Drugs (Jersey) Law 1978 had been sent to all States Members by a member of the public in October 2016. It was further recalled that Deputy M. Tadier had contacted the Chairman of the Education and Home Affairs Panel as well as the Chairman of the Health and Social Security Panel encouraging a review to undertaken.

The Panel was advised that, as of yet, no interest had been expressed by the Health and Social Security Panel to undertake a review into this matter.

The Vice-Chairman advised the Panel that she had offered to take the topic proposal to the Chairman's Committee for its consideration and to decide whether a Review Panel would be the most appropriate means of undertaking work on this matter. It was agreed that if the Chairmen's Committee did not want to undertake a review, the subject would be brought back to the Panel for further consideration.

The Officer was requested to write to the member of the public to update them on the agreed action.



7.  Child Well-being

The Panel noted a topic proposal that had been received by a member of public relating to the well-being of children in schools.

The Panel expressed great interest in reviewing this matter. It was agreed, however, that such a review would require the Panel's full attention and it would therefore defer undertaking work on this matter until it had completed its review of Higher Education. It was further agreed that the Panel would raise questions on the well-being of children in schools at its next Quarterly Hearing with the Education Minister.

The Officer was requested to write to the member of the public to advise of the Panel's decision and to enquire whether there are any specific questions they would like to be put to the Minister at the Hearing.




8.  Work Programme

The Panel considered its current work programme and the areas that had been previously highlighted as possible review topics.

Deputy Maçon advised that he had previously expressed interest in reviewing PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) and requested that it was added to the list of possible reviews.

The  Panel  agreed  to  request  an  update  from  the  Community  and Constitutional Affairs Department in respect of the 1001 Critical Days action plan, for consideration at its next meeting on 5th December. The Panel further agreed to request information in respect of the Sexual Offences Law update which was due to take place in 2016.

The  Panel  considered  the  Education  Business  Plan,  which  was contained within its current Action Plan. It was agreed that the Panel would request an update on each action point and would ask for this information to be provided before Friday 25th November



Item 1 03.11.16


9.  Tertiary Education: Student Financing

The Panel noted that a press release announcing the start of the review was circulated to media organisations on Wednesday 9th November. It was further noted that two written submissions had been received from members of the public as a result.

The Panel agreed to invite the head of the Student Loans Company in the UK to come and meet with the Panel in Jersey to discuss this matter. The Officer was requested to contact the Company.

Consideration was given to a draft template letter for circulation to all key stakeholders  who  had  been  identified  within  the  Panel's  Scoping Document. The Panel made a number of small amendments which the Officer was requested to enact. It was agreed that the Panel would meet at 8am on 15th November to identify specific questions it wished to ask of each individual stakeholder.

The Panel agreed to arrange a Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources to take place before the end of this year. The Officer was requested to enact the necessary arrangements.

The Panel considered means by which it could reach out to students about their views on this matter. It was agreed that the Panel would enquire about arranging a meeting or a number of meetings at Jersey's secondary schools to invite students to give their views.



Item 1 03.10.16


10. Prison Board of Visitors

The Panel noted the recommendation for  an independent  Board of Visitors to the Prison contained within the Panel report S.R. 9/2015 was reflected within the Draft Prison (Amendment No 7)(Jersey) Law 201- which had been debated in the States on 11th October 2016. The Panel also recalled that it had received a briefing from the Department relating to the regulations which were to follow. The Panel was content that the requirements within its report were being met.



Item 3 03.10.16


11. School Starting Age

The Panel noted that the Chairman had deferred the drafting of this report until she was able to return to work after her maternity leave.


Item 4 12.09.16

12.  Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Home Affairs

Deputy S. Mezec and Deputy J. Maçon advised that they would not be available to receive the Minister for a Quarterly Hearing on Tuesday 6th December. The Officer was requested to identify alternative dates.



13.  Future Meetings

The next meeting would be held between 9.30am and 12.00pm on Monday  5th  December  2016,  in  the  Blampied  Room  of  the  States building.