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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 10 May 2017

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

10th May 2017



Deputy S.M. Brée, Chairman Deputy D. Johnson , Vice-Chairman Connétable J.E. Le Maistre Connétable M.J. Paddock





In attendance

Mr M. Orbell, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1.  Records of meetings

The Minutes of the meeting held on 26th April 2017 were approved and signed.


Item 1 08.05.17


2.  Jersey Sport: Establishment

The Panel considered the outcomes of a private meeting with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture on 8th May, and an  informal  discussion  between  the  Chairman,  Vice-Chairman  and Deputy Chief Officer for EDTSC held earlier on 10th May. The Panel agreed that in order to guard against the possibility of the purposes of the Trust being changed in future, it would be best if the Minister was appointed as the Enforcer to the Trust, or given relevant powers over the Enforcer.

The Panel supported the idea of a Memorandum of Understanding or letter of wishes' setting out both the minimum responsibilities of Trustees and the information that they could expect to receive from the Company. It was understood that the department was still seeking permission from Ogier's and the Law Officer's Department to share advice previously received  with  the  Panel.  Members  agreed  that  the  Partnership Agreement between the department and the Company should ideally be presented to the States prior to the debate, possibly as an addendum to the report on the Proposition.

The possibility of a Panel meeting with the Comptroller and Auditor General was raised, as it was felt that her ongoing review of arm's length organisations might offer some useful insight. The Scrutiny Officer was asked to enquire if a meeting could be arranged.



3.  Financial Services

The Panel welcomed the Chief Officer and Lead Policy Adviser, Financial Services, and Advocate Louise Richardson, currently on secondment to the Chief Minister's Department, for the purpose of a private briefing.




4.  Forthcoming meetings

Private  briefing  with  Director  of  Digital  and  Telecoms  Policy,  Chief Minister's Department: 10.00am on 12th May 2017, Blampied Room, States Building.

Private  meeting  with  Shadow  Alcohol  and  Licensing  Policy  Group: 2.30pm on 12th May 2017, Blampied Room, States Building.

Private briefing with Chairman and Chief Executive, Jersey Gambling Commission:  9.30am  on  17th  May  2017,  Blampied  Room,  States Building. To be followed by Panel meeting to discuss Comments on Jersey Sport.

Next scheduled Panel meeting: 9.30am on 14th June 2017, Blampied Room, States Building.