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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 12 July 2017

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

12th July 2017



Deputy S.M. Brée, Chairman Deputy D. Johnson , Vice-Chairman Connétable J.E. Le Maistre Connétable M.J. Paddock





In attendance

Mr M. Orbell, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1.  Records of meetings

The Minutes of the meeting held on 28th June 2017 were approved and signed.


Item 1 08.03.17


2.  Rural Economy Strategy

The  Panel  considered  the  existing  scoping  document  and  terms  of reference (approved in March 2017). It was noted that these were still appropriate, although very minor amendments were made to the list of potential stakeholders. The Panel discussed and agreed a timetable with hearings to take place in early November, to enable the review to be completed before the end of the year.



3.  Information requests

The Panel noted that only one item on a list submitted to the Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture Department (EDTSC) had so far received a response a week later. It was agreed to send a reminder asking  when  the  remaining  information  requested  would  be  made available. The Panel agreed that further questions should be asked about the operation of the Tourism Development Fund, as minutes of the Advisory Board supplied in respect of another item suggested that at least one recent grant had been made contrary to the Board's advice. It was decided to follow this matter up at the Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for EDTSC to take place on 21st July.



Item 6 28.06.17

4.  Quarterly Public Hearing

The Panel agreed a final list of topics for the forthcoming hearing. The Scrutiny Officer was asked to prepare an agenda accordingly.


Item 4 28.06.17


5.  Licensing Law

The Panel noted that no reply had yet been received to the Chairman's letter of 6th July requesting a deferral of the debate on P.54/2017, in view of the Amendment lodged on 4th July by Senator Sir P.M. Bailhache . It was agreed that a reminder be sent requesting an urgent response.



Item 5 26.04.17

6.  Approval of Assistant Ministers' Appointments

It was agreed that draft comments for submission to the Chairmen's Committee should be amended to take into account the latest information received.



7.  Forthcoming meetings

Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture: 10.00am on 21st July 2017, Blampied Room, States Building.

Next  scheduled  Panel  meeting:  9.30am  on  6th  September  2017, Blampied Room, States Building.