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Economic Affairs - Approved Panel Minutes - 24 February 2017

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

24th February 2017



Deputy S.M. Brée, Chairman Deputy D. Johnson , Vice-Chairman Connétable J.E. Le Maistre


Connétable M.J. Paddock



In attendance

Mr M. Orbell, Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter


Item 1 17.02.17


1. Licensing Law

The Panel met without agenda to continue detailed scrutiny of the draft law. Members welcomed the Assistant Minister with responsibility for the Licensing  Law  ( Connétable  S.W.  Pallett)  and  the  Policy  Manager, Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture to the meeting to discuss progress and probable timeframes for lodging and debate. The Panel's attention was drawn to changes to Article 15 in the latest version of the draft, just received by the Panel. Members were not persuaded that the changes were appropriate or necessary.

Following the discussion with the Assistant Minister the Panel agreed to hold two additional meetings to continue its work on the Licensing Law, on Wednesday 1st and Friday 3rd March.  



2. Jersey Sport: Establishment

The Assistant Minister also raised the subject of Jersey Sport, following a letter sent to the Panel Chairman on 23rd February. The Panel received copies of a draft Proposition concerning the proposed establishment of the new body, which members were told arose from a reappraisal by Department Officers of the implications of P.170/2010 (Shadow Boards and Ministerial Boards: Approval by the States). It was explained that previously the view had been taken that States approval was not needed to establish the Board for Jersey Sport, but re-examination and legal advice  obtained  as  the  partnership  agreement  was  being  prepared suggested that this may not be correct. A Proposition was therefore needed for the establishment to be formally approved. The Panel noted that the department intended to lodge the Proposition by 7th March, and agreed to respond to the Assistant Minister's letter by 3rd March.


