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Health and Social Security - Approved Panel Minutes - 27 June 2017

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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 27th June 2017



Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman Deputy T. McDonald

Senator S. Ferguson


Deputy J. Hilton



In attendance

Ms. S. Devlin, Managing Director, Community Social Services Ms. J. Poynter Director of Operations, Community Social Services Mr. G. Muvuti, Director of Specialist Services

Ms. K. Excell, Team Manager CAMHS

Mr. J. Radcliffe, Service Manager, Education Department

Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer


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Agenda matter



1.  Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Briefing

The Panel met with Officers from Community and Social Services and the Education Department for a briefing to discuss progress made following the report published by the previous Panel in 2014 (S.R.5/2014).

It was noted that S.R.5/2014 had raised a number of concerns about CAMHS.  The  Minister  for  Health  and  Social  Services  presented  a response  to  the  Panel's  report  and  accepted  a  number  of  the recommendations.  The  Officers  explained  that  the  accepted recommendations formed the basis for the CAMHS Action Plan.

The CAMHS Action Plan was divided into four key areas:

Service  Provision;  vision  and  objectives,  planning  and  managing demand, development of protocols, defining care pathways, external communications and leadership and skills mix.

Governance  and  Information  Management;  demand  and  capacity models, training and development of the workforce, quality management, referral pathways and performance management.

Early Intervention; areas linked with education, ensuring accessibility and provision for individuals with additional needs, development of self- harm and risk guidelines and development of a stepped care model.

Emergency  Access  and  Inpatient  Provision;  communication  and relationship, consideration of employment of a ward-based, listed nurse for  mental  health,  implementation  of  risk  training  for  all  staff  and development of joint risk plans between paediatrics and CAMHS.




The Officers advised that several protocols had been developed which included  cross  departmental  working.  The  Service  Manager  of  the Education Department explained that both Departments had improved communication channels and had been working more collaboratively. The Team Manager of CAMHS explained that the leadership within the service had also been strengthened since 2014.

The Team Manager of CAMHS explained that in 2014 the average wait for an initial assessment was 59.3 days. In 2016, there was an average of 16.9 days between a referral received and the date of the first offered initial assessment.

A discussion regarding recruitment and retention followed and the Team Manager at CAMHS explained that it was an ongoing issue due to factors including maternity leave and retirement. It was important that employees recruited from elsewhere, such as the UK, were supported with obtaining information about Jersey such as house prices and the cost of living.

The Team Manager at CAMHS advised the Panel that a future aim was to ensure clients of CAMHS were assessed and treated by the same person to ensure consistency.