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Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel
Record of Meeting
Date: 6th April 2017
Present | Deputy R. Renouf , Chairman Deputy G. Southern , Vice-Chairman Deputy T. McDonald Senator S. Ferguson Deputy J. Hilton |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Mr A. Harris , Scrutiny Officer Miss K. Boydens , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Records of Meetings The Panel noted and approved the record of its meeting held on Thursday 23rd March 2017. The Chairman signed the record accordingly. |
31.03.17 Item 1 517/36 | 2. Long-Term Care Scheme Review The Panel noted that 24 written submissions had been received for the review so far. The Panel discussed the submissions and identified questions to be asked as the review progressed. The Officer advised that there had been contact with potential advisors to assist with the review and two were likely to submit expressions of interest for the Panel to consider. It was noted that there were concerns from the potential advisors with regards to the timescale for the review and the Panel agreed that it would be flexible in order to accommodate any potential advisors. The Panel discussed the briefing that took place on 31st March with Officers of Health and Social Services and Social Security. The Officer advised that the transcript from the briefing had been received and would be sent to the departments with requests for information highlighted. The Panel also noted that a follow up visit to the Social Work Team at Eagle House would be organised in due course. The Chairman advised that his potential conflict of interest with regards to the review had now been resolved. | KB |
| 3. Regulation of Care Regulations The Panel noted that the Draft Regulation of Care Law Regulations were currently out for consultation with various stakeholders. The Chairman advised that he had received a response from Senator P. Routier regarding some initial concerns and that further discussion and input from the Panel would be required in due course. |
| The Panel tasked the Officer to research any reviews that had been undertaken in the U.K in relation to the regulation of care and safeguarding of employees. | AH |
| 4. Request for Information The Panel received a request from Deputy G. Southern to use information gathered after S.R.3/2016 "Zero Hour Contracts" had been presented for a proposition he planned to bring to the States. The Officer advised that as the information gathered had not been published by the Panel it was not clear if this would be possible due to data protection concerns. The Panel discussed the issue and agreed to refer this to the Greffier of the States for an independent opinion. The Officer advised that this would be undertaken as a priority. The Panel was offered the opportunity to bring the proposition forward itself, but after discussion it was agreed that it would not be possible to do so in the timescale requested. Deputy Southern agreed to circulate the draft proposition to the Panel in due course for the Panel's reference. | KB/AH |
23.03.17 Item 4 517/34 | 5. Living on Low Income The Panel noted that information regarding the cost of reinstating the single parent component of Income Support had been requested from the Social Security Department. The Officer advised that this information would be circulated to the Panel once received. The Panel agreed to begin drafting the proposition once this information had been received. | AH |
23.03.17 Item 5 | 6. Mental Health in the Prison The Panel received a briefing paper from the Officer with information relating to the services provided to the prison through Health and Social Services. Senator S. Ferguson advised the Panel that there was a potential review being undertaken with regards to Mental Health in the Prison and would circulate information regarding the department that was undertaking it. The Panel tasked the Officer to investigate this in order for the Panel to decide whether it would be appropriate to undertake the review or not. The Officer advised that this would be confirmed in due course. | SF AH |
| 7. Question Plan: Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services The Panel noted that the Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Health and Social Services was due to take place on 27th April at 10:00am. The focus for this hearing would be on community services. The Panel discussed question areas and tasked the Officer to produce a draft question plan for further discussion. The Officer advised that this would be circulated in due course. | KB/AH |
| 8. Forthcoming Propositions The Panel noted that P.23/2017 Draft Income Support (Amendment no.15) (Jersey) Regulations 201- had been lodged by the Minister for Social Security. This proposition set out the regulations for the implementation of the new flexible personal care component of Income Support. |
| 9. Ministerial Decisions The Panel noted that there had been no recent Ministerial Decisions made by either Minister within the Panel's remit. |
| 10. Freedom of Information Requests The Panel received a document detailing Freedom of Information requests published in March 2017 that fell within its remit. |
| 11. States Questions The Panel noted and discussed recent questions asked in the States Assembly that fell within its remit. |
| 12. Future Meetings The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 27th April 2017 at 9:30am in the Le Capelain room, States Building. |