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Public Accounts Committee – Approved Committee Minutes -12th October 2017

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Public Accounts Committee

Record of Meeting

Date: 12th October 2017



Connétable C.H. Taylor (Chairman) Deputy J.A. Martin (Vice-Chairman) Deputy M. Tadier

Mr R. Parker


Mr M. Robinson

In attendance

Ms K. McConnell, Comptroller and Auditor General (via telephone) Mr. S. Warr en, Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General

C. Tomlinson, PAC Officer

Mr M. Robbins, Scrutiny Officer.


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Agenda matter



1. PAC Changes of Membership and Meeting Times

The newly-constituted Committee met for the first time since the appointment of the new Chairman, Connétable C.H. Taylor , on 26th September 2017.

The Committee appointed Deputy J.A. Martin as Vice-Chairman.

The PAC agreed to commence future PAC meetings at 1:30 pm to accommodate Deputy M. Tadier 's existing commitments.



2. Minutes

The Committee approved the minutes of the meeting of 17th July 2017 and 18th August 2017.



3. PAC Work Programme 2017/2018

The Committee considered a Work Programme and agreed, in view of the full workload in the coming months, it should consider whether to undertake new reviews in January 2018.  


18.08.17 Item 7 512/1(8)

4. C&AG - Audit Plan update

The Committee noted an update of the Audit Plan, and considered which planned reviews by the C&AG the PAC should follow up with public hearings. It agreed that Risk Management was an area where many previous areas of concern could be raised again with the current Chief Executive and Treasurer of the States. It further agreed to request of the Chief Ministers' Department, formal Executive  Responses  to  the  C&AG's  reviews  of  Risk Management and Arms-Length Organisations, and to ask for a further update on the implementation of recommendations from the Financial Management Reviews by the C&AG and the PAC.



5. Annual Report of the Jersey Audit Office




The PAC noted the Annual Report, and the Deputy C&AG advised on a number of points of interest.  



6.  Health  and  Social  Care  Governance  Arrangements  - Project Specification

The PAC noted that the C&AG was looking into governance arrangements for Health and Social Care.  



7.  Follow  up  of  the  States  as  Shareholder  -  Project Specification

The PAC noted that the C&AG would follow up her review of the States as a Shareholder at a high level, and the PAC agreed it would wish to look at particular organisations in which the States hold all or the majority of shares, in more detail at a later stage.  


18.08.17 Item 3 512/1(8)


8. Jersey Innovation Fund (JIF)

The Committee noted a draft report in respect of the Jersey Innovation Fund. It agreed to request updated written information from the Chief Executive in order to complete the report. It also agreed to receive a verbal update from the Jersey Audit Office Affiliate involved in the detailed work on the C&AG's JIF Report, at its meeting of 13th November 2017. The Committee decided to send comments on its draft report to the Officer.


18.08.17 Item 4 512/32

9. eGov Review

The Committee noted a request from the Chamber of Commerce, to be updated of the progress of the recommendations of the PAC report. The Committee expressed disappointment at the formal response by the Chief Executive, to the recommendations, and agreed it would wish to hold a further public hearing with the eGov team and current Chief Executive on 27th November 2017.  



10. Road Surfacing Review

The PAC noted preliminary work had been done on the review but that it would not be a priority, given the present workload of the Committee. It agreed it should remain a "desk-top" exercise and asked the Scrutiny Officer to continue gathering information on the subject until such time as the future of the review could be decided.



11. Independent Jersey Care Inquiry

The PAC noted correspondence from a costs lawyer who had offered to undertake pro bono work on behalf of the PAC to investigate costs incurred by lawyers involved in the Independent Care Inquiry. However, the PAC considered that an objective review,  considering  all  aspects  of  the  Inquiry,  should  be undertaken  at  a  later  date,  when  implementation  of  the recommendations  was  underway.  The  Chairman  agreed  to compose a letter to the costs lawyer advising him of the decision.



12. Future Chief Executive

The Committee noted that the current Chief Executive would leave his post by the end of the year and that a new Chief Executive, Mr C. Parker, had been appointed.




The Committee agreed to compile a list of recurring themes noted in previous reviews by the C&AG and the PAC, together with recommendations yet to be implemented, and send them to the incoming Chief Executive. He would also be invited to a public hearing in the New Year, in order that he could set out his plans to implement some of the outstanding recommendations made.  



13. Next meeting

The Committee noted the next meeting was to be held on 30th October 2017 at 1:30pm


Signed ..  



Public Accounts Committee