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Care of Children in Jersey Review Panel
Records of Meetings
Year: 2018
The following records of meetings have been approved by the Panel. Signed
Deputy Rob Ward
Date: 13th August 2018
Present | Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman |
Apologies | Deputy Trevor Pointon |
Absent | Deputy Mike Higgins |
In attendance | Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Chairman The Review Panel agreed to appoint Deputy Rob Ward as Chairman. |
2. Vice-Chairman and Membership The Review Panel agreed to appoint Deputy Kevin Pamplin as Vice-Chairman It was noted that an email had been sent to all States Members who were eligible to serve on the Review Panel, and an open invitation had been extended to any Members who were interested in joining the Review Panel in the future. It was anticipated that the Membership of the Review Panel would evolve as specific pieces of work became live. |
3. Conflicts of Interest There were no conflicts declared by Review Panel Members. |
4. Briefing Paper – Response to the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry (P.108/2017) The Panel noted a briefing paper that outlined the background of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry (IJCI), the previous Review Panel's work and the most recent update on the implementation of the IJCI recommendations. The Review Panel agreed that it would need to report regularly on the progress being made by the Council of Ministers and agreed that it would look to agree a timescale for this at its next scheduled meeting. The Review Panel requested that the most recent update on the progress made in implementing the IJCI recommendations be uploaded to SharePoint. The Review Panel also requested that it be provided with a list of key stakeholders within the response to each recommendation of the IJCI in order to assist its work streams. | AH AH |
5. Scoping Document The Review Panel noted a draft scoping document that supported its work. It was agreed that this should be discussed at the Review Panel's next meeting after which it would be sent to the Chairmen's Committee for final approval. |
6. Terms of Reference The Panel noted draft Terms of Reference relating to its work and agreed to discuss them further at the next schedule meeting, after which they would be sent to the Chairmen's Committee for final approval. |
7. Legacy Report |
The Review Panel noted the Legacy Report that had been presented by the previous Review Panel and agreed that several areas warranted further investigation. It was agreed that the following areas should be followed up and given specific attention:
The Panel noted that the IJCI website had been suspended due to concerns about inconsistencies in the redaction of certain documents. It was expected that the website would come back online in the coming months once the issues had been investigated and rectified. The Review Panel noted that the public perception of this issue on social media had been highly critical, with some arguing it was merely an excuse to cover up important information. The Review Panel agreed to monitor the situation and request when the website was likely to be brought back online. | AH |
8. Working Practices The Review Panel noted a draft work programme which outlined the following reviews that the Review Panel would likely have to undertake over the coming months:
The Review Panel discussed and approved a list of key stakeholders that it would look to meet with to better inform its work and tasked the Officer to arrange meetings accordingly. The Officer advised that a meeting schedule would be circulated once they had been arranged. The Panel agreed that it would look to hold regular public hearings with the Minister for Children and Housing in order to receive updates on the progress made in implementing the recommendations of the IJCI. It was agreed that the first hearing should be held during October 2018. The Panel noted and approved a draft press release detailing the re-formation of the Review Panel. It was agreed that this would be issued on Tuesday 14th August and further information would be posted on Social Media throughout the day. | AH AH AH |
9. Future Meetings The Review Panel agreed to liaise with other Members in order to agree its next meeting date. The Officer advised that an email would be sent out in due course. | AH |
Date: 24th September 2018
Present | Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Senator Kristina Moore Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Trevor Pointon Deputy Mike Higgins |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Review Panel noted and approved the record of the meeting held on 13th August 2018. |
2. Briefing Paper – Response to the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry (P.108/2017) The Review Panel recalled that a briefing paper had been shared with it at its last meeting, however, as Senator Kristina Moore and Deputy Mary Le Hegarat had subsequently joined the Review Panel, it agreed it would be beneficial to revisit the information. The Review Panel discussed the document and agreed it highlighted issues for further consideration, namely:
The Review Panel requested the Officer to undertake the necessary enquiries to provide an update in relation to the Public Services Ombudsman. The Review Panel also noted the most recent update on the progress made in implementing the recommendations of the Care Inquiry. | AH |
3. Scoping Document The Review Panel recalled that the scoping document had been discussed at its previous meeting, however, with the addition of new Members it was agreed it would be beneficial to revisit it. The Review Panel agreed minor changes to the scoping document and agreed that it could be circulated to the Chairmen's Committee for final approval. | AH |
4. Terms of Reference With the addition of new Members the Review Panel re-considered its draft Terms of Reference. |
The Review Panel discussed whether it would be worthwhile extending the scope of the Review Panel's function to cover anything relating to children and young people. After discussion it was agreed that the Review Panel would maintain focus solely on the response to the Care Inquiry, whilst it would be the role of the Chairmen's Committee to ensure that issues relating more broadly to children were adequately covered by Scrutiny. The Review Panel agreed minor changes to the Terms of Reference and agreed that they could be circulated to the Chairmen's Committee for final approval. | AH |
5. Work Programme The Review Panel noted its work programme for 2018 and 2019. It was agreed that the Review Panel would seek to report on the progress made in implementing the recommendations on a quarterly basis. It was intended that the first of these reports would be presented in December 2018. In order to inform its work, the Review Panel agreed that it would write to the key stakeholders that had been approached by the previous Review Panel in 2017, in order to request an update on their thoughts one year on. Further to this, the Review Panel also requested that a public hearing be arranged with the Minister for Children and Housing in the coming months. The Review Panel agreed it would also seek to arrange regular meetings with the Children's Commissioner in order for her to update it on her work. | AH AH AH |
6. Interaction with Jersey Cares The Panel noted a briefing paper outlining the formation of a new group called Jersey Cares which was seeking to improve the manner in which young people in residential care were involved with government initiatives. It was explained that the group had been formed as a result of the learning exchange trip to Edinburgh in March 2018, which was attended by the former Chairman of the Review Panel. It was noted that the group had approached the Review Panel to see whether a Member would be interested in being involved. After discussion the Review Panel agreed that it was not appropriate for a Member to sit on the group, however, it would seek the views of the group and liaise with it in order to discuss any work it was undertaking. The Officer advised that a letter would be drafted to inform them of the Panel's decision. | AH |
7. Briefing on response to the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry The Panel noted that Officers with operational responsibility for the implementation of the recommendations were due to attend its next meeting on 8th October in order to brief it on the progress made to date. |
8. Future Meetings The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 9:30am on Monday 8th October 2018 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building. |
Date: 8th October 2018
Present | Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Trevor Pointon Deputy Mike Higgins |
Apologies | Senator Kristina Moore |
Absent |
In attendance | Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing [item 2] Tom Walker , Director General, Strategic Policy, Performance and Population [item 2] Mark Rodgers, Director General, Children, Young People, Education and Skills [item 2] Andrew Heaven, Director Children's Policy [item 2] Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Review Panel noted and approved the record of the meeting held on 24th September 2018. |
2. Briefing – Update on response to the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry The Review Panel received Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing, Tom Walker , Director General, Strategic Policy, Performance and Population, Mark Rodgers, Director General, Children, Young People, Education and Skills and Andrew Heaven, Director Children's Policy, for a briefing on the progress made in implementing the recommendations from the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry (IJCI). The Minister for Children gave a brief overview of the work that had been ongoing since the IJCI report was published, and noted that responsibility for overseeing the changes was currently being shared by both himself and the Chief Minister. The Minister explained that prior to the publication of the Care Commission and OFSTED report on Jersey's Children's Service being published, an improvement plan had been implemented that pre-empted some of the issues that were due to be raised in the report. He also explained that he was currently co-chairing a Strategic Improvement Board with the Chief Minister that was driving the changes necessary to implement the recommendations within the OFTSED and Care Commission reports. The recommendations had been fully accepted by the Council of Ministers. It was noted that two further boards existed under the Strategic Improvement Board; the operations board, which consisted of senior Civil Servants working in Children's Services, and a performance board that included staff working on the front line of Children's Services. The Review Panel agreed that it would be beneficial to observe a meetings of each of the Boards and the Minister agreed that this would be arranged in due course. | AH |
The Director for Children's Policy updated the Panel on the progress of two significant pieces of legislation in relation to the IJCI.
The Review Panel requested an update on the progress of implementing a Public Services Ombudsman, as per a decision made by the previous States Assembly. It was explained that a member of the Law Commission was currently working on a report outlining the different ways that this function could operate, and it was expected that it would be brought forward in the coming month after which it would be taken to the Council of Ministers for further discussion. The Review Panel questioned what was being done to address the issue of recruitment and retention of key workers, specifically Social Workers working in Children's Services. It was explained that there was significant research into the issues that affected recruitment and retention and this was being considered when developing a plan for Jersey. It was acknowledged that it was not as simple as lifting a plan from other jurisdictions as there were issues specific to the Island that required a bespoke solution. |
3. Public Hearing with the Minister for Children The Review Panel noted that a public hearing with the Minister for Children had been arranged for 10:00am on Friday 2nd November. The Review Panel agreed to circulate question areas for the hearing via email, and discuss a draft plan at its next meeting on Monday 22nd October. | AH |
4. Panel Reporting The Review Panel noted that letters had been sent to key stakeholders requesting views on the progress made in implementing the IJCI recommendations to date. It was noted that the deadline was set for Friday 9th November. The Review Panel recalled that it had agreed to publish quarterly reports outlining the progress that had been made by the Executive in respect of the IJCI recommendations. The Review Panel agreed that it would look to publish its first report during December 2018. | AH |
5. Future Meetings The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 9:30am on Monday 22nd October 2018 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building. |
Date: 22nd October 2018
Present | Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Deputy Trevor Pointon Deputy Mike Higgins |
Apologies | Senator Kristina Moore Deputy Mary Le Hegarat |
Absent |
In attendance | Deborah McMillan, Children's Commissioner Tara Murphy, Policy Adviser, Children's Commissioner's Office Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Review Panel noted and approved the record of the meeting held on 8th October 2018. |
2. Briefing – Children's Commissioner The Review Panel received Deborah McMillan, Children's Commissioner (the Commissioner) and Tara Murphy, Policy Adviser, Children's Commissioner's Office for a briefing in relation to the legislation that would underpin the role of the Commissioner. This record of this meeting is classified as exempt in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35. |
3. Quarterly Update Report The Review Panel recalled that press release had been sent out requesting views of members of the public on the progress made in responding to the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry. It was noted that letters had also been sent to various organisations working with children and young people, requesting their views as well. The Review Panel noted that the closing date for submissions was Friday 9th November. |
4. Public Hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing The Review Panel noted a draft question plan for the public hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing that was due to take place on Friday 2nd November. The Review Panel discussed the plan and agreed further questions. The Officer advised that a draft would be circulated for approval prior to the questions areas being confirmed with the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills. | AH |
5. Future Meetings |
The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 9:30am on Monday 5th November 2018 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building. |
Date: 2nd November 2018
Present | Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Senator Kristina Moore Deputy Trevor Pointon Deputy Mike Higgins |
Apologies | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat |
Absent |
In attendance | Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing Mark Rodgers, Director General, Children, Young People, Education and Skills Susan Devlin, Group Director, Children's Service Andrew Heaven, Director, Children's Policy Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Public Hearing with the Minister for Children and Housing The Review Panel received Senator Sam Mézec , Minister for Children and Housing, Mark Rodgers, Director General, Children, Young People, Education and Skills, Susan Devlin, Group Director, Children's Service and Andrew Heaven, Director, Children's Policy for a public hearing in relation to the Government's response to the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry. The proceedings were recorded so that a transcript could be made. |
Date: 5th November 2018
Present | Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Senator Kristina Moore Deputy Trevor Pointon Deputy Mary Le Hegarat |
Apologies | Deputy Mike Higgins |
Absent |
In attendance | Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Review Panel noted and approved the record of the meeting held on 22nd October 2018. |
2. Quarterly Update Report The Review Panel noted that the deadline for submissions for its review of the progress made in implementing the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry recommendations was Friday 9th November. The Review Panel agreed it would discuss the format of its report at its next meeting, after which it would endeavor to publish its report prior to Christmas. |
3. Public Hearing with the Minister for Children The Review Panel recalled that it had received the Minister for Children for a public hearing on Friday 2nd November. The Panel agreed that the hearing had been productive and would serve as a starting point for further discussion to take place in the future. The Panel recalled that it had requested information on the number of active school councils during the hearing. The Officer advised that this would be followed up with the department. The Officer advised that a copy of the transcript would be circulated in due course, after which the Panel would review it and identify any further actions. | AH AH |
4. Future Meetings The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 9:30am on Monday 19th November 2018 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building. |
Date: 3rd December 2018
Present | Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Senator Kristina Moore Deputy Trevor Pointon Deputy Mike Higgins |
Apologies | Deputy Mary Le Hegarat |
Absent |
In attendance | Deborah McMillan, Children's Commissioner [item 2 only] Tara Murphy, Policy Adviser, Children's Commissioner's Office [item 2 only] Andrew Heaven, Director, Children's Policy [item 2 only] Tom Walker , Director General, Strategic Policy, Performance and Population [item 2 only] Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Review Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 2nd and 5th November 2018. |
2. Briefing – Children's Commissioner Legislation The Review Panel received Deborah McMillan, Children's Commissioner, Tara Murphy, Policy Advisor, Office of the Children's Commissioner, Andrew Heaven, Director, Children's Policy and Tom Walker , Director General, Strategic Policy, Performance and Population for a briefing in relation to the Draft Commissioner for Children and Young People (Jersey) Law 201-. The record of this meeting is classified as exempt in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35. |
3. Quarterly Update Report The Review Panel noted a draft report in relation to the review and agreed that it could be sent for factual accuracy checking. Subject to any amendments, the Review Panel agreed that it would look to publish its report on Thursday 13th December. | AH |
4. Children's Plan The Review Panel noted a summary version of the proposed Children's Plan and additional papers relating to the implementation of the plan. The Review Panel agreed that it would review the plan and discuss its contents and any follow up actions at its next scheduled meeting. | AH |
5. Meeting dates 2019 The Review Panel noted and approved a schedule of meetings for 2019. The Officer advised that the meeting requests would be sent out in due course. | AH |
The Review Panel also noted proposed dates for quarterly public hearings in 2019 with the Minister for Children and Housing, and requested that the public hearings were held, where possible, during planned Review Panel meetings. The Officer advised that revised dates would be circulated to the Review Panel, after which they would be confirmed with the Minister. | AH |
6. Future Meetings The Review Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to the held at 9:30am on Monday 14th January 2019 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building. |
Date: 11th December 2018
Present | Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Senator Kristina Moore |
Apologies | Deputy Trevor Pointon Deputy Mary Le Hegarat |
Absent | Deputy Mike Higgins |
In attendance | Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Quarterly Update Report The Review Panel noted comments that it had received in respect of the factual accuracy of the draft quarterly update report. The Review Panel discussed the comments and agreed changes to the draft report. The Review Panel discussed and agreed its key findings and recommendations for the review. The Officer advised that a final draft of the report would be sent to the Panel the following day for approval. The Panel noted that the proposed publication date for the report was Friday 14th December, and it agreed to work to this timetable. | AH AH |
2. Resignation of Member The Review Panel noted that Deputy Mary Le Hegarat had decided to step down from the Panel due to ongoing work commitments with immediate effect. The Review Panel thanked Deputy Le Hegarat for her contribution to its work. |
Meeting held by electronic mail Record of Meeting
Date: 13th December 2018
Present | Deputy Rob Ward , Chairman Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Vice-Chairman Senator Kristina Moore Deputy Trevor Pointon Deputy Mike Higgins |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Andy Harris , Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Response to the Care Inquiry: Update Report Quarter Four 2018 The Review Panel approved the publication of its final report S.R.17/2018 Response to the Care Inquiry: Update Report Quarter Four 2018. |