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Approved Panel Minutes - Gender Pay Gap

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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Records of Meetings

Year: 2018

The following records of meetings have been approved by the Panel. Signed

Deputy Louise Doublet


Gender Pay Gap Scrutiny Review Panel

Date:  24th July 2018



Deputy Louise Doublet , Chairperson Deputy Kirsten Morel , Vice-Chairperson Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Jess Perchard





In attendance

Kellie Boydens , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Chairperson

The Panel agreed to appoint Deputy Louise Doublet as its Chairperson.


2. Vice-Chairperson

The Panel agreed to appoint Deputy Kirsten Morel as its Vice-Chairperson.


3. Scoping Document

The Panel discussed a draft Scoping Document for the review. The Panel agreed several changes and tasked the Officer to circulate a revised version for final approval.


4. Terms of Reference

The Panel agreed that the objectives contained within the Scoping Document would become the Terms of Reference for the review. The Panel tasked the Officer to circulate the Terms of Reference for final approval.


5. Review Plan

The Panel noted the review plan and key timescales. It agreed that it would aim to present the report by the end of October 2018 but acknowledged that this could be extended into November or December to allow sufficient time for evidence gathering.


6. Expert Advisor

The Panel discussed the use of expert advisors and agreed to explore other avenues in the first instance, such as writing to academics and inviting expert witnesses to attend Public Hearings, in order to obtain a wide range of views and opinions.


7. Future Meetings

The Panel agreed to meet fortnightly on a Tuesday afternoon at 2:00pm. The Officer advised that meeting requests would be circulated in due course.


Date:  10th September 2018



Deputy Louise Doublet , Chairperson Deputy Kirsten Morel , Vice-Chairperson Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Jess Perchard





In attendance

Duncan Gibaut, Chief Statistician [item 2] Kellie Boydens , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the record of its meeting held on 25th July 2018.


2. Briefing: Chief Statistician

The Panel met Duncan Gibaut, Chief Statistician to discuss the review in general and what plans Statistics Jersey had to collect data on gender pay. The Panel noted that Statistics Jersey had been accumulating data to assess specifically gender diversity across  the  public  and  private  sector  workforce.  The  Panel  was  advised  that accumulating such data would be a long process, but Statistics Jersey would be happy to provide updates every couple of months. It was agreed that the review would complement the work of Statistics Jersey as the Panel would be collecting largely qualitative research rather than quantitative.

The  Chief  Statistician  explained  that  the  recent  change  to  legislation  enabled Statistics Jersey to access data held by public authorities. In order to assist the Panel's review, the Panel was advised that a range of data had already been published in the Census report and the Jersey Opinions and Lifestyles Survey.


3. Letters to stakeholders

The  Panel  discussed  the  letters  to  key  stakeholders  and  requested  minor amendments. The Panel tasked the Officer to send the letters to stakeholders once the changes had been made.


4. Communicating with the public and stakeholders

The Panel discussed ways of engaging with the public and stakeholders in order to generate more interest in the review. The Panel agreed to organise a stall in King Street to try and engage the public. The Officer was tasked to make the necessary arrangements.


5. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on Tuesday 18th September 2018 at 2:00p.m. in the Le Capelain room, States Building.


Date:  2nd October 2018



Deputy Louise Doublet , Chairperson Deputy Kirsten Morel , Vice-Chairperson Senator Kristina Moore


Deputy Jess Perchard



In attendance

Tina Palmer, Director, ASL Recruitment [item 2] Kellie Boydens , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the record of its meeting held on 10th September 2018.


2. Meeting with Director of ASL Recruitment

The Panel met the Director of ASL recruitment to discuss how recruitment agencies could assist the Panel with its review. The Director explained that it would be beneficial for agency representatives to meet with the Panel to discuss the types of data they held which may be relevant to the review, as well as their experiences with clients and placements in the workplace.

The Director explained that there was a lack of diversity at Board level in most organisations. This may have been due to women underselling themselves and not putting themselves forward for senior roles.

It was the Director's view that childcare was an issue for women, being pulled between childcare needs and corporate expectation. This was also highlighted as a barrier in terms of a lack of flexibility, particularly within senior roles.

The Director felt that culture (values, loyalties and cultural "norms") was an important factor to consider when assessing whether there was a gender pay gap in Jersey.

The Director agreed to circulate the Panel's Call for Evidence poster and the list of questions posed to targeted stakeholders to agency representatives. It was also agreed that a meeting with agency representatives would be organised in due course.


3. Letters to stakeholders

The Panel noted that letters to targeted stakeholders had been sent and had included a deadline for responses of 5th October.


4. Communicating with the public and stakeholders

The Panel received an update on progress for organising a stall in King Street in order to try and engage the public. It was noted that a banner with the words "Is there



a gender pay gap in Jersey?" would be purchased and, pending delivery of the banner, the stall could be set up for 15th, 16th and 17th October.

The Panel also noted that an invitation had been circulated from a member of the Diversity in Change Forum to attend a Gender Pay Gap Panel on 24th October. The Panel was advised that further information would be circulated in due course.


5. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on Tuesday 16th September 2018 at 2:00p.m. in the Le Capelain room, States Building.


Date:  16th October 2018



Deputy Louise Doublet , Chairperson Deputy Kirsten Morel , Vice-Chairperson Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Jess Perchard





In attendance

Kellie Boydens , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved, subject to a minor change, the record of its meeting held on 2nd October 2018.


2. Written Submissions

The Panel discussed the submissions received to date. It was noted that the stall in King  Street  had  been  a  useful  exercise  as  it  had  generated  a  couple  more submissions.


3. Focus Group

The Panel agreed that organising a focus group would be a worthwhile exercise in order to generate more views on gender pay. The Panel tasked the Officer to contact a company which specialised in undertaking focus groups.


4. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on Tuesday 13th November 2018 at 2:00p.m. in the Le Capelain room, States Building.


Meeting held by electronic mail

Date:  30th October 2018



Deputy Louise Doublet , Chairperson Deputy Kirsten Morel , Vice-Chairperson Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Jess Perchard





In attendance

Kellie Boydens , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Focus Group

The  Panel  agreed  to  increase  its  budget  within  the  Scoping  Document  to accommodate the use of focus groups. It was noted that the revised Scoping Document would be circulated to the Chairmen's Committee for approval.

Subject to Chairmen's Committee approval, the Panel agreed that 4Insight (research agency) would organise five focus groups in total.


Date:  13th November 2018



Deputy Louise Doublet , Chairperson Deputy Kirsten Morel , Vice-Chairperson Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Jess Perchard





In attendance

Dorothy Parker, Director, 4insight Kellie Boydens , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 16th and 30th October 2018.


2. Focus Group

The Panel met the Director of 4insight to discuss the composition and criteria of the focus groups. The Panel agreed that the focus groups would take place on 29th November and 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th December at either a morning, lunch or evening slot. It was agreed that the exact times of the focus groups would be confirmed once 4insight had gone through its screening process.

In terms of public engagement, the Director explained that 4insight would undertake its own social media campaign to encourage participants for the focus groups. It was noted that the Panel would also undertake a media campaign, including a press release and social media posts to advertise the focus groups.


3. Review Timeline

The Panel discussed the timeline for the review and noted that the original deadline to report on its findings had passed due to its decision to organise focus groups. The Panel agreed that it would likely hold its public hearings in January and publish its report in February 2019.


4. Letter from the States Employment Board

The Panel noted that a letter had been received from the Chair of the States Employment Board regarding statistics on the composition of males and females in the States of Jersey and regarding the Panel's request for assistance in publicising its review to employees. The Panel tasked the Officer to liaise with the Head of Internal and Change Communications from Human Resources regarding publishing an article about the review and focus groups on the MyStates intranet site.


5. Future Meetings



The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 27th November at 2:00p.m in the Le Capelain room, States Building.


Date:  11th December 2018



Deputy Louise Doublet , Chairperson Deputy Kirsten Morel , Vice-Chairperson Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Jess Perchard





In attendance

Kellie Boydens , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the record of the meeting held on 13th November 2018.


2. Focus Groups

The Panel noted that a good response rate had been received for the focus groups, which were facilitated by 4insight. It was anticipated that 4insight would report on the findings from the focus groups in early January 2019.


3. Public Hearing list

The Panel agreed a list of potential witnesses and provisional timings for each. The Officer explained that once the Hearings were confirmed, meeting requests would be circulated.


4. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting would take place on 8th January 2019 at 1:00p.m in the Le Capelain room, States Building.