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Review Panel – Care of Children in Jersey
Record of Meeting
Date: 28th March 2018
Present | Deputy S.Y. Mézec , Chairman Deputy T.A. Vallois, Vice-Chairman Deputy M.R. Higgins Senator S.C. Ferguson |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Mr A. Harris , Scrutiny Officer |
Ref Back | Agenda matter | Action |
| 1. Records of Meetings The Review Panel noted and approved the record of the meeting held on 14th March 2018. The Chairman signed it accordingly. |
Item 4 14/03/18 | 2. Recommendation Two: Giving Children and Young People a Voice The Review Panel noted that the Children's Commissioner had advised it to contact the Jersey Youth Service in order to set up a meeting with her Young Person's Advisory Panel. The Officer advised that the Youth Service would be approached to see if there was availability for a meeting prior to the election. The Review Panel also agreed that it would request a meeting with the Children's Commissioner to discuss her work at its last meeting on Wednesday 18th April. | AH AH |
Item 5 14/03/18 | 3. Recommendation Three: Inspection of Services The Review Panel noted that a letter had been drafted to send to the Independent Visitors for Young People (IVYP) requesting an update on their involvement with the planned inspection process for children's services. The Review Panel agreed that it would question to Chief Minister at its upcoming public hearing about the involvement of the IVYP. | AH |
Item 7 07/02/18 | 4. Recommendation Four: Building a Sustainable Workforce The Review Panel agreed that it would request figures from Community and Social Services in respect of the number of agency social workers it was currently employing. The Review Panel discussed and agreed further questions to ask at the public hearing with the Chief Minister in relation to the headline actions for Recommendation Four. | AH |
Item 9 07/02/18 | 5. Recommendation Six: Corporate Parent The Review Panel noted a draft proposition from the Privileges and Procedures Committee (PPC) that sought to define the duties of an elected States Member. The Review Panel agreed to write to the Chairman of PPC to express its satisfaction with the proposition. The Review Panel discussed further questions for the Chief Minister in relation to Recommendation Six and agreed that these would be added to the question plan for the upcoming public hearing. | AH AH |
Item 10 07/02/18 | 6. Recommendation Seven: The Jersey Way The Review Panel discussed and agreed further questions to ask the Chief Minister on Recommendation Seven during its upcoming public hearing. | AH |
Item 11 07/02/18 | 7. Recommendation Eight: Legacy Issues The Review Panel noted that the consultation in relation to Haut de la Garenne was ongoing and was due to finish on 22nd April 2018. The Review Panel agreed that it would ask further questions on the consultation process during the public hearing with the Chief Minister. | AH |
Item 1 08/02/18 | 8. Public hearing with the Chief Minister The Panel noted a draft question plan for the public hearing with the Chief Minister scheduled for 10:00am on Thursday 29th March. The Panel discussed and agreed further questions. The Officer advised that an updated question plan would be circulated prior to the hearing. | AH |
Item 11 14/03/18 | 9. Learning exchange visit to Edinburgh The Panel recalled that the Chairman had visited Edinburgh as part of a learning exchange delegation with the Chief Minister. The Chairman explained that the visit had been a useful experience, and there had been significant discussions about how to move Jersey's care system forward. The Chairman had spoken with the Scott ish Children's Commissioner and discussed the legislation that underpinned the role. The Review Panel agreed that this would be a good example on which to base the legislation for the Children's Commissioner in Jersey. The Chairman noted that a follow up meeting had been arranged for Tuesday 3rd April, after which a further report would be made back to the Panel. |
| 10. Legacy Report The Panel discussed the format of its legacy report and agreed that a formal report with recommendations should be made to the Chairmen's Committee. The Panel agreed that the report would include its previously published comments, as well as an update on the areas it had reviewed since. It was noted that this would need to be published prior to 10th April. | AH |
| 11. Future Meetings The Review Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled for 9:30am on Wednesday 18th April 2018 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building. |