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Chairmen's Committee - Approved Care of Children in Jersey Review Panel Minutes - 10 January 2018

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Review Panel – Care of Children in Jersey

Record of Meeting

Date: 10th January 2018



Deputy S.Y. Mézec , Chairman Deputy T.A. Vallois, Vice-Chairman Senator S.C. Ferguson, Items 7 - 10

Deputy M.R. Higgins





In attendance

Mr A. Harris , Scrutiny Officer


Ref Back

Agenda matter



1. Records of Meetings

The Review Panel noted and approved the records of the meetings held on 6th December and 20th December 2017. The Chairman signed them accordingly.



2. Resignation of Member

The Review Panel noted that Deputy J.A. Hilton had resigned from the Review Panel in order to participate further in the Chief Minister's Social Policy Advisory group.

The Review Panel expressed its thanks to Deputy J.A. Hilton for her contribution and hard work in the time she had spent with the Panel.


Item 2 06/12/17

3. Conflict of Interest

Deputy  M.R.  Higgins  noted  that  his  constituency  issue  regarding Community and Social Services was still ongoing. The Review Panel recalled its previous agreement that in this instance, Deputy M.R. Higgins would  refrain  from  questioning  Community  and  Social  Services  on anything related to the issue.


Item 3 20/12/17


4. Recommendation One: A Commissioner for Children

The Review Panel noted that a meeting had been arranged with the newly appointed Children's Commissioner, Mrs D. MacMillan, on Friday 19th January at 2:00pm.


Item 4 20/12/17


5. Recommendation 2: Giving Children and Young People a Voice

The Review Panel noted that a letter was due to be sent to the Chief Minister requesting an update on the progress in appointing a Children's Rights Officer. The Review Panel recalled that this letter would request information  as  to  how  the  role  would  sit  with  the  Children's Commissioner, the legal framework for the role and why it was not being established as an independent post.

The Review Panel noted that a request had been made to the Youth Service to arrange a meeting with the group of young people that had





interviewed candidates for the role of Children's Commissioner. The Officer advised that details would be circulated upon confirmation.

The  Review  Panel  received  information  relating  to  the  Voice  and Participation  Project  (VAPP)  that  had  been  undertaken  by  the Educational  Psychologists.  The  Review  Panel  agreed  that  it  would request  the  data  that  informed  phase  one  of  the  project  from  the Education Department.

The Review Panel noted that information regarding the number of home schooled  children  in  the  Island  had  been  requested  and  would  be circulated in due course.


Item 5 20/12/17


6. Recommendation Four: Building a Sustainable Workforce

The Panel noted that a meeting with the Chief Executive of the States was due to take place on Thursday 11th January.

The Review Panel recalled that P.1/2018 Draft Machinery of Government (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Jersey) Law 201-,  had recently been lodged by the Chief Minister. It was noted that the draft legislation would install  the  Chief  Executive  of  the  States  of  Jersey  as  principle accountable Officer for public funds, in order to combat the silo mentality which had been raised within the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry.

The Review Panel noted a draft letter to be sent to the Managing Director of Community and Social Services requesting updates on workforce training initiatives (including the proposed Jersey Practice Model). The Review Panel discussed and made minor changes to the letter. Subject to these changes, it was agreed that the letter could be sent.

The Officer advised that questions Deputy M.R. Higgins had asked the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding workforce concerns were due to be circulated for Panel information.



7. Meetings with stakeholders

The Review Panel noted that a meeting with the vice-chair of Victim Support Jersey was due to take place during the next Panel meeting on 24th January 2018. It was also noted that a meeting with the Independent Visitors for Young People was due to take place on Friday 26th January at 10:00am.

The Officer advised that requests for meetings had been sent to Jersey Association for Family Therapy and Help a Jersey Child and would be confirmed in due course.

The Review Panel agreed that it would write a letter to His Excellency, the Lieutenant Governor, requesting an update on the accountability systems that exist for Crown appointees in the Island.



8. Work being undertaken by other Panels

The Review Panel noted that a large number of propositions had been brought forward for debate in the States Assembly, with many of them referencing the IJCI recommendations.




The  Review  Panel  noted  that  the  Environment,  Housing  and Infrastructure Panel was considering undertaking work in respect of P.120/2017  "Social  Housing  in  Jersey:  Introduction  of  a  Regulatory Framework and had recently published a comments paper on the Draft Health and Safety (Rented Dwellings) (Jersey) Law 201-. It was intended that further work would be undertaken on this proposition as well.

The Education and Home Affairs Panel was due to undertake a review of the Draft Sexual Offences (Jersey) Law once it had been lodged. It was noted that a Sub-Panel had been formed to review P.118/2017 Draft Criminal Procedure (Jersey) Law 201-.

Senator S.C. Ferguson informed the Panel that the Corporate Services Panel  intended  to  review  P.1/2018  Draft  Machinery  of  Government (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Jersey) Law 201-.

The Health and Social Security Panel was not currently undertaking any work relating to issues within the IJCI, although it was noted that the Panel had brought forward a proposition seeking the reinstatement of the single parent component of Income Support.


Item 9 20/12/17


9. Panel Reporting

The  Panel  recalled  that  the  Chief  Minister  had  emailed  all  States Members informing them of his decision to bring forward P.108/2017 Independent Jersey Care Inquiry: implementation of recommendations as a report for an in-committee debate. It was noted that the Chief Minister was due to seek Members' approval for a date to undertake the debate. The Panel approved a letter to the Chief Minister that asked for clarification of the debate date and explained the Panel's intention to produce a comments paper detailing the work it had carried out to date.

The Panel discussed the format that the comments paper would take and agreed to present an outline of the work it had undertaken in respect of each recommendation in the IJCI.




10. Future Meetings

The Review Panel noted that its next meeting was due to take place at 9:30am on Wednesday 24th January 2018 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.