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The Future Hospital Review Panel
Records of Meetings
Year: 2019
The following records of meetings have been approved by the Panel. Signed
Senator Kristina Moore
Date: 8th May 2019
Present | Senator Kristina Moore Senator Sarah Ferguson Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Rob Ward |
Apologies | Connétable Mike Jackson Connétable John Le Maistre Deputy Kirsten Morel |
Absent |
In attendance | Tim Oldham , Assistant Greffier: Scrutiny |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Chair The Panel agreed that Senator Kristina Moore would serve as Chair of the Review Panel for the envisaged phase of work. |
2. Scoping Document and Terms of Reference The Panel considered its approach to the recent publication of R.54/2019 New Hospital Project: Next Steps' by the Chief Minister. As a result it requested a number of changes to the outline scoping document and terms of reference, which would be circulated for further consideration at its next meeting. |
3. Future Meeting The Panel agreed to meet at 10am on Thursday 23rd May. |
Date: 23rd May 2019
Present | Senator Kristina Moore Senator Sarah Ferguson Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Kirsten Morel Deputy Rob Ward |
Apologies | Connétable Mike Jackson Connétable John Le Maistre |
Absent |
In attendance | Sammy McKee , Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Record of Meetings The Panel approved the record of the meeting held on 8th May 2019. |
2. Vice-Chair The Panel considered the appointment of a Vice-Chair. The Chairman advised the Panel that she had spoken to Connétable Jackson prior to the meeting and that he was happy to be Vice-Chair of the Review Panel. The Panel agreed with the Connétable s appointment to this role. |
3. Scoping Document and Terms of Reference The Panel considered a draft Scoping Document and draft Terms of Reference for its review. The Panel agreed the Scoping Document and the Officer was requested to send it to Chairmen's Committee for approval. The Panel discussed the Terms of Reference and agreed to make some minor amendments. The Officer was requested to make the agreed changes and to recirculate the Terms of Reference to the Panel for further approval. With regard to the structure of the review, it was agreed that the Panel would produce a mini report' every 3 months as a means of regularly updating the States Assembly and the public on the Chief Minister's progress and holding him to account for the work undertaken on the next phase of the new hospital. | SM SM |
4. Public Hearing with the Chief Minister The Panel agreed to receive the Chief Minister for a Public Hearing at 2:30pm on Friday 14th June. It was further agreed that the Panel would meet at 11:30am on 12th June to prepare for the Hearing. The Officer was requested to send out meeting requests. The Panel considered and identified areas of questioning for its Public Hearing with the Chief Minister. The Officer was requested to draft a question plan to circulate to the Panel. | SM SM |
5. Visits The Panel considered the possibility of visiting hospitals in other jurisdictions as part of the evidence gathering phase of its review. However, it was agreed that it would not be appropriate, or indeed necessary, to spend money on such visits. The Panel agreed |
that video conferencing could be used as a means of gathering evidence, if it was required at the later stages of the Panel's review. |
6. Future Meetings The Panel noted that it was due to meet next on the 12th June to prepare for its Public Hearing and agreed that it would discuss future meeting dates then. |
Date: 12th June 2019
Present | Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Mike Jackson , Vice-Chair Senator Sarah Ferguson Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Kirsten Morel Deputy Rob Ward Connétable John Le Maistre |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Sammy McKee , Scrutiny Officer Lindsey Power, Assistant Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Public Hearing The Panel prepared for its Public Hearing with the Chief Minister that was due to take place at 2:30pm on Friday 14th June. A draft question plan was considered and the Panel identified a number of amendments which the Officer was requested to enact. It noted that a revised question plan would be circulated to the Panel. The Panel asked the Officer to request organograms from the Chief Minister's Department to help explain the organisational structure of the boards/teams/groups involved in the new hospital project. | SM SM |
2. Future Meetings The Panel agreed to next meet at 12pm on Thursday 20th June. |
Date: 14th June 2019
Present | Connétable Mike Jackson , Vice-Chair Senator Sarah Ferguson Deputy Kirsten Morel Deputy Rob Ward Connétable John Le Maistre |
Apologies | Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat |
Absent |
In attendance | Deputy J. Le Fondre, Chief Minister Deputy H. Raymond, Assistant Chief Minister Charlie Parker, Chief Executive Officer Caroline Landon, Director General – Health and Community Services Gary Eisner, Scrutiny Officer Lindsey Power, Assistant Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Public Hearing The Review Panel received the Chief Minister and his Officers at a Public Hearing. A transcript was made of the proceedings and would be available to view on the States Assembly website. |
Date: 20th June 2019
Present | Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Mike Jackson , Vice-Chair Senator Sarah Ferguson Connétable John Le Maistre Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Kirsten Morel Deputy Rob Ward |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance | Sammy McKee , Scrutiny Officer Lindsey Power, Assistant Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on 23rd May, 12th June and 14th June 2019. |
2. Public Hearing with Chief Minister The Panel discussed the outcome of the Hearing with the Chief Minister on 14th June 2019. The Panel noted the Chief Minister's proposal for a hospital with satellite treatment centres and considered how this differed to what had been agreed in P.82/2012 – Health and Social Services: A New Way Forward'. The Panel requested the Officer to circulate P.82/2012 in order to refresh itself with the content. | SM |
3. Next Steps It was agreed that it would be beneficial to invite Caroline Landon, Director General of Health and Community Services, to meet with the Panel in order to discuss the proposed new model of care. The Panel also agreed to ask the Director General for further details regarding the engagement that had taken place with primary care providers following the presentation of R.54/2019 – New Hospital Project: Next Steps'. The Panel discussed the method by which the planning permission for the new hospital might be determined. It agreed that a private meeting with the Minister for the Environment would be beneficial for understanding how the new hospital would be considered when developing the Island Plan. The Officer was requested to liaise with the Departments and to make the necessary arrangements. The Panel requested that, if possible, the meetings take place on the same day. The Panel considered the make-up and function of the Political Oversight Group (POG) and its reporting lines. The Officer was asked to request POG's Terms of Reference (TORs) and the minutes of all meetings that have been held to date. | SM SM |
4. Name of Review |
The Panel considered the content of the Chief Minister's letter and concluded that it was unnecessary to change the name of the Review. |
5. FOI Requests The Panel undertook to review the requests and revert with any matters arising. |
6. Next Meeting The Panel noted that its next meeting would take place on a date to be determined and to coincide with the meetings to be scheduled under Item 3. |
Date: 15th August 2019
Present | Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Senator Sarah Ferguson Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Kirsten Morel Deputy Rob Ward |
Apologies | Connétable Mike Jackson , Vice-Chair Connétable John Le Maistre |
Absent |
In attendance | Caroline Landon – Director General, Health and Community Services (Item 5 only) Rob Sainsbury – Group Medical Director, Health and Community Services (Item 5 only) Rose Naylor – Chief Nurse, Health and Community Services (Item 5 only) Deputy Hugh Raymond - Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services (for part of Item 5 only) Sammy McKee , Scrutiny Officer Lindsey Power, Assistant Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on 20th June 2019. |
2. Public Hearing with Chief Minister The Panel noted the content of the letter received from the Deputy Chief Minister and agreed to meet with the Political Oversight Group (POG) to receive an update on the Chief Minister's "New Hospital Project: Next Steps" (R.54/2019). The Panel identified 6th September as a possible meeting date and the Officer was requested to liaise with the Department and enact the necessary arrangements. The Panel noted that R.54/2019 had been published in May 2019 but it had yet to receive any detail of the proposals. The Panel therefore asked the Officer to request any relevant documentation that was available to review before the meeting. | SM SM |
3. External Support The Panel considered whether it would be necessary to engage an expert advisor at this stage of its review to help interpret any future documentation provided by the Chief Minister on the new Hospital and new Health Care Model. The Panel agreed to await for receipt of documentation from the Chief Minister's Department before considering what expert advisor support may be appropriate. |
4. Public Hearings and Briefings |
The Panel discussed possible future public hearings and agreed that it would not be appropriate to fix any such hearings until detail of the new Hospital and Health Model was made available. |
5. Meeting with Director General of Health and Community Services The Panel met with the Director General of Health and Community Services to discuss the proposed new model of health care and how the hospital project has progressed to date since R.54/2019 was published in May. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 34. |
6. Next Meeting The Panel noted that its next meeting would take place at 1pm on 5th September 2019. |
Date: 5th September 2019
Present | Connétable Mike Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Kirsten Morel Deputy Rob Ward |
Apologies | Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable John Le Maistre |
Absent | Senator Sarah Ferguson |
In attendance | Sammy McKee , Scrutiny Officer Lindsey Power, Assistant Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel approved the record of the meeting held on 15th August 2019. |
2. Meeting with the Political Oversight Group (POG) The Panel noted it was due to meet with the Political Oversight Group (POG) on 13th September 2019. The Panel also noted that the Chief Minister's Office had advised that he intended to present an update' report to the States Assembly in the next couple of weeks and that a copy of the same would be forwarded to the Panel 24 hours prior thereto. The Panel agreed that the Officer should enquire whether the report could be made available to the Panel prior to the meeting on 13th September. | SM |
3. Possible Research The Panel requested that the Officer carry out some research into the Hub and Spoke model of care generally and its operation in other jurisdictions. The Panel noted that the research to be undertaken would be limited until detailed information as to the model of care being proposed had been provided. The Panel could then consider the commissioning of professional advisers. | SM |
4. Requested Information The Panel noted that, apart from the letter from Senator Farnham proposing a meeting with the Political Oversight Group (POG), it had not received any information requested in its letter to the Chief Minister of 30 July 2019. The Officer was asked to follow up with the Department on the Panel's request. | SM |
5. Next Meeting The Panel noted that its next meeting would take place at 11.30 am on 26th September 2019. |
Date: 26th September 2019
Present | Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Senator Sarah Ferguson Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Rob Ward (Item 2 only) |
Apologies | Connétable Mike Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Kirsten Morel Connétable John Le Maistre |
Absent |
In attendance | Sammy McKee , Scrutiny Officer Lindsey Power, Assistant Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Update following meeting with the Political Oversight Group (POG) The Officer informed the Panel that, following the meeting with POG on 13th September 2019, POG had reverted with dates to secure regular update meetings with the Panel. The Officer was requested to send the suggested dates to Panel members to confirm their availability. The Panel noted that information on the engagement events for the new Jersey Care Model had been received and had been circulated to the Panel prior to the meeting. The Panel agreed that it would be beneficial to have one of its members present at the meetings of POG as an observer and requested the Officer to ascertain whether this would be possible. | SM SM |
2. Expert Advice The Panel discussed the engagement of an advisor to assist the Panel in evaluating the proposals for a new model of Health Care ("the new model") that was currently being developed by the Health and Community Services Department (HCS). It was noted that the proposals were due to considered by POG in early October and that the Panel was due to receive a private briefing on the new care model on 11th October 2019. The Panel considered the possibility of engaging an advisor in advance of receiving documentation from the Department on the Jersey Care Model and prior to the briefing on 11th October. It was recalled that the Panel had previously agreed to wait until it had received information from the HCS on the draft proposals before it engaged an expert advisor. The Officer advised the Panel that the engagement of a suitable advisor would be difficult until details of the new model were made available. It was further advised that without further information it would be impossible to provide a potential advisor with an exact timeframe in which the Panel would require assistance. The Panel noted that the Officer had undertaken preliminary work to identify possible advisors and agreed that it would be helpful for the information to be circulated to the Panel. | SM |
Date: 18th October 2019
Present | Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Mike Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Kirsten Morel Senator Sarah Ferguson Deputy Rob Ward |
Apologies | Connétable John Le Maistre Deputy Mary Le Hegarat |
Absent |
In attendance | Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services (Item 5 only) Deputy Hugh Raymond, Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services (Item 5 only) Caroline Landon, Director General, Health and Community Services (Item 5 only) Rob Sainsbury, Group Managing Director, Health and Community Services (Item 5 only) Rose Naylor, Chief Nurse, Health and Community Services (Item 5 only) Sammy McKee , Scrutiny Officer Lindsey Power, Assistant Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel approved the minutes of the public and private meetings held on 5th and 13th September and of the public meeting held on 26th September 2019. |
2. Progress Update The Panel noted an update report that been prepared by the Officer on the progress made to date in respect of making initial contact with potential advisors. It was also noted that the update report included background research on P.82/2012 - New Way Forward for Health and Social Care', which the Officer had been asked to undertake. Furthermore, in the report the Panel was asked to consider whether it wished to undertake a review of the proposed Jersey Care Model, and if so, whether the Panel agreed to amend the existing Terms of Reference to reflect the change of direction of the its review. The Panel agreed to give further consideration to the matter following the briefing on the new Jersey Care Model and to reach agreement via an exchange of emails. |
3. Meeting with POG The Officer informed the Panel that its request to attend meetings of the Political Oversight Group (POG) as an Observer would be considered at the next meeting of POG on 31st October 2019. |
4. Briefing |
The Panel received Deputy Richard Renouf , Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Hugh Raymond, Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services, Caroline Landon, Director General, Health and Community Services, Rob Sainsbury, Group Managing Director, Health and Community Services and Rose Naylor, Chief Nurse, Health and Community Services for a private briefing on the proposed new Jersey Care Model. |
5. Next meeting The Panel is yet to decide its next meeting date. |
Date: 3rd December 2019
Present | Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Mike Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Kirsten Morel Deputy Mary Le Hegarat |
Apologies | Senator Sarah Ferguson Deputy Rob Ward |
Absent |
In attendance | Sammy McKee , Scrutiny Officer Lindsey Power, Assistant Scrutiny Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Progress Update and Next Steps The Panel recalled that it requested a number of briefing papers from the Political Oversight Group (POG) which had been considered by POG at its last meeting on 31st November. The Panel was advised that the briefing papers had not yet been received. The Panel agreed to invite the Chair of the Political Oversight Group, Senator Farnham to a Public Hearing in January to discuss progress of the Our Hospital' project in order to inform the public. The Officer was requested to make the necessary arrangements and to draft a question plan for the hearing. The Panel noted that the Health and Social Security Panel had launched a review of the Jersey Care Model (JCM) and considered the impact that the JCM would have upon the new Hospital. It agreed that there should be a standing item on the Panel's agenda to receive an update on the review of the JCM from the Chair of the Health and Social Security Panel. The Panel discussed the planning process involved with agreeing a site for the new Hospital and agreed to consider this further once it had received the briefing papers. | SM |