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Approved Panel Minutes - One Gov - 2019

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One Gov Review Panel

Records of Meetings

Year: 2019

The following records of meetings have been approved by the Panel. Signed


Connétable Karen Stone

Date: 14th February 2019



Senator Sarah Ferguson

Senator Kristina Moore Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Deputy Scott Wickenden

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Rob Ward



In attendance

Simon Spottiswoode, Scrutiny Officer Theo Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Chairman

It was agreed to appoint Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone as chair of the Panel.


2.  Panel remit

It was noted that the Chairmen's Committee had agreed to form the OneGov Review Panel to examine the ongoing OneGov public sector reform project.


3.  Declarations of Interest

The following declarations of interest were noted:

  • Deputy Wickenden declared that his brother was an employee of the States of Jersey
  • Deputy Ward declared that his wife was an employee of the States of Jersey
  • Deputy Morel declared that his wife provided IT training services to the States of Jersey

In all cases, it was noted that the individuals concerned could be affected by the ongoing One Government reform programme.

  • Connétable Shenton-Stone declared that she was related to the Assistant Scrutiny Officer who was supporting the Panel.


4.  Scoping Document

The Panel reviewed a draft scoping document for its review and discussed the objectives for its work. Changes were requested to the Scoping Document. It was noted that Terms of Reference for the review would be drafted and circulated to the Panel for consideration.


Date: 1st March 2019



Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone (Chairman) Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Scott Wickenden

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Rob Ward


Senator Sarah Ferguson

In attendance

Simon Spottiswoode, Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Scoping Document

The Panel noted receipt of an updated draft scoping document and draft terms of reference. Further changes were requested to both documents. Subject to the requested changes being made, the Panel approved the scoping document and terms of reference.

The Panel discussed the context of the One Gov project with regard to the Machinery of Government (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Jersey) Law (P.1/2018) passed by the States Assembly in April 2018. The officers were requested to prepare a briefing paper detailing the changes introduced by P.1/2018 and an accompanying timeline.

To assist it in its work, the Panel agreed to ask the Chief Minister to provide copies of relevant documents from the staff consultations that had taken place during 2018.



Date: 15th March 2019



Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone (Chairman) Senator Sarah Ferguson

Deputy Scott Wickenden

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Rob Ward


Senator Kristina Moore

In attendance

Simon Spottiswoode, Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Minutes

The Panel approved the record of its meeting held on 14th February.


2.  One Gov Review

Noting that an internal consultation had been carried out with staff on the Justice and Home Affairs Department Target Operating Model, the Panel agreed to ask for a copy of the consultation paper and all responses.

It was agreed to request for the Panel to visit the Government of Jersey's new offices at Broad Street, St Helier.

It was agreed that the initial phase of the Panel's work would focus on understanding the background and context of the One Gov Project. This would focus particularly on the  changes  approved  by  the  previous  States  Assembly  through  P.1/2018, Machinery of Government (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Jersey) Law. It was noted that a briefing paper was being prepared for the Panel.


Date: 29th March 2019



Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone (Chairman) Senator Sarah Ferguson

Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Scott Wickenden

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Rob Ward



In attendance

Simon Spottiswoode, Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  One Gov Review

The Panel noted receipt of documents relating to the staff consultations undertaken during 2018 in relation to the One Gov structure. It was noted that although a summary document of the consultation submissions had been provided, the Panel did not have sight of any of the individual submissions. It was agreed to request copies of all submissions made to the consultation.

The  Panel  considered  a  briefing  paper  on  machinery  of  government  changes enacted under P.1/2018 and agreed that it would be helpful to be provided with a timeline of all key decisions and events relating to One Gov. It was also agreed to review recommendations in relation to the States' culture and structure contained within previous reports and reviews.

The Panel discussed possible witnesses to obtain oral evidence from. It was agreed to request evidence from Senator Ian Gorst in relation to his time as Chief Minister and his involvement with the appointment of the current Chief Executive Officer.

The Panel noted receipt of submissions to its review from members of the public and also a letter from the Chief Minister acknowledging the Panel's terms of reference.




Date: 12th April 2019



Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone (Chairman) Senator Sarah Ferguson

Deputy Scott Wickenden

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Rob Ward


Senator Kristina Moore

In attendance

Simon Spottiswoode, Scrutiny Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  One Gov consultation submissions

The Chairman updated the Panel on a meeting she had attended with the Director of People Services to discuss the Panel's request for staff submissions to the One Gov Consultation.

It was noted that the Director's advice was that, for confidentiality reasons, the consultation submissions should not be released to the Panel.

It was agreed to invite the Director of People Services to meet with the Panel to discuss the concerns and any possible ways of reaching a compromise.


2.  Evidence gathering

It was agreed to publish a call for evidence in relation to the Panel's review.

The  Panel  discussed  the  underlying  Target  Operating  Models  (TOMs)  for Government Departments and agreed to request copies of each. It was also agreed to propose that each permanent scrutiny panel reviewed the TOMs relating to its own area.


Date: 16th April 2019



Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone (Chairman) Senator Sarah Ferguson

Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Scott Wickenden

Deputy Kirsten Morel


Deputy Rob Ward

In attendance

Jacquie McGeachie, Director of People Services Simon Spottiswoode, Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Private meeting with Director of People Services

The Panel received the Director of People Services for a meeting in relation to its request to be provided with copies of staff submissions to the One Gov consultation.

The record of the meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 39.


Date: 26th April 2019



Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone (Chairman) Senator Sarah Ferguson

Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Scott Wickenden

Deputy Kirsten Morel


Deputy Rob Ward

In attendance

Simon Spottiswoode, Scrutiny Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Evidence gathering

The Chairman updated the Panel on a meeting she attended with the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief of Staff on 17th April. The purpose of the meeting had been to discuss the panel's planned work and the ways in which the Government could assist the Panel in its evidence gathering.

The Panel noted receipt of documents relating to the departmental Target Operating Models.

Following the publication of a report that day on phase one of the Team Jersey Programme, it was agreed to take evidence from the consultants, TDP Development Ltd on their work to date.

The Panel considered the context of the One Gov project in relation to the machinery of  government  changes  approved  through  P.1/2018.  A  number  of  areas  were identified for questioning in future public hearings.

It was agreed to proceed with public hearings with Senator Gorst , the Chief Minister and Team Jersey.


2.  One Gov consultation submissions

The Panel reviewed and approved a draft letter to be sent to the Chief Minister in relation to its request to be provided with One Gov consultation submissions.


Date: 10th May 2019



Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone (Chairman) Senator Sarah Ferguson

Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Kirsten Morel


Deputy Scott Wickenden Deputy Rob Ward

In attendance

Simon Spottiswoode, Scrutiny Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Recommendations from previous reports

The Panel noted receipt of a briefing paper on recommendations of previous reports relevant to One Gov. It was agreed to speak to the Comptroller and Auditor General during the Panel's evidence gathering about recommendations contained in her previous reports.


2.  Evidence gathering and public hearings

The Panel discussed information and documents relevant to its work to be requested from the Chief Minister.

It was noted that public hearings had been arranged for 14th June with Senator Ian Gorst , and 21st June with the Chief Minister and also with Team Jersey officials.

The Panel recalled that it had agreed to focus its work on the overall context and direction of the One Gov project, as well as any savings and costs arising therefrom. It was noted that each of the permanent scrutiny panels had been asked to look at areas of concern within the underlying departmental Target Operating Models within their remits. It was agreed to request each panel to report back to the One Gov Panel on its work, including any particular areas of concern.



3.  One Gov consultation submissions

It was noted that the Panel had written to the Chief Minister on 30th April 2019 to formally request copies of staff submissions to the One Gov consultation. In reply, the Panel had received a letter from the Director of People Services on 8th May 2019. The letter proposed that 9 submissions from senior officers which were appended to the consultation summary would be provided to the Panel, however the remaining 120 staff submissions would not be provided.

The Panel agreed that this response was not satisfactory and agreed to write to the Chief Minister to express disappointment that he had not responded directly to the Panel's letter, and to maintain the request that all submissions be provided to the Panel.


Date: 24th May 2019



Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone (Chairman) Senator Sarah Ferguson

Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Kirsten Morel


Deputy Scott Wickenden Deputy Rob Ward

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

There were no records to approve.


2.  One Gov Review

The Panel requested further information regarding the number of directors within the Government of Jersey before and after the One Gov Target Operational Model changes.

The Panel noted receipt of letters from the Chief Minister (CM) and Director of People Services regarding the Target Operating Model consultation.

The Panel considered a draft reply letter to the CM and agreed to it being sent.

An additional letter to the CM requesting further information in relation to the Panel's work was also discussed and reviewed and it was noted that a final version would be distributed to the Panel incorporating minor amendments.

The Panel noted arrangements for public hearings with Senator Gorst on 14th June and the Chief Minister and Team Jersey on 21st June. An initial outline of the types of questions for both Senator Gorst and the CM was discussed.

The tour of the Broad Street office was cancelled at the request of the Panel.




3.  Next meeting

The Panel agreed to maintain its next meeting for 7th June at 12pm.


Date: 7th June 2019  



Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone (Chairman) Senator Sarah Ferguson

Senator Kristina Moore

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Robert Ward



In attendance

Gary Eisner, Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

Minutes from all March meetings were approved.


2.  Administrative Matters

Noting that Deputy Wickenden had officially left the Panel, an invitation would be sent by the Chairman to States members to see if there was interest in replacing him on the Panel.

It was agreed that Scrutiny officers would review the consultation results from the staff One Gov survey in the Broad St office, as per the offer from the Chief Minister.

The question areas for the 3 upcoming hearings were agreed.



3.  Next meeting

The Panel agreed to meet following the hearing with Senator Gorst on Friday 14th June at 10:30am.


Date: 14th June 2019  



Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone (Chairman) Senator Sarah Ferguson

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Robert Ward


Senator Kristina Moore

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Public Hearings

The question plans and question areas for the Team Jersey and Chief Minister Hearings were agreed.


Date: 28th June 2019  



Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone (Chairman) Senator Sarah Ferguson

Senator Kristina Moore


Deputy Kirsten Morel Deputy Robert Ward

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

Minutes from 12th April through to 14th June were approved


2.  Administrative Matters

The Panel discussed the remit of the One Gov Panel and whether or not some specific issues that had arisen with other Panels might fall under the One Gov purview. It was decided that the Panel would maintain a watching brief on these matters.

There was further discussion of the content of the staff consultation regarding One Gov changes (the results of which are confidential).

The Panel considered the next steps for the review after the public hearings. It was agreed that the Panel would produce an interim report of evidence gathered and its findings to date.  


3.  Next meeting

The Panel agreed to maintain its next meeting for 12th July at 1pm.