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Approved Panel Minutes - Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel - 2020

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Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Records of Meetings

Year: 2020

The following records of meetings have been approved by the Panel. Signed


Senator Kristina Moore

Date:  14th January 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair

Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair

Deputy Jess Perchard

Connétable Richard Vibert

Items 2 and 5:

Deputy Susie Pinel – Minister for Treasury & Resources

Deputy Lindsay Ash – Assistant Minister for Treasury & Resources Richard Summersgill – Comptroller of Revenue

Item 2 only:

Cora O'Brien – Deputy Comptroller of Revenue

Item 5 only:

Marie Vibert – Change and Engagement Manager, Income Tax Jeannie Gallagher – Online Services Designer

Peter Monteiro – Online Services Designer


Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meeting held on 17th December 2019.


2. Personal Tax Reform Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury & Resources

The Panel received the Minister and Assistant Minister for Treasury & Resources for a public hearing on the Personal Tax Reforms.


3. Population & Migration

The Panel discussed the Ministerial Response submitted by the Chief Minister to its review of Population & Migration. The Panel agreed to send a letter to the Chief Minister  outlining  several  points  of  contention  raised  by   Deputy  Jess  Perchard, including modifications made to the Migration Policy Development Board's scoping document.


4. Government Plan

The Panel discussed the Ministerial Response submitted by the Chief Minister to its review of the Government Plan and agreed that no follow-up was needed.


5. Private Briefing on Online Tax Returns

The Panel received a briefing and demonstration from Officers of Revenue Jersey and Modernisation & Digital on the new online tax return system.


6. States Business

The Panel reviewed all recent Ministerial Decisions and agreed that no follow-up was needed.



7.  Items for Communication

The Panel agreed to send a tweet regarding its public hearing with the Minister for Treasury & Resources, confirming that taxes would not rise during the transition from married to independent taxation.


8.  Future Meetings

It was noted that the Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Tuesday 28th January at 9:30am in the Blampied Room


Date:  28th January 2020



Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert


Senator Kristina Moore , Chair

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer

Item 2 only:

John Shenton, Vice President of Jersey Chamber of Commerce


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meeting held on 14th January 2020.


2.  Personal Tax Reform

The Panel received and agreed to an outline of the planned Comments Paper on Personal Tax Reform, and examined the evidence submitted by stakeholders.

The Panel received John Shenton, Vice President of Jersey Chamber of Commerce, for a private meeting to discuss the Chamber's submission to the review and gain a clearer understanding of their concerns regarding the proposition, particularly around the implications of joint and several liability.

Panel member Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone noted that John Shenton is her brother.


3.  Government Communications Plan

The Panel discussed the Government of Jersey's Communications Plan 2020 and accompanying  letter  from  the  Assistant  Chief  Minister.  The  Panel  expressed disapproval over the length and design of the Plan, observing that it was poorly communicated for a Communications Plan.


4.  Global Credit Outlook

The Panel noted Standard and Poor's update to Jersey's credit outlook and received the accompanying report and Government press release.


5.  Regulatory Integrity

The Panel received an update on its forthcoming briefing on Regulatory Integrity.


6.  Online Tax Filing System

The Panel briefly discussed the demonstration it received on the new online tax filing system and agree to question the Minister for Treasury & Resources on the possibility of including a comments box in the online tax filing system, as is used in the UK's tax system.



The Panel also expressed concern regrading recent media regarding the tax system, highlighting that the online system had embedded the gender imbalance even further.


7.  Reported Errors in 2018 Tax Returns

The Panel discussed the JEP article from 18th January and the response from the Comptroller of Revenue and agreed to question the Minister for Treasury & Resources in her upcoming Quarterly Hearing on the rate of error in processing tax returns.


8.  Social Security Fund

The Panel agreed to postpone discussion on this issue due to the absence of the Chair, who had raised the issue.


9.  States Business

The Panel reviewed all recent Ministerial Decisions and agreed to question the Chief Minister on the diversity of Board Members in Jersey, in light of recent appointments.


10. Future Meetings

It was noted that the Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Tuesday 11th February at 9:30am in the Blampied Room


Date:  11th February 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert



In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer

Item 2 only:

Ruth Johnson , Head of Policy, SPPP

Andy  Scate,  Group  Director  -  Regulation  -  Growth,  Housing  and Environment


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meeting held on 28th January 2020.


2.  Personal Tax Reform

The Panel received officers for a private briefing on Regulatory Integrity.

Officers  described  the  Governments  plans  to  implement  OECD  guidelines  for regulators in Jersey.


3.  Office Strategy

The Panel discussed the response received from the Chief Minister and agreed to accept an offer from officers to provide regular briefings to the Panel on the Office Strategy, with al further questions to be held over until the first briefing at a date to be confirmed.


4.  Target Operating Models (TOM)

The Panel reviewed the People and Corporate Services TOM and noted that no further action was required from CSSP, but that the One Gov Chair would take forward a written question to the Chief Minister.


5.  Government Plan Update

The Panel received an update on the planned timing for the next Government Plan and also requested a briefing to be organised for the Panel on the Performance Framework.


6.  Use of Teams

The Panel agreed to move to Teams for all future Panel documentation.


7.  Items to be carried over to next meeting

The Panel agreed to carry over the COM papers on Significant Operational Risk and the Risk Strategy to its next meeting.  



8.  States Business

The Panel reviewed all recent Ministerial Decisions.


9.  Future Meetings

It was noted that the Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Tuesday 3rd March at 9:30am in the Blampied Room


Date:  3rd March 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert



In attendance

Deputy Lindsay Ash, Assistant Minister for Treasury & Resources (item 3) Richard Summersgill, Comptroller of Revenue and Competent Authority (item 3)

Cora O'Brien, Deputy Comptroller of Revenue and Competent Authority (item 3)

Tom Queree, Income Tax Legislation and Policy Manager (item 3)

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meeting held on 11th February 2020.


2.  Revenue Administration Law

The Panel agreed to begin work on reviewing the forthcoming amendments to the Revenue Administration (Jersey) Law 2019.


3.  Private Briefing on Revenue Administration Law

The Panel received a private briefing from officers on the updates to the Revenue Administration Law. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.

The Panel agreed to write to the Minister for Treasury & Resources to ask for clarification on the information provided about outstanding assessments and exit interviews.


4.  Council of Ministers (CoM)Papers

The Panel reviewed the relevant CoM papers and agreed to ask questions concerning these papers during their upcoming quarterly hearing with the Chief Minister.


5.  Tax System

The Panel agreed to a suggestion from the Chair to maintain a file on Teams of documented issues with income taxes submitted by members of the public.


6.  States Business

The Panel reviewed all recent Ministerial Decisions and agreed to schedule a private briefing with Jersey Water regarding the rejected planning application for the proposed Val de la Mare bypass.



7.  Hearings

The Panel noted that a new date was yet to be confirmed for the next Quarterly Hearing with the Chief Minister.  


8.  Items for Communication

The Panel approved a letter to the Chief Minister regarding the Ministerial Response to its Population & Migration report and agreed to schedule tweets regarding its letter to the Minister for Treasury & Resources and the launch of its Revenue Administration Law review.


9.  Future Meetings

It was noted that the Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Tuesday 17th March at 9:30am in the Blampied Room


Date:  17th March 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Richard Vibert


Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meeting held on 3rd March 2020.


2.  Revenue Administration Law

The Panel considered that the amendments to the Law might not be essential in the current circumstances, and there might consequentially be a need to pause the review and delay the introduction of this legislation.

The Panel agreed to continue collecting evidence on the review and to find out whether there would be a shortfall in revenue due to 2019 returns not being assessed because of the delay to 2018 returns.


3.  COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

The Panel discussed the creation of the Coronavirus Response Review Panel, chaired by Deputy Pamplin, and whether it should examine the work of the Emergencies Council or if that work should remain with this Panel. One suggestion was that other members could be co-opted by Corporate Services to examine the Council's work from different perspectives.

The Panel agreed to keep an eye out for anything new in their remit that might emerge because of COVID-19 and agreed to write a letter asking the Chief Minister for information to inform a new timeframe for their programme of work in 2020.

The Panel further agreed to look at the distribution of funds approved by the Chief Minister and members of the Emergencies Council related to the Government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


4.  Jersey Water

The briefing from the CEO of Jersey Water was cancelled in accordance with a number of guidelines issued due to the spread of COVID-19.


5.  Office Strategy

The  Panel  was  informed  that  the  briefing  on  Office  Strategy  from  Officers  was cancelled in accordance with a number of guidelines issued due to the spread of COVID-19.





6.  States Business

The Panel reviewed all recent Ministerial Decisions and agreed to write a letter to the Minister for Treasury & Resources asking for clarity on the decisions reached for the delegations of some powers, and which reserves were being used for a number of identified budget transfers.


7.  Hearings

The Panel agreed to explore the possibility of using Microsoft Teams as a way of holding their upcoming Quarterly Hearing with the Chief Minister on Monday 30 March and requested Officers to investigate ways of recording and transcribing the hearing and contact the Chief Minister to determine whether he would be willing to try this alternative.


8.  Future Meetings

It was noted that the Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 12:00pm on Monday 30th March in the Blampied Room. Due to COVID-19, it would now take place remotely via Microsoft Teams.


Date:  20th March 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

The Panel discussed its remit for reviewing decisions and legislation enacted by the Government of Jersey in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and agreed to regularly submit questions and recommendations to the Chief Minister regarding ways to improve its response.

The Panel agreed that it should focus on ensuring that the Government provided a pragmatic and timely series of solutions that focused on maintaining economic activity and would communicate this in a letter to be sent to the Chief Minister.

The Panel further agreed that the impact on economic inequality and those in positions of vulnerable employment should be examined.


2.  Draft Public Finances (Amendment of Law)

The  Panel  noted  that  its  briefing  on  the  emergency  amendments  to  the  Public Finances Law would be delayed until Monday 23rd March and agreed to consider lodging  an  amendment  to  the  Amendment  seeking  increased  focus  on  keeping Islanders employed and contributing to the economy.


3.  Future Meetings

The Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place remotely at 12:00pm on Monday 30th March through Microsoft Teams.


Date:  23rd March 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

Item 1 Only:

Connétable Richard Vibert


Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer

Item 2 Only:

Deputy Kirsten Morel , Chair, Economic & International Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Deputy Susie Pinel, Minister for Treasury & Resources

Senator Ian Gorst , Minister for External Relations

Deputy Lindsay Ash, Assistant Minister for Treasury & Resources Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States


Agenda matter


1.  Amendment to the Draft Public Finances (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.28/2020)  

The Panel discussed its plans to amend the Draft Public Finances Regulations and agreed to focus on increasing the financial limitations placed on the Regulations to above £500 million. This would ensure that the Minister would have greater flexibility to tailor her response to the crisis.

The Panel subsequently approved and lodged the text of the amendment and its report.


2.  Private Briefing on the Draft Public Finances (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 202- (P.28/2020)  

The  Panel  received  a  private  briefing  via  Microsoft  Teams  on  the  emergency amendments to the Public Finances Law and the overall strategy of Revenue Jersey for combatting the economic impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), alongside the policies being considered by the Government.

The Panel approved Deputy Morel 's attendance at the briefing.


3.  Future Meetings

The Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 12:00pm on Monday 30th March through Microsoft Teams.


Date:  25th March 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone


Connétable Richard Vibert

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

The Panel discussed its method of work during the COVID-19 crisis and agreed to give  consideration  to  what  checks  and  balances  could  be  proposed  to  prevent Islanders from being put at risk from a lack of regulations.

The Panel agreed to scrutinise legislation to be lodged by Ministers for the States Assembly's sitting on Friday 27th March 2020 and focus on how existing regulations would be affected and the risks deregulation might bring.

Concern was expressed by the Panel at the lack of immediacy from the Government in supplying certain guidance and documents, such as new forms for income support during COVID-19.

The Panel agreed to request weekly briefings from Ministers on emergency legislation and actions where possible.


2.  Communications  

The Panel discussed ways for Scrutiny to communicate both with Government and the general public, and how to keep the latter engaged with its and other Panels' work.

The Panel agreed to write a tweet thanking the Treasury for adopting its amendment to the Draft Public Finances (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 202- and to affirm that Scrutiny was doing its bit to provide the necessary "checks and balances".

The Panel further agreed to release communications via social media if suggestions and amendments lodged by the Panel were adopted by the Council of Ministers.


3.  Administrative Matters

The Panel was introduced to Peter Lamy , the Research & Project Officer assigned to the Panel, and was informed of work he was conducting on tracking the decisions made by Treasury in response to COVID-19.



4.  Future Meetings

The Panel agreed to hold weekly meetings every Wednesday at 10am through Microsoft Teams. The Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place remotely at 12:00pm on Monday 30th March through Microsoft Teams.

The Panel agreed to go ahead with its Quarterly Hearing with the Chief Minister on that date.


Date:  30th March 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Jess Perchard


Connétable Richard Vibert Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Although the Panel was inquorate and decision making therefore restricted, the Panel members present expressed concern that the Chief Minister had delayed the Quarterly Hearing  scheduled  for  that  day,  highlighting  the  missed  opportunity  to  alleviate scrutiny questions around the Covid-19 response.

The members noted that the Quarterly Hearing was rescheduled for Friday 3rd April 2020, and would be focused on COVID-19 and used to question actions taken and queries highlighted by the general public, as well as financial aspects. It was agreed that draft questions would be updated to reflect this. The decision would be ratified by the Panel when quorate.

The Panel members present agreed the Panel should scrutinise delegation of powers by the Minister for Treasury and Resources outlined in R.31/2020. The decision would be ratified by the Panel when quorate.


2.  Communications  

The Panel members present agreed to write a tweet calling for the general public to identify issues and questions that they would like to put forward to the Chief Minister in the upcoming Quarterly Hearing. The decision would be ratified by the Panel when quorate.


3.  Future Meetings

The Panel agreed to hold ad-hoc meetings if needed. The decision would be ratified by the Panel when quorate. The Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place by video conference at 12:00pm on Wednesday 1st April.


Date:  1st April 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone


Connétable Richard Vibert

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer  


Agenda matter


1.  Quarterly Hearing

The Panel discussed the question plan for the upcoming quarterly hearing with the Chief Minister. It was agreed that questions would focus primarily on current issues such as public finances and decision making during the Covid-19 response. The Panel requested Officers to review the plan following a question and answer session the Chief Minister had held via Twitter on Tuesday 31st March.

The Panel agreed that, once approved, the question plan would be provided to the Chief Minister before the hearing, in the spirit of cooperation in times of emergency. The Panel noted that supplementary questions would be used as needed.

The Panel highlighted that weekly meetings were taking place between other scrutiny panels and relevant Ministers; it was agreed that efforts should be made to schedule such meetings with an Assistant Minister if possible.

The Panel was informed of, and discussed, the logistics of running hearings via Microsoft Teams.


2.  Future actions

The Panel considered what proactive action could take place to best aid the Island's long-term response to Covid-19. The Panel requested that feasibility and scoping take place over the coming month in research areas such as forward planning for policies during the economy's recovery stage.


3.  Future Meetings

It was noted the Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place by video conference at 13:30 on Friday 3rd April.


Meeting held by video conference

Date:  3rd April 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert



In attendance

Senator John Le Fondré, Chief Minister

Senator Lyndon Farnham , Deputy Chief Minister

Senator Ian Gorst , Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States

Julian Blazeby, Director General, Community & Constitutional Affairs Charlie Parker, Chief Executive Officer and Head of the Public Service Megan Mathias, Group Director Policy, Community and Constitutional Affairs

Jonathan Sykes, Assistant Private Secretary for Chief Minister

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Quarterly Hearing with the Chief Minister

The Panel received the Chief Minister and officers for a quarterly public hearing. The hearing was recorded and transcribed.


Date:  8th April 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Jess Perchard


Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer  


Agenda matter


1.  Amendment

Although the Panel was inquorate and decision making therefore restricted, the Panel members  present  discussed  potential  amendments  to  the  lodged  regulation P.41/2020. Following further information that had been presented to the Panel, the members  present  suggested  the  amendment  should  be  updated,  changing  the suggested number of Jurats on the Superior Number being maintained at a minimum of 3.

This was later ratified by an additional member, Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone .


2.  Future Meetings

It was noted the Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place by video conference at 13:30 on Wednesday 15th April.


Joint Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel and Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Meeting held by video conference

Date:  8th April 2020



Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier

Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert

Deputy Jess Perchard [Item 1 only]

Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel Deputy Rob Ward , Chair

Deputy Trevor Pointon

Deputy Mike Higgins


Deputy Louise Doublet Deputy Rowland Huelin

In attendance

Matthew Berry, Senior Legal Advisor [Item 1 only] Matthew Jowitt , General [Item 1 only]

Patrick Hamond, Legal Adviser [Item 1 only] David Le Marquand, Policy Principal [Item 1 only]

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Andrew Harris , Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  P.41/2020 briefing

The joint Panel members welcomed representatives of the Law Officers' Department who briefed them on P.41/2020, Draft COVID-19 (Emergency Provisions – Courts) (Jersey) Regulations 202-

The members were briefed on aspects of the regulations, being told these were needed to allow for the continued operations of the courts during the COVID-19 response. The record of this meeting is classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).

The members thanked the representatives for their time, and they withdrew.


2.  Members' discussion

The joint Panel members discussed potential amendments to P.41/2020. It was highlighted that the UK had been adjourning cases if they ran longer than three days,



and it was also noted that in previous debates the States Assembly had rejected changes to trials in relation to serious sexual offences.

The members expressed concern that the regulations were being brought before the Assembly in an unnecessarily short amount of time, with more information being needed to make an informed decision. It was therefore decided to continue to pursue amendments to the regulations, as well as request a delay in debating the regulations in the States Assembly.


3.  Future Meetings

It was noted there was no next scheduled meeting, however it was agreed that the joint manner of the meeting had been useful and more briefings in this manner would be valuable.


Date:  8th April 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert


Deputy Jess Perchard

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on: 16th March 2020

17th March 2020

20th March 2020

23rd March 2020

25th March 2020

30th March 2020

1st April 2020

The Panel approved the records of the private meetings held on: 3rd March 2020

23rd March 2020


2.  COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

The Panel considered the success of the first Quarterly Hearing with the Chief Minister held virtually on 3rd April 2020 and discussed points that had been raised.

The Panel noted that the Jersey Appointments Commission had released its 2019 report.

The Panel was informed that a weekly meeting with the Minister for Treasury and Resources that had been scheduled for later that day was to be delayed. It was decided that the Panel would meet at the allocated time to discuss ongoing matters.

The Panel discussed amendments to the lodged regulation P.41/2020 and agreed to progress with these amendments.


3.  Future Meetings

It was noted the Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place that day, 8th April 2020, by video conference.


Date:  15th April 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair [Absent for part of Item 3] Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair

Deputy Jess Perchard

Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

Connétable Richard Vibert



In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer

Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer

Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer[Items 1 and 2 only]

Item 3 only:

Deputy Susie Pinel, Minister for Treasury and Resources

Deputy Lindsay Ash, Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Senator Ian Gorst , Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources

Alison Rogers, Director, Investment Appraisal and Business Management Kevin Hemmings, Head of Financial Governance

Abbie Moore , Interim Private Secretary


Agenda matter


1.  COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

The Panel was informed that although the debate of regulation P.41/2020 had been delayed until the 21st April 2020 States Assembly sitting, the content of the Proposition would remain as lodged au Greffe on 7th April 2020 by the Chief Minister. The Panel therefore agreed to continue as planned with its amendments, and to finalise the accompanying report. The Panel noted that a joint meeting was to be held with the Education & Home Affairs Panel the morning of the 16th April to discuss any further changes.

The Panel discussed views that had been expressed by the public both supporting and questioning the purpose of the Assembly's Scrutiny function during the COVID- 19 response. It was agreed that a letter would be drafted to communicate the value of actions taken by all Panels so far.

The Panel considered the Jersey Appointments Commission 2019 report and agreed that  the  OneGov  Review  Panel  would  most  appropriately  be  asked  to  lead  on considering presenting comments on its release and conclusions.

The Panel discussed Government communications in relation to the actions being undertaken by Parishes to assist the COVID-19 response, and agreed this had been minimal. It was therefore agreed that this would be raised with the Chief Minister.


2.  Quarterly Hearing

The Panel discussed the upcoming Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources, scheduled for 23rd of April 2020. The Panel was briefed on the draft



question plan, and it was agreed that although there was no need to provide a full question list once finalised, the Minister would be informed of the broader question themes.

The Panel noted that the Government of Jersey 2019 Report and Accounts were being reviewed by the Public Accounts Committee. It was highlighted that the Quarterly Hearing could also be used to raise concerns arising.


3.  Briefing from Minister for Treasury and Resources

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Susie Pinel, and officials, who briefed it on actions taken in response to COVID-19. The record of this meeting is classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).


4.  Future Meetings

It was noted the Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place 16th April 2020, by video conference.


Joint Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel and Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Meeting held by video conference

Date:  16th April 2020



Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier

Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert

Deputy Jess Perchard

Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel Deputy Rob Ward , Chair

Deputy Mike Higgins

Deputy Rowland Huelin

Deputy Trevor Pointon


Deputy Louise Doublet

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Andrew Harris , Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  P.41/2020 amendment

The  Panels  discussed  misgivings  that  P.41/2020,  Draft  COVID-19  (Emergency Provisions – Courts) (Jersey) Regulations 202- had not been updated from it's earlier draft dated 6th April 2020, before being lodged for debate at the next States Assembly sitting, on 21st April 2020, and considered potential amendments. It was noted that the amendments would change the number of Jurats sitting on the Superior Number from 2 as stated in the lodged regulation to 3, as well as remove changes to the right to trial by jury.

The Panels further discussed possible human right ramifications of both denying the right to jury trial, and the potential injustice of unfair extension of time that a defendant was held on remand. It was agreed to update potential amendments to allow a defendant to decide to delay their trial to such a time that a jury could be convened, or attend trial sooner if heard by the Inferior Number.

It was agreed that a draft Comments would be updated to reflect the joint efforts of the two Panels.


Date:  23rd April 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert



In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer

Item 1 only:

Deputy Susie Pinel, Minister for Treasury and Resources

Deputy Lindsay Ash, Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Senator Ian Gorst , Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States

Kevin Hemmings, Head of Financial Governance

Steven Mair, Group Director, Performance Accounting and Reporting Abbie Moore , Interim Private Secretary

Alison Rogers, Director, Investment Appraisal and Business Management Richard Summersgill, Comptroller of Taxes


Agenda matter


1.  Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources

The Panel received the Minister for Treasury and Resources, Assistant Ministers and officers for a quarterly public hearing. The hearing was recorded and transcribed.


2.  Further actions

The Panel agreed that the main points from the Quarterly Hearing would be tweeted, and that questions which had been missed due to time constraints would be forwarded to the Minister for Treasury and Resource.


Date:  29th April 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert



In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on: 3rd April 2020

8th April 2020

15th April 2020 (public and private)

23rd April 2020

The Panel approved the records of the joint meetings held with the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel on:

8th April 2020 (public and private)

16th April 2020


2.  COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

The Panel discussed recent events in the Covid-19 response, including extension of lockdown measures to 11th May 2020.

The Panel considered future reviews into the Government's response to Covid-19 and recovery plans, with a focus on the use of Public Finances and decision-making procedures.

The Panel agreed that the Chair of the Economic and International Affairs Panel would be consulted on the possibility of carrying out a joint review to make best use of resources on a subject that spanned, at times, both Panels' remits. The Panel discussed areas of research that could be concurrently carried out. This included gathering comments on sustainable wellbeing, further details on Treasury spending and public/stakeholder case studies.

The Panel agreed that Members would form written and oral questions to put to Ministers on areas of concern at a meeting of the States, such as on the availability of



the Tax Office help desk and controlling of building site permits, which had been highlighted by members of the public.

The Panel noted that the Government Plan 2021-24 was now to be used as a Recovery Plan. The Recovery Plan would potentially be lodged later than the initial planned date of 8th September 2020, with a potential lodging period of 8 weeks.

The Panel agreed that a meeting with Jersey Water would be scheduled to discuss the impact of Covid-19 on the organisation.


3.  Future Meetings

It was noted that the Minister for Treasury and Resources was unable to attend the weekly meeting scheduled that afternoon. It was agreed that this meeting would be postponed to Thursday 30th April 2020 at 12.30pm by video conference.


Date:  30th April 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert

Scrutiny Liaison Committee Deputy Kirsten Morel

Senator Sarah Ferguson Connétable Mike Jackson Deputy Rob Ward


Deputy Jess Perchard Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

In attendance

Deputy Susie Pinel, Minister for Treasury and Resources

Deputy Lindsay Ash, Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States

Abbie Moore , Interim Private Secretary

Tim Oldham , Assistant Greffier (Committees and Panels) Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer

Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1. Briefing from Minister for Treasury and Resources

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Susie Pinel, and accompanying officials, as well as members of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee.

The Panel received a briefing on the financial updates, proposed strategy and actions of the Treasury & Exchequer in relation to the economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The record of this meeting is classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).


Date:  6th May 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair [Items 1 and 3 only] Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair

Deputy Jess Perchard

Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone [Items 1 and 3 only] Connétable Richard Vibert



In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer [Items 1 and 3 only] Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer

Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer[Items 1 and 3 only]

Item 2 only:

Deputy Susie Pinel, Minister for Treasury and Resources

Deputy Lindsay Ash, Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States

Alison Rogers, Director, Investment Appraisal and Business Management Kevin Hemmings, Head of Financial Governance

Abbie Moore , Interim Private Secretary


Agenda matter


1. COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

The Panel discussed its report on the Government plan 2020-23, and agreed to review the Corporate Performance Framework in relation to this.

The  Panel  discussed  the  scoping  document  for  the  COVID-19  Response  and Recovery Review which was being drafted in partnership with the Economic and International Affairs Panel.

The  Panel  noted  that  business  as  usual  items,  such  as  amendments  to  the Employment of States of Jersey Employees Law, including provisions relating to disciplinary processes for the Principal Accountable Officer, should still be ongoing. The Panel agreed that letters would be sent to the Chief Minister and the Minister for Treasury and Resources to request an update on progress of these matters citing previous correspondence held.

The Panel expressed concern over Government communications around the relaxing of lockdown measures, following comments from members of the public and Honorary Police. It was agreed that the Government Director of Communications would be contacted by officers requesting information for plans to ease confusion.


2. Briefing from Minister for Treasury and Resources

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Susie Pinel, and officials, who briefed it on actions taken in response to COVID-19. The record of



this meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).


3. Future Meetings

It was noted the Panel's next scheduled meeting was a presentation by Jersey Water on the impact of Covid-19 in respect of its operations, due to take place 13th May 2020 by video conference.


Date:  13th May 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Richard Vibert


Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer

Item 2 only:

Deputy Susie Pinel, Minister for Treasury and Resources

Deputy Lindsay Ash, Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States

Alison Rogers, Director, Investment Appraisal and Business Management Abbie Moore , Interim Private Secretary


Agenda matter


1. COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

The  Panel  discussed  the  scoping  document  for  the  COVID-19  Response  and Recovery Review which was being drafted in partnership with the Economic and International Affairs Panel.

The Panel discussed the upcoming Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources, scheduled for Monday 18th May. The Panel agreed that a question plan would be finalised.

The Panel discussed the terms and conditions of the Payroll Co-Funding Schemes, and agreed that documents provided to a business applying to the scheme, including the contracts and legal requirements, would be requested.

The Panel was informed that meetings with representatives from Jersey Water and the Director of Communications were being rescheduled following an extended sitting of the States Assembly. It was agreed that further meetings would be scheduled with representatives  of  JT  Global,  the  States  Employment  Board,  the  Appointments Commissioner, and Andium homes.


2. Briefing from Minister for Treasury and Resources

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Susie Pinel, and officials, who briefed it on actions taken in response to COVID-19. The record of this meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).


3. Future Meetings

It was noted the Panel's next scheduled meeting was a Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources due to take place Monday 18th May 2020 by video conference.


Date:  18th May 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone


Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Richard Vibert

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer   Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer

Item 1 only:

Deputy Susie Pinel, Minister for Treasury and Resources

Senator Ian Gorst , Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States

Simon Hayward, Director, Treasury & Investment Management

Alison Rogers, Director, Investment Appraisal and Business Management Kevin Hemmings, Head of Financial Governance

Richard Summersgill, Comptroller of Taxes

Cora O'Brien, Deputy Comptroller of Revenue

Abbie Moore , Interim Private Secretary


Agenda matter


1.  Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources

The Panel received the Minister for Treasury and Resources, Assistant Ministers and officers for a Quarterly Public Hearing. The hearing was recorded and transcribed.


2.  Further actions

The Panel agreed that the main points from the Quarterly Public Hearing would be tweeted, and that questions which had been missed due to time constraints would be forwarded to the Minister for Treasury and Resources.


Date:  26th May 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Richard Vibert


Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on: 29th April 2020

30th April 2020 (public and private)

6th April 2020 (public and private)


2.  COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

The  Panel  discussed  the  Covid-19  Response  and  Recovery  Review  Scoping Document and agreed that additional stakeholders and key witnesses would need to be consulted during evidence gathering. This included the Children's Commissioner, the Association of Jersey Charities and the Jersey Community Partnership; as well as recently established Government led recovery groups such as the Economic and Fiscal Policy Recovery Oversight Group. The Panel approved the Terms of Reference and agreed that the review could move forward with acceptance from the Economic and International Affairs Panel as this was a joint review.

The Panel discussed its section of the Government Plan Review Panel: Consolidated


Scrutiny Report S.R. 13/2019. It was agreed that a letter would be sent requesting an update  on  the  status  of  actions,  programs  and  Capital  Projects  that  had  been highlighted  as  satisfactory  in  the  report.  The  Panel  further  agreed  that  actions, programs and Capital Projects that had been highlighted as an area of concern, or unsatisfactory, would be reviewed with additional depth questions being formed.

The Panel discussed the Revolving Credit Facility and agreed that a confidential report received from the Minister for Treasury and Resources on the facility would be studied. The Panel agreed that a response thanking the Minister for Treasury and Resources for her letter dated 22nd May 2020 would be sent, this would include confirmation of the Panel's agreement with the Legislative Drafter and Government Officer advice on amendments to the Revenue Administration Law 2019 regarding parameters within which interest rates could be set by Ministerial Order.


The Panel expressed concerns on mixed  messages of Government recruitment having received personal reports of managers being told to freeze any recruitment, whilst still identifying positions being advertised, for example the role of a Head of Communications. The Panel agreed that Members would pose questions at the sitting of the States Assembly on 26th May 2020, requesting information on the recruitment of a Head of Communications, and on the movement to Current Year Basis taxation.


Meeting held by video conference

Date: 4th June 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Richard Vibert


Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer (GE) Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer (KG) Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1. Rescheduled Public Hearing (Quarterly: Witness Chief Minister)

The Panel noted that the public hearing with the Chief Minister planned for the 9th June 2020 had been postponed and was being rescheduled.


2. Upcoming Briefings

The Panel was advised that the briefing with Jersey Water had been reorganised for Tuesday 9th June 2020 at 10.30.

The Panel considered the possibility of a meeting with Jersey Electricity PLC to discuss  stimulus  projects  with  environmental  benefits  (renewable  energy/eco transportation/energy efficiency). The Panel concluded that the concept of the meeting would be raised with Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel to ascertain if this should be a joint meeting.


3. Panel Meeting Frequency

The Panel considered the frequency of its meetings which were currently taking place on a weekly basis. The Panel decided that it would continue to hold weekly meetings and that meetings scheduled to take place within States Assembly weeks would be shortened and meetings organised outside of States Assembly weeks would be lengthened, with a full agenda pack to be provided by Officers.


5.  P.73/2020   Draft  Public  Employees  (Contributory  Retirement  Scheme) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No.2) (Jersey) Regulations 202-

P.74.2020   Draft  Public  Employees  (Pension  Scheme)  (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No.2) (Jersey) Regulations 202-

The Panel noted that P.73/2020 and P.74/2020 had been lodged by the States Employment Board (SEB) on the 3rd June 2020. The Panel was disappointed that no prior notice of the Propositions had been provided to it. The Panel raised survivor benefits in P.74.2020 as a point requiring further consideration. The Panel concluded that it would request a briefing from SEB on the Propositions and communicate to the Treasury department its frustrations that no prior notice had been provided. It was also agreed that the Panel would seek clarification on the date for the debate.



4. P.71/2020 – Proposed Airport Redevelopment: Review

The Panel noted that P.71/2020 had been lodged by Deputy Russell Labey on 3rd June 2020 for debate on the 14th July 2020. The Panel raised various concerns regarding the review and agreed a briefing with Ports of Jersey on the Proposition would be required.


6. P.70/2020 – States of Jersey Development Company: amendments to the Board of Directors and Articles of Association

The Panel noted that P.70/2020 had been lodged by the Minister for Treasury and Resources on 3rd June 2020. The Panel recalled that the Comptroller and Auditor General had undertaken a review of the States of Jersey Development Company and that the report, when published, could highlight recommendations which may be relevant to the Proposition. The Panel requested that a briefing paper was prepared by Officers to consider the Comptroller and Auditor General's report recommendations against the proposed amendments in P.70.2020.


7. P.72/2020 - Variation to lodging period for Government Plan lodged in 2020

The Panel noted that the Council of Ministers had proposed a 9-week lodging period for the Government Plan this year. The Panel was advised that Scrutiny would receive a first draft of the plan prior to lodging and that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was being drafted by the Government. It was noted that the MOU would confirm how Scrutiny would receive information, the frequency of meetings, what and how Scrutiny could share information with stakeholders. The Panel acknowledged that an update on the MOU would be provided to the Panel via the Officer in the coming weeks.


8. R:55/2020: COVID-19 Strategy: June 2020

The Panel was pleased that R:55/2020 had been lodged on 3rd June 2020 and that the report brought further clarification to Government Strategy. The Panel agreed that it would independently review R:55/2020 prior to a detailed Panel discussion and that questions may need to be raised to bring further clarification. The Panel concluded that at this stage it would compare and contrast the Government COVID-19 strategy to the approach being taken by other jurisdictions.


9. COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review Update

The Panel was advised that the draft Scoping Document and Terms of Reference had been provided to the Scrutiny Liaison Committee (SLC) for its consideration. The Panel agreed that an update would be requested from SLC.

The Panel agreed to add the World Economic Forum – Great Reset to their reading list in relation to the Response and Recovery Review.

The  Panel  questioned  the  turnaround  time  for  the  States  Assembly  transcripts (Hansard) and agreed that this needed to be confirmed. The Officer was requested to take the necessary actions and provide clarity to the Panel.


10. Government Plan Update

The Panel reviewed a spreadsheet which provided an update on the RAG Ratings it had assigned the various actions and projects within its review of the previous iteration of the Government Plan. The Panel agreed to formulate questions for its next meeting and that the spreadsheet should be relocated to COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review folder in Teams.



11. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place9th June 2020 with Jersey Water, by video conference.


Date:  9th June 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone


Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Richard Vibert

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer (GE) Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer (KG)   Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Jersey Water Briefing  

The Panel considered the information which it had received following the private briefing held by video conference with Jersey Water officials. The Panel agreed to send a letter to Jersey Water officials requesting follow up financial information.


2.  Minister for Treasury and Resources Weekly Meeting

The Panel was advised that the scheduled weekly meeting with the Minister for Treasury and Resources, due to take place on10thJune 2020, was to be rescheduled due to a Council of Ministers meeting. The Officer was requested to take the necessary action.


3.  Rescheduled Public Hearing (Quarterly: Witness Chief Minister)

The Panel noted that the public hearing with the Chief Minister had been rescheduled to take place on the 29thJune 2020.


4.  Council of Minister Agenda and Papers

The Panel noted that it had received the COM agenda for the 10th June 2020 and looked forward to receiving the papers.


5.  Upcoming Briefings

The Panel was advised that several private briefings were being organised by Officers. The Panel noted that the Efficiencies Panel Board private briefing with the Efficiencies Review Panel was confirmed for 1st June 2020.


6.  R.48/2020 - States Employment Board: Annual Report 2019

The Panel considered the content of the States Employment Board: Annual Report 2019 and concluded that it would seek to broaden the scope of the Panel's forthcoming meeting with the States Employment Board to include specific questions in relation to the report.


7.  P.73/2020 – Draft Public Employees (Contributory Retirement Scheme) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No 2) (Jersey) Regulations 202- P.74/2020 – Draft Public Employees (Pension Scheme) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No 2) (Jersey) Regulations 202-



The Panel noted that a briefing was being organised with States Employment Board to discuss the propositions. The Panel agreed that once the briefing had been confirmed a question plan would be prepared.


8. COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review Update

The Panel was advised that the Scoping Document and Terms of Reference sent to Scrutiny Liaison Committee (SLC) for its consideration had been approved. The Panel noted  that  SLC  had  raised  concerns  regarding  overlap  with  Public  Accounts Committee and Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) review work. The Chair confirmed that the scoping document for the C&AG review had recently been received and would be shared with the Panel following the meeting for its consideration. The Panel  agreed  that  a  copy  of  its  scoping  document  would  be  shared  with  the Comptroller and Auditor General.


9. Panel Meeting Agendas

The Panel agreed to return to consolidated agendas and papers for all of its future meetings.


10. Government Plan 2020 – Review of Projects and RAG Rating Spreadsheet

The Panel considered the spreadsheet but concluded that it would wait until its next weekly meeting to review further as some of its members were absent.


11. Future Meetings

It was noted the Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place 11th June 2020, by video conference, with Minister for Treasury and Resources.


Date:  15th June 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone


Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Richard Vibert

In attendance

Connétable Richard Buchanan, Vice Chair, States Employment Board Mark Grimley, Group Director, People & Corporate Services

Graham Chidlow, Head of Shared Service Centre (item 1 only)

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Briefing on P.73/2020 and P.74/2020

The  Panel  received  the  Vice  Chair  of  the  States  Employment  Board  (SEB), Connétable Richard Buchanan, and officials, for a briefing in relation to:

 P.73/2020  Draft  Public  Employees  (Contributory  Retirement  Scheme)


(Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 202-;

 P.74/2020  Draft  Public  Employees  (Pension  Scheme)  (Miscellaneous

Amendments) (No. 2) (Jersey) Regulations 202-

The Panel was informed that P.73/2020 was being lodged to update Regulations regarding remaining members of the Public Employees Pension Fund (PEPF) under the Final Salary Scheme (FSS) through changes to Public Employees Contributory Retirement Scheme (PECRS) legislation. The Panel heard that current Regulations around lump sum payments made under the Scheme required updating whenever tax legislation  was  changed  to  increase  or  decrease  limits.  The  Panel  heard  that P.73/2020 was being lodged to negate this as the new Regulations would mean that the lump sum could not exceed the amount stated within tax legislation.

The Panel was told that the distinction made in P.73/2020 between the cases of a Crown Officer or the Magistrate, compared to other members of the PECRS, was based purely on the way that they were categorised as employees with their benefits being the same in the Scheme.

The Panel heard that the amendments lodged in P74/2020 had proven necessary to provide further clarification in Regulations regarding members of the PEPF under the Career Average Scheme (CAS).


The Panel was informed that parents had always been eligible to receive benefit on death of a Pension Scheme member, and that P.74/2020 aimed to provide clarity on this point. It was also highlighted that a pension would be distributed based on probate. Similarly, it was stated that members who had transferred into the CAS from the FSS had always been entitled to claim a Terminal Illness Lump Sum, and this would be clarified by the amendments.

The Panel was informed that changes allowing claims to the Pension Fund by non- nominated co-habiting partners were being suggested on legal advice following cases in the United Kingdom. It was highlighted that doing this would not increase costs to the  PEPF  as,  when  introducing  Regulations  allowing  for  nominated  co-habiting partners, costing had been carried out for all potential claims. The Panel heard that the risk of fraudulent claims by marrying, entering a civil partnership or cohabiting partnership in order to claim a pension was very low. However, officers processing the claim would always ask for relevant documentation, evidence and information to further reduce this risk.

The Panel heard that separate pension schemes, such as those of teachers, could potentially be unified, however, this would need to be reviewed due to the varied benefits offered under the different schemes. The Panel was informed that Terms of Reference of a review into the potential unification of pension schemes were being formed.

The Panel thanked Graham Chidlow for his time, who then withdrew.


2. Briefing on R.48/2020

The Panel welcomed the Vice Chair of the States Employment Board, Connétable Richard Buchanan, and officials, for a briefing in relation to:

R.48/2020 States Employment Board: Annual Report 2019.

The record of this meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).


Date:  17th June 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone


Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Richard Vibert

In attendance

Deputy Susie Pinel, Minister for Treasury and Resources

Deputy Lindsay Ash, Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Alison Rogers, Director, Investment Appraisal and Business Management Richard Summersgill, Comptroller of Taxes

Kevin Hemmings, Head of Financial Governance

Abbie Moore , Interim Private Secretary

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Briefing from Minister for Treasury and Resources

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Susie Pinel, and officials, who briefed it on actions taken in response to COVID-19. The record of the meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).


Date:  22nd June 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert



In attendance

Connétable Richard Buchanan, Assistant Chief Minister Dirk Danino-Forsyth, Director of Communications

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Briefing: Communications during Covid-19

The Panel received the Assistant Chief Minister, Connétable Richard Buchanan, and Director of Communications, Dirk Danino-Forsyth, who briefed it on Government communications during COVID-19. This part of the meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.

The Panel agreed that the briefing had been valuable and that it would be beneficial to receive an organogram of the communications department with details of staff numbers to be included. A follow up meeting was requested to be scheduled in August to discuss the updated Communication Plan.

In terms of the Panel's review of the Government Plan 2021-24, the Panel requested that a briefing on the public engagement strategy was organised.


Date:  23rd June 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair

Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair

Deputy Jess Perchard

Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone (apologies item 7) Connétable Richard Vibert (apologies items 6 and 7)

Item 6 only

Deputy David Johnson Deputy Kirsten Morel

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theodore Stone, Assistant Scrutiny Officer

Item 6 only

Deputy Susie Pinel, Minister for Treasury and Resources

Deputy Lindsay Ash, Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Senator Ian Gorst , Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Simon Hayward, Director of Treasury and Investment Management Darren Scott , Assistant Director, Economic Development

Matt Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, Ports of Jersey

Carmel Booth, Partner, Calderstones Consulting

Abbie Moore , Interim Private Secretary

Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee & Panel Officer

Item 7 only

Dame Janet Paraskeva, DBE., Chair, Jersey Appointments Commission Simon Nash, Commissioner, Jersey Appointments Commission


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on 13th, 18th, 25th May and 4th and 9th June 2020.


2. COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review

The Panel agreed that the Economic and International Affairs Panel (EIA) would be invited to attend any relevant meetings or briefings being held in relation to the review. It was also agreed that the Panel would request invitation to any similar EIA meetings or briefings.

The Panel discussed the report "Getting the next stage right for Jersey" by the Psychologists for Social Change organisation (Jersey Branch) and agreed that it would



be added to the Panel's reading list. The Panel requested that a meeting was organised with the organisation. In that regard it was agreed that a list of question areas would be drafted.

The Panel agreed that it would draft letters to a range of targeted stakeholders, and would then commence with a call for evidence from the public to take place further into the review.

The Panel agreed that an engagement brief for an expert economist would be formulated, anticipating that EIA would lead on the appointment process.


3. P.71/2020 Proposed Airport Redevelopment: Review

The Panel noted that it was due to receive a briefing on P.71/2020 on 1st of July with


the Ports of Jersey. The Panel requested that an additional briefing be scheduled with representatives  from  Jersey  Post  to  ascertain  the  impact  of  Covid-19  on  the organisation as well as their general situation.

4. Forthcoming Propositions

The  Panel  discussed  lodged  propositions  P.73/2020   Draft  Public  Employees


(Contributory  Retirement  Scheme)  (Miscellaneous  Amendments)  (No.2)  (Jersey)

Regulations  202- and  P.74/2020   Draft  Public  Employees  (Pension  Scheme)

(Miscellaneous Amendments) (No.2) (Jersey) Regulations 202-. The Panel recalled

that it had received briefings on both propositions on 15th June. The Panel agreed that no amendments were necessary, however, comments papers would be drafted.

5. Government Plan Review

The Panel discussed ongoing evaluation of its Government Plan 2020-23 - review of


projects and RAG ratings to determine further questions and points of interest that

could impact the Government Plan 2021-24. It was agreed that these questions would be used in Public Hearings during the Panel's review of the Covid-19 Response and Recovery.

6. Briefing from the Minister for Treasury and Resources: Project Gulf

The Panel, along with members of the Economic and International Affairs Panel, welcomed the Minister for Treasury and Resources, and accompanying officials, who briefed members on updates to Project Gulf. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 34.

Following the briefing, the Panel discussed the matter and agreed that its draft proposition regarding Project Gulf would not be progressed further. In order that the Panel's concerns could be published, however, it agreed that a Comments paper would be drafted.


7. Briefing from Jersey Appointments Commission

The Panel welcomed representatives of the Jersey Appointments Commission who briefed it on ongoing work programmes and P.70/2020 - States of Jersey Development Company: amendments to the Board of Directors and Articles of Association. This


meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 39.

Date:  29th June 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone


Connétable Richard Vibert

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer

Item 1 only:

Senator John Le Fondré, Chief Minister

Senator Lyndon Farnham , Deputy Chief Minister

Connétable Richard Buchanan, Assistant Chief Minister

Deputy Scott Wickenden, Assistant Chief Minister

Charlie Parker, Chief Executive Officer and Head of the Public Service John Quinn, Chief Operating Officer

Catherine Madden, Chief of Staff

Mark Grimley, Group Director for People and Corporate Services Steven Mair, Group Director, Performance Accounting and Reporting Dirk Danino-Forsyth, Director of Communications

Susan Turnbull, Medical Officer of Health


Agenda matter


1. Quarterly Public Hearing with the Chief Minister

The Panel received the Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister, Assistant Chief Ministers and officers for a Quarterly Public Hearing. The proceedings were streamed live via Microsoft Teams and a recording was made so that a transcript could be produced.


2. Further actions

The Panel agreed that the main points from the Quarterly Hearing would be tweeted, and that questions which had been missed due to time constraints would be forwarded to the Chief Minister.


Date:  3rd July 2020



Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert


Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Jess Perchard

In attendance

Senator John Le Fondré, Chief Minister

Charlie Parker, Chief Executive Officer and Head of the Public Service Steven Mair, Group Director, Performance Accounting and Reporting Phil Ashley, Head of Cost-Benefit Analysis & Investment Appraisal Chris Bond, Project Director

Sebastian Perez, Business Manager

Louise Ferns, Support Officer

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer Theodore Stone, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1. Briefing: Office Strategy

The Panel received the Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré, and officials, who updated it on the progress of the Government Office Strategy. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


Meeting held by video conference

Date: 7th July 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Richard Vibert Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

Item 3 and 4 only

Deputy Kirsten Morel – EIA Chair


Deputy Jess Perchard

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer (GE) Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer (KG) Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on 15th, 17th, 22nd 23rd and 29th June 2020.


2. Planned Briefings

The Panel noted its planned briefings with relevant Ministers, Government officers and economic advisers on Fiscal Policy, Employment of States of Jersey Employees Law 2005 and the Technology Transformation Programme due to take place on 8th, 10th and 21st July respectively.

The Panel agreed that the One Gov Panel would be invited to its planned briefing on the Employment of States of Jersey Employees Law 2005.

The Panel considered information it had received from Government officers in relation to a proposed briefing on the Migration Policy. The Panel agreed that it would be appropriate  to  delay  the  briefing  until  September  whilst  the  project  regained momentum. The Officer was requested to take the necessary action.


3. COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review

The Panel welcomed the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel Chair, Deputy Kirsten Morel , to the meeting. The Panel had agreed at its meeting on 23rd June 2020, that the Economic and International Affairs Panel (EIA) would be invited to attend any relevant meetings or briefings being held in relation to the review.

The Panel noted and agreed its Project Plan for the review.

The Panel considered and agreed the content of the Advisor Engagement Brief (AEB) and concluded that the appointment of the advisor was a priority for its review. The Panel noted that that the EIA would require the advisor later on in the review and it was



agreed that the AEB would be updated to reflect accordingly. The Panel agreed that it would lead on the appointment of the advisor and ensure that the EIA were involved in all  decisions  regarding  the  appointment.  The  Officer  was  requested  to  take  the necessary action.


4. R.63/2020 – Consultants: Reporting on their use by the Government of Jersey (P.59/2019) – Report of the Chief Minister – June 2020

The Panel noted the report and agreed that as the proposition (P.59/2019) had been lodged by Deputy Morel his involvement was fundamental to the Panel discussion. The Panel concluded that a comparison against the previous report (R.149/2019) was required  to  consider  factual  correctness  and  crossover  within  the  current  report (R.63/2020) and against the proposition requirements (P.59/2019) The Panel agreed that it would share the comparison once collated with Deputy Morel . The Officer was requested to take the necessary action.

The Panel thanked Deputy Morel for his contribution and he withdrew from the meeting.


5. Work Programme

The Panel noted and agreed the content of its updated Work Programme from July to December 2020.

Connétable Richard Vibert left the meeting.


6. Government Plan Update

The Panel discussed preparations for the review of the upcoming iteration of the Government  Plan  2021-24.  The  Panel  considered  the  timetable  contained  in P.72/2020 - Variation to Lodging Period for the Government Plan Lodged in 2020 and


agreed that it would organise Public Hearings. The Officer was requested to take the necessary action.

Connétable Richard Vibert re-joined the meeting.

7. Forthcoming Propositions

The Panel considered lodged propositions P.70/2020 - States of Jersey Development Company - amendment to the Board of Directors and Articles of Association, P.73/2020


-  Draft  Public  Employees  (Contributory  Retirement  Scheme)  (Miscellaneous

Amendments) (No 2) (Jersey) Regulations 202-, P.74/2020 - Draft Public Employees

(Pension Scheme) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No.2) (Jersey) Regulations 202- and

P.85/2020 - Draft COVID-19 (Rates) (Jersey) Regulations 202-.

The Panel, in relation to  P.70/2020 - States of Jersey Development Company -

amendment to the Board of Directors and Articles of Association, recalled the meeting

with Dame Janet Paraskeva (Chair) and Simon Nash (Commissioner) of the Jersey Appointments Commission, on 23rd June 2020. The Panel concluded that it would draft a comments paper to conveyed the work completed by the Jersey Appointments Commission  and  also  raise  the  Panel  concerns  and  disappointment  that  the Proposition was a further display of a wider Government managed body making decisions which were not diverse or planned with succession as a priority.

The Panel was advised that comments papers for P.73-2020 - Draft Public Employees

(Contributory  Retirement  Scheme)  (Miscellaneous  Amendments)  (No  2)  (Jersey)

Regulations  202-  and  P.74/2020  -  Draft  Public  Employees  (Pension  Scheme)

(Miscellaneous Amendments) (No.2) (Jersey) Regulations 202- were being finalised


by Officers and would be sent to the Panel for consideration. The Panel confirmed that it would respond accordingly upon receipt.

The Panel noted P.85/2020 - Draft COVID-19 (Rates) (Jersey) Regulations 202- and


following discussion the Panel agreed that no further action was required.

8. Update on Taxation Administration Matters

The Panel noted the letter entitled Update on Tax Administration Matters which it had recently received from the Treasury and Resources Minister which provided an update to the Panel on the proposed abolition of the Prior Year Basis (PYB) for paying personal income tax, the GST De Minimus level for importation of unaccompanied goods for personal use, the revenue administration measures outstanding from last year's draft Finance (Budget 2020) Law and charging interest on tax debts. The Panel agreed that a briefing would be requested with the Minister and relevant Government officers to discuss the content of the letter. The Officer was requested to take the necessary action.


9. COM Papers

The Panel reviewed COM papers which it had received. The Panel concluded that the Proposed Abolition of the Prior Year Basis (PYB) of Paying Personal Income Tax paper


would  be  covered  in  the  requested  briefing  with  the  Minister  for  Treasury  and Resources. The Panel noted the  Government Plan 2021-24 v2  presentation and concluded that the timeline of activities would be exported into a spreadsheet and stored in Teams as an accessible resource for the Panel. The Officer was requested to take the necessary action.

10. Future Meetings

It was noted that the Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Tuesday 21st July 2020 at 9:30am in the Blampied Room and via Microsoft Teams.


Date:  8th July 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Richard Vibert

Economic and International Affairs Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy David Johnson


Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

In attendance

Kate Barker, Fiscal Policy Panel, Chair Francis Breedon, Fiscal Policy Panel Richard Davies, Fiscal Policy Panel

Nick Vaughan, Chief Economic Advisor Greg Boyd, Senior Economist

Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee & Panel Officer Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer

Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1. Meeting: Fiscal Policy Panel

The Panel welcomed members of the Fiscal Policy Panel who met with them as part of their quarterly factfinding meetings. The Panel also welcomed members of the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 34.


Date:  10th July 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Richard Vibert Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

One Gov Review Panel Deputy Kevin Pamplin, Chair Deputy Kirsten Morel Deputy Robert Ward Senator Sarah Ferguson



In attendance

Connétable Richard Buchanan, Vice Chair, States Employment Board Mark Grimley, Group Director, People & Corporate Services

Ruth Johnson , Director Social Policy

Jonathan Sykes, Assistant Private Secretary for Chief Minister

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter





Date:  21st July 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair

Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair

Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone (apologies item 10) Connétable Richard Vibert

Item 2 only

Deputy David Johnson Deputy Kirsten Morel

Item 10 Only

Deputy Kevin Pamplin Deputy Robert Ward Senator Sarah Ferguson


Deputy Jess Perchard

In attendance

Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee & Panel Officer (Item 2 only) Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer (Item 10 only)

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer

Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer

Item 10 only

Deputy Scott Wickenden, Assistant Chief Minister

John Quinn, Chief Operating Officer

Gary Bowles, Group Director Modernisation and Digital Graham Ramsden, Head of Corporate Change Delivery James Caughlin, Head of Information Governance Camilla Black, Integrated Technology Solution


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel received the records of the meetings held on 3rd, 7th, 8th and 10th July 2020. It was agreed that these would be reviewed and approved electronically.


2. Covid-19  Response  and  Recovery  Review:  Discussion  of  Advisor Applications

The Panel welcomed members of the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel to discuss applications received by advisors for the joint COVID-19 Response and Recovery review. It was noted that three applications had been received following seven calls to tender. It was agreed that these would be reviewed and an additional meeting with both Panels would take place on Friday 24th July 2020.


3. COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review

The Panel discussed its COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review. Concern was expressed following anecdotal evidence of poor spending procedures within the One



Gov COVID-19 Taskforce in relation to the test and trace programme. It was agreed that a letter would be sent to the Minister for Treasury and Resources requesting further information on the test and trace business cases, as well as further information around on-island testing regimes, clarification of testing procedures for "day-trippers" to the island and minutes of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Cell (STAC).

The Panel agreed that it would revisit P.55/2009 Economic Stimulus Plan, to provide a comparison of previous responses by Jersey to economic down turns.

The Panel agreed that the good governance institute may be able to provide insight into decision making processes, subsequently the Panel asked Officers to contact the organisation.


4. Planned Briefings

The Panel noted upcoming briefings and agreed the following:

  • The weekly meeting with the Minister for Treasury and Resources on 22nd July 2020 would be cancelled as a number of the Panel members could not attend the meeting due to other commitments;
  • The Panel would be represented at the briefing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources on proposed Abolition of the Prior-Year-Basis (PYB) of Paying Personal Income Tax on 23rd July 2020 by Deputy Ahier and Connétable Vibert . Senator Moore and Connétable Stone confirmed they were unable to attend due to other commitments;
  • The briefing on Food Cost Bonus Regulations would be scheduled. It was agreed that the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel would be informed; and
  • The briefing on Migration Policy would be organised in due course.


5. Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Jersey) Law 2005

The Panel discussed potential changes to the Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Jersey) Law 2005 after receiving a draft briefing note following its meeting with the Vice Chair of the States Employment Board (SEB), Connétable Richard Buchanan, and officials, on 10th July 2020.

The Panel agreed that the suggestions in the briefing note were sensible, however expressed concerns on the timescale of changes. It was agreed that no action was required until draft legislation was received.

The Panel noted that the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) was conducting meetings with the Chief Executive in relation to performance, decision making and in line with a recent C&AG report would also be including the handling of complaints. The Panel requested that the Officer pass onto PAC its support of these meetings and that it would provide relevant documents to PAC to assist the work being completed.


6. Council of Ministers

The Panel discussed papers received following meetings of the Council of Ministers. These  papers  included  items  on  updated  budgets  for  2021,  rebalancing  the Government's Finances, Fiscal Stimulus Proposal and Independent School Funding. The Panel acknowledged that these items may impact its COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review and review of the Government Plan 2021-24 and agreed that these would be considered further where applicable.



7. Ministerial Decisions

The Panel discussed upcoming Ministerial Decisions. Although there were some concerns raised over the lack of consultation, by relevant Ministers, on aspects such as the Fiscal Stimulus voucher system to provide £100 to each island resident, the Panel agreed that it would not challenge the decision.


8. Tax Returns

The Panel agreed that it would send a letter to the Minister for Treasury and Resources requesting updated figures of 2019 tax returns and would seek to clarify how many tax returns had been received and processed, as well as how many times the department had been contacted with enquiries.


9. Communications

The Panel agreed that a tweet would be sent to update the public on its discussions during the meeting.


10. Briefing  from  the  Assistant  Chief  Minister:  Technology  Transformation Programme

The  Panel,  along  with  members  of  the  One  Gov  Review  Panel,  welcomed  the Assistant Chief Minister, Deputy Scott Wickenden, and accompanying officials, who briefed members on the progress of the Technology Transformation Programme. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


11. Future meetings

The Panel agreed that it would meet at 9.30am on Tuesday 4th August. It agreed that it would meet physically in either the Blampied Room or Le Capelain Room as available.


Date:  28th July 2020



Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice-Chair Connétable Richard Vibert Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone


Senator Kristina Moore Deputy Jess Perchard

In attendance

Deputy Kirsten Morel , Chair, Economic and International Affairs Panel Deputy David Johnson , Vice-Chair, Economic and International Affairs Panel

Deputy Kevin Pamplin, member, Economic and International Affairs Panel

Stuart Fair, Charted Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) Jefferey Matsu, Charted Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA)

Dr Michael Oliver, MJO Consulting

Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Katie Griffiths, Committee and Panel Officer

Peter Lamy , Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1. Covid 19 Response and Recovery Review: Meetings with potential advisors

The Panel, along with the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel, met with Stuart Fair and Jeffery Matsu from the Charted Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy who had expressed an interest in providing expert assistance to both Panels on their joint review. The Panels asked a number of questions regarding the extent of the expertise which could be provided and how CIPFA could manage the needs of both Panels.

The Panels thanked Stuart Fair and Jeffery Matsu for their time and they exited the video conference.

The Panel, along with the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel, met with Dr Michael Oliver of MJO Consulting who had expressed an interest in providing expert assistance to both Panels on its joint review. The Panel asked a number of questions regarding the extent of the expertise which could be provided and how the needs of both Panels would be managed.

The  Panels  thanked  Dr  Michael  Oliver  for  his  time  and  he  exited  the  video conference.

A discussion into which potential advisor to appoint followed. Both Panels were in agreement to appoint CIPFA, mainly due to the fact that access to the expertise could



be shared between Stuart Fair and Jeffery Matsu. In addition, CIPFA had confirmed that the Panels were able to access other members of the CIPFA team, if required.

The Panels requested that the necessary arrangements were put in place to formally appoint CIPFA for the review.


Date:  4th August 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone


Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Richard Vibert

In attendance

Gary Eisner, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on 21st, 23rd, 24th and 28th July 2020.


2. Planned briefings

The Panel noted upcoming and proposed briefings on:

  • Food Cost Bonus Regulations at 11.30am on 18th August 2020, with members of the Health and Social Security Panel to be invited
  • Consultant Reporting following a letter sent from the Panel to the Chief Minister dated 13th July 2020, to be confirmed. The Panel agreed that Deputy Morel , who lodged P.59/2019 Consultants: Reporting on their use by the Government


of Jersey, would be invited to attend

Migration Policy, to be confirmed

3. Previous Year Basis taxation

The Panel noted a petition calling for the write off of income tax liability for those moving to Current Year Basis taxation (CYB), following the announcement by the Minster for Treasury and Resources as part of the COVID-19 fiscal stimulus plans to move all taxpayers with Previous Year Basis (PYB) liability to the CYB system.

The Panel agreed that the proposed changes were of sufficient importance to warrant a review and asked officers to prepare a Scoping Document to present to the Scrutiny Liaison Committee.


4. Scrutiny Matters

The Panel noted a letter sent to the Minister for Treasury and Resources by Deputy Morel requesting further information on the loan conditions and funding of Project Gulf.

The Panel noted a letter had been sent to the Minister for Treasury and Resources requesting shareholder minutes and the updated Memorandum of Understanding with States-owned entities.

The Panel noted information received from the Minister for Treasury and Resources on exit interviews, including confidential written responses. It was agreed that the



Panel would question this further during future Public Hearings. The Panel agreed that a letter would be sent to the Chief Minister requesting the number of Non-Disclosure Agreements that had been signed by departing Government employees. Furthermore, the letter would also enquire if an update to the States of Jersey Code of Conduct was planned, and request details if this was the case.

The Panel agreed that a letter would be sent to the Jersey Electricity Company (JEC) to request minutes between JEC and Government Officers, the JEC employee Code of Conduct would also be requested.



5. Bailiff 's Fund

The Panel noted that the Bailiff 's Fund set up during the COVID-19 response had been given for the provision of equipment to frontline staff, to support mental health projects for frontline works and to St John's Ambulance, with the remaining amount being held in reserve. It was agreed that this was a sensible allocation of the funds.


6. COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review

The Panel agreed that with the probable move to Level 1 of the Safe Exit Framework, and the potential for a second wave to coincide with seasonal sickness during the winter, an interim report would be drafted focusing on the decision-making process and communication to the public during the pandemic.

The Panel agreed that a call for evidence would start following updates to draft promotional materials such as a media release and engagement on social media.

The Panel raised concerns that islanders were still not offered PCR tests if they were leaving Jersey to a destination that required a pre-negative result to be supplied. It was agreed that the situation would be monitored.


7. Government Plan Review

The Panel noted that Public Hearings to discuss the Government Plan 2021-24 were being scheduled:

  • With the Chief Minister on 13th October 2020 at 10am
  • With the Minister for Treasury and Resources on 26th October at 3.30pm


8. Further Business

The Panel thanked Gary Eisner, departing Committee and Panel Officer, for his excellent service and wished him good fortune in his future endeavours.

The Panel noted that its next meeting would take place on Tuesday 18th August at 9.30am in the Blampied Room.


Date:  18th August 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair

Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair

Deputy Jess Perchard

Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone (apologies item 8)

Item 8 only

Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Chair, Health and Social Services Scrutiny Panel

Deputy Trevor Pointon, Member, Health and Social Services Scrutiny Panel


Connétable Richard Vibert

In attendance

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer

Item 8 only

Sue Duhamel, Director, Employment & Social Security Matthew Viney, Senior Policy Officer

Sammy McKee , Committee & Panel Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the record of the meeting held on 4th August 2020.


2. Planned briefings

The Panel noted upcoming and proposed briefings on:

  • Consultant Expenditure Reporting following a letter sent from the Panel to the Chief Minister dated 13th July 2020 regarding the expenditure on consultants, scheduled for 11th September 2020;
  • Migration Policy, to be confirmed.


3. COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review

The Panel agreed that a letter received from the Treasury and Resources Minister on the 7th August 2020 regarding the Test and Trace Programme had not fully satisfied the questions raised. The Panel requested that Officers examine the drawn down amounts of funds allocated from the General Reserve in order to identify spending on the different stages of the Test and Trace programme. The Panel agreed that more thorough business cases would be requested if this information was not readily available.

The Panel noted that the Heads of Report for the Interim Report were being finalised and would be shared in due course.



The Panel noted that the minutes of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Cell (STAC) had now been published. It was agreed that questions arising from these would be put to the Chief Minister during the next Quarterly Hearing on the 18th September 2020.


4. Previous Year Basis taxation

The Panel noted that a Scoping Document and Terms of Reference were being finalised and that these would be presented to the Scrutiny Liaison Committee once agreed.

The Panel noted that the petition calling for the write off of income tax liability for those moving  to  Current  Year  Basis  taxation  (CYB),  had  passed  the  5000  signature threshold, making it eligible to be considered for a debate in the States Assembly.


5. Government Plan Review

The Panel noted that a 6-month report into the progress of the Government Plan 2020- 23 was due to be released the week commencing 24th August 2020 and it was agreed that this would be reviewed once received. It was agreed that the Chief Minister would be asked what the guiding principles behind the prioritisation of projects within the plan were at the next quarterly hearing on the 18th September 2020.


6. Correspondence

The Panel noted a response from the Minister for Treasury and Resources to Deputy Morel 's request for further information on the loan conditions and funding of Project Gulf.

The Panel noted a reply had been received from the Minister for Treasury and Resources following a request for shareholder minutes and the updated Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with States-owned entities. The Panel raised concern that the generic template MOU received did not take into account the differences of the various States-owned entities. The Panel agreed that it was within its remit to request the minutes of shareholder meetings. It was agreed that a further letter would be sent to the Minister for Treasury and Resources covering these points and requesting further information. It was agreed that the Economic and International Affairs Panel would be sent copies of correspondence following input to the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel from its members.

The  Panel  discussed  information  received  from  the  Minister  for  Treasury  and Resources on exit interviews, including confidential written responses. The Panel noted that a response had not yet been received from the Chief Minister regarding a request for the number of Non-disclosure agreements signed by departing staff, and if the Codes of Conduct of States Employees were being updated. It was agreed that a  letter  to  the  States  Employment  Board  would  be  sent  questioning  if  any investigations were ongoing in parallel to the HR Lounge examination of bullying and harassment. It was agreed that this letter would request what disciplinary process for senior leadership would take place in the case of bullying and harassment, and what monitoring procedures would be undertaken subsequently. It was also agreed that the opportunity would be taken to request the number of staff absences, as the way of recording these had been changed with figures omitted from the Annual Reports and Accounts for 2019.

The Panel noted a response from the Jersey Electricity Company (JEC) following a request for minutes between JEC and Government Officers, as well as the JEC employee Code of Conduct. The Panel agreed that any notes on these meetings would again be requested as part of the MoU letter.





7. Published reports, Ministerial decisions and Propositions

The Panel discussed the release of R.80/2020 Procedures for allocations from the




Reserve:  Ministerial  statement.  The  Panel  noted  that  monthly  reports  of  fund allocations from the Minster for Treasury and Resources or delegates had not been received.  It  was  agreed  that  more  information  of  funds  drawn  down  would  be requested as necessary, and that further questions on the Revolving Credit Facility, such as charges for the facility, would be asked during the next Public Hearing with the Minister.

The Panel discussed the Public Finances (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations

2020,  noting  that  expiration  of  the  Regulations  would  take  place  on  the  30th September 2020. It was agreed that this topic would be discussed in the next meeting with the Minister for Treasury and Resources and that any propositions to extend the Regulations would be examined.

The Panel noted MD-TR-2020-0100 which extended the Co-funded Payroll Scheme. The Panel agreed that business cases would be requested.


The Panel was reminded that the Food Costs Bonus was an annual household benefit to compensate certain household groups for the cost of GST on food items.

The Panel was informed that individuals could make an application for the benefit via the Government website, telephone, or if needed by face to face appointment at Customer and Local Services (due to COVID-19 walk appointments were at the time cancelled).

The Panel heard that those who had made claims previously would automatically be contacted to inform them of the opportunity. Similar contact would be made to those who were eligible, those being identified through Social Security claims or through a data sharing agreement held with Revenue Jersey. Further communications would also be used through various media channels to inform anyone not identified directly.

The Panel was advised that the benefit was paid as an annual sum as it was linked to an individual's Tax assessment, however a claim could be made at any point for the previous year.

The Panel was informed that P.95/2020 would extend the benefit, which expired in June 2020, to 2022; this had been identified in the Government Plan 2020-23.

The Panel heard that following an accepted amendment made by the Corporate Services  Scrutiny  Panel  (Government  Plan  2020–2023  (P.71/2019):  Eighteenth


Amendment), the benefit would take into account overall RPI compared to changes of food costs, this increased the value of the benefit. This meant that a name change from  "Food  Costs  Bonus"  to  "Community  Cost  Bonus"  was  being  proposed  by P.95/2020 as well as an increase in the value of the bonus to £258.25. The Panel was informed that a fixed amount was used based on the RPI of the previous three years, as oppose to raising the value of the benefit to each year's RPI, due to the demand on resources that would be required.


The Panel thanked the Social Security Officers and members of the Health and Social Security Panel who withdrew.

The Panel agreed that P.95/2020 was beneficial and that a speech would be prepared for the debate, particularly emphasising the rise in the bonus due to the Panels previous amendment.


9. Further Business

The Panel noted that its next meeting would take place on Tuesday 1st September at 9.30am in the Blampied Room.


Meeting held by video conference

Date:  1st September 2020



Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone


Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Richard Vibert

In attendance

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on the 7th, 9th and 10th July and 18th August 2020.


2.  Planned briefings

The Panel noted upcoming and proposed briefings:

  • On  Migration  Policy,  provisionally  scheduled  for  10th  September  2020 dependent on the conclusion time of the States Assembly sitting being held that week;
  • From the Jersey branch of the Psychologists for Social Change regarding their paper "Getting the next stage right for Jersey", scheduled for 11th September 2020. It was agreed that public minutes would be produced for the meeting.


3.  COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review

The Panel noted the COVID-19 briefing from the Minster for Treasury and Resources, scheduled for 4th September 2020, and agreed a brief question plan.

The Panel agreed that the Heads of Report for the Interim Report were suitable.

The  Panel  noted  briefing  papers  on  Financial  Allocations  during  the  COVID-19 response and a breakdown of Test and Trace Programme fund allocation. It was agreed that the Minister for Treasury and Resources would be requested to provide further details of expenditure of projects to date and forecasted expenditure of COVID- 19 related projects to end of year 2020. Specific detailed breakdown of programmes of interest such as GP costs and reimbursing parents for cancelled school trips would be requested where necessary.


4.  Previous Year Basis taxation

The Panel noted and agreed the Scoping Document and Terms of Reference with two alterations to the wording in the Terms of Reference.


5.  Government Plan Review



The Panel noted and discussed R.89/2020 - Government Plan 2020-23 – 6-month progress review. Concern was raised on the decision-making process on which programs had been halted, deferred or delayed, it was agreed that the Chief Minister would be questioned on the subject in the next Quarterly Hearing with the Panel.

The Panel also raised concern that the Minister for Treasury and Resources had stated that Jersey was moving into a budget deficit situation in her foreword, this would be mentioned in the Panel's next meeting with the Minister. It was also agreed that the Minister would be questioned as to why the Domestic Compliance (Spend to Raise') had been delayed as the Panel believed that the recruitment for the programme had been completed.


6.  Correspondence

The Panel noted that it was awaiting a reply from the Minister for Treasury and Resources to a letter sent 24th August 2020, raising concern that the generic template MOU received did not take into account the differences of the various States-owned entities and outlining that it was within the Panel's remit to request the minutes of shareholder meetings. A response was expected by 7th September 2020.

The Panel noted that it was awaiting a response from the Chief Minister to a letter sent on 24th August 2020, requesting the number of staff absences, as the way of recording these had been changed with figures omitted from the Annual Reports and Accounts for 2019. This letter also requested information around disciplinary procedures. A response was expected by 7th September 2020.

The Panel agreed that a question would be submitted to the Chief Minister regarding the tender process for the Office Strategy.


7.  Published reports, Ministerial decisions and Propositions

The Panel discussed P.95/2020 Draft Community Costs Bonus (Jersey) Regulations


202- and agreed that a draft Comments paper would be sent for publishing.

The  Panel  discussed  P.103/2020   Draft  COVID-19  (Amendments   extension,

suspension  and  repeal)  (Jersey)  Regulations  202-,  noting  concerns  raised  by

members that the Covid-19 (Emergency Provisions – Courts) (Jersey) Regulations

The Panel discussed R.88/2020 - Finance Law Delegation Report for the Six-month

Period to 30th June 2020. The Panel noted a loan from the Housing Development Fund to Andium and requested that Officers ascertain the full amount that had been loaned to the States-owned entity, and outstanding debts remaining.

8.  Further Business

The Panel noted that its next meeting would take place on Tuesday 15th September at 9.30am in the Blampied Room.


Meeting held by video conference

Date:  4th September 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone


Connétable Richard Vibert

In attendance

Deputy Susie Pinel, Minister for Treasury and Resources

Deputy Lindsay Ash, Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Richard Summersgill, Comptroller of Taxes

Steven Mair, Group Director, Performance Accounting and Reporting Simon Hayward, Director of Treasury and Investment Management Peter Styles, Head of Group Reporting

Kevin Hemmings, Head of Financial Governance

Abbie Moore , Interim Private Secretary

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer

Caro Tomlinson, Committee & Panel Officer

Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer

Stuart Fair, Charted Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, advisor to the Panel


Agenda matter


1.  Briefing from Minister for Treasury and Resources

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Susie Pinel, and officials, who briefed it on actions taken in response to COVID-19. The record of this meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).


Date:  14th September 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Richard Vibert


Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

In attendance

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer

Item 1 only:

Deputy Susie Pinel, Minister for Treasury and Resources

Deputy Lindsay Ash, Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States

Cora Obrien, Deputy Comptroller of Revenue

Steven Robinson, Head of Shareholder Relations


Agenda matter


1.  Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources

The Panel received the Minister for Treasury and Resources, Assistant Minister and officers for a Quarterly Public Hearing. The proceedings were streamed live and a recording was made so that a transcript could be produced.


2.  Further actions

The Panel agreed that the main points from the Quarterly Hearing would be tweeted.


Date:  15th September 2020



Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert


Senator Kristina Moore , Chair

In attendance

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer

Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer

Stuart Fair, Charted Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, advisor to the Panel (Part of item 2 only)


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on the 1st September 2020.


2.  COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review

The Panel noted the COVID-19 briefing from the Minster for Treasury and Resources, scheduled  for  16th  September  2020,  had  been  cancelled  and  expressed  its disappointment at the briefing being rescinded at short notice. The Panel agreed that it would reaffirm the briefing scheduled for the 23rd September with the Minister for Treasury and Resources and would draft a question plan to focus on: Revolving Credit Facility (RCF), the Social Security Fund, Financial Policy, budget deficits and Capital Expenditure. It was agreed that Stuart Fair, who was advising the Panel during the Review, would be invited to attend.

The Panel noted an Initial Comments document developed by the Charted Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA). It was noted that the initial findings drawn by CIPFA were in keeping with the thoughts of the Panel. It was agreed that further information and briefings on Government spending and strategy would be organised where necessary to aid both the Panel and its advisor; this included an updated figure of the Social Security Fund investment valuation. The Panel welcomed Stuart Fair who shared his thoughts on points raised in the Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources, held on Monday 14th September 2020, as well as themes relevant to the Review. The Panel thanked Stuart Fair, who withdrew.

It was agreed that the full cost to date and potential charges for the RCF, as well as the calculations behind these figures, would be requested from the Minister for Treasury and Resources.


3.  Previous Year Basis taxation

The Panel noted and agreed an advisor engagement brief and asked that potential advisors be invited to meet with the Panel at the earliest convenience so that the most suitable could be appointed.



The  Panel  discussed  email  correspondence  from  the  Minister  for  Treasury  and Resources relating to the review. It was agreed that the matter would be raised in the next meeting with the Minister.


4.  Government Plan Review

The Panel noted and discussed Council of Minister Papers from September 4th 2020, relating to the Government plan 2021-24. The Panel expressed concern on areas such estimated income figures and adjustments to duties. It was agreed that these would be reviewed as more information became available.


5.  Correspondence

The Panel noted that a response to its letter sent to the Minister for Treasury and Resources, requesting further financial information related to COVID-19 actions, was expected by 21st September 2020. It was noted that the correspondence had received media attention.

The Panel noted a reply from the Minister for Treasury and Resources to a letter sent 24th  August  2020,  raising  concern  that  the  generic  template  Memorandum  of Understanding (MOU) received did not take into account the differences of the various States-owned entities. It was noted that the letter also outlined that it was within the Panel's remit to request the minutes of shareholder meetings.

The Panel noted a response from the Chief Minister to a letter sent on 24th August 2020, requesting the number of staff absences, as the way of recording these had been changed with figures omitted from the Annual Reports and Accounts for 2019. This letter also requested information around disciplinary procedures.


6.  Quarterly Hearing with the Chief Minister

The Panel discussed the Quarterly Hearing with the Chief Minister, which was being rescheduled,  following  an  administrative  error.  The  Panel  expressed  its disappointment and it was agreed that the public hearing would be held as early as possible.


7.  Further Business

The Panel noted that its next meeting would take place on Tuesday 29th September at 9.30am in the Blampied Room.


Date:  29th September 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Richard Vibert


Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

In attendance

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on the 3rd and 8th July and 14th and 15th September 2020.


2.  Planned briefings

The Panel noted the following upcoming briefings:

  • Office Strategy, which had been scheduled for the 15th October 2020 at 4pm;
  • Team Jersey, which had been scheduled for 9th October 2020 at 3.30pm;
  • The Jersey Development Company, which had been scheduled for the 5th October 2020 at 12pm; and,
  • Minister for Treasury and Resources on Prior Year Basis Taxation Reform, which had been scheduled for Thursday 1st October 2020 at 12pm.


3.  COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review

The Panel noted and discussed the letter received in confidence from the Minister for Treasury and Resources on 21st September 2020, in response to the Panels letter dated 7th September 2020 requesting COVID-19 Financial Information.

The Panel noted that the weekly COVID-19 briefing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources, due to be held Wednesday 30th September, had been cancelled. It was agreed that the meeting scheduled for Thursday 1st October 2020 at 12pm would be used to highlight any COVID-19 related points of interest.


4.  Prior Year Basis taxation

The Panel noted that  P.118/2020 Draft Income Tax (Amendment No. 46) (Jersey)


Law 202- had been lodged by the Minister for Treasury and Resources on the 22nd September 2020, to be debated by the States Assembly on 3rd November 2020. The Panel expressed concern that re-payment terms of potential tax liability were not being lodged within the proposition.

The Panel noted that a letter had been sent to the minister for Treasury and Resources requesting relevant information to the Prior Year Basis Tax reform and a response was expected by 9th October 2020.


The Panel discussed potential advisors for its review, following a meeting with Rebeca Benneyworth held on Monday 28th September 2020. It was agreed that she held the relevant experience to aid in the review and that an engagement contract should be finalised. It was agreed that legal advice would also be sought if required.

The Panel noted and discussed a meeting with Mr Ben Shenton which had been requested following his petition "Write off income tax liability for prior year if moved to



The Panel noted that focus groups were being carried out by the Government to inform repayment approaches of potential tax liability. It was agreed that following public concern of the screening of political lobbyists from taking part, the research company undertaking these focus groups would be invited to meet with the Panel to discuss sampling methodology.

The Panel noted that a Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources to discuss the Prior Year Basis Tax Reform had been preliminarily scheduled for Friday 16th October 2020 at 1pm. It was agreed that a question plan would be formed.

5.  Government Plan Review

The Panel noted and discussed the draft Government Plan 2021-24 received at 9.16pm on Monday 28th September. The Panel agreed that it would review the documents, and that a meeting with the Panel's advisor to discuss preliminary findings would  be  scheduled  on  Monday  5th  October  2020.  It  was  agreed  that  similar stakeholders would be contacted and that focus groups would be organised, following the  assistance  of  such  activities being  undertaken  in  the  Panel's  review  of  the Government Plan 2020-23.

The Panel agreed that it would revisit recommendations it had made to the previous Government Plan and highlight areas where these had or had not been followed.

The Panel agreed that it would develop a question plan for its Public Hearing with the Chief Minister which had been scheduled for Tuesday 13th October 2020.



6.  P115/2020 Draft Statistics and Census (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 202-

The Panel noted that P115/2020 Draft Statistics and Census (Amendment of

Law) (Jersey) Regulations 202- had been lodged on the 22nd September 2020, to be debated by the States Assembly on 3rd November 2020. It was agreed that a comments paper would be produced and that the Chief Statistician, as well as other relevant stakeholders, would be contacted to aid comments. It was agreed that focus would be given to questions in the Census with comparison to those asked in 2011.


7.  Potential Fiscal Stimulus Fund proposition

The Panel noted a potential proposition concerning the Fiscal Stimulus Fund and agreed that a comments paper would be produced. It was also agreed that the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel would be contacted to discuss the topic.


8.  Quarterly Hearing with the Chief Minister

The  Panel  discussed  the  Quarterly  Hearing  with  the  Chief  Minister,  which  was scheduled for Thursday 1st October 2020 at 10am. It was agreed that this should take place in person and that four witnesses should be invited to attend, as this had



historically been the case pre-COVID-19 and would conform to COVID-19 Health and safety restrictions. It was agreed that the Panel would meet half an hour prior to the hearing to discuss the question plan.


9.  Work Programme

The Panel discussed the 2020/21 work programme. It was agreed that there was anticipation that the Panel would undertake a Human Resources review, to examine exit  interview  processes,  disciplinary,  bullying  and  harassment  strategy,  policy, implementation and administration.


10. Further Business

The Panel noted that the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel had sent a  letter  to  the  Minister  for  Economic  Development,  Tourism,  Sport  and  Culture concerning Memoranda of Understanding of States-owned entities and Arm's

Length Organisations. It was agreed that no further action was required.


11. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting would take place on Thursday 1st October at 9.30am in the Blampied Room, States Building.


Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meetings

Date:  1st October 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Richard Vibert


Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

In attendance

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer

Item 1 only

Senator John Le Fondré, Chief Minister

Charlie Parker, Chief Executive Officer and Head of the Public Service Graham Charsley, Associate Director, People Services

Jo Spybey, Head of Business Support, Team Jersey Lead

Item 2 only Ben Shenton

Item 3 only

Deputy Susie Pinel, Minister for Treasury and Resources

Deputy Lindsay Ash, Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Richard Summersgill, Comptroller of Taxes

Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States

Alison Rogers, Director, Investment Appraisal and Business Management


Agenda matter


1. Quarterly Hearing with the Chief Minister

The Panel welcomed the Chief Minister and officers for a quarterly public hearing. The hearing was recorded and transcribed.


2. Public Hearing, Prior Year Basis Tax Reform Review

The Panel welcomed Mr Ben Shenton for a public hearing to discuss the Prior Year Basis Tax Reform Review. The hearing was recorded and transcribed.


3. Briefing from Minister for Treasury and Resources

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Treasury and Resources and officials, who briefed it on the Prior Year Basis Tax Reform proposals. The record of this meeting is classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).


Record of Meeting

Date:  5th October 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair

Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair

Deputy Jess Perchard (Apologies item 2) Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert (Apologies item 2)



In attendance

Katie Griffiths, Committee and Panels Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer

Item 1 only

Lee Henry, Managing Director, States of Jersey Development Company

Item 2 only

Stuart Fair, Charted Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, advisor to the Panel


Agenda matter


1.  Briefing from States of Jersey Development Company

The  Panel  welcomed  representatives  from  the  States  of  Jersey  Development Company (SoJDC). This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


2.  Briefing from Stuart Fair, Panel Advisor

The Panel welcomed Stuart Fair who was advising it on matters relating to its review of COVID-19 Response and Recovery, as well as the Government Plan 2021-24. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


Record of Meeting

Date:  8th October 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert


Deputy Jess Perchard

In attendance

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Government Plan 2021 to 2024 Review

The Panel discussed the draft Government Plan 2021-24. It was noted that a Public Hearing with the Chief Minister was scheduled to take place on Tuesday 13th October 2020 at 10am. The Panel raised a number of concerns that would be put to the Chief Minister  including  Tax  Policy,  Capital  Expenditure,  Migration  Policy,  Financial Forecasts, Social Security Fund, use of the Revolving Credit Facility, Efficiencies, allocation  of  funds  and  prioritisation  of  the  Common  Strategic  Policies,  Office Modernisation, Technology Transformation.

The Panel agreed that the allocations of funds to the 2022 election and 2021 census would not require in depth review.


2.  Future meetings

The Panel noted that it would receive a briefing from representatives of Team Jersey on Friday 9th October at 3.30pm.


Record of Meeting



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert


Deputy Jess Perchard

In attendance

Senator John Le Fondré, Chief Minister

Charlie Parker, Chief Executive Officer and Head of the Public Services John Quinn, Chief Operating Officer

Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer   Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Government Plan review: Public Hearing with the Chief Minister

The Panel received the Chief Minister and officials for a Public Hearing to discuss the Government Plan 2021 to 2024. The hearing was recorded and transcribed.


Record of Meeting



Senator K.L. Moore (Chair)

Deputy S.M. Ahier of St. Helier (Vice Chair) Deputy J.H. Perchard of St. Saviour Connétable R. Vibert of St. Peter


Connétable K. Shenton-Stone of St. Martin

In attendance

Ms. K. Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel agreed to review the records of meetings held on 29th September 2020, 1st October 2020, 5th October 2020, 8th October 2020 and 9th October 2020 and approve at its next meeting.


2.  Planned briefings

The Panel noted the following briefings:

  • One Gov - Office Strategy briefing with Chief Minister and Chief Executive scheduled for the 15th October 2020 at 4pm;
  • Migration Policy briefing with Assistant Chief Minister scheduled for the 19th October 2020 at 11.30am.


3.  COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review

The Panel agreed that the weekly COVID-19 briefing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources would change to a briefing every other week. The Panel agreed that these briefings should continue on a Wednesday afternoon, if possible.

The Panel noted the upcoming briefing with the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) on the 15th October 2020 to discuss its interim report and the C&AG COVID- 19 report.


4.  Prior Year Basis Tax Reform Review

The Panel noted written submissions received for its review and agreed that the submissions which had provided permission to be placed into the public domain would be added to the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel – prior year basis tax reform review section of the States Assembly Website.

The Panel discussed and agreed the question plan for its Public Hearing with Minister for Treasury and Resources on the 16th October 2020.


5.  Government Plan Review

The Panel noted the briefing paper which had been prepared by the Panel Advisor on the Government Plan 2021-24. It was agreed that a meeting with the Advisor would



be organised in order that the Panel could discuss the content of the briefing paper further.

The Panel reviewed and agreed the scoping document and Terms of Reference for the review. It was agreed that an researcher engagement brief for the focus groups would be prepared. It was agreed that the focus groups would be completed by the middle of November 2020.

The Panel agreed that it would revisit recommendations it had made to the previous Government Plan and highlight areas where these had/had not been followed.

The Panel noted the draft question plan which had been prepared for the Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources on 26th October 2020. The Panel agreed that it would review the questions and revert back if it had any further questions.

The Panel noted the results of the survey undertaken by the Government on its2021- 24 Government Plan and agreed to review the results and revert back at the next Panel meeting with any relevant observations.


6.  P.128/2020 – Establishment and Funding of the Fiscal Stimulus Fund

Following its recent briefing from the Minister for Treasury and Resources on the proposition, the Panel agreed that it would prepare comments for the States Assembly debate on the 17th November 2020. The comments would address the concerns of the Panel in relation to decision making, cost and accountability policies for the proposed fund.


7.  Work Programme

The Panel discussed the 2020/21 work programme.

It was agreed that the Panel would draft a scoping document and terms of reference for  a  potential  review  of  certain  HR  strategies,  policies  and  procedures  within Government. The review would cover bullying and harassment, exit interview and disciplinary practices.


8.  Further Business

The Panel noted that its next meeting would take place on Tuesday 27th October at 9.30am in the Blampied Room.


Record of Meeting

Date:  15th October 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone


Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Richard Vibert

In attendance

Senator John Le Fondré, Chief Minister

Charlie Parker, Chief Executive Officer and Head of the Public Service Chris Bond, Project Director

Louise Ferns, Project Support Officer

Deputy Robert Ward , One Gov Review Panel member Deputy Kirsten Morel , One Gov Review Panel member

Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Briefing from Chief Minister: Office Accommodation

The  Panel  met  the  Chief  Minister  and  officials  for  a  briefing  on  the  Office Accommodation Strategy. The Panel was joined by members of the One Gov Review Panel. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


Record of Meeting

Date:  16th October 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert



In attendance

Deputy Susie Pinel, Minister for Treasury and Resources

Deputy Lindsay Ash, Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Senator Ian Gorst , Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources

Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States

Simon Hayward, Director, Treasury & Investment Management

Alison Rogers, Director, Investment Appraisal and Business Management Cora O'Brien, Deputy Comptroller of Revenue

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer   Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Prior Year Basis tax reform review: Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources

The Panel received the Minister for Treasury and Resources, Assistant Ministers and officers for a Public Hearing to discuss the Prior Year Basis tax reforms. The hearing was recorded and transcribed.


Record of Meeting

Date:  19th October 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert



In attendance

Deputy Rowland Huelin, Assistant Chief Minister

Neil Stocks, Policy Principal – Immigration & Migration Policy Sue Duhamel, Director, Employment & Social Security

Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Briefing from the Assistant Chief Minister: Migration Control Policy

The Panel welcomed the Assistant Chief Minister and officers, who provided a briefing on the Migration Control Policy. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the  Freedom  of  Information  (Jersey)  Law  2011  (as  amended)  under  Qualified Exemption Article 35.


Record of Meeting

Date:  27th October 2020



Senator K.L. Moore (Chair)

Deputy S.M. Ahier of St. Helier (Vice Chair) Connétable R. Vibert of St. Peter Connétable K. Shenton-Stone of St. Martin


Deputy J.H. Perchard of St. Saviour

In attendance

Ms. K. Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel agreed the records of the meetings held on the 29th September and 1st October 2020.


2.  COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review

The Panel noted and discussed its draft report. It was agreed to distribute the main body of the report to the relevant departments for fact checking once the prior year basis tax reform review report had been published. The Panel also discussed the key findings contained within the report, noting several resulting recommendations.

It was anticipated that the final report would be presented by the middle of November 2020, although this would be subject to the receipt of comments from the factual checking process.


3.  Prior Year Basis Tax Reform Review

The Panel noted and discussed the report which had been prepared by the Panel Advisor, the replies which had been received from the Minister for Treasury and Resources to questions raised by the Panel and the additional written submissions which it had received for its review. The Panel reflected on these documents and agreed that the Heads of Report prepared for its review covered the aspects raised in the advisor report, the communication received from the Minister for Treasury and Resources and the written submissions. The Panel agreed to proceed with drafting the report for the review.


4.  Government Plan Review

The Panel agreed the question plan which had been prepared for the Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources on Tuesday 10th November 2020. The Panel concluded that it would review the questions and revert back if it wished to add any further questions.


5.  P115/2020   Draft  Statistics  and  Census  (Amendment  of  Law)  (Jersey) Regulations 202-

The Panel noted the briefing with the Chief Statistician on the 26th October 2020 and agreed that no further action was required.


6.  P.137/2020 – Migration Control Policy



The Panel noted the proposition lodged by the Chief Minister on the 20th October 2020. The Panel agreed that all stored documents held by it in relation to migration and population would be transferred over to a relevant team file in anticipation of the migration debate.


7. Work Programme

The Panel discussed the 2020/21 work programme. It was agreed that there were a number of pieces of legislation on the horizon which needed to be considered for scrutiny review in 2021.


8. Further Business

The Panel noted that its next meeting would take place on Tuesday 10th November 2020 at 9.30am in the Blampied Room.


Record of Meeting

Meeting held by in person/video conference

Date:  29th October 2020



Senator K.L. Moore (Chair)

Deputy S.M. Ahier of St. Helier (Vice Chair) Connétable R. Vibert of St. Peter Connétable K. Shenton-Stone of St. Martin


Deputy J.H. Perchard of St. Saviour

In attendance

Ms. K. Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Prior Year Basis Tax Reform Review

The Panel agreed the records of the meetings held on the 29th September and 1st October 2020.


2.  COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review

The Panel agreed the content of its draft interim report and that its report would be released following the completion of its prior year basis tax reform review.


3.  Prior Year Basis taxation

The Panel noted the report which had been prepared by the Panel Advisor, the replies which had been received from the Minister for Treasury and Resources to questions raised by the Panel and the additional written submissions which it had received for its review. The Panel reflected on these documents and subsequently agreed the Heads of Report for its review.


4.  Government Plan Review

The Panel agreed the question plan which had been prepared for the public hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources on Tuesday 10th November 2020. The Panel agreed that they would each review the questions and revert back if they had any further questions.


5.  P115/2020   Draft  Statistics  and  Census  (Amendment  of  Law)  (Jersey) Regulations 202-

The Panel noted the briefing with the Chief Statistician on the 26th October 2020 and agreed that no further action was required.


6.  P.137/2020 – Migration Control Policy

The Panel noted the proposition lodged by the Chief Minister on the 20th October 2020. The Panel agreed that all stored documents held by it in relation to migration and



population would be transferred over to a relevant team file in anticipation of the migration debate.


7.  Work Programme

The Panel discussed the 2020/21 work programme. It was agreed that there was a number of pieces of legislation on the horizon which needed to be considered for scrutiny review.


8.  Further Business

The Panel noted that its next meeting would take place on Tuesday 10th November 2020 at 9.30am in the Blampied Room.


Record of Meeting

Date:  12th November 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Richard Vibert Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone



In attendance

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on the 5th, 8th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 19th and 27th October 2020.


2.  COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review

The Panel noted and discussed the Winter Strategy released by the Chief Minister on 2nd November 2020.

The Panel agreed that the draft Interim COVID-19 Response and Recovery Review Report would be updated to reflect the updated Winter Strategy, with it then being forwarded to the Chief Minister for fact checking and publishing once a final version had been agreed by the Panel.


3.  Government Plan Review

The Panel noted the upcoming public hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources scheduled for Friday 13th November 2020. It was agreed that the question plan would be reviewed prior to the hearing.

The Panel agreed the Heads of Report for the Government Plan 2021-24 Review.

The Panel noted an upcoming briefing with Stuart Fair, its advisor, on his report on the Government Plan 2021-24, scheduled for Monday 16th November 2020. It was agreed that the Government Plan Review Panel would be invited to attend.

The Panel agreed that any anticipated amendments to the Government Plan would be forwarded to Officers to progress. The Panel also agreed that a meeting would be scheduled for Monday 16th November 2020 to discuss these amendments.

The Panel agreed that it would review the actions, programmes and capital projects list to allocate Red Amber Green status within its report.

The Panel noted and discussed submissions received as part of its review. It was agreed that further submissions from Estate Agents and Mortgage Brokers would be useful to gain further views on Stamp Duty and requested that Officers contact a selection of these.




The Panel noted the researcher engagement brief and appointment of 4insight to conduct focus groups on the Panel's behalf.

The Panel noted that P.147/2020 – Draft Finance (2021 budget) (Jersey) Law 202-


and addendum had been lodged by the Minister for Treasury and Resources.

4.  S.R.7/2020 Prior Year Basis Tax Reform Review

The Panel noted a draft response to its Report S.R.7/2020 received from the Minister for Treasury and Resources. It was agreed that the Panel would continue to challenge actions being taken to negate the negative impacts of the Prior Year Basis reform.


5.  P.128/202 Establishment and funding of the Fiscal Stimulus Fund

The Panel noted that an amendment to P.128/2020 had been lodged by Deputy K. Morel .

The Panel noted and discussed a draft Comments Paper. The Panel agreed that following updates the document would be reviewed electronically before approval.


6.  Meeting Schedule 2021

The Panel discussed its preferred meeting schedule for 2021 following the adoption of a trial 3-week cycle of States Assembly sittings. The Panel agreed that it would meet both weeks in-between sittings, with a meeting on the Tuesday prior to a sitting to act as its formal meeting. It was agreed that the Panel would discuss subsequent months States business within these meetings. The Panel requested Officers clarify lodging periods in the new cycle.


7.  Ministerial Decisions

The Panel noted  MD-TR-2020-0073 Andium Homes Ltd: 2020 AGM voting


instructions. It was agreed that this would be an areas for questioning in the next Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources.

8.  Further Business

The Panel noted P.146/2020 Secondary Employment of Public Sector Employees:


Review of Policies lodged by Deputy J Maçon on 30th October 2020, for debate by the States Assembly on 1st December 2020. It was agreed that no action was required by the Panel.

9.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted that is next meeting was scheduled to take place on Wednesday 25th November 2020 at 12.00 in the Blampied Room.


Record of Meeting

Date:  13th November 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Richard Vibert


Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

In attendance

Deputy Susie Pinel, Minister for Treasury and Resources

Deputy Lindsay Ash, Assistant Minister for Treasury & Resources Senator Ian Gorst , Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States

Richard Summersgill, Comptroller of Revenue

Alison Rogers, Director, Investment Appraisal and Business Management

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer   Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Government Plan review: Public Hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources

The Panel received the Minister for Treasury and Resources and officials for a Public Hearing to discuss the Government Plan 2021 to 2024. The hearing was recorded and transcribed.


Record of Meeting

Meeting held by video conference

Date:  16th November 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Deputy Jess Perchard Connétable Richard Vibert

Deputy Mary Le Hegarat , Member, Government Plan Review Panel Deputy Kirsten Morel , Member, Government Plan Review Panel Deputy Rob Ward , Member, Government Plan Review Panel Connétable Mike Jackson , Member, Government Plan Review Panel


Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

In attendance

Stuart Fair, Charted Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy, advisor to the Panel

Katie Griffiths, Committee and Panels Officer Caro Tomlinson, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Briefing from Stuart Fair, Panel Advisor

The Panel welcomed Stuart Fair who was advising its Review of the Government Plan 2021-24. Members of the Government Plan Review Panel also joined. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


Record of Meeting

Date:  25th November 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Richard Vibert Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone


Deputy Jess Perchard

In attendance

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer

Item 3 only

Connétable Richard Buchanan, Assistant Chief Minister Dirk Danino-Forsyth, Director of Communications Cathy Keir, Head of Media and Stakeholder Relations Vicky Barclay, Head of Marketing

Belinda Cheswick, Internal Communications Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on the 12th, 13th, and 16th November 2020.


2.  Government Plan Review

The Panel discussed the Government Plan 2021-24 and potential amendments to Stamp  Duty,  Child  Tax  Allowance,  Child-care  Tax  Relief,  as  well  as  Heads  of Expenditure. It agreed that these would be drafted, and that agreement would be given electronically.

The Panel noted that its report was being quality assured and agreed that it would meet at 10am on Monday 30th November 2020 to discuss any revisions.


3.  Briefing on the Communications Directorate

The Panel received the Assistant Chief Minister, Connétable Richard Buchanan, and officials who briefed it on the work of the Communications Directorate and growth bid, the  winter  communications  strategy  and  OI3-18  Re-organisation  Communication detailed  in  the  Government  Plan  2021-24.  This  meeting  was  held  in  private  in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35 and Article 39.


4.  Public Hearings

The Panel noted that a quarterly public hearing with the Chief Minister had been scheduled for 10am on Tuesday 8th December 2020 to be held via Microsoft Teams.

The Panel noted that a quarterly public hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources that had been scheduled for 1.30pm on Monday 14th December 2020 had been cancelled due to the States Assembly sitting that day. The Panel was advised that this was being rearranged.



5.  Ministerial Decision

The Panel agreed that no new Ministerial Decisions required review.


6.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled to take place on Wednesday 9th December 2020 at 9.30am in the Blampied Room/via teams.


Record of Meeting

Date:  30th November 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Richard Vibert Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

In attendance

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Panel Membership

The Panel noted the departure of a member of the Panel, Deputy Jess Perchard, who had accepted a role as Assistant Minister for the Environment. The Panel noted her valued contribution to its work.


2.  Government Plan Review

The Panel discussed its Government Plan Review Report and agreed that it would be forwarded for fact checking.


3.  Public Hearings

The Panel discussed potential question areas for its quarterly public hearing with the Chief Minister, scheduled for 10am on Tuesday 8th December 2020. It was agreed that questions concerning the timetable for the departure of the Chief Executive, the office strategy, disciplinary procedures, staff surveys and actions relating to COVID- 19 would be included.


Record of Meeting

Meeting held by video conference

Date:  4th December 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Richard Vibert


Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone

In attendance

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Government Plan Review

The Panel approved its final report on the Government Plan 2021 - 2024 and agreed that it would be published on 7th December.


Record of Meeting

Meeting held by video conference

Date:  8th December 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Connétable Richard Vibert

In attendance

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer

Item 1 only

Senator John Le Fondré, Chief Minister

Charlie Parker, Chief Executive Officer and Head of the Public Service Richard Bell, Treasurer of the States

John Quinn, Chief Operating Officer

Mark Grimley, Group Director, People & Corporate Services

Julian Blazeby, Director General, Community & Constitutional Affairs Dirk Danino-Forsyth, Director of Communications

Neil Stocks, Policy Principal, Immigration & Migration Policy

Sebastian Perez, Business Manager


Agenda matter


1. Quarterly Hearing with the Chief Minister

The Panel received the Chief Minister and officers for a quarterly public hearing. The hearing was recorded and transcribed.

The Panel thanked Chief Minister and officers who withdrew.


2. Further actions

The Panel agreed that additional questions which had not been included within the public hearing, due to time constraints, would be sent to the Chief Minister by letter.

It was agreed that the transcript of the hearing would be forwarded to Island Global Research to gain their views on the assertions made on their research methodology.


Record of Meeting

Date:  9th December 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair

Deputy Steve Ahier , Vice Chair

Connétable Richard Vibert

Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone [Items 4, 5 and 6 only]



In attendance

Katie Griffiths, Committee & Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Research & Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on the 25th and 30th November 2020.


2.  Government Plan Review

The Panel agreed its three drafted amendments to the Government Plan which related to childcare tax relief, childcare tax allowance relief and stamp duty.

The Panel agreed that its amendment speeches to the Government Plan relating to childcare tax relief and childcare tax allowance would be completed by Senator Moore .

The Panel agreed that its amendment speech to the Government Plan relating to stamp duty would be completed by Deputy Ahier .


3.  People and Corporate Services Review

The Panel noted and agreed the scoping document and terms of reference for its review.  The  Panel  agreed  to  remove  reference  to  focus  groups  in  the  scoping document  and  that  1-2-1  confidential  interviews  would  be  completed  by  an independent  specialist.  The  Panel  agreed  the  scoping  document  and  terms  of reference subject to the identified change to focus groups and 1-2-1 confidential interviews.

The Panel agreed that a spreadsheet of possible advisors would be prepared for review at the next meeting.

The Panel agreed to launch its review in the first week of January 2021. The Panel agreed that a press release would be drafted and reviewed electronically before approval.


4.  Public Hearing



The Panel discussed its public hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources scheduled for the 8th January 2021. The Panel agreed to review its question plan for the public hearing at its next meeting on the 5th January 2021.


5.  Further Business

The Panel noted the establishment of the Migration and Population Control Review Panel to initially review the proposition P.137/2020 – Migration Control Policy lodged by the Chief Minister. Deputy Ahier agreed to join the Migration Control Review Panel.


6.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled to take place on Tuesday 5th January 2021 at 9.30am via Teams.