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Approved Panel Minutes - Future Hospital Review Panel - 2020

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Future Hospital Review Panel

Records of Meetings

Year: 2020

The following records of meetings have been approved by the Review Panel. Signed

Senator Kristina Moore


Future Hospital Review Panel

Date: 23rd January 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Mike Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Rob Ward


Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Senator Sarah Ferguson



In attendance

Sammy McKee , Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the minutes of the meetings held on 18th October (public and private) and 3rd December 2019.


2. Actions

The Panel noted that various documents had been provided by the Our Hospital' Political Oversight Group (POG) following its last meeting and consideration was given to whether any further action was needed.

The Panel agreed to draft a letter to the Chair of POG, Senator Farnham , asking for further clarity with regard to the selection process for members of the Citizen's Panel and to follow up on the request from the Panel to observe its meetings. It further agreed to draft a number of questions to the Minister for the Environment with respect to a recent written question asked by the Connétable of St Brelade in the States Assembly regarding planning guidance for the new hospital and the public interest test.


3. Government's Update Report to the States Assembly

The Officer advised the Panel that it had not yet received confirmation of when the next update on the Our Hospital' Project would be presented to the States Assembly by the Chair of POG. The Officer was requested to follow up on this matter.


4. Public Hearing with Chair of POG

The Panel noted that it was due to receive Senator Farnham for a Public Hearing at 2pm on Thursday 6th February.

The Panel considered areas of questioning for its Public Hearing. The Officer was requested to draft a question plan and circulate it to the Panel. The Officer was also requested to liaise with the Panel to identify a date and time for a hearing preparation meeting.


5. Jersey Care Model

The Panel agreed that it would be beneficial to have a member of the Health and Social Security Panel (HSSP) present at every meeting in order to give an update on the progress of the Review of the Jersey Care Model. It was further agreed, therefore, that



in the case where Deputy Le Hegarat was unable to attend a Review Panel meeting, the Vice-Chair of HSSP would be invited to attend in her place.


6. Next meeting

The Panel is yet to decide its next meeting date.


Date: 2nd March 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Mike Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Rob Ward


Senator Sarah Ferguson



In attendance

Senator L. Farnham , Deputy Chief Minister and Chair of the Our Hospital' Political Oversight Group

Deputy H. Raymond, Assistant Chief Minister

Caroline Langdon, Director General, Health and Community Services Richard Bannister, Interim Project Director for Our Hospital' Project

Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Scrutiny Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Public Hearing

The Review Panel received the Deputy Chief Minister, Senator Farnham , Assistant Chief Minister, Deputy Raymond, Caroline Langdon, Director General of Health and Community Services and Richard Bannister, Interim Project Director of the Our Hospital' Project for a Public Hearing. A transcript was made of the proceedings and would be available to view on the States Assembly website.


Meeting held by video conference

Date: 17th April 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connetable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

Senator Sarah Ferguson

Deputy Kirsten Morel




Deputy Robert Ward

In attendance

Deputy Hugh Raymond, Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services Senator Lyndon Farnham , Deputy Chief Minister

Charlie Parker, Chief Executive Officer

Caroline Landon, Director General for Health and Community Services Richard Bannister, Interim Project Director

Ruth Johnson , Director Social Policy, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance

Tracy Mourant, Private Secretary to the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture

Sarah Bisson, Jersey Practice Model Lead Officer, Education

Caro Tomlinson, Committee and Panel Officer

Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Briefing – Future Hospital Design and Delivery Partner and the impact of Covid-19

This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.

The Panel received a private briefing and slide presentation from the Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services (the Assistant Minister') and officers regarding the impact of Covid-19 on the procurement process for a Design and Delivery Partner for the Future Hospital. Following the briefing, the Panel agreed it should submit written follow-up questions to the Deputy Chief Minister, in particular seeking clarification on when the information it had received in today's briefing would be made public.


Meeting held by video conference

Date: 18th May 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair (absent for Item 1) Connetable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair

Deputy Robert Ward (absent for Item 2)

Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Senator Sarah Ferguson





In attendance

Caro Tomlinson, Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer

Item 2 only:

Deputy John Young, Minister for the Environment

Deputy Gregory Guida, Assistant Minister for the Environment

Andrew Scate, Director General of Growth, Housing and Environment Kevin  Pilley,  Head  of  Place  and  Spatial  Planning,  Planning  and Environment

Ben Markwell-Sales, Private Secretary to the Minister for the Environment


Agenda matter


1.  Minutes

The private and public minutes of the meeting of 7th May 2020 were approved.


2.  Briefing – Future Hospital Planning and the impact of Covid-19

The Review Panel welcomed the Minister for the Environment and members of his team to discuss the potential impact of Covid-19 on Future Hospital planning.

The Review Panel noted that a Supplementary Planning Guidance document had been published earlier in May 2020, specifically relating to the Our Hospital project, including  key  planning  considerations,  matters  of  process  and  decision-making procedures. The Review Panel noted that the Chair of the Our Hospital Political Oversight Group (OH POG) had requested advice on the planning process to be applied, and issues that should be covered when the project team put together its development proposals and planning application. The Minister for the Environment explained that, mindful that the previous planning applications for the future hospital had been rejected, he had wanted to produce a public document so the planning process could be as transparent as possible. He advised that, following the last unsuccessful  planning  application,  the  Planning  Inspector  had  concluded  that community  considerations'  should  be  resolved  before  the  next  application  was submitted. These included the health needs of the Island residents, the buy-in' of clinicians to the future Hospital plans, and general agreement as to what facilities and services would be included in the building.



The Minister for the Environment told the Panel that he agreed that the proposed development of a new hospital would likely have a significant effect on the interests of much of the community and that he would therefore require that a public inquiry into any proposal for a new hospital was held. This would involve the appointment of an independent Planning Inspector who would consider the issues associated with any planning application, including representations made in respect of it, at a public hearing, and who would then submit a report to the Minister to enable him to determine the application. When asked how long the public enquiry might take, he advised that if he were to be given advance notice of the submission of the planning application, this might speed up the process, for example giving him the ability to appoint a Planning  Inspector.  However,  he  advised  that,  based  on  previous  planning applications, and the impact of Covid-19 slowing the process further, the submission and decision-making process could take up to nine months.

The Minister for the Environment further advised that he did not know when a decision would be made on the site selection for the new Hospital but that the Supplementary Guidance  directed  how  it  could  be  deemed  an  exception  to  the  Island  Plan,  if necessary. The Minister confirmed that there was a cap of approximately £230,000 on the cost of large planning applications.

The Review Panel asked how potential conflicts of interest could be resolved within the  current  organisational  structure  of  the  Growth  Housing  and  Environment department, whereby the Director General who would oversee, and have ultimate responsibility for, the planning application of the Hospital on behalf of the applicant, was  also  Group  Director  of  Regulation,  responsible  for  overseeing  regulatory requirements of such planning applications. The Director General advised he would not be involved in any detailed discussions specific to the Hospital build. The Review Panel agreed he would withdraw from the meeting if such specific discussions took place in this forum. It then went on to commence discussion of potential parking and drop-off provisions for the future hospital and the Director General was asked to leave the meeting.

The  Review  Panel  agreed  it  would  ask  more  detailed  questions  on  planning specifications of the hospital build at a later date and thanked the Minister and his team for its briefing, who then left the meeting.

The Review Panel agreed to request the Minister for the Environment to provide detailed  costs  of  the  Planning  Inspector  and  public  enquiries  into  previous unsuccessful planning applications for the future hospital. It further agreed to request the Minister for Infrastructure to provide a breakdown of the cost of the previous planning applications for the future hospital and the subsequent appeals process, including lawyers' fees. It determined that the Scrutiny Liaison Committee should ask the Chief Executive Officer how conflicts of interest could be resolved within the current organisational structure of the Growth Housing and Environment department, as referenced above.


3.  PWC Report on Jersey Care Model

The Review Panel noted an email from the Attorney General, dated 14th May 2020, responding to the Chair's question posed in the States Assembly on 12th May 2020. The Review Panel recalled that the Chair had been seeking to establish whether the Review Panel had a right to view a copy of a draft report by PWC concerning the costs of  the  Jersey  Care  Model  which  had  been  commissioned  by  the  Health  and Community Services Department. The Panel had also asked to view any instructions given to PWC following receipt of the first draft and any subsequent draft. The Attorney



General had replied, in essence, that unless the draft report contained personal data, it should be provided on a confidential basis. The Review Panel agreed that the Chair of the Health and Social Security Panel should repeat her request for the Report.


Meeting held by video conference

Date: 11th June 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

Senator Sarah Ferguson

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Robert Ward





In attendance

Senator Lyndon Farnham , Deputy Chief Minister and Chair of the Our Hospital Political Oversight Group

Deputy Hugh Raymond, Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services Charlie Parker, Chief Executive Officer

Caroline Landon, Director General for Health and Community Services Richard Bannister, Interim Project Director

Tracy  Mourant,  Private  Secretary  to  the  Minister  for  Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture

Sebastian Perez, Business Manager, Office of the Chief Executive

Sammy McKee Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Briefing Tendering process and appointment of Hospital Design and Delivery Partner for Our Hospital' Project

The Panel received a private briefing and slide presentation from the Deputy Chief Minister and officers regarding the tendering process for the appointment of a Design and Delivery Partner for the Future Hospital. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35 and a private record was taken.


Meeting held by video conference

Date: 12th June 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connetable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Robert Ward

Deputy Mary Le Hegarat


Deputy Kirsten Morel Senator Sarah Ferguson



In attendance

Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Meeting – Future Hospital Delivery Partner Press Release

The Panel met to discuss a press release for the Our Hospital Design and Delivery Partner,  FCC  Consultants  Limited,  following  the  public  announcement  by  the Government of Jersey.

The Panel agreed to first write to the Comptroller and Auditor General to gather her views regarding FCC's ongoing judicial proceedings in Spain that concerned alleged money laundering and corruption in Panama. The Panel expressed concern about the reputational risk to Jersey's finance industry from associations with FCC. It was noted that the Political Oversight Group (POG') recognised there were possible perception issues about the allegations against FCC and their appointment by the Government of Jersey.

The Panel also expressed concern about a lack of diversity on the POG and noted that the success of the Our Hospital project had significant implications for the quality of healthcare delivered in Jersey.



Date: 10th July 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connetable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Senator Sarah Ferguson

Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Robert Ward





In attendance

Senator Lyndon Farnham , Deputy Chief Minister

Deputy  Hugh  Raymond,  Assistant Minister  for  Health  and  Social Services

Andy Scate, Group Director, Growth, Housing and Environment Richard Glover, Head of Planning for Major Projects, Growth, Housing and Environment

Richard Bannister, Interim Project Director, Growth, Housing and Environment

Ashok Handa, Clinical Director for Our Hospital Project, Health and Community Services

Caroline Landon, Director, Health and Community Services

Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer

Agenda Matter


1.  Briefing – Functional Brief, Options Appraisal and Site Shortlisting

The Panel received the Deputy Chief Minister (the Minister') and Officers for a private briefing on the shortlist of sites for the Future Hospital (the Hospital'). The briefing included an update on the development of the Functional Brief' and the Options Appraisal for the site shortlisting process. The record of this meeting was classified as exempt  in  accordance  with  the  Freedom  of  Information  (Jersey)  Law  2011  (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26.


Date: 6th August 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connetable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat




Deputy Kirsten Morel Deputy Robert Ward Senator Sarah Ferguson

In attendance

Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Ben Walker , Research and Project Officer

Agenda Matter


1.  Review of the Preferred Hospital Site

Consideration was given to a briefing paper, which had been circulated prior to the meeting, that contained a suggested approach to the Panel's review of the preferred hospital site. The Review Panel noted that its current Terms of Reference were out of date and needed to be revised to address specific matters relating to the hospital site selection process. It was further noted that a new Scoping document would need to be drafted which contained a budget for the engagement of an Adviser.

The  Officer  circulated  draft  Terms  of  Reference  to  the  Panel,  which  had  been formulated based on the suggested approach to the review. The Panel identified a number of amendments to the Terms of Reference which the Officer was requested to enact. The Officer was asked to circulate the Terms of Reference for Panel approval once amended.

The Panel considered the option of engaging two expert advisers for its review of the preferred hospital site; one to review the decision-making process and one to provide project management expertise. The Panel reviewed the list of potential advisors that had been circulated prior to the meeting and requested the Officer to make initial contacted to ascertain the level of interest in assisting the Panel with its review.



Date: 29th September 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Robert Ward


Senator Sarah Ferguson



In attendance

Richard Bannister, Interim Project Director, Growth, Housing and Environment

Ashok Handa, Clinical Director for Our Hospital Project, Health and Community Services

Steve Featherstone, Architectural, Lewelyn Davies

Robert Etchwell, Architectural team, Lewelyn Davis

Peter Thomas, Healthcare Building Associate, Arup

Amy Carroll, Economist, Arup

Mark Furlonger, Lead Town Planner

Alasdair Fernie, Construction Director, ROC/FCC

John Setra, Managing Director, K2 Consulting

Richard Darch, Chief Executive, Archus

Conor Ellis, Head of Health Strategy and Planning, Archus

Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Committee and Panel Officer

Agenda Matter


1.  Future Hospital Review Panel Briefing – Technical Briefing 2 re: Final Site

The Panel received a briefing from members of the Our Hospital team together with the Design and Delivery Partner Team regarding the Hospital Final Site. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


Date: 30th September 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Robert Ward


Senator Sarah Ferguson



In attendance

Citizens Panel Members (anonymous)

John Setra, Managing Director, K2 Consulting

Richard Darch, Chief Executive, Archus

Conor Ellis, Head of Health Strategy and Planning, Archus

Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Committee and Panel Officer

Agenda Matter


1.  Meeting with members of the Future Hospital Citizens Panel

The Panel met with members of the Citizens Panel to discuss their role in the Future Hospital project. It was agreed establishment of the Citizen's Panel would allow the members anonymity throughout the process, therefore no members have been named on this record. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


Date: 1st October 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Robert Ward


Senator Sarah Ferguson



In attendance

Senator Lyndon Farnham , Deputy Chief Minister

Deputy  Hugh  Raymond,  Assistant Minister for  Health  and  Social Services

Richard Bannister, Interim Project Director, Growth, Housing and Environment

Charlie Parker, Chief Executive, Government of Jersey

Ashok Handa, Clinical Director for Our Hospital Project, Health and Community Services

Caroline Landon, Director General, Health and Community Services John Setra, Managing Director, K2 Consulting

Richard Darch, Chief Executive, Archus

Conor Ellis, Head of Health Strategy and Planning, Archus

Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Committee and Panel Officer

Agenda Matter


1.  Future Hospital Review Panel Briefing on Final Site

The Panel received a briefing from Deputy Chief Minister, Senator L Farnham , and the Our Hospital Team regarding the Hospital Final Site. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


Date: 12th October 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Robert Ward


Senator Sarah Ferguson



In attendance

John Setra, Managing Director, K2 Consulting

Richard Darch, Chief Executive, Archus

Conor Ellis, Head of Health Strategy and Planning, Archus

Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Committee and Panel Officer

Agenda Matter


1.  Future Hospital Review Panel – Meeting with Advisors

The Panel met with its advisors via Microsoft Teams to discuss the Question Plan prior to the Public Hearing with the Deputy Chief Minister, which was due to take place on 13th October 2020.

The Panel explained the structure of a Public Hearing and discussed each of the sections within the question plan. It was agreed the advisors would focus on questions regarding technical detail. However, it was also agreed that if they wished to ask any other questions during the Hearing that they would use the chat function within Teams and the Chair would invite them to raise their query.


Date: 13th October 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connetable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Robert Ward


Senator Sarah Ferguson



In attendance

Senator Lyndon Farnham , Deputy Chief Minister

Deputy Richard Renouf , The Minister for Health and Social Services Deputy Hugh Raymond of Trinity , Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services

Charlie Parker, Chief Executive

Caroline Landon, Director General, Health and Community Services Ashok Handa, Clinical Director, Our Hospital

Richard Bannister, Development Director, Our Hospital

Joanne Larkin, Head of Finance Business Partnering, Our Hospital John Setra, Managing Director, K2 Consultancy

Richard Darch, Chief Executive, Archus

Conor Ellis, Head of Health Strategy, Archus

Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Committee and Panel Officer

Agenda Matter


1.  Public Hearing – Future Hospital Review Panel

The Panel welcomed the Deputy Chief Minister to a public hearing on the Future Hospital Preferred Site Option. The hearing was recorded and transcribed.


Date: 19th October 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

Deputy Robert Ward


Senator Sarah Ferguson Deputy Kirsten Morel



In attendance

John Setra, Managing Director, K2 Consultancy Richard Darch, Chief Executive, Archus

Conor Ellis, Head of Health Strategy, Archus

Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Committee and Panel Officer

Agenda Matter


1.  Panel meeting with Advisors

The Panel met with its advisors via Microsoft Teams to discuss the layout of the their report. The Panel was informed that the advisors were currently drafting heads of report which would help inform the structure of the final report. They also explained the key areas they would focus on and asked if the Panel had any additional areas of concern the advisors should consider. The Panel stated its concerns surrounding the overall cost and asked if the advisors could give particular scrutiny to this area.

The Panel was content with the proposed layout of the advisor's report and it was agreed a draft would be circulated at the end of October with a final version at the beginning of November.


Date: 2nd November 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

Deputy Robert Ward

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Inna Gardiner





In attendance

John Setra, Managing Director, K2 Consultancy Richard Darch, Chief Executive, Archus

Conor Ellis, Head of Health Strategy, Archus

Sammy McKee , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Committee and Panel Officer

Agenda Matter


1.  Panel meeting with Advisors

The Panel met with its advisors via Microsoft Teams to discuss the first draft of their report.

The advisors explained the structure of the report and the content and it was agreed these were in line with the Panel's Terms of Reference. The Panel asked if reference could be made to the rescindment of the site in Gloucester Street and if the report could be expanded slightly to incorporate this. The advisors agreed they could insert an additional paragraph to reflect this.

The Panel thanked the advisors for their draft report and looked forward to receiving the final version.


Date: 6th November 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

Deputy Robert Ward

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Inna Gardiner





In attendance

Janice Hales , Committee and Panel Officer

Agenda Matter


1.  Panel meeting to approve Report

The Panel met via Microsoft Teams to discuss its final report.

The Panel reviewed its findings and recommendations and the main body of the report and identified a number of minor amendments which the Officer was requested to enact. The Panel approved its report pending these amendments.


Date: 16th November 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

Deputy Robert Ward

Deputy Kirsten Morel

Deputy Inna Gardiner





In attendance

John Setra, Managing Director, K2 Consultancy Richard Darch, Chief Executive, Archus

Conor Ellis, Head of Health Strategy, Archus

Janice Hales , Committee and Panel Officer

Agenda Matter


1.  Panel meeting with advisors to discuss Panel amendment

The  Panel  met  with  its  advisors  via  Microsoft  Teams  to  discuss  its  proposed amendment to P.123/2020 Our Hospital Site Selection - Overdale.

The Panel was reassured that, should its amendment be accepted, it would likely give some assurance to the States Assembly that the Council of Ministers would have to provide some level of detail around costings prior to the Strategic Outline Case (SOC) being presented. The advisors explained the technical detail of the amendment and advised the Panel on the key areas. The Panel asked if the advisors believed the optimism bias figure of 18% was feasible and was informed that without the level of detail and in the absence of the SOC, it was difficult to tell.

The Panel informed its advisors that the Council of Ministers were proposing an amendment to the Panel's amendment however, it was not aware of the detail as it had  not yet  been  lodged.  The  advisors  informed  the  Panel they  would  provide comments on the amendment to the amendment, should the Panel wish.

The Panel thanked the advisors for their time.


Date: 30th November 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Kirsten Morel


Connétable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Robert Ward

Deputy Inna Gardiner



In attendance

John Setra, Managing Director, K2 Consultancy Richard Darch, Chief Executive, Archus

Janice Hales , Committee and Panel Officer

Agenda Matter


1.  Panel meeting with advisors to discuss possible next steps for the review

The Panel met with its advisors via Microsoft Teams to discuss the next stage of the Future Hospital review.

The Panel asked if it would be possible for the advisors to undertake an additional, separate piece of work which would show the cost of building a hospital on each of the 9 deselected sites, as referenced within their report. The Panel explained it was seeking cost comparisons with Overdale and Peoples Park versus the 9 deselected sites.

The advisors explained this would involve a relatively large piece of detailed work to ensure the costs they provided were credible. They went on to explain if the work was not undertaken comprehensively it would be likely open to criticism. The advisors queried what the Panel would be looking to achieve considering the site had now been chosen and approved by the assembly.

The Panel explained there was still a lot of public discontent with the chosen site and it wanted to rule out the possibility of an alternative site at a reduced price.

The Panel was advised another option that could be pursued would be to work with the Government of Jersey to ensure the project stayed on course and within budget. This would involve the undertaking of an independent audit process. The advisors made  reference  to  their  paper  Our  Hospital  Project:  Forward  Looking Recommendations'  which  was  sent  to  the  Panel  on  5th  November  2020  and recommended  that  an  independent  audit  process  be  undertaken  on  the  Future Hospital Project to ensure that it was following HM Treasury Green Book standards.

It was agreed the advisors would provide a cost to the Panel to design a template covering the specific areas that would be required for the internal audit. This could then be sent to external advisors who were expert in this field as part of the Scrutiny tendering process.



The Panel asked what the next steps could be with regards to its amendment to P.123/2020. The advisors explained the essence of the amendment was around having checks and balances and an independent audit process would assist with this. The advisors discussed documentation from HM Treasury regarding large government projects and infrastructure reviews to enable projects to be interrogated. It was agreed the advisors would send this information to the officer for onward distribution to the Panel.

The Panel thanked the advisors for their time and the meeting was closed.


Date: 8th December 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Robert Ward Connétable Simon Crowcroft


Connétable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Inna Gardiner



In attendance

Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Committee and Panel Officer

Agenda Matter


1.  Panel meeting to discuss possible next steps for the review

The Chair welcomed Connétable Crowcroft as a new member to the Panel.

The Panel discussed the report due from CoM in response to P.167-2020 - Our Hospital Preferred Access Route to Overdale – Second Amendment and noted it was due to receive a briefing from the OH Team regarding the upcoming report on Friday 11th December.

The Panel discussed its options should it wish to undertake a review following receipt of more information following the briefing. The Panel noted the second amendment was based around CoM finding suitable alternative access options using sustainable transport  and  was  concerned  that  this  may  not  be  fully  addressed  within  the forthcoming report. The Panel agreed that, based upon the information due to be provided at the upcoming briefing, it could base a review around appraising the options being brought forward to the States for debate. The Panel also discussed the proposed reduced lodging period that was being anticipated with the intention of debating the proposition on 21st December at a special requisitioned sitting of the States, however, this had not yet been confirmed.

The Panel discussed the option of appointing external advisers to assist with a possible review and asked if the officers could contact advisers to ascertain availability. The Panel was advised that it may be difficult to engage advisors with the limited information available and within the tight timeframe. Depending on how many potential advisors were interested in the work, the Panel was also advised that a full tendering process may be required.

The Panel noted the tight timescale in which to undertake a review and to appoint an advisor but stressed that it was keen to get something in place, should it confirm a review following the briefing. In that regard, the Panel requested the officers to send P.167-2020 - Our Hospital Preferred Access Route to Overdale – Second Amendment to potential advisers and enquire if they would be available at short notice to undertake a review into appraising the possible options, once they were proposed by CoM.


Date: 11th December 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Robert Ward Connétable Simon Crowcroft


Connétable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Inna Gardiner



In attendance

Deputy Hugh Raymond – Deputy Chair, OH Political Oversight Group, Richard Bannister - Interim Project Director, Growth, Housing and Environment

Charlie Parker – Chief Executive, Government of Jersey

Andy Scate – Group Director, Regulation, Planning and Environment Jessica Hardwick – Client Project Manager, Transport and Technical Services

Alex Welch – Design and Delivery Partner - Arup

Sebastian Perez – Business Manager, Chief Ministers Department

Janice Hales , Committee and Panel Officer

Agenda Matter


1.  Panel briefing with OH Team to discuss the Preferred Access Route to Overdale

The Panel received a briefing from the Deputy Chair of the Political Oversight Group, OH Group and members of the OH Team regarding the Preferred Access Route to Overdale. This meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


Date: 18th December 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Inna Gardiner

Connétable Simon Crowcroft


Deputy Robert Ward Deputy Mary Le Hegarat



In attendance

Janice Hales , Committee and Panel Officer

Agenda Matter


1.  Panel meeting to approve review into Preferred Access Route to Overdale

The Panel approved its Terms of Reference, Scoping Document and Engagement Brief for its review into the Preferred Access Route to Overdale.

The Panel noted it had not received a response from the Chief Minister with regards to its letter dated 15th December requesting a delay to the debate of P.167/2020 Our Hospital: Preferred Access Route to Overdale. The Panel also noted that it had not received  confirmation  that  the  debate  on  P.167/2020  would  take  place  at  a requisitioned sitting on 21st December, as previously informed at an earlier briefing. The Panel agreed that on this basis, it would work towards the debate date of 9th February 2021 as specified on the States Assembly website.

The Panel was informed that a draft outline of the review together with P.167/2020, had been sent to potential advisers. A number of responses had been received and of those contacted, two had expressed an interest. The Panel requested that the full Engagement Brief was sent to the advisers and agreed that a meeting should be arranged with them separately for Monday 21st December via Microsoft Teams to discuss the review in more detail.


Date: 21st December 2020



Senator Kristina Moore , Chair Connétable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

Deputy Inna Gardiner

Connétable Simon Crowcroft


Deputy Robert Ward



In attendance

John Setra, Managing Director, K2 Consultancy Janice Hales , Committee and Panel Officer

Agenda Matter


1.  Panel  meeting  with  potential  advisers  to  discuss  review  into  Preferred Access Route to Overdale

The Panel met with a potential adviser via Microsoft Teams to discuss its review into the  Preferred  Access  Route  to  Overdale.  This  meeting  was  held  in  private  in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.