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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel
Records of Meetings
Year: 2020
The following records of meetings have been approved by the Panel. Signed
Deputy Louise Doublet
Gender Pay Gap Scrutiny Review Panel
Present |
Deputy Louise Doublet , Chair Deputy Kirsten Morel , Vice-Chair Senator Kristina Moore Deputy Jess Perchard |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance |
Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer |
Agenda matter |
Action |
1. Question Plan: Public Hearing with the Chief Minister In preparation for a Public Hearing with the Chief Minister 20th January, the Panel discussed a draft question plan. The Panel requested that additional questions were added and noted that a revised plan would be circulated in due course. |
Present |
Deputy Louise Doublet , Chair Deputy Kirsten Morel , Vice-Chair Senator Kristina Moore Deputy Jess Perchard |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance |
Senator John Le Fondré, Chief Minister Connétable Richard Buchanan, Assistant Chief Minister Mark Grimley, Director General, People Services Denise Drieu, Head of Organisational Development and Learning, People Services Sean O’Regan, Group Director, Education, Children, Young People, Education and Skills Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer |
Agenda matter |
Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on 5th August, 9th September and 7th October 2019. |
2. Public Hearing with the Chief Minister The Panel received the Chief Minister and Government Officials for a Public Hearing on the Gender Pay Gap. |