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Economic Affairs Scrutiny Panel
Records of Meetings
Year: 2021
The following records of meetings have been approved by the Panel. Signed
Deputy Louise Doublet
Gender Pay Gap Scrutiny Review Panel
Date: 14th July 2021
Present |
Deputy Louise Doublet , Chair Senator Kristina Moore Senator Sam Mézec Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance |
Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Katherine De Carteret , Committee and Panel Officer |
Agenda matter |
Action |
1. Welcome The Chair welcomed Senator Sam Mézec and Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone to the Review Panel. |
2. Scoping Document and Terms of Reference The Panel received and considered a draft Scoping Document and Terms of Reference. Subject to minor changes, the Panel approved both documents accordingly. The Panel agreed that both the Scoping Document and Terms of Reference would be circulated to the Scrutiny Liaison Committee for final approval. |
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3. Correspondence to the Chief Minister The Panel recalled that it had sent a letter to the Chief Minister on 10th May asking a number of questions in relation to the States of Jersey Gender Pay Gap report 2020 and its previous report, ‘Is there a Gender Pay Gap in Jersey’ (S.R.10/2019). The Panel was advised that a response had not yet been received. The Panel requested the Officer to write a follow-up letter to the Chief Minister expressing its disappointment with the delay and to request that a response was received no later than within 5 working days. |
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Date: 30th November 2021
Present |
Deputy Louise Doublet , Chair Senator Sam Mézec |
Apologies |
Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone Senator Kristina Moore |
Absent |
In attendance |
Leonie McCran, Chair, Chamber of Commerce Employment & Skills Committee Becky Hill, Member of the Chamber of Commerce Employment & Skills Committee Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Edward Le Gallais, Communications Officer |
Agenda matter |
Action |
1. Public Hearing with the Chamber of Commerce The Panel received Leonie McCran and Becky Hill from the Chamber of Commerce for a Public Hearing to discuss Jersey’s gender pay gap. The proceedings were webcast live and recorded so that a transcript could be produced. |
2. Communications The Communications Officer suggested a number of key messages from the Public Hearing which the Panel agreed would be issued as soon as possible. |
3. Public Hearings The Panel requested that a hearing with the Chief Minister was organised to take place in January or early February. |
4. Future Meetings The Panel agreed that it would next meet once the Public Hearing with the Chief Minister had been organised. |
Date: 12th November 2021
Present |
Senator Sam Mézec Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone |
Apologies |
Deputy Louise Doublet , Chair Senator Kristina Moore |
Absent |
In attendance |
Kate Wright, Co-Founder, Diversity Network Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Edward Le Gallais, Communications Officer [items 1 and 2] |
Agenda matter |
Action |
1. Public Hearing with Kate Wright, Co-Founder, Diversity Network The Panel received Kate Wright, Co-Founder, Diversity Network for a Public Hearing to discuss Jersey’s gender pay gap. The proceedings were webcast live and recorded so that a transcript could be produced. |
Date: 4th November 2021
Present |
Senator Sam Mézec Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone |
Apologies |
Deputy Louise Doublet , Chair Senator Kristina Moore |
Absent |
In attendance |
Dan Edmunds, Principal Statistician, Statistics Jersey [Item 3] Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Edward Le Gallais, Communications Officer [items 1 and 2] |
Agenda matter |
Action |
1. Call for Evidence The Panel was provided with an update on its call for evidence. It noted that the Jersey Advisory and Conciliation Service had signposted the Panel’s review to its monthly newsletter which had been beneficial in accumulating further views from stakeholders. The Panel also noted that a draft letter to the Chair of the States Employment Board (SEB) had been drafted and was awaiting approval. The Panel recalled that the Chair of SEB would be asked if the Panel’s review could be advertised on the States Intranet in order to gather the views of States employees. |
2. Public Hearings The Panel noted that a Public Hearing with Kate Wright (Co-Founder of the Diversity Network) had been organised for 12th November. In the Chair’s absence, the Panel agreed that the hearing should proceed and requested that a meeting was organised in order to prepare for the Hearing. In that regard, the Officer advised that a meeting would be organised and a question plan would be circulated on Teams for further discussion. The Communications Officer advised that a number of social media posts would be sent out signposting the Hearing. In terms of other Hearings, the Panel requested that a Hearing with the Chamber of Commerce and Minister for Education should be organised. Furthermore, additional hearings would be discussed once the Chair had returned from her medical leave. |
3. Time-Use Surveys: Meeting with Principal Statistician The Panel met Daniel Edmunds, Principal Statistician (Statistics Jersey) to discuss time-use surveys. The Panel explained that it had made a recommendation in its previous report that data should be collected on the economic value of work done in the home including childcare, cooking, shopping, housework, odd jobs and gardening. The Panel also explained that it was considering whether to lodge an amendment to the Government Plan 2022 - 2025 in order to allocate funding for the Government to |
undertake a time-use survey which would collect the data required to deliver on its recommendation. The Principal Statistician explained that the purpose of time-use surveys was to estimate the amount of time spent on domestic activities through detailed household diaries. The UK had initiated a time-use survey during 2014 - 2015 which had mixed results in terms of usefulness. Furthermore, the Principal Statistician explained that undertaking a time-use survey would be resource intensive and would be similar in scope to the Living Costs and Household Income Survey. It would require interviewees to visit around 1,000 households in order to explain how to diarise their time over a long period (which could be up to 1 year or longer depending on take-up). Once the information was collected it would need to be inputted and analysed by Statistics Jersey. Overall, the Principal Statistician explained that it would be a 2 year project. In terms of resources, the Principal Statistician explained that Statistics Jersey would not have the capacity to run a time-use survey as it was currently undertaking the Living Costs and Household Income Survey which was due to be completed by the end of 2022. However, there may be capacity to undertake a time-use survey in 2023. In terms of the costs involved, the Principal Statistician estimated that it would cost a similar amount to the Living Costs and Household Income Survey - £250,000. The Panel thanked the Principal Statistician for his time, and he withdrew from the meeting. The Panel agreed that, given the resources required to undertake a time-use survey and the current capacity of Statistics Jersey, it would not be minded to lodge an amendment to the current Government Plan. The Panel agreed that it would be more appropriate for a subsequent Gender Pay Gap Review Panel to lodge an amendment to the next Government Plan 2023 - 2026 given that the Principal Statistician had suggested that there may be capacity in 2023 once the Living Costs and Household Income Survey had been undertaken. |
4. Future Meetings The Panel agreed that it would meet on Tuesday 9th November to prepare for the Public Hearing with Kate Wright (Co-Founder of the Diversity Network). |
Date: 29th September 2021
Present |
Deputy Louise Doublet , Chair Senator Kristina Moore Senator Sam Mézec Connétable Karen Shenton-Stone |
Apologies |
Absent |
In attendance |
Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Edward Le Gallais, Communications Officer |
Agenda matter |
Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel noted and approved the record of the meeting held on 14th July 2021. |
2. Call for Evidence The Panel was provided with an update on the submissions received to date following its call for evidence. In terms of gathering views on the ethnicity pay gap, the Panel requested that the Portuguese, Romanian and Polish Consuls were contacted to ask for their views on how best to generate views amongst ethnic minority groups. The Panel discussed whether to undertake a survey in order to gather further views. The Communications Officer agreed to provide the Panel with a costings overview should it wish to undertake a survey and issue it in different languages. The Panel agreed to discuss the matter further in due course. The Panel noted the submission from the Jersey Advisory and Conciliation Service and asked whether they had an email distribution in order to advertise the review in order to generate greater engagement. The Officer advised that JACS would be contacted. The Panel recalled that, during its first review of the Gender Pay Gap, it had advertised the review on the States intranet. The Panel requested whether its current review could be advertised in order to gather the views of employees. The Officer advised that the States Employment Board would be contacted to notify it of the Panel’s request. |
3. Public Hearings The Panel discussed potential witnesses for its Public Hearings and agreed that the Hearing with the Chief Minister would be held last. The Officer advised that a list of questions would be drafted for further discussion which would assist in confirming other witnesses. |
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4. Government Plan 2022 - 2025 The Panel considered the Government Plan in relation to the Panel's previous recommendation: |
The Government of Jersey, with the support of Statistics Jersey, should collect data on the economic value of work done in the home including childcare, cooking, shopping, housework, odd jobs and gardening. This should be undertaken when measuring Gross Domestic Product and by calculating what it would cost to pay a domestic worker to do the work. The Panel considered whether an amendment to the Government Plan should be drafted to request the Government to undertake a time-use survey (measuring time spent by individuals on different activities). In the first instance, the Panel requested that a meeting with Statistics Jersey was organised in order to discuss how the recommendation could be implemented. |
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5. Future Meetings The Panel agreed that it would meet once the meeting with Statistics Jersey had been organised. |