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Economic and International Affairs
Scrutiny Panel
Records of Meetings 2022
The following records of meetings have been approved by the Panel. Signed
Deputy Moz Scott
Date: 21st July 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott , Chair Deputy Raluca Kovacs Deputy Max Andrews |
In attendance | Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Appointment of Vice Chair The Panel appointed Deputy Raluca Kovacs as the Vice Chair and noted that she would deputise for the Chair in the event of her temporary absence or incapacity or if there was a vacancy in the office of the Chair. |
2. Day and time of Panel meetings The Panel agreed that it would hold its regular Panel meetings on Thursday at 10am outside States business weeks. |
3. Procedural and administrative matters The Panel agreed that it would examine witnesses in public, except where it otherwise ordered, in line with Standing Orders S.O. 138 (6) and noted the arrangements for briefing oral witnesses and the approach to managing written evidence (CoP, para 72 and CoP, para 74) The Panel also noted that it would not consider individual matters as areas for review in line with the Code of Practice for Scrutiny proceedings (CoP, para 46). The Panel noted an officer briefing on working practices and noted that, where possible, public hearings and meetings would be conducted in person. The Panel also noted the officer resource available to support its work and discussed the running of public hearings and the production of reviews. |
4. Declaration of interests The Panel noted the declarations and conflicts of interest section of the Scrutiny and Public Accounts Committee Proceedings: Code of Practice. No declarations were made. The Panel noted that the matter would be raised as part of the scoping exercise for any future reviews. |
5. Scrutiny Member training The Panel noted that external training would be provided on relevant areas, including media training and conducting effective scrutiny. The Officer was requested to provide dates prior to the Panel's next meeting. The Chair noted that costs should, where possible, be minimised. | AT |
6. Work programme The Panel noted the Legacy Report of the former Economic and International Affairs Panel (S.R.11/2022). It further noted a situation report briefing from officers providing an update on matters before the Ministers for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, External Affairs and International Development. The Panel provided officers with an outline of its priorities and requested that a draft work programme be produced for its review prior to its next meeting. The Panel further requested that officers sought updates from Ministers and Government Officers on priority areas and in order to follow up on the review recommendations made by the former Panel. Panel discussion also focused on reviews of both the Government Plan and the proposed mini-budget' aimed at alleviating the cost of living crisis. It was agreed that direction would be taken from the Scrutiny Liaison Committee to ensure co-ordination on these cross-panel matters. The Panel agreed that it would focus on economic productivity and manner of delivery during its reviews of Government policy. | AT AT |
7. Stakeholder visits It was agreed that officers would present a list of stakeholders for potential meetings and visits for the Panel. | AT |
8. Future Meetings It was agreed that the Panel's next scheduled meeting would take place at 12.15 pm on Thursday 11th August 2022 in the Blampied Room, States Building. |
Date: 5th August 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott , Chair Deputy Raluca Kovacs Deputy Max Andrews |
In attendance | Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Review of P.80/2022 – Mini-Budget The Panel reviewed a draft Scoping Document and Terms of Reference for the Panel's forthcoming review of P.80/2022 – Mini-Budget 2022 review. The Panel discussed the development of a review that complemented the work being undertaken by the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel and provided commentary on specific aspects of the potential economic impact of the measures in the proposition and the consideration of that impact by the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture and the Chief Economic Advisor to the Government of Jersey. The Panel noted the timeframe within which the review would need to take place. The Panel agreed a number of changes to the Scoping Document and Terms of Reference. It was agreed that the documents would be finalised by the officer for the Panel's electronic approval prior to presentation to the Scrutiny Liaison Committee. In anticipation of the review, the officer was requested to draft a call for evidence and press notice for Panel approval. | AT AT |
8. Future Meetings It was agreed that the Panel's next scheduled meeting would take place at 10 am on Thursday 11th August 2022 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building. |
Present | Deputy Moz Scott , Chair Deputy Raluca Kovacs Deputy Max Andrews |
In attendance | Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel reviewed and approved the minutes of the meetings held on 21st July and 5th August 2022. |
2. Review of P.80/2022 – Mini-Budget The Panel noted the launch of its review of P.80/2022 – Mini-Budget 2022 review. The Panel discussed the development of social media posts which would provide part of the Panel's call for evidence from businesses. It was confirmed that revised posts would be supplied to the Chair and the Panel for review and approval. There was discussion in relation to the Panel's ability to contact other stakeholders who may have been contacted by the Corporate Services Panel (CSSP) in relation to its separate review of the mini-budget. It was agreed that the officer would liaise with CSSP officers to ensure that those who may want to respond to both/either review would be able to do so. It was agreed that a draft question plan would be presented to the Panel for its discussion prior to the Public Hearing to be held with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism Sport and Culture and the Chief Economic Advisor on 24th August 2022 from 9.30 am to 11 am. The Panel agreed that the question plan would be succinct and provide specific areas of focus. | AT/EN AT AT |
3. Recommendations of former panel The Panel noted correspondence with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture which requested updates on the response to the former Panel's recommendations from reviews it conducted on the regulation of Jersey Estate Agents and the licensing and regulation of medicinal cannabis. The Panel requested a revision to correspondence which followed the recommendations of the former Panel's review of Seasonal Workers in the Rural Economy. | AT |
4. Work programme and Quarterly Hearings The Panel requested that a number of revisions and changes be made to its draft work programme. | AT |
The Panel noted the arrangement of public Quarterly Hearings as follows: • Minister for International Development – 13th October 2022 from 10.30 to 12 pm • Minister for External Relations – 21st October 2022 from 11 am to 1 pm • Minister for Economic Development – 27th October 2022 from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm The Panel noted forthcoming Ministerial priorities briefing in early September and requested further briefings be arranged on: • The Economic Framework for the Rural Economy • The Economic Framework for the Marine Environment • MONEYVAL | AT |
5. Representative bodies The Panel acknowledged a list of representative bodies and requested that the officer contact a number of bodies to arrange meetings. | AT |
8. Future Meetings It was agreed that the Panel's next scheduled meeting would take place at 9.30 am on Monday 15th August 2022 in the Blampied Room, States Building. |
Present | Deputy Moz Scott , Chair Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies | Deputy Raluca Kovacs |
In attendance | Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Review of P.80/2022 – Mini-Budget – Public Hearing The Panel reviewed and revised the question plan drafted for the Public Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture and the Chief Economic Advisor scheduled for 24th August 2022. | AT |
8. Future Meetings The Panel's next scheduled meeting is due to take place at 10 am on Wednesday 24th August 2022 in the Blampied Room, States Building. |
Present | Deputy Moz Scott , Chair Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies | Deputy Raluca Kovacs |
In attendance | Tom Walker , Director General, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance David Le Marquand, Private Secretary, Chief Minister Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Lifeboat Inquiry Report – officer briefing The Panel welcomed Government officers for a private briefing on the Lifeboat Inquiry Report. The briefing was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35. The Panel requested that letters be drafted to the Minister for Economic Development, the Chief Minister and Ports of Jersey in relation to the recommendations made in the report. | AT |
2. Future Meetings The Panel's next scheduled meeting is due to take place at 9 am on Wednesday 24th August 2022 in the Blampied Room, States Building. |
Present | Deputy Moz Scott , Chair Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies | Deputy Raluca Kovacs |
In attendance | Item 2 only Deputy Kirsten Morel , Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture Thomas Holvey, Government of Jersey Chief Economic Advisor Ben Jehan , Private Secretary, Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Ella Nicholls, Communications Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. P.80/2022 – Mini-Budget Review The Panel discussed the question plan for the Public Hearing and agreed which sections each Panel member would cover. Following the public hearing (item 2), the Panel discussed the collection of further evidence resulting from the responses provided. The Panel discussed amendments to the Mini-Budget and concluded that, at this stage and in view of the scope of the CSSP review, none were required to be put forward by the Panel. | AT |
2. P.80/2022 – Mini-Budget Review – Public Hearing The Panel welcomed Deputy Kirsten Morel , Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture and Thomas Holvey, Government of Jersey Chief Economic Advisor to a public hearing as part of its review of P.80/2022 – Mini- Budget. The hearing was recorded and transcribed. |
3. Future Meetings The Panel's next scheduled meeting is due to take place at 11.30 am on Friday 2nd September 2022 in the Blampied Room, States Building. |
Date: 1st September 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott , Chair Deputy Raluca Kovacs , Vice Chair Deputy Max Andrews |
In attendance | Item 2 only Deputy Philip Ozouf , Minister for External Relations Kate Nutt, Group Director, External Relations Tom Le Feuvre, Director Global Markets and International Agreements Tracy Mourant, Private Secretary to the Minister for External Relations Henry Buckley, Intern Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of meetings The Panel approved the records of the meetings held on 11th, 15th, 19th and 24th August 2022. | AT |
2. Briefing with the Minister for External Relations The Panel welcomed Deputy Philip Ozouf , Minister for External Relations and officers for a private briefing requested by the Panel on the Minister's priorities for the coming term of office and on forthcoming policy and/or legislation, including the Common Policy. The briefing was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35. The Panel requested that a document be shared outlining the structure the of External Relations Department and that data on exports and imports be provided to the Panel. | AT/JH |
3. Future Meetings The Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 10 am on Thursday 8th September 2022 in the Blampied Room, States Building. |
Date: 8th September 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott , Chair Deputy Raluca Kovacs , Vice Chair Deputy Max Andrews |
In attendance | Item 1 only Deputy Kirsten Morel , Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture Deputy Alex Curtis , Assistant Minister, Digital Economy Deputy Lucy Stephenson , Assistant Minister, Sport Daniel Houseago, Group Director Economy Thomas Holvey, Chief Economic Advisor Ben Jehan , Private Secretary, Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Briefing with the Minister for External Relations The Panel welcomed Deputy Kirsten Morel , Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture and officers for a private briefing requested by the Panel on the Minister's priorities for the coming term of office and on forthcoming policy. The briefing was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35. |
2. P.80/2022 – Mini-Budget Review Comments The Panel reviewed its draft comments following its review of P.80/2922 – Mini- Budget. The Panel requested amendments and approved the document as amended to be presented to the States Assembly. |
3. Future meetings The Panel's next scheduled meeting was due to take place at 11 am on Thursday 15th September 2022 in the Blampied Room, States Building. |
Date: 15th September 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott , Chair Deputy Raluca Kovacs , Vice Chair Deputy Max Andrews |
In attendance | Andy Harris , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel approved the records of its meetings dated 1st and 8th September 2022. |
2. P.80/2022 – Mini-Budget Review Comments The Panel noted the delay to presentation of its comments to the Mini Budget due to the recent passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth II and the postponement of States Business. |
3. Seasonal Workers and the Rural Economy The Panel noted the upcoming briefing, in private, with the Minister for Social Security (MSS) on 28th September 2022 and was informed that a briefing paper highlighting the background of this topic together with proposed questions would follow. The Panel raised areas of questioning mainly around the Employment Forum and its role and process in making recommendations to the MSS on the minimum wage and asked that this be included within the briefing document questioning areas. | JH |
4. Regulation of Estate Agents The Panel discussed the recently received correspondence from the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture (MEDTSC) regarding its follow up on the key findings and recommendations made by the previous EIA Panel, in its Report S.R.3/2022. The Panel agreed it would formulate questions for the upcoming quarterly hearing with the Minister and based on the responses received, would discuss the next steps further. | AT/JH |
5. Briefing with Ministers re Ministerial Objectives The Panel discussed the recently held private briefings with the Minister for External Relations (MER) and the MEDTSC. The Panel noted that the Common Policy – External Relations was due to be presented by the MER at the upcoming States sitting on 20th September 2022 with a proposal for an in-committee debate. The Panel was concerned that the Common Policy was being presented to the Assembly prior to the Ministerial Implementation Plans being published, which were due on 3rd October. The Panel asked that a briefing document with some areas of questioning be drafted and circulated to help inform the debate. The Panel also noted that at its briefing, the MER informed it that going forward, he would be responsible for | JH |
facilitating other Minister's plans and the Panel further noted it would follow up the status of this at the upcoming quarterly hearing. The Panel discussed the Outline Economic Strategy (OES) and the overall economic impact to the Island from the remit of the MEDTSC. The Panel recalled it had requested some background data on how the OES had been formed and asked that this be followed up. The Panel also discussed the Inspiring Active Places Sports Strategy (IAPS) and sports to the Island overall and requested that a letter be drafted asking for an update. The officer informed the Panel that from recollection, the Panel's officer was in the process of arranging a briefing in this area and it was agreed to wait for an update following the Panel officer's return from annual leave. The Panel discussed the Technology Accelerator Fund (TAF) questioning as to which areas it could comment on from the proposition. The Panel noted that the previous Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel (CSSP) and the previous EIA Panel had undertaken work on the proposition in May of this year prior to it being agreed by the Assembly and the Panel was keen to pick up on any areas which required scrutiny. It was agreed that a briefing document would be drafted highlighting areas within the proposition which came under the Panel's remit for further consideration. The Tourism Strategy was discussed and the Panel was informed that the previous Strategy was presented to the former Council of Ministers (CoM) for consideration in May 2022. It was further informed that the Strategy received a lukewarm' reception from Industry and it was agreed by the current CoM to go back to the drawing board'. The Panel requested a letter be drafted to determine the status and to include who the Minister would be consulting with and on what basis together, with a road map of timelines and milestones. The Panel noted a recent article in the local media regarding a loan to Blue Islands Airlines. The Panel requested that a letter be drafted to the Minister for EDTSC, copying in Ports of Jersey (PoJ) requesting further details on the loan and its purpose. The Panel also requested that a letter be drafted to the Minister for EDTSC relating to Memorandum of Understandings (MoU's) of States Owned Entities (SoE's) enquiring as to the plan for the upcoming review by Government on MoU's and what the review will involve. The Panel discussed the Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority (JCRA) and supply chain on the Island and in particular, the role of the JCRA. The Panel was informed that the previous EIA Panel held regular meetings with the JCRA and was aware of its upcoming workload in advance, in addition to being made aware of ongoing issues. The Panel agreed that regular meetings would be useful and asked that these be organised for the future. The Panel noted it had not received a briefing from the Minister for Treasury and Resources (MTR) on his remit with responsibility for financial services and requested this be arranged as soon as feasible. | AT/JH JH AT/JH JH JH JH AT/JH AT/JH |
6. Upcoming Briefings The Panel noted the upcoming joint briefing with the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel (EHI) on the Rural Economy Strategy and the Marine Strategy on 7th October 2022. The Panel queried to what extent Industry had been involved in each of the Strategies and requested an email be drafted to all Industry stakeholders, asking what their views were on the proposed Strategies. The Panel agreed that the Department would be contacted to ask if Industry had been involved |
in the consultation process before sending the emails. It was further requested that areas of questioning be drafted and circulated following the response from Industry in order to help inform the briefing. | JH | |
7. Lodged Propositions and Reports/Upcoming States Business The Panel noted the recently lodged reports namely: • R.112-2022 Jersey Bank Depositors Compensation Board re- appointment of member • R.118 - 2022 Jersey Gambling Commission Annual Report and Accounts • R.121-2022 Jersey Overseas Aid Annual Report 2021 • R.113-2022 Jersey Finance 2021 Annual Accounts and Financial Statements The Panel agreed that whilst no further action was required on the lodged reports, a letter be drafted to the Minister for EDTSC asking for further information on the restriction of credit card applications and approvals for Jersey residents. | JH | |
The Panel linked this recently published document to its pending review of the OES and asked that it form part of the documents for this review. Jersey Overseas Aid The Panel asked what the guidelines were on providing overseas aid and what the decision process was for funding. It was agreed the officer would undertake further research and inform the Panel in due course. |
| |
Arts and Heritage Strategy The Panel enquired if an update on the Arts and Heritage Strategy could be provided and was informed that a 10-year strategy was released earlier this year. It was agreed a briefing document be drafted and circulated for further consideration. | JH | |
9. Future Meetings It was agreed that the Panel's next scheduled meeting would take place at 10am on the 29th September 2022 in the Blampied Room, States Building and would include a briefing from the Minister for Social Security on Seasonal Workers and the Rural Economy. |
| |
Date: 29th September 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott , Chair Deputy Raluca Kovacs , Vice Chair Deputy Max Andrews |
In attendance | Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel reviewed and approved an amended record of its meeting dated 15th September 2022. |
2. Technology Accelerator Fund The Panel agreed that a response would be sent to the letter from the Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture (received on 13th September) following receipt of an officer briefing agreed at the Panel's meeting of 15th September. The Panel requested that officers liaise with the Corporate Services Panel and Public Accounts Committee officers to co-ordinate joint action across interested Panels. | AT/JH |
3. Seasonal Workers and the Rural Economy – question areas The Panel discussed the officer briefing document ahead of the private briefing with the Minister for Social Security. | JH |
4. Briefing with the Minister for Social Security The Panel welcomed Deputy Elaine Miller, Minister for Social Security and Officers for a private briefing requested by the Panel on the recommendations made by its predecessor in relation to seasonal workers in the rural economy. The briefing was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35. The Panel agreed that it would discuss any future action in reviewing changes to benefits with the Health and Social Security Panel and explore the possibility of co- opting an Economic and International Affairs Panel member onto any future review, as appropriate. | AT |
5. Future Meetings It was agreed that discussion of the following matters would be postponed to a meeting to be scheduled by officers during the week commencing 3 October: • The Mini-budget – next steps • Outline Economic Strategy upcoming review | AT |
The Government Plan 2023 -2026 review The Panel's next scheduled meeting is due to take place at 10 am on 13th October 2022 in the Blampied Room, States Building and will include a Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for International Development. |
Date: 6th October 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott , Chair Deputy Raluca Kovacs , Vice Chair Deputy Max Andrews |
In attendance | Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel approved the record of its meeting dated 29th September 2022. |
2. Mini Budget Comments The Panel agreed that outstanding questions in relation to the minimum wage would be addressed to the Social Security Minister in a letter and that queries in relation to economic productivity and staffing would be addressed as part of a forthcoming review on the Outline Economic Strategy. | AT/JH |
3. Outline Economic Strategy for Jersey The Panel discussed undertaking a review of the Outline Economic Strategy for Jersey and identified areas for inclusion. Officers were requested to produce a first draft of a scoping document. It was also agreed that the Government's financial services strategy, an organisation chart for financial services and an outline of the team's measures and targets be requested. The Panel discussed whether an economist should be appointed as adviser to the review. It was agreed that approximate costs would be sought by officers and a decision be made following the gathering of initial evidence. | AT/JH AT/JH AT/JH |
4. Government Plan 2023 -2026 Review The Panel noted the outline scoping document and Terms of Reference and discussed to what extent the Government Plan 2023-2026 could be reviewed without the supporting information contained in the yet to be published Annex document or the Delivery Plans (formerly departmental business plans). The Panel noted that any review in these circumstances would have limitations. The Panel agreed that a meeting would be held on 13th October 2022 to further progress its review. | AT |
5. Arms-length organisations The Panel agreed that a response to the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture's letter should be drafted for the Panel's approval. | AT |
The Panel requested that any published key performance indicators for each of the ALOs which fell under the remit of the Economy Department be provided to them. | AT |
6. Correspondence The Panel noted a letter sent to the Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism Sport and Culture in relation to the Technology Accelerator Fund. The Panel approved a letter to the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture requesting updates on a number of reviews and strategies and as requested by the Panel at their meeting of 15th September 2022. |
7. Work methodology The Panel noted the process for receiving and reviewing questions plans. The Panel agreed that a meeting would be scheduled in early 2023 to discuss working methodology to that date. | AT/JH |
8. Future Meetings The Panel's next scheduled meeting is due to take place at 11.30 am on 13th October 2022 in the Blampied Room, States Building. | AT |
Date: 7th October 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair of EIA) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair of EIA) Deputy Max Andrews Deputy Steve Luce (Chair of EHI) Deputy Mary Le Hegarat Deputy Robert Ward |
Apologies | Connétable Michael Jackson |
In attendance | Deputy Kirsten Morel , Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture John Vautier Sector Lead for Rural & Marine Daniel Houseago, Group Director, Economy Katherine Fleming Sector Officer for Rural & Marine Ben Jehan , Minister's Private Secretary Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Nikita Hall , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Briefing on Marine Strategy and Rural Strategy The Panel, together with the Panel for Environment, Housing and Infrastructure received a joint private briefing from the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture and Departmental officers on the recently presented Rural and Marine Strategies A private detailed file note was made of the briefing, classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as | JH |
amended): Information is qualified exempt information if it relates to the formulation or development of any proposed policy by a public authority. |
Date: 13th October 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott , Chair Deputy Raluca Kovacs , Vice Chair Deputy Max Andrews |
In attendance | Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel deferred approval of the record of its meeting on 6th October to its meeting on 20th October 2022. |
2. Government Plan Review 2023 - 2026 The Panel discussed how it would approach the investigation of budgets outlined in the Government Plan and reiterated the difficulty of conducting the review in the timeframe allowed with limited information available. The Panel began an initial review of the Terms of Reference and scoping document for the review and agreed that it would continue its discussion on 14th October. | AT/JH |
3. Rural Economy Framework briefing The Panel discussed requesting a briefing on the scoring system to be used to assess applications for subsidy as outlined in the Rural Economy Framework. It was agreed that the Panel would wait for additional information to be shared following its briefing with officers on 7th October 2022. It was agreed that officers would follow up the provision of information with Government Officers. | AT/JH |
8. Future Meetings The Panel's next scheduled meeting is due to take place at 2.30 pm on 14th October 2022 in the Blampied Room, States Building. |
Date: 20th October 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies |
In attendance | Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of meetings The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 6th, 7th and 13th October 2022 |
2. Government Plan 2023 – 2026 The Panel noted its Terms of Reference and Scoping Document for its review of the Government Plan 2023 – 2026 which it had approved electronically on 19th October 2022. It was agreed these would be forwarded to the Scrutiny Liaison Committee (SLC) for approval within 48 hours and the review would be launched. The Panel was briefed by the officer on the process relating to the call for evidence from stakeholders and how this would fit into the review timetable. The Panel was informed of a submission from a member of the public who worked with high value residency clients. The submission included a request to meet the Panel to discuss concerns that there were a number of high net worth clients looking to leave the Island. The Panel requested that a letter be drafted to the member of the public with specific questions around his concerns and asking for further information. | AT JH |
3. Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture The Panel noted its upcoming Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture on 27th October 2022 at 10am. The Panel discussed the recently circulated question plan for the hearing and requested amendments be made. It was agreed that a full and final version of the question plan be circulated before close of business on Friday 21st October to allow for further discussion. It was further agreed that the Panel would extend its pre- hearing meeting to one hour from the previously agreed 30 minutes and would hold a further meeting via Teams prior to the hearing, should it be necessary. The Panel also noted that the question plan contained additional questions relating to the Government Plan 2023 – 2026 and that these would be sectioned off and discussed in more detail prior to upcoming hearing on the Government Plan, due on 4th November 2022. | AT/JH |
4. Future Meetings |
The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting would take place at 10am on the 27th October 2022 in the Blampied Room, States Building and would include a Quarterly Public Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture. |
Electronic Record of Meeting
Date: 21st October 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies |
In attendance | Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority (JCRA) The Panel noted the correspondence dated 5th October 2022 from the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture stating that he did not consider it appropriate for him to conduct a review of the JCRA's remit at this time. The Panel also noted its upcoming private meeting with the JCRA on 26th October at 10am and was informed that a briefing document would be circulated enclosing background on the JCRA in due course. | JH |
Date: 26th October 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott , Chair Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies | Deputy Raluca Kovacs , Vice Chair |
In attendance | Stephanie Liston, Chair, Jersey Competition and Regulatory Authority Tim Ringsdore, Chief Executive Officer, Jersey Competition and Regulatory Authority Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Private Meeting with Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority (JCRA) The Panel welcomed the Chair and the CEO of the JCRA to a private meeting to discuss upcoming work streams and the work of the JCRA in general. A private detailed file note was made of the briefing, classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as |
amended): Information is qualified exempt information if it relates to the formulation or development of any proposed policy by a public authority. |
Date: 27th October 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies |
In attendance | Deputy Kirsten Morel , Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture [item 2 only] Deputy Alex Curtis , Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture [item 2 only] Deputy Lucy Stephenson , Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture [item 2 only] Dan Houseago, Director of the Economy [item 2 only] Thomas Holvey, Chief Economic Adviser [item 2 only] Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Discussion of Question Plan for upcoming Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture The Panel discussed the latest version of its recently circulated question plan. The Panel made some minor amendments to the plan and agreed areas of questioning for each member. |
2. Public Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture The Panel welcomed the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, both Assistant Ministers for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture and Departmental officers to a Quarterly Public Hearing. The hearing was recorded and a transcript was produced. |
3. Discussion following Hearing with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture The Panel was informed that due to a problem with the technology, the hearing had unfortunately not been broadcast live. However, a transcript of the hearing would be made and circulated in due course. The Panel noted its upcoming hearing with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture on 4th November 2022 regarding the Government Plan 2023 – 2026 and was informed that the updated question plan would be circulated in due course. | AT/JH |
4. Jersey Aircraft Registry (JAR) The Panel noted the correspondence received on 24th October 2022 from the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture regarding the JAR and noted its confidentiality. The Panel discussed the offer of a briefing from the Minister and asked that this be arranged as soon as possible, via Microsoft Teams, if necessary. | AT |
5. Future Meetings The Panel noted its recent invitation to attend the Jersey Farmer's Conference on 10th November which clashed with its next scheduled meeting. The Panel requested the scheduled meeting be moved to 9th November at 9am to enable it to attend the conference. It was agreed an updated invitation would be circulated in due course. | AT |
Date: 28th October 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies |
In attendance | George Pearmain, Director of Financial Crime James Silverston, Director, Financial Services Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Briefing on MONEYVAL and Financial Services Framework Policy The Panel received a private briefing from Departmental officers on the upcoming MONEYVAL assessment and the status of the Financial Services Framework Policy. A private detailed file note was made of the briefing, classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended). |
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews Deputy Sam Mézec , Chair Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel Deputy Lyndon Farnham , Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel Deputy Rob Ward , Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel Deputy Catherine Curtis , Chair, Children, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel |
Apologies |
In attendance | Deputy Alex Curtis , Assistant Minister, Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture Richard Corrigan, Director of Economy Ben Jehan , Private Secretary, Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture Monique Magalhaes, Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer Jade Hahn, Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Briefing on Technical Accelerator Fund The Panel received a joint private briefing with the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel and the Chair of the Children, Education and Home Affairs Scrutiny Panel from the Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture and Departmental officers on the Technology Accelerator Fund. A private detailed file note was made of the briefing, classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended). |
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews Deputy Sam Mézec , Chair Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel [item 1 only] Deputy Rob Ward , Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel [item 1 only] |
Apologies |
In attendance | Deputy Alex Curtis , Assistant Minister, Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture [items 1 and 3 only] Tony Moretti, Chief Executive of Digital Jersey [item 1 only] Chris Gorst , External Adviser, Nesta [item 1 only] Olivier Usher, External Adviser, Nesta [item 1 only] Deputy Kirsten Morel , Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture [item 3 only] Deputy Lucy Stephenson , Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture [item 3 only] Deputy Alex Curtis , Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture Richard Corrigan, Director General, Department for the Economy [item 3 only] Dan Houseago, Group Director, Economy [item 3 only] Thomas Holvey, Chief Economic Adviser [item 3 only] Fiona Smith, Head of Business Management and Governance, Department for the Economy [item 3 only] Ben Jehan , Private Secretary, Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture [items 1 and 3 only] Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Policy Officer [items 2 and 3 only] Monique Magalhaes, Committee and Panel Officer [item 1 only] Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer Jade Hahn, Research and Project Officer [item 1 only] |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Briefing with External Advisers on Technical Accelerator Fund The Panel received a joint private briefing with the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel from the Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture and external advisers from Nesta, the design partners, on the Technology Accelerator Fund. A private detailed file note was made of the briefing, classified as exempt in accordance with Article 35 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended). |
2. Review of Question Plan |
The Panel discussed its question plan for the upcoming hearing with the Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture relating to the Government Plan 2023 - 2026. The Panel divided up the question plan areas and agreed the plan as drafted. |
3. Public Hearing with Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture - Government Plan 2023 – 2026 The Panel welcomed Deputy Kirsten Morel , Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, Deputy Lucy Stephenson , Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, Deputy Alex Curtis , Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, Richard Corrigan, Director General, Department for the Economy, Dan Houseago, Group Director, Economy, Thomas Holvey, Chief Economic Adviser, Fiona Smith, Head of Business Management and Governance, Department for the Economy to a Public Hearing on the Government Plan 2023 – 2026. The hearing was recorded and webcast live in order that a transcript could be produced. |
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies |
In attendance | Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of meetings The Panel noted and approved the records of its meetings held on 20th, 21st, 26th and 27th October 2022 |
2. Government Plan 2023 – 2026 The Panel was provided with an update on the status of its Government Plan review and was informed that stakeholder letters had been drafted with a view to being approved for circulation early the following week. The Panel recalled it had asked for a letter to be drafted to the Chief Statistician and the Chief Economist. The Panel was informed that this information was in the process of being collated and a letter would be drafted in due course. The Panel was reminded of the final dates for lodging amendments to the Government Plan as 28th November as opposed to 29th November due to the States sitting being brought forward by one day to Monday 12th December. The Panel was also reminded of the deadline for comments to the Common Strategic Policy (CSP) was Friday 18th November. The Panel agreed it would present comments on the CSP and provided a number of areas to be included in the comments. It was agreed that the paper would be drafted and circulated early the following week in time for the deadline date for lodging. The Panel noted the upcoming hearings with the following Ministers: • Minister for International Development – 15th November (Combined Quarterly and Government Plan 2023 – 2026) • Minister for Treasury and Exchequer – 17th November (Minister in his capacity with responsibility for Financial Services as part of Government Plan 2023 – 2026) • Minister for External Relations (Combined Quarterly and Government Plan 2023 – 2026) The Panel reviewed the question plan for the Minister for International Development and agreed the plan as drafted. It was agreed the Panel would meet on Friday 11th | JH KB |
November to discuss the question plan for the Minister for Treasury and Resources and if time permitted, the Minister for External Relations. |
3. Technology Accelerator Fund The Panel recalled the recently held joint briefing with the Corporate Services Scrutiny Panel regarding the Technology Accelerator Fund (TAF) by the Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture and the external design partners. The Panel agreed that it was not yet in a position to launch a review on this topic and would wait until such a time that the Assistant Minister brought a report or proposition forward with further detail. It was further agreed this would form part of the Panel's ongoing work programme for 2023. | JH |
4. Future Meetings The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting would take place at 12noon on the 11th November 2022 in the Rococo Room, States Greffe to discuss the question plans for its upcoming hearings with the Minister for Treasury and Resources and the Minister for External Relations. |
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies |
In attendance | Andrew Harris , Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Government Plan 2023 - 2026 The Panel discussed the recently circulated question plan for its upcoming hearing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources in his capacity with responsibility for Financial Services. The Panel made a number of amendments and asked that the plan be updated and circulated for further consideration. The Panel discussed the possibility of lodging an amendment to the Government Plan regarding Jersey Business and noted the tight timeframe in which to do this. It was agreed the Panel would give this further consideration and discuss at its next meeting. | JH |
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies |
In attendance | Deputy Carolyn Labey , Minister for International Development [item 2 only] Simon Boas, Executive Director, Jersey Overseas Aid [item 2 only] Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Policy Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Review of Question Plan The Panel discussed its question plan for the upcoming Public Hearing with the Minister for International Development relating to the Government Plan 2023 - 2026. The Panel divided up the question plan areas and agreed the plan as drafted. |
2. Public Hearing with Minister for International Development - Government Plan 2023 – 2026 The Panel welcomed Deputy Carolyn Labey , Minister for International Development and Simon Boas, Executive Director of Jersey Overseas Aid to a Public Hearing on the Government Plan 2023 – 2026. The hearing was recorded and webcast live via Public-I in order that a transcript could be produced. |
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies |
In attendance | Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Government Plan 2023 – 2026 Hearing with Minister for External Relations and Minister for Treasury and Resources | JH KB |
The Panel discussed the recent correspondence it had received from the Ministerial Support Unit regarding the upcoming separate hearings with the Minister for External Relations and the Minister for Treasury and Resources. The Panel had been made aware that the Minister for Treasury and Resources did not yet have responsibility for financial services as the transfer order for allocation of responsibilities had yet to be signed. As a consequence of this, the Department has advised that it would not be legally possible for the Minister for Treasury and Resources to attend a hearing as the Minister with responsibility for financial services. The Panel was advised that responsibility for financial services laid with the Minister for External Relations and should the Panel wish to question the Minister for Treasury and Resources on this area, the Minister for External Relations would need to be present. The Panel discussed various options and agreed that it would conduct a joint hearing with both Ministers. The Panel requested that both question plans were merged into one in order to focus on matters that it considered a priority. It was also agreed that once the transfer order was signed, the Panel would invite both Ministers to separate hearings in 2023. Amendment to Government Plan The Panel discussed a possible amendment to the Government Plan regarding the additional funding of £700,000 which was due to be allocated to Jersey Business, on approval of the proposition. After discussing the matter, the Panel agreed that an amendment would be drafted for further consideration. It was further agreed that, should the Panel decide not to lodge the amendment, it could be lodged by a Member of the Panel in an independent capacity. | |
2. Common Strategic Policy The Panel discussed the recently circulated Comments paper noting that a number of changes had been proposed. The Panel requested a number of additional changes and agreed that a revised version would be circulated for final approval. | KB |
3. Future Meetings |
The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting would take place at 9am on 18th November 2022 in the Blampied Room, States Building and would include a joint Public Hearing with the Minister for External Relations and the Minister for Treasury and Resources. |
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies |
In attendance | Deputy Philip Ozouf , Minister for External Relations and Financial Services Deputy Ian Gorst , Minister for Treasury and Resources Richard Corrigan, Director General, Economy Kate Nutt, Group Director, External Relations George Pearmain, Director of Financial Crime James Silverston, Director, Financial Services Tom Le Feuvre, Director, Global Markets and International Development Dan Marcos, Head of International Compliance Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Review of Question Plan The Panel discussed its question plan for the joint Public Hearing with the Minister for External Relations and the Minister for Treasury and Resources relating to the Government Plan 2023 - 2026. The Panel divided up the question plan areas and agreed the plan as drafted. |
2. Common Strategic Policy The Panel approved the Comments paper and noted that it would be presented to the States later that day | KB |
3. Public Hearing with Minister for External Relations and the Minister for Treasury and Resources - Government Plan 2023 – 2026 The Panel welcomed Deputy Philip Ozouf , Minister for External Relations and Financial Services Deputy Ian Gorst , Minister for Treasury and Resources, Richard Corrigan, Director General, Economy, Kate Nutt, Group Director, External Relations George Pearmain, Director of Financial Crime, James Silverston, Director, Financial Services, Tom Le Feuvre, Director, Global Markets and International Development and Dan Marcos, Head of International Compliance to a combined Public Hearing on the Government Plan 2023 – 2026. The hearing was recorded and webcast live via Public-I in order that a transcript could be produced. |
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies |
In attendance | George Pearmain, Director of Financial Crime Alex Rose, Associate Director, Financial Crime Strategy Pia Holm, Jersey Financial Services Commission Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Briefing on Amendment to Regulations of Non Profit Organisations (NPO's) The Panel received a briefing from Departmental officers and an officer from the Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC) on the upcoming proposed Amendment to the Regulations of Non Profit Organisations (NPO's) due for debate at the States Sitting week commencing 12th December 2022 under P.104/2022 Draft Non Profit Organisations (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) Regulations 202-. The Panel |
was informed that the Amendment formed part of the recommendations required by Financial Action Task Force (FATF) for the upcoming MONEYVAL assessment due to take place in late 2023. The Panel recalled that various pieces of legislation had been lodged by the Minister for External Relations and Financial Services throughout the course of 2022 which would continue into 2023, specifically for the MONEYVAL assessment. The Panel was informed that the Amendment to the Law was approved by the previous Assembly on 27th April 2022 under P.56/2022. The Amendment granted the Minister for External Relations and Financial Services the power to impose obligations by Order on Prescribed Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs), or NPOs belonging to a Prescribed class of NPOs (the Prescribed NPO Order). The Panel was further informed that, as the Primary Law change had been approved under P.56/2022, the follow up to this piece of work may be considered relatively minor in comparison. The purpose of P.104/2022 was to introduce provisions to adequately meet the criteria set out in Recommendation 8 of the FATF Recommendations and would come into force on 1st January 2023, by Ministerial Order. Recommendation 8.3 of the FATF Recommendations 2012 required: "countries should take steps to promote effective supervision or monitoring such that they are able to demonstrate that risk-based measures apply to Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) at risk of terrorist financing abuse". The Panel was informed that in order to meet Recommendation 8 of FATF the JFSC must have the necessary supervisory, monitoring and enforcement powers in respect |
of all relevant NPOs. It was further informed that this amendment would bring NPOs that were provided with a prescribed service in the course of trust company business under the Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998 within the regulatory scope of the NPO Law, just like registered NPOs. It was further informed that all NPO's, regardless of size would have to register. The Panel asked what affect this amendment would have to the small NPO's who previously did not have to register as they came under the threshold of £1,000. It was informed that the amendment, which had been approved in April 2022, meant this threshold no longer existed and all NPO's had to register. The Panel was further informed that a survey had been undertaken by industry to target the smaller NPO's and received feedback to which no major concerns were raised. It was explained to the Panel that as far as the JFSC was concerned, most of the smaller NPO's were already on the register. The Panel was informed that in total, there were around 1,300 NPO's, 735 of which were registered and 565 of which were regulated inside a Trust Company. The Panel was provided with an overview of the consultation process undertaken to date and was informed that weekly meetings had taken place with industry together with industry specific consultations to help draft the framework. The Panel asked if the Minister and the JFSC were content that the smaller NPO's were aware of the upcoming changes and whether enough had been done to inform them of the Amendment and its potential impact. It was informed that a full consultation process had been carried out which highlighted that as much as possible was being done to protect the sector overall. It was further explained that the responses to the consultation would hopefully be presented shortly. The Panel asked how many objections were raised regarding registration of NPO's to which it was informed one. The Panel went on to ask what lessons were being drawn on from other jurisdictions and was informed that Jersey was taking the lead predominately from the United Kingdom (UK). It was further informed that Jersey was not behind in the implementation of its legislation which mirrored legislation in other major jurisdictions. The Panel queried why the financial records of NPO's were kept for 5 years and not longer. It was informed that this was industry standard. The Panel queried as to the status of the Ministerial Order and was informed that the Order had been consulted on and amendments had been made as a result of the feedback received. It was due to be signed imminently. It was agreed that once the Order had been finalised, it would be forwarded to the Panel. The Panel thanked the officers for their time, and they left the meeting. |
2. Panel Discussion on Amendment to Regulations of Non Profit Organisations (NPO's) The Panel discussed the recently held briefing and the next steps. It was agreed that a further briefing on NPO's would be useful in the new year once the Amendment had been implemented to see how the changes were affecting industry and in particular, the smaller NPO's. The Panel also requested that Comments to the Amendment were drafted. The Officer advised that these would be circulated for consideration in due course. | JH |
Date: 7th December 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies |
In attendance | Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Records of Meetings The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 28th October, 2nd, 9th, 14th 15th 17th and 18th November 2022. The Panel asked that the record for 4th November be recirculated as it had been circulated originally with tracked changes. | JH |
2. Amendment to Regulations of Non Profit Organisations (NPO's) The Panel discussed the recently circulated draft comments on the Amendment to P.104/2022 Draft Non Profit Organisations (Amendment of Law) (Jersey) | JH |
The Panel made a number of changes and asked that these be incorporated and a revised draft circulated for approval. | |
3. Government Plan 2023 – 2026 The Panel discussed the recently circulated draft of its report on the Government Plan 2023 – 2026 and made a number of amendments. The Panel asked that these be incorporated and a revised draft circulated for further consideration. | JH |
Electronic Record of Meeting
Date: 8th December 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies |
In attendance | Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Amendment to Regulations of Non Profit Organisations (NPO's) Following the incorporated changes, the Panel approved its comments on the Amendment to P.104/2022 Draft Non Profit Organisations (Amendment of Law) | JH |
(Jersey) Regulations 202- and asked that these be lodged au Greffe. |
Electronic Record of Meeting
Date: 9th December 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies |
In attendance | Kellie Boydens , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Government Plan – 2023 - 2026 The Panel approved its Report S.R.22/2022 and asked that this be circulated and presented as soon as possible. The Press Release accompanying the report was also approved. | JH |
Electronic Record of Meeting
Date: 12th December 2022
Present | Deputy Moz Scott (Chair) Deputy Raluca Kovacs (Vice Chair) Deputy Max Andrews |
Apologies |
In attendance | Janice Hales , Research and Project Officer |
Agenda matter | Action |
1. Government Plan – 2023 - 2026 The Panel received feedback from the Minister for International Development regarding an error within its Report S.R.22/2022 and it was agreed that the Report would be reissued. | JH |