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Approved Panel Minutes - Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel - 2024

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Environment, Housing and Infrastructure

Scrutiny Panel

Records of Meetings



The following records of meetings have been approved by the Panel.

The constitution of the Panel changed in early 2024. Deputy Steve Luce was appointed to a ministerial role on 30th January 2024. The Panel folded and Deputy Hilary Jeune was appointed to Chair of the Panel on 6th February 2024. Subsequently, the Panel was constituted on 27th February 2024.

Chair of the Panel to 29th January 2024




Deputy Steve Luce

Chair of the Panel from 6th February 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune


Date: 10th January 2024



Deputy Steve Luce , Chair

Connétable Michael Jackson , Vice-Chair Connétable David Johnson

Deputy Mary Le Hegarat

In attendance

Nikita Hall , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer

Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1. Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the record of the meeting held on 20th December 2024.


2. Bridging Liquid Waste Strategy 2023-2026 Review – Draft Report

The Panel considered a final draft report in relation to its review of the Bridging Liquid Waste Strategy 2023-2026 and agreed the final updates. The Panel requested the report be published no later than Monday 15th January.

The Panel noted that long-term funding had not been identified and which could result in delays to some liquid waste projects commencing until funding from 2026 could be approved. The Panel requested the Officer check the Public Finances Law Manual regarding major infrastructure projects to understand if there was a resolution to acquiring long-term funding. In the event that there was no resolution in place, the Panel requested a private briefing with the Minister for Treasury and Resources to discuss the issue of potential forward funding mechanisms.


3. Marine Spatial Plan - Planned Scrutiny Review

The Panel noted a letter from the Minister for the Environment which agreed to the Panel’s request to extend the public consultation period until 28th January 2024.

The Panel considered and agreed an update of the initial scoping document for its review of the Marine Spatial Plan and requested work be undertaken to enable identification of consultants to take place whilst awaiting the publication of the finalised Plan. The Panel agreed to identify key consultants who could support the development of the Terms of Reference (‘TOR’) for the review. The Panel requested the Officer to circulate a briefing paper and a list of potential consultants to the Panel.

The Panel discussed the potentially limited timeframe to conduct a scrutiny review, it being noted that the States’ debate was estimated to be held in July 2024.




4.  Work Programme and Ministerial Delivery Plan Progress Updates

The Panel reviewed and updated its Work Programme for January – June 2024 utilising  updates  provided  by  the  Ministers  for  Environment,  Infrastructure  and Housing and Communities.

The Panel noted that the Draft Amendments Residential Tenancy Law consultation had  finalised  the  previous  June,  but  no  consultation  outcome  report  had  been published. The Panel requested Officers ensure questions were added into the draft question plan for the upcoming quarterly hearing on 31st January 2024.

The Panel also requested that the Officer add a potential short review looking into the planning process and non-criminal proceedings to its work programme. The Panel also requested the Officer to carry out research and produce a briefing paper into the use of retrospective planning applications, compliance and number of infractions in recent times.

The Panel also asked the Officer to organise a private briefing regarding glasshouses and derelict buildings.

In addition, the Panel requested the Officer prepare a briefing paper regarding the use of oil-fired burners in the island, the cost to replace oil as a heating source to inform any future review of electrification and the capacity of Jersey’s infrastructure.

The Panel also requested the Officer to arrange a briefing with the Jersey Electricity to discover its capacity and ability on island ahead of the ban on oil burners.





5.  Resignation of the Minister for Infrastructure

The Panel noted the resignation of Deputy Tom Binet as Minister for Infrastructure.


6.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Wednesday 31st January 2024 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building when the Panel would also receive the Minister for Housing and Communities for a public quarterly hearing.



Date: 29th February 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice-Chair Deputy David Warr

Deputy Alex Curtis


Connétable David Johnson

In attendance  

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel noted the former Panel’s approval of the record of the meeting held on 10th January 2024.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interests section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts Committee Proceedings Code of Practice. The Panel agreed that this should be a standing item on the Panel’s agenda going forward.


3.  Training for Panel Members

The Panel discussed opportunities for training and expressed an interest in a number of areas including effective questioning. It was agreed that this interest be conveyed to the Scrutiny Liaison Committee. The Panel requested the Officers to enquire about an all-Scrutiny Member training day.

The Panel noted an interest in a visit to Westminster to observe a relevant Select Committee. The Panel requested Officers to make the necessary arrangements.


4.  Appointment of Vice Chair

Deputy Tom Coles was appointed Vice Chair of the Panel.


5.  Position Paper

The Panel noted a Position Paper provided by the Officer. The Panel noted that the Chief Minister was not intending to lodge a new Government Plan and requested the Officer  to  enquire  about  the  Ministerial  Responses  from  the  Ministers  for  the Environment and the Minister for Infrastructure to the formal Panel’s Comments on the  Government  Plan  2024–2027.  It  requested  that  a realistic  delivery  date  be provided.

The Panel noted the priorities outlined by Ministers during their nomination speeches in  the  States  Assembly  and  discussed  potential  question  areas  for  forthcoming briefings with the Ministers for Housing, Environment and Infrastructure. The Panel noted that its briefing with the Minister for Infrastructure was scheduled for late March and requested that a letter be drafted for the Panel’s approval requesting an outline of the Minister’s current priorities.





The Panel requested that the officer schedule a briefing on updates and amendments to Building Bye-laws.


6.  Work programme

The Panel noted its work programme for the year and discussed amendments and additions. The Panel agreed that the work programme should be revisited following the forthcoming briefings with the Ministers to ensure that priority areas were covered.

The Panel agreed that it would request an updated timeline from the Minister for the Environment on the presentation of the Marine Spatial Plan if this remained a topic that the Panel was likely to review.

It was noted that a tracker had been generated by the States Greffe to track Ministerial work streams and requested that an updated version be shared with the Panel.

The Panel noted the changed date for the debate of P.82/2024 Offshore Wind to 16th April 2024 and requested that officers schedule a suitable time for a briefing with Government Officers and the Minister for the Environment. The Panel agreed that the proposal would fall within the remit of a number of Panels and that a Review Panel should be established to examine any proposals. It was noted that the Chair would propose this to the Scrutiny Liaison Committee.



7.  Topic-led Briefings

The Panel discussed potential areas on which it required background briefings from Officers and/or Ministers and agreed to consider this further.

The Panel noted that long-term financing regarding infrastructure projects needed to be considered and requested the Officer to make the necessary arrangements to schedule a briefing with the Minister for Treasury to investigate the processes.

The Panel noted a number of site visits that would be beneficial to its work programme and requested the Officers to make the necessary arrangements.


8.  S.R.1/2024 – Bridging Liquid Waste Strategy 2023 – 2026 Review – Ministerial Response

The Panel noted the Ministerial Response to the Bridging Liquid Waste Strategy Review carried out by the previous Panel. The Panel agreed to examine the response in more detail before its next meeting and that any questions arising would be included in correspondence and its first Quarterly Hearing with the relevant Ministers.


9.  Scheduled Meetings and Hearings for 2024

The Panel reviewed and agreed the scheduled Panel meetings for 2024.


10. Question Plans for Hearings

The  Panel  received  information  from  the  Committee  and  Panel  Officer  on  the development of question plans for Public Hearings and noted the document provided. The Panel noted that its first Quarterly Hearing would be held with the Minister for Housing on 24th April 2024.


11. Ministerial Briefings

The Panel noted the upcoming briefings with the Ministers for Housing, Environment and Infrastructure that had been scheduled to gather information about the Common Strategic Policy and Ministerial Plans. The Panel agreed that a public record of the




briefings should be taken by officers and requested that the Ministers be informed ahead of the briefings.


12. Relevant Documents for the newly Constituted Panel

The Panel noted a number of papers provided by the Officer regarding procedural and administrative matters, working practices and declarations and conflicts of interest.


13. Communications

The Panel agreed to add an update from its Digital and Public Engagement Officer as a standing item on the agenda for future meetings.


14. Future Meetings

The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Thursday 7th March 2024 in the Le Blampied Room of the States Building and would include a briefing with the Minister for Housing.



Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 7th March 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice-Chair Deputy David Warr

Deputy Alex Curtis


Connétable David Johnson

In attendance  

Item 2 only

Deputy Sam Mézec , Minister for Housing

Natasha Day, Head of Strategic Housing and Regeneration, Cabinet Office Lauren Ferguson, Research and Administration Officer, Ministerial Office

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Briefing with the Minister for Housing – discussion points

The Panel noted topic areas that it would discuss during its briefing with the Minister for Housing.


2.  Briefing with the Minister for Housing – ministerial priorities

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Housing and government officers for a briefing on the Minister’s priorities during this term of office.

The Minister began by informing the Panel that the new Government had not imposed the framework of Ministerial Plans and that each Minister had more freedom to shape their priorities in their own terms.

He said he had referred to his priorities on a number of platforms and during his nomination speech and these were:

Moving more Islanders into home ownership

Improving the situation for renters

Addressing the plight of homelessness

It was agreed that the Minister would outline the actions that he was taking on each of these priorities and that the Panel would then pose any questions which arose.

Supporting Islanders into home ownership


The Minister said that he was keen to build and expand on the First Step shared equity scheme which had now been launched and was accepting its first applications. It was acknowledged that any expansion and increase in funding of the scheme would depend on the support of the wider Council of Ministers.

It was the Minister’s intention to open communication with developers looking at the rezoned sites in the Bridging Island Plan and to ensure that he was aware of the proportion of properties which would be first-time buyer homes.


It  was  stated  that  both  Andium  Homes  and the  States  of  Jersey  Development Company (SoJDC) have schemes which would be looked at to see what could be done to improve home ownership through delivery of those schemes. The Minister said that he would be seeking to maximise the development of the SoJDC sites for those who hadn't yet had opportunity to own their home.

It was stated that Andium Homes had been successful in providing 1- and 2- bedroom homes in recent years but that he was aware of the need for 3-bedroom family homes.

There was an acknowledgement that right-sizing would play a part in this and that, despite Andium’s success, current rules did not always assist them in helping people move from properties they occupied into ones which were the right size for their needs. However, that under current rules they were struggling to do this effectively, to ensure people had access to the size of home that met their needs.

The Minister indicated that although there would need to be a cautious approach it may work better financially for homes owned by Andium (that would be impossible to rent) to be sold.

It was stated that lowering the age limit for access to social housing to 25 would be assist people who were perhaps at an earlier stage of their career whose wages may increase over time, as life circumstances change. Access to social housing would provide a buffer for those who needed it at that early stage.

The £10 million funding for the First Step Scheme would be released in tranches rather than in one go. It was felt that the advantage of this would be that the window for applications would be longer.

The Minister expressed the view that tranches would mean that the news would spread over time and people who did not think about applying in the first tranche may do so later.

It was stated that capping the amount that a home could cost under the scheme might also encourage sellers to slightly lower the price of their property to be accessible to the buyers eligible for the First Step Scheme.

The Panel asked about the collection of data during the first tranche of the scheme and when the Minister would feedback on whether the scheme was successful. The Minister said that the first tranches would provide a picture of who was applying and whether the criteria of the scheme and level of deposit were set at the right level. He said that Government would have the ability to check this at the end of each tranche. No substantial changes were expected to be brought through before the launch of the second tranche.

The Minister said that he had not spoken directly to mortgage lenders but would be meeting with the Minister for Financial Services and with the Consumer Council to discuss any potential for assisting more people into property ownership.

The Panel asked how relevant Ministers would work together on the provision of affordable homes and whether the Future Places Ministerial Group, established by the previous Government, would continue. The Minister said that the group would revert to its previous title of Regeneration Steering Group which was due to meet soon. He said that he was aware that the Minister for the Environment had made it one of his stated priorities to resolve the planning issues that have elongated the process.



It was stated that among the obstacles to the provision of affordable homes was the viability of building those sites already identified as a result of the lack of capacity within the sewerage network.

It  was  acknowledged  that  there  would  be  competing  priorities  for  funding  from members of the Council of Ministers but that the Minister would push for as much as he  could  for  the  First  Step  Scheme  and  for  work  which  would  progress  the development of affordable homes.

The Minister stated that he was keen to ensure that developers provide as much as they can in terms of affordable housing on new developments and that he did not want to see any reduction in the percentages they had to provide.

There was some discussion about the viability for the construction industry of providing affordable homes.

The Head of Strategic Housing and Regeneration provided information about the importance of the cost of land and the need for the supplementary planning guidance on the price of affordable homes to be factored into the land price negotiations.

The Minister acknowledged that, as a result of the fifth amendment to the Government Plan 2024 – 2027, a scheme for encouraging and incentivising right-sizing would need to be presented to the States Assembly by 31st May. It was stated that the aim was to find incentives that would help people who were not able to downsize to do so, rather than offer them to people who did not want or need them.

It was stated that there was a change of focus for the work being undertaken on vacant homes which was being tough on homes which were empty for no good reason, rather than providing incentives for people to ensure occupancy. The Minister would be meeting with the Comité des Connétable s to explore what was possible under the Rates (Jersey) Law 2005 as a taxation element. The intention would be to find a way to get abandoned homes back on the market but also not to tax owners unnecessarily if there were valid reasons for vacancy.

Improving the experience for tenants

The  Minister  stated  that  he  was  determined  to  bring  the  amendments  to  the Residential Tenancy (Jersey) Law 2011 (RTL)forward. Officers had been instructed on the way in which he wanted the work to be expedited and had requested that elements be removed that he did not feel should have been there.

It was stated that a more formal declaration would be made in the coming weeks but that the Minister had requested that social housing regulation should not be in the amendments in the first instance and could perhaps be added at a later date. The Minister said that the addition of social housing regulation at this stage would delay getting other elements in place that he wanted to see, including:

Security of tenure

Protection from excessive rent increases

The establishment of a rental tribunal

The Panel asked about the rationale for the removal of social housing regulation. The Minister stated that he wanted the work to be undertaken but that it would take more time. He had made a political decision to separate the regulation of social housing from the current RTL proposals.



It was stated that a final draft of the RTL amendments would be completed by September 2024. The Minister was intending to undertake some informal stakeholder engagement by the end of April and to have conversations with the Tribunal Service.

It was the intention of the Minister to make changes to the Deposit Protection Scheme to improve communication for both landlords and tenants. Whilst the scheme was praised it was stated that the administration could be improved to ensure that people did not lose money unfairly. It was felt that some of the work might require law changes.

It was also stated that a clearer process in the Residential Tenancy Law would reinforce the message that deposit money was not owned by the landlord.

There was some discussion about the forthcoming code of practice on the Public Health and Safety (Rented Dwellings) (Licensing) (Jersey) Regulations 202- which were adopted by the States Assembly in 2023. A commitment had been made with the Jersey Landlords Association (JLA) to build the guidelines with them rather than imposing a system upon them. The draft code of practice would be discussed with the JLA and with Environmental Health.

The Minister also said that he wanted to look at shaping the Social Rents Policy to help people in the most effective way possible and address inequities which meant that, in some cases, people were paying more for a smaller property.

The Minister stated that it was intended that a handbook be published that provided clarity for both parties so that people know where they can go. It was stated that this should be clear and address, for instance, safety elements. This was seen as a separate document from the law. It was hoped that the wording of the law would ensure that it could be passed but not enacted until the guidelines were published.

The Panel raised a question about data on rent levels and heard from the Minister that he was not convinced that a database of all rents was that useful but was more interested at looking at the mechanism of a rent review than a database of every rent.

The Minister spoke about the lowering the age of eligibility for social housing. It was stated that the pathway for expanding that criteria was underway but that current feedback suggested the change would not lead to overwhelming demand.

It was acknowledged that there needed to be increased promotion of the Affordable Housing Gateway and eligibility criteria. The Minister said that he had asked Andium Homes to do work on projections and the demands that they were experiencing, to see whether there was scope for widening the criteria further.

The Panel asked about the Housing Advice Service and heard that, while it was a relatively new service, it was hoped that it would be able to develop to do outreach and to gather expertise and information, but this would be a political decision based on available funding. The view was expressed that the Housing Advice Service should be the front door for all housing enquiries and that the Minister would like to increase the service capacity but did not want to find that the team were swamped as a result.

The Minister said that the supply of three-bedroom homes was not what it should be and that this was one of the reasons why the Island Plan sites were so important.



It was stated that the Andium Homes development at Cyril Le Marquand Court had been very successful and that a result of the success with down-sizing homes was that Andium was struggling to rent two-bedroom properties. He expressed the view that this could provide the opportunity to look at home-buy for those properties where there was demand and to provide rental when there was not that demand. The Minister said that there would be benefits to being flexible about how people were assisted to access housing.

The Panel asked about the priority that would be given to any changes to the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 (CHWL). The Minister said that his political view was that, as currently structured, the law created a two-tier society. Any elements of the housing portfolio that related to the Control of Housing and Work Law would be led by the Assistant Minister for Housing, Deputy Carina Alves .

The Panel asked about the Minister’s oversight of the categorisation/recategorisation of housing under the CHWL. It heard that the Minister did not receive many requests from people asking for homes to be recategorised. The Head of Strategic Housing and Regeneration said the power to recategorise housing was given exclusively to the Chief Minister not the Minister for Housing but that it would be useful to understand the patterns emerging from any requests to change categories.

The Minister stated that he did not like the idea of anything owned by Andium not being at social rent and was aware that decisions could be made now which would have an impact on how a home was used forever.

Addressing the plight of homelessness

It was stated that the Homelessness Strategy was good but that it was hard to implement. The reasons for being homeless were unique to every situation and primarily included health issues, the breakdown of relationships or domestic violence.

The Minister stated that he wanted to do the work to define homelessness in law and to ensure that this was connected to the obligations on public services for their action when someone found themselves in that position.

It was stated that this work had yet to be done and it would need the input of a number of bodies, including the Children’s Service, Probation Service and the Housing Advice Service to ensure that there was an appropriate service and a legal obligation to help people who were homeless. Conversations on how to proceed would also need to include the Ministers for Health, Justice and Home Affairs, and Social Security.

The Panel asked why the Minister had established the Housing Crisis Emergency Taskforce. It heard that the body was the weekly focus group for the core actions in each of the pillars outlined above. It was attended by the Minister and officers for relevant areas and concentrated on what was happening in relation to each of the actions and any difficulties that the Minister needed to resolve. Future meetings would also include other Ministers, such as the Minister for the Environment to ensure that planning issues could be explored.

The Panel thanked the Minister and his officers who exited the meeting.



3.  Panel matters

The Panel noted the areas covered by the Minister for Housing for future questioning and agreed that a briefing should also be arranged with Andium Homes to gather information about their service and to ask for figures in relation to their home-buy scheme.


4.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Friday 8th March 2024 in the Blampied Room of the States Building and would include a briefing from the Minister for the Environment.



Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 8th March 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice-Chair Deputy David Warr

Deputy Alex Curtis


Connétable David Johnson

In attendance  

Item 2 only

Deputy Steve Luce , Minister for the Environment

Connétable Michael Jackson , Assistant Minister for the Environment Kevin Pilley, Head of Place and Spatial Planning, Cabinet Office

Kelly Whitehead, Group Director, Regulation, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Louise Magris, Group Director of Housing, Environment and Placemaking, Cabinet Office

Francis Binney, Marine Scientist, Marine Resources, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Briefing with the Minister for the Environment – discussion points

The Panel noted topic areas that it would discuss during its briefing with the Minister for the Environment.


2.  Briefing with the Minister for Environment – ministerial priorities

The Panel welcomed the Minister and Assistant Minister for the Environment and government officers for a briefing on the Minister’s priorities during this term of office.

The Minister told the Panel that there would be no major changes in priority from the previous administration and major proposals such as the Marine Spatial Plan and Offshore Wind would proceed with a States debate. Details on each might have changed but there would not be a major shift in policy.

Offshore Wind

The consultation on P.82/Offshore Wind had been completed and it was important to hold the debate on the proposition on 16th April. Initial analysis of the consultation responses indicated that 70% of respondents were broadly positive and 25% negative. Further analysis had yet to be done of the 900 responses to identify themes and concerns. This work was still being done.

It was agreed that Scrutiny Panels would receive a dedicated briefing.

The Minister said he was keen to ensure that there was a properly informed debate and to move to the next stage. It was felt that the majority of the public who had



responded wanted to move the debate on and the Minister wanted to ensure that Members had the right information to support the proposition. He said that a close vote would not send a clear message on direction to commercial organisations which might want to get involved in the project in future.

The  Panel  asked  whether  the  Future  Energy  Group  existed  under  the  new administration and heard that the group had not been formally established but that the Minister was in contact with the Minister for Sustainable Economic Development as it was anticipated that there would be phases of the offshore wind development which would fall under his remit.

The Panel confirmed that it was the intention to form a Review Panel to scrutinise future developments should the proposition be approved by the States Assembly.

The Minister stated that there were a number of aspects of the project which could provide interesting opportunities, including the potential that it could be the first wind farm built without any subsidy, the interest that it might generate in the French market and the prospect that it could provide surplus energy for the European grid.

It was acknowledged that these were still at the concept stage and need new and different agreements.

It was also stated that while Jersey Electricity were aware and that conversations would need to be had with them, there had been limited contact with the Minister to date and it was not yet clear what part they would play.

Officers stated that the company had been involved in conversation and had brought their expertise to the table, but no formal agreement had been made regarding their role in future developments.

The Minister restated that the debate was the opportunity to give the approval needed to move on to the next stage and to steer any policy work. Careful analysis would be needed around the cost and benefit of the different options for the energy supply.

It  was  further  stated  that  France  was  continuing  to  expand  its  offshore  wind programme as its nuclear generation was reaching the end of its life.

The Panel asked that the Minister make a request for the proposition to be debated at the end of the agenda for the States sitting commencing on the 16th April to allow Members of the Panel who would be away from the Island on States Assembly business time to return in time for the debate.


The Minister said that the Council of Ministers were committed to doing all it could to solve the situation in relation to housing. Latest numbers showed that demand was not as high as had been the case previously but that those who wanted to buy were still finding it hugely expensive.

He said that it was his intention to address the issue from a planning perspective and he was going to see what could be done to get applications through the system as quickly  as  possible.  There  would  be  a  challenge  with  resources  and  vacancy management.



It was acknowledged that planning officers were under pressure and that there was also pressure on those staff involved in bringing forward plans for drainage.

The Minister wanted to put a priority on applications and try and bring forward affordable homes sites in St Peter. He continued that although there needed to be a focus on supply, the main issue for those who wanted to buy a house was affordability and that shared equity provided a way forward.

There were some discussions about the density of housing on sites, the relevant supplementary planning guidance and the level of parking provided on a site.

It was stated that new guidance had been issued and this provided the minimum standard that developers had to meet. It provided guidance on the parameters that they would be working with. It was hoped that by working with developers and applicants to help develop their schemes it would help speed up the process when an application was submitted. The Minister also said that pre-planning advice was an important element in speeding up the process.

There was an acknowledgement that advice could differ from Planning Committee decisions and that this was not helpful but there was also an obligation on developers to look at the Island Plan and not plan for larger developments than specified for the site than the plan allowed.

The Minister spoke about the use of Glasshouse sites and the challenges that they represented for development. Some of the glasshouses were dilapidated and in a dangerous condition. It was stated that the new supplementary planning guidance would help but there was an understanding that the sites were expensive to return to agriculture or to clear. It was also stated that while some of the sites might be large enough for development, they may lack the access to services and utilities required.

It was stated that the department were looking at the McKinnon Review of the department and its processes and that a new report was being issued. The key recommendation which was being worked on was the development of an industry partnership board which met quarterly and would provide closer contact on issues for discussion. They would also want to work providing industry forums and seminars to increase knowledge of policy and supplementary guidance.

A new customer charter has also been developed to help with turn-around times and returning phone calls. Pre-application advice would be encouraged to assist with the process and more information was provided on the Government’s timescales.

The Minister was keen to see smaller applications that were impacting on individuals being determined as quickly as possible with decisions being issued within days rather than weeks once the statutory advertising period had expired.

Bridging Island Plan

The Minister said that he had wanted to bring forward an Island Plan but understood that this was not going to happen by 2026. Officers had been requested to look at the requirements of the Bridging Island Plan to determine what had been done and what still needed action to be taken.

The Bridging Island Plan was developed under the Covid 19 (Island Plan) (Jersey) Regulations 2021 which amended the Planning and Building (Jersey) Law 2002 to





The Panel asked for more information about the delivery against targets in the Carbon Neutral Roadmap. Disappointment was expressed about the low application and redemption of the vouchers for e-bikes and that the parking incentive on electric cars was being removed.

The Panel heard that Evie had struggled with its business model and a new better model was being sought.

A consultation would be launched on energy performance certificates this quarter and that time would be taken to ensure that this was developed well. The Minister said that a purchaser of a property should know what the energy performance was.

Tree protection

The Minister stated that he would not be bringing forward legislation but there was an effort to begin planting again. He said that officers and Jersey Trees for Life would look at how trees could be protected and acknowledged that certain trees need more special protection.

The Assistant Minister said he was keen to learn from the experience of the previous administration and that there had been misinterpretation and disagreement with the proposals for legislation.

Rural support

There was discussion about the need to work with farmers about the introduction of biodiversity schemes and of the need to keep people in the farming industry. The Minister said that he was trying to push the local growing of food for the population and of helping people to access schemes which encouraged small holdings.






The Minister said that contaminated soil was of vital importance for the Island’s infrastructure and that there was finite space at La Collette. It was known that there was an issue with contaminated land at the Waterfront and that the disposal needed careful thought.

The Panel asked if it was known where waste sites were across the Island. It was stated that there was a strategy for dealing with the sites and there was a map but that there were legal issues around sharing that information. The information could already be accessed before any sensitive users went on a site.

The Minister said that he wanted to operate a ‘no surprises’ policy with the Panel. The Panel thanked the Minister and his officers who exited the meeting.


3.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Wednesday 27th March 2024 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building.



Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 27th March 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair

Deputy Tom Coles , Vice-Chair

Connétable David Johnson

Deputy David Warr (Item 1 – 3, 5 – 13 and 14 only)


Deputy Alex Curtis

In attendance

Item 3 only

Connétable Andy Jehan , Minister for Infrastructure

Andrew Scate, Chief Officer, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Tim Daniels, Director -Jersey Property Holdings, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Ellen Littlechild, Group Director of Operations and Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Tristan Dodd, Director - Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Mark Richardson, Private Secretary for the Minister for Infrastructure, Ministerial Office

Item 4 only

Francis  Binney,  Head  of  Marine  Resources  and  Management, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Dr  Samantha  Blampied,  Marine  Data  Officer,  Infrastructure  and Environment Department

Heather  Ford,  Private  Secretary  for  the  Minister  for  Environment, Ministerial Office

Item 13 only

Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel Deputy Montfort Tadier , Chair

Deputy Max Andrews

Deputy Karen Wilson

Deputy Steve Luce , Minister for the Environment

Louise  Magris,  Direct  for  Housing,  Environment  and  Placemaking, Cabinet Office

Jane Burns, Climate Change Engagement Manager, Infrastructure and Environment

Nikita Hall , Principal Committee and Panel Officer Peter Lamy , Committee and Panel Officer

Alex Cameron, Research and Project Officer

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter  


1.  Records of Meetings  

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 29th February and 7th March 2024.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interests

The Panel noted the declaration of interest’s section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts Committee Proceedings Code of Practice and considered declaring any relevant interest to the items on the agenda.

The Chair and Vice-Chair noted that while there they had no interests to declare they both attended informal meetings with Consortium Wind Farms.


3.  Briefing with the Minister for Infrastructure

The Panel received the Minister for Infrastructure and Government Officers for a briefing on the Minister’s priorities for the remainder of this term of office.

The Minister said that he would request his officers to schedule a briefing for the Panel on the Island’s gas infrastructure in the next month.


The Minister said that he was keen to look at the States property portfolio which had not, historically, received sufficient investment to maintain it properly. He cited Morier House as an example of a building which needed significant investment for which funding would need to be found.

The Minister stated that there were 21 empty properties that should either be used or released. He also wanted to ensure that monies allocated within school budgets for maintenance were not spent on something else.

The Minister spoke about sporting facilities, Fort Regent, and plans developed by the States of Jersey Development Company (SoJDC), which would include a skatepark and attractions. He said that there was £80 million available for a scheme to develop Fort Regent.

It was stated that the redevelopment of Fort Regent sat within the Minister for Infrastructure’s remit and that the Panel would be briefed when plans had got to that stage. He said that a timeline for the work had not been drafted yet.

He said that the intention was to retain some properties initially so that employees could move into other buildings while refurbishment of the estate took place and plans to sell others could be looked at.

The Minister said that he wanted to explore a set of criteria for buildings for investment and retention and creating a fund where money which was generated could be retained and was in discussion with the Minister for Treasury and Resources to explore the options available.

It was stated that more parking was needed for St Helier, and he would be identifying possible sites for car parks.



There was brief discussion about other properties, including the progress of redeveloping the St Saviour’s Hospital site, which was close to opening, and the Fire and Ambulance Headquarters on which the Minister was hoping to make a decision this year following meetings with the Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs and Sustainable Economic Development.

The Panel asked about the development of the La Folie Pub site. The Minister said that the site was owned by Ports of Jersey, and he had been assured that the work was going out to tender in March and that Ports of Jersey had appointed a new officer to lead on regeneration.

Active travel, bus service and road safety strategies

It was stated that a park and ride scheme from the Airport Playing Fields was being explored. There would be a focus on walking, cycling and bus travel and there would be a workshop with various departments to progress a strategy more quickly. There was a commitment to Active Travel and changing Islanders’ modes of transport.

The Panel was informed that a number of ideas could be explored, including the facility to ride a bike to a bus stop and safely leave bike and take a bus into Town. There was an effort to identify sites to make that easier and, more generally, to provide more covered places for bikes.

The Minister said that Jersey was fortunate with the service provided by the current bus company.

The Panel asked about the disjointed approach to pedestrian areas and an integrated active travel plan. The Minister said that he was due to have a walk around St Helier and see what could be done in a short period of time. He wanted to look at current crossings, cycling routes and use of pedestrian areas and explore opportunities, such as the use of Broad Street for a market or for the night- time economy.

The Minister also stated that he had been speaking about accessibility and safety with organisations such as EyeCan to identify problem areas.

The Panel heard that there was generally good provision for Blue Badge parking, but that maintenance and improvement would be looked at.

There was some discussion of the bus service which included the possibility of express buses. It was stated that there were plans for a western gateway and that a similar eastern service worked well.

The Minister said he was keen to explore and find solutions to encourage more use and promote the value of bus use. He said it was his understanding that ridership had risen and were similar to pre-Covid numbers. The Panel was advised that this contrasted with the UK where numbers were decreasing.

A commitment to road safety was stated but that changes took too long and consequently lost public support. The Panel heard that the department would look at technology, targets and areas that needed improvement to make specific areas safer and also to improve the public perception of safety. The programme run by Les Landes School was mentioned as one that should be replicated.



In response to questions from the Panel, the Minister said that there needed to be better promotion of the Liberty Bus Hopper Service because the public did not currently know the route and timetable. Improvements could include a ‘H’ on the road at potential stops and allowing people to flag the bus without being at a stop. Promotion in the parish magazine and to residents of the immediate area were also suggested to increase awareness.

The Panel heard that tenders for the bus service were currently being evaluated. The Director of Transport said that the States of Jersey subsidised passengers rather than bus contracts and that a significant number of passengers received a subsidy of some sort.

The final bid for the service would take place by the end of June. Following a letter of intent, signing of a contract and a mobilisation period, the new service would commence in April 2025. This process would be quicker if the current operator was chosen as the preferred bidder.

In response to a question about the tender process, the Director for Transport said that the tenderers were bidding on the existing model of service and network. Once the bidder had been chosen the department and Minister would speak to the company about the services, budget and the government priorities, whether that was additional routes or around the transition to an electric fleet. There would need to be a decision about where the biggest benefits would lie. The Minister spoke about building a bus culture and that would need to be driven by service frequency.


The Panel heard that the main challenge was in providing the network to get liquid waste to Bellozanne. Funding had been secured for the medium-term, but more was required. The plan was to create holding tanks which would manage flow to the centre. The largest of these would be a third of the size of the cavern. Work was being done to progress this and to maintain the maintain the existing network. This year £9 million would be spent on a pumping station and liquid waste. The challenge remained that without this work it would be difficult to progress work on sites rezoned for housing and for connecting other properties.

The siting for tanks was known and it would be necessary to gain ownership of land and there was a hope that approval for this development could be fast- tracked. The treatment works at Bonne Nuit was approaching the end of life and was being replaced by a rising main that would allow 60 - 70 new properties to come onto the mains.

The  Panel  heard  that  in  some  circumstances  developers  may  have  to  put temporary tanks in to speed up a project, but it would be preferable to link up to mains.

The Panel asked how realistic it was that unconnected properties in St John and St Mary would be connected and whether there was an ability to use the same opportunity to connect properties which were not connected to mains water. The Panel  also  asked  whether  the   Island-wide  rate  would  be  considered  as  a mechanism for funding solid and liquid waste. The Minister said that it was his view that this was worth exploring.



The Minister stated that there was a need to maintain infrastructure. It was stated that £6 million would be spent on road surfacing but that spending of £8 million was needed.

Work would also be explored to look at the role of Jersey Water and whether there was a need for a company which had a remit to provide for mains water and collection of liquid waste.

The Minister said that he and the Minister for the Environment met fortnightly to ensure joint working on shared areas and both met regularly with the Minister for Housing.

It was the intention to bring forward an inert waste strategy by end of the year which would explore alternative sites to La Collette and different methods.

Property management

The Minister wanted to explore public access to the school estate. He said that they needed to be made more available and there should be a centralised booking system for using the facilities. He said that this worked elsewhere, and he would work with the Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning to achieve this.

The  Minister  said  that  he  and  the  Assistant  Minister  for  Infrastructure  and Connétable of St Helier had ambitious plans for investment in the Central Market. A timeline was being developed for this work.

It was stated that informal discussions with schools had taken place and reception had been mixed. However, the Minister wanted to improve the situation for maintenance during school hours, which could not currently be carried out. He said that with the proper checks, maintenance personnel could be allowed on school sites.

He said that while the priority function was to provide education, the buildings should be better used by the wider community. The example was given of Oakfield which was used for about five hours a week and could be better used.

Work was being carried out to develop service level agreements for hours of operation and increase capacity for community use rather than potentially building more.

The Minister said that he would be supporting a bid for the Island Games in 2035 which would be its 50th anniversary. This would help ensure that funding could be secured for sports facilities.

The Minister wanted to look at satellite skate parks in Grouville and St Martin which currently did not have a site. The proposals for a skate park on South Hill would not be delivered in 2024 and he would be looking for a temporary facility. It was not currently appropriate to use Fort Regent for this. Efforts would be made to find a shortlist of sites.

In response to questions from the Panel, the Minister said that months of work had taken place on the Railway Walk in the aftermath of Storm Ciaran and this was still some time away from being completed. Work was also taking place with Environment  colleagues  on  replanting  and  a  tree  strategy.  There  would  be £250,000 investment on a Railway Walk Project.



The use of the logs and what could be done with them both in the public and private sector was being explored.

Further repairs were needed in St Clement and work continued at FB Fields. St Catherine’s Breakwater had also been affected by general winter storm damage and was being repointed and reassessed.

There was some discussion about recycling. The Minister said he had been surprised by the volume of disposable vapes that were collected, for instance. He said that he felt more could be done and part of this would be about educating people. The Panel said that there was a concern about the low number of people who were recycling and how they could be encouraged to do so. One option was a form of co-operative with private providers. Disposal rather than collection of waste and recycling was under the remit of the Infrastructure and Environment Department.

There was a brief conversation about biosolids and the storage and use to generate power at the Sewage Treatment Works.

The Panel thanked the Minister and Government Officers for their time.


4.  Marine Spatial Plan

The Panel received Francis Binney, Head of Marine Resources and Management and Dr Samantha Blampied, Marine Data Officer for a briefing regarding the Marine Spatial Plan.

The briefing was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


5.  P.82/2023 Offshore Wind

The Panel noted it was due to receive Government Officers for a joint briefing with the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel regarding the proposals for an offshore wind farm and the forthcoming States Assembly debate.

The Panel considered a number of questions areas and agreed that it would draft a comments paper to be presented to the States Assembly outlining the next steps for Scrutiny - should the proposition be successful.


6.  Scheduled Briefings with Andium Homes and Comptroller and Auditor General

The Panel noted that briefings with Andium Homes and the Comptroller and Auditor General had been arranged for 10th April and agreed various topics of interest.


7.  Long term financing of infrastructure projects

The Panel noted that a briefing with Government Officers on the long-term funding of infrastructure projects would be scheduled for a date in April.

The Panel discussed the information required from officers on the mechanisms for funding, particularly in relation to the recommendations made by the former Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel as a result of its Bridging Liquid Waste Strategy Review. The Panel noted the briefing paper provided by Officers



and agreed that any further specific areas of questioning would be provided ahead of the briefing.


8.  Ministerial responses

The Panel reviewed a Ministerial Response from the Minister for the Environment and  Minister  for  Infrastructure  to  recommendations  made  by  the  former Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Panel in relation to its Government Plan 2024-2027 Review. It also reviewed the Ministerial Response to the Bridging Liquid Waste Strategy 2023-2026 Review.

The Panel agreed that further questions would be raised at its Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Environment.


9.  Ministerial Decisions

The Panel noted the Ministerial Decisions that had been shared with it to date. The Panel agreed to consider the Ministerial Decisions when forming its Question Plans for public quarterly hearings.


10.  Work Programme

The Panel discussed the updates made to its work programme for 2024 following its briefing with the Ministers for Environment, Housing and Infrastructure. The Panel requested that long-term financing and the right-sizing policy be added to its work programme. It agreed that more time would be dedicated to the work programme at its next meeting.


11. Training

The  Panel  discussed  its  requirements  for  a  facilitated  training  session  on questioning at public hearings and confirmed its availability for the training to take place on 15th May.

The  Panel  requested  Officers  to  continue  the  arrangements  for  a  visit  to Westminster and present potential dates for the Panel at its next meeting.


12. Communications

The Panel received an update from the Panel’s Communications Officer. The Panel requested the Officer draft a press release following its briefings with the Ministers for Environment, Housing and Infrastructure.

The Panel also requested the Officer to consider and provide monthly updates from the Panel to all States Members and the public. The Panel also asked the Officer to look into potential articles in Parish Magazines.


13. Briefing: P.82/2023 Offshore Wind

The Panel received Government Officers for a joint briefing with the Economic and International Affairs Scrutiny Panel on the proposals for an offshore wind farm and the forthcoming States Assembly debate.

The briefing was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


14. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 10th April at 9:30am and would include a site visit and presentation with Andium Homes Ltd and a further separate briefing from the Comptroller and Auditor General.



Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel

Record of Meeting

Date: 10th April 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice-Chair Deputy David Warr Connétable David Johnson


Deputy Alex Curtis

In attendance  

Item 3 only

Ian Gallichan, Chief Executive Officer, Andium Homes

Lindsay Wood, Chief Finance and Operations Officer, Andium Homes Jonny Gough, Chief Regeneration, Sustainability and ESG Officer, Andium Homes

Dominique Caunce, Policy & Stakeholder Engagement Lead, Andium Homes

Zoe Hibbs, Head of Communications and Media, Andium Homes

Peter Le Gresley, Regeneration & Placemaking Lead, Andium Homes Dean De Mouilpied, Project Manager Commissioning, Andium Homes

Item 4 only

Lyn Pamment, Comptroller and Auditor General, Jersey Audit Office

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel agreed to defer approval of the records of its meetings held on 8th and 27th March to its meeting on 24th April 2024.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts Committee Proceedings Code of Practice. Panel members had no conflicts to declare in relation to the agenda items.


3.  Andium Homes site visit and presentation

The Panel undertook a site visit of a number of developments in the north of St Helier, including the Northern Quarter site adjacent to the Grand Marche, Belmont Court, the Ann Street Brewery site, the site of the former Mayfair hotel and Cyril Le Marquand Court.

The Panel heard that the breakdown of accommodation offered on the sites was as follows:

Northern Quarter site – 169 new homes

Belmont Court – 15 new homes sold through Andium Homebuy

Ann Street Brewery Site – 249 new homes

Former Mayfair Hotel site – 201 new homes



 Cyril le Marquand Court – 165 new homes.

The record of this meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with article 26 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).

Following the meeting the Panel noted that there were a number of areas that it would like to follow up. It agreed that it would keep a watching brief on the criteria policies for the Affordable Housing Gateway. It also agreed that it would raise additional questions at its next Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Housing.

The Panel also requested that officers request information from the Minister from Treasury and Resources about engagement with the private banking sector and mortgage lenders servicing the Jersey market. The Minister had been delegated responsibility  for  financial  services  by  the  Minister  for  External  Relations  under R.49/2024.



4.  Comptroller and Auditor General – private briefing

The Panel received Lyn Pamment, the Comptroller and Auditor General, for a briefing on the work and recommendations of the Jersey Audit Office and forthcoming reports which might be of interest to the Panel.

The record of this meeting was classified as exempt in accordance with article 26 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).


5.  Rented Dwelling Licensing

The Panel noted that it was due to receive a briefing from the Minister for the Environment on the Rented Dwelling Licensing Code of Practice on 24th April 2024 and that it was also due to receive a response to a letter it had sent to the Minister on the topic.

The Panel remained concerned about the level of engagement with stakeholders ahead of the publication of the code of practice and agreed that – depending on the response it received to its correspondence – it would request more information from the Ministers for the Environment and Housing.


6.  Long term financing of infrastructure projects

The Panel noted that it was due to receive a briefing from Government Officers on the mechanisms for the long-term funding of infrastructure projects on 8th May 2024.

The Panel also discussed the publication of P.21/2024 Common Strategic Policy 2024

- 2026 by the Council of Ministers and noted that it would seek more information in relation to long term infrastructure projects and how they were represented in the proposition.


7.  P.82/2023 Offshore Wind

The Panel reviewed and approved a final version of its comments on P.82/2023 Offshore Wind for presentation to the States Assembly.


8.  Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Housing

The Panel reviewed a draft question plan for its Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Housing to be held on 24th April 2024. The Panel requested that a number of question areas be added to the plan. The Panel also requested that the officer seek a change to the start time of the hearing.


9.  Marine Spatial Plan review



The Panel received an update from its officer that a clarification on the timeline for the publication had been requested and that a scoping document would be provided for its review once this information had been received.


10. Ministerial Decisions

The Panel noted that a number of Ministerial Decisions had now been received from the Minister for the Environment. It noted that officers would continue to monitor whether signed Ministerial Decisions were being received by the Panel in line with the timeframe established under the Code of Practice for Engagement Between Scrutiny Panels and the Public Accounts Committee and The Executive’.


11. Ministerial correspondence

The Panel noted that it had sent the following letters to Ministers with a requested response date of 11th April 2024.

Minister for the Environment on waste sites

Minister for Housing on right-sizing policy timeline

Ministers for Environment and Housing on Rented Dwelling Licensing


12. Work Programme

The  Panel  reviewed  updates  to  its  work  programme,  including  the  inclusion  of P.21/2024 Common Strategic Policy 2024 – 2026 (CSP) for its discussion.

The Panel agreed that the CSP should be added as an agenda item for its meeting on 24th April 2024.

It  further  agreed  that  correspondence  should  be  sent  to  the  Minister  for  the Environment requesting information on the number of enforcement notices that had been issued in relation to planning applications and building works in order to inform a potential review of the sanctions the department is able to apply.


13. Future Hospital Review Panel

The  Panel  discussed  the  need  for  an  Environment,  Housing  and  Infrastructure representative to join the soon to be established Future Hospital Review Panel. It was agreed that this discussion would continue and a decision made before the next meeting of the Scrutiny Liaison Committee on 23rd April 2024.


14. Communications

The Panel noted that a news release detailing the briefings which it had held with the Ministers for the Environment, Housing and Infrastructure had been released and that social media posts showing its site visit with Andium Homes would also be published.


15. Future Meetings

The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Wednesday 24th April 2024 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building and would include a Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Housing.



Date: 24th April 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair

Deputy Tom Coles , Vice-Chair

Deputy David Warr (Items 1 – 9 and 11 - 12 only) Connétable David Johnson

Deputy Alex Curtis

In attendance  

Deputy Sam Mezec , Minister for Housing (Item 6 only)

Natasha Day, Head of Strategic Housing and Regeneration, Cabinet Office (Item 6 only)

Jack Norris, Principal Policy Officer, Housing and Regeneration, Cabinet Office (Item 6 only)

Deputy Steve Luce , Minister for Environment (Item 10 only)

Kelly Whitehead, Group Director – Regulation, Infrastructure and Environment Department (Item 10 only)

Michelle Humphreys-Foott, Head of Regulatory Improvement, Infrastructure, Housing and Environment Department (Item 10 only)

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the records of its meetings held on 8th and 27th March and 10th April.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts Committee Proceedings Code of Practice. Panel members had no conflicts to declare in relation to the agenda items.


3.  Training

The Panel noted its forthcoming training session on questioning and team working at public hearings to be held on Wednesday 15th May 2024. Deputy Coles informed the Panel that he would not be able to attend.


4.  Work Programme

The Panel noted its work programme for 2024.

The Panel discussed the formation of an Offshore Wind Farm Review Panel following the approval of P.82/2023 – Offshore Wind by the States Assembly. Panel Chair, Deputy Hilary Jeune and Member, Connétable David Johnson , expressed an interest in joining the Panel.




5.  P.21/2024 – Common Strategic Policy

The Panel discussed a review of the Common Strategic Policy (‘CSP’) and noted that the Scrutiny Liaison Committee (‘SLC’) was due to form a Review Panel in order to hold a Public Hearing with the Chief Minister. The Panel agreed to provide questions for the hearing.

The Panel discussed amendments to the CSP and requested that this be drafted for its approval. The Panel also agreed that a Comments Paper should be drafted for its approval.


6.  Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Housing

The Panel finalised its question plan for the Public Hearing with the Minister for Housing and allocated question areas.


7.  Marine Spatial Plan review

The  Panel  received  an  update  from  the  Committee  and  Panel  Officer  on  the development of the Scoping Document and timeline for the Panel’s review. The Panel agreed to the updated timeline and noted that the Scoping Document would be finalised.


8.  Correspondence

The Panel noted draft correspondence to the Minister for the Environment in relation to planning enforcement notices and sanctions and to the Minister for Treasury and Resources regarding engagement with mortgage lenders. The Panel agreed to further review the letters and provide any additional comments.


9.  Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Housing

The Panel received the Minister for Housing and Government Officers for a Quarterly Hearing. The proceedings were streamed live to the public and a recording was taken so that a written transcript could be produced.


10. Rented Dwelling Licensing Scheme

The Panel received the Minister for the Environment and Government Officers for a briefing on the Rented Dwelling Licencing Scheme.

The briefing was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


11. Communications

The Panel received an update from the Communications Officer and discussed potential communication requirements.

The Panel requested that a press notice be drafted for release following its Quarterly Hearing.


12. Future Meetings

The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Wednesday 8th May 2024 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building and would include a Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Infrastructure.



Date: 8th May 2024  



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice-Chair Deputy David Warr Connétable David Johnson Deputy Alex Curtis

In attendance  

Item 5 only

Connétable Andy Jehan , Minister for Infrastructure

Andrew Scate, Chief Officer, Infrastructure and Environment Department Ellen Littlechild, Group Director - Operations and Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Tristan Dodd, Director Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Ralph Buchholz, Head of Property Strategy, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Item 7 only

Andrew Scate, Chief Officer, Infrastructure and Environment Department Ellen Littlechild, Group Director - Operations and Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Andrew Hacquoil, Group Director – Strategic Finance, Treasury and Exchequer

Peter Lamy , Committee and Panel Officer (Items 1 to 6 only)

Alex Cameron, Research and Project Officer (Items 7 and 8 only) Gwyn Garfield-Bennett, Communications Officer (Items 5 and 6 only)


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel agreed to defer the records of its meetings held on 24th April to a future meeting.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts Committee Proceedings Code of Practice.

Deputy Warr and Deputy Coles highlighted that potential discussion of the Havre Des Pas Lido lease agreement may be impacted upon by their positions as representatives of the St. Helier South constituency. The Panel agreed that it would be mindful of the fact but this would not constitute as a conflict of interest.


3.  Quarterly Hearing Question Plan

The Panel noted and discussed a draft Question Plan for the Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Infrastructure due to be held that day and agreed alterations. The Panel allocated question plan areas.




4.  Written and Oral Questions

The Panel discussed Written and Oral Questions and agreed that it would be useful to be aware of questions relevant to issues under the Panel’s remit. The Panel agreed that a channel within Microsoft Teams would be established for discussion on relevant questions.


5.  Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Infrastructure

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Infrastructure (the Minister) and Departmental Officers, to a Quarterly Public Hearing. The proceedings were streamed live to the public and a recording was taken so that a written transcript could be produced.


6.  Post Quarterly Hearing Discussion

The Panel agreed that social media posts and a press release would be published following the Quarterly Hearing and which focused on investment in infrastructure, construction tracking, historic building listings and the bus park and ride scheme.

The Panel agreed that a letter to the Minister would be drafted to question what influence the 2021 Public Realm and Movement Strategy had upon his planned actions over the next 6, 9 and 12 months.

The Panel agreed that a briefing should be established with the Minister to discuss the Havre Des Pas Lido lease agreement.


7.  Briefing on Long Term Financing of Infrastructure Projects

The Panel welcomed Officers from Infrastructure and Environment and Treasury and Exchequer for a briefing on Long Term Financing of Infrastructure Projects. The meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26.


8.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Wednesday 15th May 2024 in the Blampied Room of the States Building.



Date: 15th May 2024  



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy David Warr (Item 1 only) Connétable David Johnson Deputy Alex Curtis


Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair

In attendance  

Kate Faragher, Bespoke Skills (Item 1 only)

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Training

The Panel received Kate Faragher, a facilitator from Bespoke Skills, to undertake Public Hearing Questioning training. The Panel was presented with a number of developmental tasks and activities with the aim of furthering their questioning skills for future Public Hearings.


2.  Common Strategic Policy - Comments Paper and Amendment

The  Panel  noted  a  draft  Comments  Paper  that  outlined  the  Panel’s  views  on P.21/2024 ‘Common Strategic Policy’. The Panel agreed that elements of the Comments Paper should be incorporated into those being presented by the Common Strategic Policy Review Panel which had been established by the Scrutiny Liaison Committee and that it would not present its own Comments Paper. The Panel requested that the Officer ensure that the necessary information was forwarded to the Common Strategic Policy Review Panel.

The Panel noted that the Council of Ministers had lodged an Amendment to the Panel’s Amendment to the Common Strategic Policy. The Panel agreed that it would present  an  additional  amendment  to  the  Council  of  Ministers’  amendment  and requested that officers produce a draft for its approval.

It was further agreed that the Panel Chair would liaise with the Minister for the Environment to progress changes which would be acceptable to both the Panel and the Council of Ministers.




Meeting held by electronic mail

Date: 16th May 2024  



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson


Deputy David Warr Deputy Alex Curtis

In attendance  

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Common Strategic Policy - Amendment to the Panel’s amendment

The  Panel  agreed  a  final  draft  of  an  amendment to  its  original  amendment to P.21/2024 – Common Strategic Policy. It was noted that agreement had been reached with the Council of Ministers that the amendment as amended was acceptable to both the Panel and Ministers.

The Officer was requested to progress the approved final document for presentation to the States Assembly.



Date: 29th May 2024  



Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy David Warr

Deputy Alex Curtis


Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair

In attendance  

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Record of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the records of its meetings held on 24th April and 8th, 15th and 16th May 2024.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts Committee Proceedings Code of Practice. Panel members had no conflicts to declare in relation to the agenda items.


3.  Question Plan for the Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Environment

The Panel reviewed the draft question plan for its Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for the Environment on 5th June 2024. The Panel considered additional question areas and requested that Officers make the necessary adjustments.


4.  Marine Spatial Plan Review

The  Panel  reviewed  the  draft  Scoping  Document,  Terms  of  Reference  and Communications Plan for its review. The Panel agreed to the provide further comment following the formal publication of the Marine Spatial Plan Report by the Minister for the Environment.

The Panel requested that two additional potential experts be added to those to be considered by the Panel as an advisor.


5.  Right-sizing Policy

The Panel noted the presentation of the Right-sizing Policy by the Minister for Housing and considered any actions. The Panel agreed to write a letter to the Minister for Housing requesting clarification on a number of areas and requested that officers prepare a draft for its approval.


6.  Briefings – Gas Infrastructure and Island Construction and Engineering Programme

The Panel noted that it was due to receive briefings on the Island’s gas infrastructure and the Island Construction and Engineering Programme from Government Officers on 5th June 2024.




7.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Wednesday 5th June 2024 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building and would include a Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for the Environment.



Date: 5th June 2024  



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy David Warr

Deputy Alex Curtis

In attendance  

Deputy Steve Luce , Minister for the Environment (Item 5 only)

Constable Mike Jackson , Assistant Minister for the Environment (Item 5 only)

Andy Scate, Chief Officer, Infrastructure and Environment Department (Item 5, 8 and 9 only)

Kelly Whitehead, Group Director, Regulation, Infrastructure and Environment Department (Item 5 only)

Daniel De La Cour, Head of Operational Improvement, Operations and Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Department (Item 8 only)

Louise Magris, Director of Housing, Environment and Placemaking, Cabinet Office (Item 9 only)

Emelita Robbins, Strategic Adviser and Project Manager, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance, Cabinet Office (Item 9 only)

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer

Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer

Gwyn Garfield-Bennett, Communications Officer (Items 5 only)


Agenda matter


1.  Record of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the records of its meetings held on 29th May 2024.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts Committee Proceedings Code of Practice. Panel members had no conflicts to declare in relation to the agenda items.


3.  Work Programme

The Panel reviewed its work programme and agreed to update the Planning section to include the Planning Services Focus Report published by the Minister for the Environment.

The Panel agreed to examine any upcoming projects and potential growth bids within its remit for the Government Plan.


4.  Marine Resources Summary of Upcoming Legislative Work

The Panel noted a paper provided by Government Officers to the Panel regarding the Marine Resources summary of legislative work.




The Panel agreed that the briefing offered was not required at this time but that it may be beneficial for a briefing and site visit to take place during the Panel’s forthcoming review of the Marine Spatial Plan.


5.  Question Plan for the Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Environment

The Panel reviewed the draft question plan for its Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for the Environment on 5th June 2024. The Panel delegated questions in preparation for the Public Hearing and agreed on the question order.


6.  Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Environment

The Panel received the Minister for the Environment and Government Officers for a Quarterly Hearing at 11 am. The proceedings were streamed live to the public and a recording was taken so that a written transcript could be produced.

Following the hearing the Panel requested the Communications Officer draft a social media post and press release for its approval.

The Panel requested that the questions which had not been answered due to time constraints be sent to the Minister in correspondence.


7.  Marine Spatial Plan

The  Panel  reviewed  the  draft  Scoping  Document,  Terms  of  Reference  and Communications Plan for its review. The Panel agreed to provide further comment following the formal publication of the Marine Spatial Plan report by the Minister for the Environment.

The Panel agreed that the Scoping Document should be updated and put on the next Panel meeting agenda for 19th June.


8.  Correspondence

The Panel noted correspondence drafted by the Panel to the Minister for Housing in relation to the Right-sizing Policy. The Panel agreed to a minor amendment and requested that Officers make the necessary change and send the letter to the Minister.


9.  Briefings – Island Construction and Engineering Programme

The Panel received Government Officers, Andy Scate and Daniel De La Cour for a briefing on the Island Construction and Engineering Programme. The meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26.


10. Briefings – Gas Infrastructure

The Panel received Government Officers, Andy Scate, Louise Magris and Emelita Robbins for a briefing on Gas Infrastructure. The meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26.


11. Briefings – Construction Projects

The Panel noted that a briefing was scheduled with the Minister for Infrastructure and Government Officers on Government of Jersey construction projects on 19th June.


12. Future Meetings

The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Wednesday 19th June 2024 in the Blampied Room of the States Building.



Date: 19th June 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy David Warr

Deputy Alex Curtis

In attendance  

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Record of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the records of its meetings held on 5th June 2024.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts Committee Proceedings Code of Practice. Panel members had no conflicts to declare in relation to the agenda items.


3.  Work Programme

The Panel reviewed its work programme and agreed to keep the Rightsizing Policy work on the programme to monitor developments of this topic.


4.  Question Plan for the Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Housing

The Panel reviewed the draft question plan for its Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Housing on 3rd July 2024. The Panel agreed that in the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair, Deputy Alex Curtis would chair the meeting on 3rd July, including the Quarterly Hearing. The Panel also agreed some additional topics to be added to the question plan.


5.  Marine Spatial Plan

The  Panel  reviewed  the  draft  Scoping  Document,  Terms  of  Reference  and Communications Plan for its review. The Panel agreed to make some changes to the Scoping Document and agreed to review the documents at the next Panel meeting when all Panel members would be present.

The Panel noted that publication of the final version of the Marine Spatial Plan had been delayed until July. The Panel agreed that it would discuss the date to be set for the debate of the Marine Spatial Plan with the Minister for the Environment to ensure that sufficient time was provided to undertake effective scrutiny of the document.


6.  R.91/2024 – Road Traffic Collision and Casualty Update

The Panel discussed R.91/2024 Road Traffic Collision and Casualty Update and the impact on and links with the Sustainable Transport Policy. The Panel also discussed the  Road  Safety  Review  2021 and  agreed  to  send  a  letter  to  the  Minister  for Infrastructure requesting an update on the actions from the Road Safety Review 2021.




7.  Jersey Property Holdings

The Panel discussed and agreed that it would be beneficial for the Panel to have a briefing with the Minister for Infrastructure and Jersey Property Holdings to understand the JPH’s remit and obligations as a landlord.


8.  Planning Services Focus report and Bridging Island Plan

The Panel discussed the scope of a potential ongoing review of the implementation of the Bridging Island Plan proposals and of the Planning Services Focus Report.

The Panel agreed it would begin by sending a letter to the Minister for the Environment requesting an update on the progress of the proposals from the Bridging Island Plan to then understand if the Panel would undertake a review on the topic.

The  Panel  also  requested  a  briefing  be  scheduled  with  the  Minister  for  the Environment on the Planning Services Focus Report.


9.  Construction Projects

The Panel noted a briefing on Government of Jersey Construction Projects had been postponed and would be rearranged following the publication of the Government Plan 2025 - 2028.


10. Future Meetings

The Panel noted its next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Wednesday 3rd July 2024 in the Blampied Room of the States Building.



Date: 3rd July 2024  



Deputy Alex Curtis Connétable David Johnson Deputy David Warr


Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair

In attendance  

Item 5 only

Deputy Sam Mezec , Minister for Housing

Natasha Day, Head of Strategic Housing and Regeneration, Cabinet Office Heather McManus, Critical Support Team Manager (Affordable Housing Gateway, the Housing Advise Service and Safeguarding) Customer and Local Services

Michelle Humphreys-Foott, Head of Regulatory Improvement and Licensing, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer

Gwyn Garfield Bennett, Digital and Public Engagement Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Record of Meetings

The Panel noted and approved the record of its meetings held on 19th June 2024.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts Committee Proceedings Code of Practice. Panel members had no conflicts to declare in relation to the agenda items.


3.  Question Plan for the Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Housing

The Panel reviewed the draft question plan for its Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Housing and allocated question areas.

The Panel agreed that a news release and social media should be drafted following the Quarterly Hearing.


4.  Marine Spatial Plan

The Panel requested that the Officer seek an update on the publication date for the Marine Spatial Plan.


5.  Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Housing

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Housing and Government Officers for a Quarterly Hearing.

The proceedings were streamed live to the public and a recording was taken so that a written transcript could be produced.




6.  Jersey Property Holdings

The Panel noted that it was due to receive a briefing from the Minister for Infrastructure and Officers from Jersey Property Holdings (JPH) on 18th July 2024. The Panel identified a number of question areas to raise at the briefing in relation to JPH and its remit and obligations as a landlord.


7.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next scheduled meeting was due to take place on Wednesday 10th July 2024 and included a number of visits to operational infrastructure sites, including the Sewage Treatment Works, the Cavern and the waste sites at La Collette. The Panel requested that Officers ascertain whether the Minister for Infrastructure would be attending any of the site visits.



Date: 10th July 2024  



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Alex Curtis Connétable David Johnson Deputy David Warr


Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair

In attendance  

Ellen Littlechild, Group Director Operations and Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Duncan Berry, Head of Liquid Waste, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Item 1 only

Gary Davies, Sewage Treatment Works Manager, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Item 2 only

Damian Bouchet, Pumping Station Manager, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Item 3 only

Vincent Peron, Operations Manager, Energy Recovery Facility, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Frankie Mabbott, Senior Operations Manager, Solid Waste, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Piers Tharme, Operations Manager, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Ollie Brewster, Principal Engineer, Solid Waste La Collette, Infrastructure and Environment Department

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Visit to Sewage Treatment Works

The Panel was provided with a tour of the Sewage Treatment Works at Bellozanne. Officers  outlined  the  process  for  the  treatment  of  sewage  and  foul  water,  the maintenance of the facility, staffing levels and the financial resources required.

The Panel heard about the future challenges to the network, the energy efficiency of the facility and the opportunity to use by-products of the process, such as bio-solids for fertilizer.

The Panel noted that questions should be raised with the Minister for Infrastructure about the security of future funding for the Liquid Waste Strategy, particularly as part of any review of the forthcoming Government Plan.




2.  Visit to The Cavern

The Panel was welcomed to The Cavern by the Pumping Station Manager and officers. The Panel was provided with information about the shaft network beneath St Helier which fed water into The Cavern to prevent flooding of the town area.

The Pumping Station Manager described the process which allowed waste water to collect in The Cavern before being pumped out via outlets to the West of Albert Pier. He  outlined  the  reasons  for  the  construction  of  the  Cavern,  the  mechanical engineering  required  to  keep  the  water  moving  and  the  current  schedule  of maintenance.


3.  Visit  to  the  Energy  Recovery  Facility,  Household  Recycling  and Reuse Centre, Green Waste and Inert and Hazardous Waste Sites at La Collette

The Panel visited each of the areas of the waste facilities based at La Collette and was provided with information about the operations in each section.

The Panel heard that the Energy Recovery Facility received all Parish and Commercial household waste. The waste was mixed and burnt at high temperatures producing energy. Some of the by-product was then processed to produce ash used in concrete.

Officers showed the Panel the process for making soil improver and compost from the green waste which was brought to La Collette by householders and contractors.

The Panel discussed with officers the forthcoming Planning Committee meeting which would determine whether an increase in height and expansion of the hazardous waste site would be permitted. This discussion included what impact a refusal would have on the site and on the wider community.

The Panel requested that a number of topics areas for future questions and reviews be collated by its Officer.



Date: 18th July 2024  



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Deputy Alex Curtis Connétable David Johnson Deputy David Warr

In attendance  

Deputy Andy Jehan , Minister for Infrastructure Tim Daniels, Director, Jersey Property Holdings

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Briefing – Jersey Property Holdings remit and obligations as a landlord

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Infrastructure and the Director of Jersey Property Holdings (JPH) for a briefing on the JPH’s remit and obligations as a landlord.

The briefing was classified as exempt in accordance with Article 26 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended).


Date: 18th July 2024  



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Deputy Alex Curtis Connétable David Johnson Deputy David Warr

In attendance  

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Matine Spatial Plan

The Panel approved its Terms of Reference, Scoping Document and Communications Plan for its Review of the Marine Spatial Plan. The Panel requested that the Officer circulate the documents to the Scrutiny Liaison Committee for its approval.



Date: 19th July 2024  



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Deputy Alex Curtis Connétable David Johnson Deputy David Warr

In attendance  

Deputy Steve Luce , Minister for the Environment

Kelly Whitehead, Group Director – Regulation - Infrastructure and Environment

Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Briefing - Planning Services Focus Report

The Panel received the Minister for the Environment and Government Officer, Kelly Whitehead, for a briefing on the Planning Services Focus Report. The meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26.



Date: 24th July 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy David Warr


Deputy Alex Curtis

In attendance  

Item 3 only

Strategic Homelessness Board Members: Simon Burgess

John Hodge

Trudi Le Bas

Patrick Lynch

Anna Terry

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Justine Lepp, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 3rd, 10th and 18th July 2024.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts  Committee  Proceedings  Code  of  Practice.  Panel  members  had  no conflicts to declare in relation to the agenda items.


3.  Strategic Homelessness Board

The Panel welcomed members of the Strategic Homelessness Board for a briefing on the implementation of the Government’s Homelessness Strategy.

The meeting was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Absolute Exemption Article 26.

The Panel requested that a number of areas of discussion be noted for future Quarterly Hearings with the Minister for Housing and that a letter be drafted for its approval requesting an update on delivery of the strategy.


4.  Enforcement Notices and Sanctions

The Panel discussed a response from the Minister for the Environment to the Panel’s letter requesting information about the frequency and number of planning enforcement notices and sanctions.

The Panel requested that options be drafted for further follow up of the issues raised by the Minister’s response.




5.  Road Safety Review

The Panel reviewed a response from the Minister for Infrastructure to the Panel’s letter regarding road safety.

Additional concerns were noted by the Panel and officers were requested to seek more information to inform further questioning.


6.  Marine Spatial Plan Review

The Panel noted the launch of its review of the Marine Spatial Plan and that the Chair had conducted media interviews.

The Panel instructed officers to make contact with potential expert advisors in line with the scope of the review and to assist with specific areas of its Terms of Reference. It further requested that letters be drafted for its approval to be sent to targeted stakeholders.

It was noted that submissions had already been received by the Panel and had been logged and published on the States Assembly website as appropriate.

The Panel requested that a date be found for a Public Hearing with the Minister for the Environment and that further dates for hearings and meetings with stakeholders be identified.



7.  Government Plan 2025 – 2028

The Panel noted that the Proposed Government Plan 2025 - 2028 was due to be lodged by the end of July 2024.

It was decided that further discussion of its review of the Government Plan would be scheduled for its next meeting but that officers find suitable dates for additional Public Hearings with Ministers as needed.


8.  Residential Tenancy Law

The Panel noted that in advance of any future review of the Residential Tenancy Law it would like to better understand the view of landlords and the input they had into the Minister for Housing’s engagement exercise.

The Panel requested that officers contact the Jersey Landlords’ Association to schedule a meeting regarding the Residential Tenancy Law and on Item 9, below.


9.  Rented Dwellings Licensing Scheme

The Panel discussed the areas of concern that continued to be raised about the scheme and associated code of practice.

As noted above in Item 8, the Panel requested that officers contact the Jersey Landlords’ Association for a meeting. It further noted that it may want to hold a stand-alone Public Hearing with the Minister for the Environment on this matter later in the year.


10. Tree Advisory Board

The Panel has noted the Minister for the Environment’s establishment of the Tree Advisory Board and agreed that relevant questions would be asked at the Panel’s next Quarterly Hearing with the Minister.




11. Communications

The Panel requested that a brief social media post be prepared and posted following its meeting with the Strategic Homelessness Board.


12. Future Meetings

It was noted that the Panel’s next meeting would be held on 7th August in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.



Date: 6th August 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy Alex Curtis


Deputy David Warr

In attendance  

Ness Smith, Head of Practice for Natural Capital, Howell Marine Consulting Dr Kofi Ansong, Senior Consultant of Howell Marine Consulting

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Meeting with Howell Marine Consulting

The  Panel  welcomed the  Head  of  Practice for  Natural  Capital  and  a  Senior Consultant from Howell Marine Consulting for an interview for the role of expert advisor for the Marine Spatial Plan Review (the prospective advisors).

The  Panel  asked  the  prospective  advisors  about  their  knowledge  and understanding of Jersey and their interest in the Panel’s Review. The Panel was informed that the Head of Practice for Natural Capital had visited Jersey on a number  of  occasions  and  had  experienced  environmental  aspects  in  Jersey previously. The Panel heard that the prospective advisors were Marine Spatial Plan experts in their field and that previous projects had similarities to the Panel’s Review.  The  prospective  advisors  noted  their interest  in  discovering Jersey’s processes and the unique joined up workings that Jersey undertook to consider both policy and zone-based planning. The prospective advisors noted that Jersey’s unique systems and structures could prove beneficial in providing new ideas for best practice principles for future projects.

The Panel noted the timeframe of the Review and requested confirmation that an in-depth Review undertaken by the prospective advisors would be realistic within the proposed timeframe. The prospective advisors assured the Panel that was possible, and that their expertise would ensure that the timeframes were met. The Panel discussed the budget and agreed to notify the potential advisors of the next steps, should it choose to move forward with them.


2.  Appointment of Expert Advisor

The Panel approved the appointment of Howell Marine Consulting and requested the Officer to prepare the required contracts.



Date: 7th August 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy David Warr

Deputy Alex Curtis

In attendance  

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 19th and 24th July 2024.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts  Committee  Proceedings  Code  of  Practice.  Panel  members  had  no conflicts to declare in relation to the agenda items.


3.  Marine Spatial Plan Review

The Panel received an update regarding the Marine Spatial Plan Review which included details about stakeholder letters, a public call for evidence, submissions received,  scheduling  of  public  hearings,  communications  and  finalising  the appointment of an external advisor for the review.

The Panel noted that letters were sent to all identified stakeholders and requested that Officers follow up with those who had not yet sent a response.

The Panel requested that social media communications be sent out to specific fishing community related pages to request written submissions from independent fishermen.

The Panel discussed the approval of external advisors, pending the revised budget and requested Officers to liaise with the advisors regarding their potential input in developing the questioning for the Public Hearings. The Panel requested the Officers to seek further approval from the Scrutiny Liaison Committee regarding the revised budget.

The Panel agreed to organise a meeting between the advisors and the Marine Resources  Officers  and  Officers  were  requested  to  make  the  necessary arrangements.



4.  Proposed Budget 2025-2028

The Panel noted the lodging of the Proposed Budget 2025-2028 by the Council of Ministers and discussed the Panel’s course of action.

The Panel agreed a potential date for its Public Hearing with the Minister for Infrastructure and requested Officers to make the necessary arrangements.




The Panel noted its intention to produce a Comments Paper and any potential amendments following a review into the Proposed Budget 2025-2028.

The Panel noted the delivery of the Departmental Business Plans for 2024 and requested Officers to formally request the 2025 Departmental Business Plans from the Minister for Environment, Minister for Housing and Minister for Infrastructure in respect of their departments, ahead of the debate of the Proposed Budget 2025- 2028.

The Panel discussed its initial observations of the Proposed Budget 2025-2028 and agreed the areas to gather further information on. The Panel agreed the initial questions for its Public Hearings and requested Officers to collate a list of question areas as discussed.

The Panel agreed to send letters to the Minister for Environment and the Minister for Infrastructure requesting further information on the savings proposals within the Proposed Budget 2025-2028 and asked Officers to ensure that correspondence was sent ahead of the Public Hearings.




5.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 21st August 2024 in the Le Capelain Room, States Building.



Meeting held digitally

Date: 19th August 2024



Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Deputy Alex Curtis

Deputy David Warr


Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Connétable David Johnson

In attendance

Kaya Camara, Research and Project Officer Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Proposed Budget 2025-2028

The  Panel  approved  its  Terms  of  Reference,  Scoping  Document  and Communications Plan for its Review of the Proposed Budget (Government Plan) 2025-2028  (P.51/2024).  The  Panel  requested  that  the  Officer  circulate  the documents to the Scrutiny Liaison Committee for its approval.




Date: 18th September 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy David Warr

Deputy Alex Curtis

In attendance

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of meetings held on 21st August 2024 and 12th September 2024.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts Committee Proceedings Code of Practice. Panel members had no conflicts to declare in relation to the agenda items.


3.  Marine Spatial Plan Review

The Panel received an update from the Officer on the Marine Spatial Plan Review and agreed that it would review the final version at its next meeting.


4.  Budget 2025-2028

The Panel discussed and noted projects within the Proposed Budget 2025-2028 which  would  fall  under  its  remit  for  review.  The  Panel  discussed  areas  of crossover with other Panels.

The Panel requested that a letter be drafted for its approval which set out questions on the Budget for the Minister for the Environment. It was hoped that the responses received would inform further questions at the Panel’s forthcoming hearing with the Minister on 9th October 2024.

The Panel also requested that a letter to the Minister for Infrastructure be drafted requesting  information  about  the  development  of  Fort  Regent  and  the involvement of the States of Jersey Development Company.



5.  Meeting with Jersey Landlord’s Association

The Panel welcomed representatives from the Jersey Landlord’s Association for a private meeting. The briefing was held in private in accordance with the Freedom  of  Information  (Jersey)  Law  2011  (as  amended)  under  Absolute Exemption Article 26.




6.  Marine Spatial Plan Review – hearing with Jersey Scallop Divers  

The Panel held a hearing with a group of Jersey Scallop Divers to discuss their views on P.44/2024 - Marine Spatial Plan. A recording was taken so that a written transcript could be published.


7.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 25th September 2024 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building.



Date: 25th September 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy David Warr

Deputy Alex Curtis

In attendance  

Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer

Gwyn Garfield-Bennett, Communications Officer (items 6 and 7 only)


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel agreed to review the records of its meeting held on 18th September 2024 electronically via Teams.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts  Committee  Proceedings  Code  of  Practice.  Panel  members  had  no conflicts to declare in relation to the agenda items.


3.  Correspondence: Minister for the Environment

The Panel considered draft correspondence to the Minister for the Environment requesting information with regards to the Rented Dwelling Licensing. The Panel agreed on changes to be made to the letter to the Minister for the Environment.


4.  Correspondence: Minister for Infrastructure  

The Panel considered draft correspondence to the Minister for Infrastructure requesting information with regards to the Fort Regent Development and the development of policies and projects. The Panel agreed on changes to be made to the letter.


5.  Minister for Housing

The Panel reviewed the draft question plan for its Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Housing and allocated questions


6.  Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Housing

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Housing and Government Officers for a Quarterly Hearing.

The proceedings were streamed live to the public and a recording was taken so that a written transcript could be produced.


7.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled for Monday 30th September 2024 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building.



Date: 30th September 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy David Warr

Deputy Alex Curtis

In attendance  

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Review of the Marine Spatial Plan

The Panel reviewed its draft Scrutiny Report to accompany its Review of the Marine Spatial Plan. The Panel requested changes to the content and to the findings and recommendations in the Report.


2.  P.44/2024 – Marine Spatial Plan amendments

The Panel agreed that it would lodge two Amendments to the Marine Spatial Plan and requested that these be prepared for its approval.


3.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled for Thursday 3rd October 2024 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building.



Date: 3rd October 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy David Warr

Deputy Alex Curtis

In attendance

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer


Agenda matter


1. Review of the Marine Spatial Plan

The Panel approved its Scrutiny Report to accompany its Review of the Marine Spatial Plan.


2. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled for Thursday 8th October 2024 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building.



Record of Electronic Meeting

Date: 8th October 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy Alex Curtis

Not in attendance

Deputy David Warr

In attendance  

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Review of the Marine Spatial Plan

The Panel approved its Amendments to P.44/2024 - Marine Spatial Plan and asked that these be lodged.


2.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled for Thursday 9th October 2024 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building.



Date: 9th October 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy Alex Curtis


Deputy David Warr

In attendance  

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer Gwyn Garfield-Bennett, Communications Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 18th and 25th September.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts  Committee  Proceedings  Code  of  Practice.  Panel  members  had  no conflicts to declare in relation to the agenda items.


3.  Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for the Environment - Question Plan

The Panel reviewed the draft question plan for its Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for the Environment on 9th October 2024 and allocated questions.


4.  Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for the Environment  

The Panel welcomed the Minister for the Environment and Government Officers for a Quarterly Hearing. The proceedings were streamed live to the public and a recording was taken so that a written transcript could be produced.


5.  Minister for Infrastructure

The Panel discussed question areas for the upcoming Proposed Budget 2025-2028 Review Public Hearing due to take place on 16th October 2024 with the Minister for Infrastructure.


6.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 16th October 2024 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building.



Date: 16th October 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy Alex Curtis (items 4,5 only) Deputy David Warr

In attendance  

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer Emily Thomas, Campaign Manager (item 5 only)


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 30th September and 3rd, 8th and 9th October 2024.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts  Committee  Proceedings  Code  of  Practice.  Panel  members  had  no conflicts to declare in relation to the agenda items.


3.  Proposed Budget 2025-2028 Review – Public Review Hearing with the Minister for Infrastructure

The Panel reviewed the draft question plan for its public review hearing with the Minister  for  Infrastructure  in  relation  to  the  Proposed  Budget  2025-2028  and allocated questions.


4.  Review of the Marine Spatial Plan  

The Panel received an update from officers that the Panel’s report following its Review of the Marine Spatial Plan would be published on 16th or 17th October and that a news release had been prepared for the publication.


5.  Proposed Budget 2025-2028 Review – Public Review Hearing with the Minister for Infrastructure  

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Infrastructure and Government Officers for a public  review  hearing  in  relation  to  the  Proposed  Budget  2025-2028.  The proceedings were streamed live to the public and a recording was taken so that a written transcript could be produced.

The Panel requested that social media posts and a news release be drafted for its approval and publication.


6.  Review of the Proposed Budget 2025-2028

The Panel discussed further question areas and the progress of its review of the Proposed Budget 2025-2028. The Panel requested that further questions be sent to the Minister for Infrastructure and the Minister for Treasury and Resources as part of its review.




7. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 30th October 2024 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building.



Date: 30th October 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy Alex Curtis

Deputy David Warr

In attendance  

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer Gwyn Garfield-Bennett, Communications Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 16th October 2024.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts  Committee  Proceedings  Code  of  Practice.  Panel  members  had  no conflicts to declare in relation to the agenda items.


3.  S.R.6/2024 Review of the Marine Spatial Plan

The Panel discussed the outcome of its Review of the Marine Spatial Plan and the States Assembly debate of P.44/2024 Marine Spatial Plan.

The Panel noted that the Ministerial Response template had been sent to the Minister  for  the  Environment  and  that  the  deadline  for  the  completion  and presentation of the response to the States Assembly was 28th November 2024.

The Panel was informed by officers that a recommendation tracker for the review had been created and that the Panel was also able to undertake a review evaluation process which would be facilitated by officers.



4.  P.51/2024 – Proposed Budget 2025-2028 Review

The Panel discussed its Review of the Proposed Budget 2025-2028 and noted the evidence which would inform its Comments Paper which it agreed should be drafted for its approval and presentation to the States Assembly ahead of the Proposed Budget 2025-2028 debate to be held on 26th November 2024.

The Panel noted that the recommendations identified by the Panel would be incorporated  into  a  central  report  being  prepared  by  the  Corporate  Services Scrutiny Panel.

The Panel discussed and agreed amendments to the Proposed Budget 2025-2028 and requested that these be drafted for its approval.





The Panel agreed that the amendments and Comments Paper would be further discussed at its meeting which was due to be held on Wednesday 6th November 2024.


5. Work Programme

The Panel agreed to defer reviewing its work programme until the Panel’s next meeting.


6. Briefings

The Panel noted that the Minister for Infrastructure had offered to provide the Panel with a briefing on Single Use Vapes and the Liquid Waste Strategy. The Panel requested Officers organise these briefings prior to the end of 2024.

The Panel requested that officers schedule an urgent briefing with the Minister for Infrastructure and the Deputy Chief Minister in relation to ‘Project Breakwater’. The Panel discussed the relevance of the project as part of the Panel’s remit given its focus on the public realm and large infrastructure projects.


7. Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 6th November 2024 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building.



Date: 6th November 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy Alex Curtis

Deputy David Warr

In attendance  

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 30th October 2024.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts  Committee  Proceedings  Code  of  Practice.  Panel  members  had  no conflicts to declare in relation to the agenda items.


3.  P.51/2024 – Proposed Budget 2025-2028 Review

The Panel reviewed and approved its first amendments to the Proposed Budget 2025-2028 in relation to increasing vehicle emissions duty for the most polluting vehicles. It was agreed that the amendment should be lodged with the States Assembly.

The Panel discussed its second amendment to create a Head of Expenditure within the Budget for Fort Regent Redevelopment. It was agreed that the amendment would be revised by the officer and recirculated for further review.

The Panel further discussed the question areas that it would submit for the Scrutiny Liaison Committee’s public hearing with the Chief Minister to be held on Thursday 14th November 2024.


4.  Work Programme

The Panel discussed its work programme and requested that a number of areas be added for discussion.


5.  Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Infrastructure

The Panel discussed areas for inclusion in the question plan for its Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Infrastructure to be held on 20th November 2024.


6.  Briefings

The Panel noted that a request had been made by officers for an urgent briefing with the Minister for Infrastructure and the Deputy Chief Minister in relation to ‘Project Breakwater’ - a group of long-term projects under different Ministerial remits that may be brought together by the Deputy Chief Minister




The Panel was informed that the Deputy Chief Minister would be providing briefings to Scrutiny following a presentation to the Council of Ministers which was due to be made on 3rd December 2024. The Panel requested officers to schedule the briefing as soon as possible after that date.


7.  Future Meetings

The  Panel  noted  that  its  next  meeting  was  scheduled  for  Wednesday  20th November 2024 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building.



Record of Electronic Meeting

Date: 11th November 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Deputy Alex Curtis

Deputy David Warr

In attendance  

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer


Agenda matter


1.  P.51/2024 – Proposed Budget 2025-2028 Review

The Panel reviewed and approved its second Amendment to the Proposed Budget 2025 – 2028 to create a Head of Expenditure within the Budget for Fort Regent Redevelopment.



Record of Electronic Meeting

Date: 13th November 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson


Deputy Alex Curtis Deputy David Warr

In attendance  

Lisette Jones, Head of Environment and Climate, Department for Infrastructure and Environment

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Briefing – Ban of Single-Use Vapes

The Panel welcomed the Department for Infrastructure and Environment’s Head of Environment and Climate for a briefing on P.77/2024 Draft Single-Use Plastics Etc. (Restrictions) (Jersey) Amendment Law 202-. The amendment will provide the


legislation to enact a ban on single-use vapes.

The briefing was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.

2.  Ban on Single-Use Vapes

The Panel agreed that it would ask questions about the proposal for a ban on single- use vapes at its hearing on 20th November 2024.

The Panel also asked that a Comments Paper be drafted for its approval prior to the  States  Assembly  debate  on  P.77/2024  Draft  Single-Use  Plastics  Etc. (Restrictions) (Jersey) Amendment Law 202-. to be held on 10th December 2024.



Record of Meeting

Date: 20th November 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy Alex Curtis

Deputy David Warr

In attendance  

Monique Magalhaes , Acting Principal Committee and Panel Officer [items 1-4 only]

Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel approved the records of its meetings held on 6th,11th and 13th November 2024.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts  Committee  Proceedings  Code  of  Practice.  Panel  members  had  no conflicts to declare in relation to the agenda items.


3.  Draft Finance (2025 Budget) (Jersey) Law 202- (P.72/2024): amendment

The Panel noted the Council of Ministers’ Amendment to the Panel’s Draft Finance (2025 Budget) (Jersey) Law 202- (P.72/2024): Amendment. The Panel agreed that it would accept the Council of Ministers Amendment to the Panel’s Amendment.


4.  Proposed Budget 2025-28 Comments Paper

The Panel reviewed its draft Comments Paper of the Proposed Budget 2025-2028. The Panel requested changes to the content and for the revised version to be shared with the Panel for electronic approval.


5.  Question Plan for the Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Infrastructure

The Panel reviewed the draft question plan for its Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Infrastructure and allocated question areas.


6.  Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for Infrastructure

The Panel welcomed the Minister for Infrastructure and Government Officers for a Quarterly Hearing.

The proceedings were streamed live to the public and a recording was taken so that a written transcript could be produced.


7.  Meeting and Hearing Schedule

The Panel agreed it would receive the Meeting and Hearing Schedule via Teams and would approve it electronically.




8.  Briefing – Liquid Waste Strategy

The Panel welcomed Tom Le Gallais, Project Engineer from the Department for Infrastructure, for a briefing on the Liquid Waste Strategy.

The briefing was held in private in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (as amended) under Qualified Exemption Article 35.


9.  Future Meetings

The Panel noted that its next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 4th December 2024 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building.



Record of Electronic Meeting

Date: 21st November 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Deputy Alex Curtis Connétable David Johnson

In attendance  

Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer


Agenda matter


1.  P.51/2024 – Proposed Budget 2025-2028 Comments Paper

The Panel reviewed and approved its Proposed Budget 2025 – 2028 Comments Paper.



Record of Meeting

Date: 4th December 2024



Deputy Hilary Jeune , Chair Deputy Tom Coles , Vice Chair Connétable David Johnson Deputy Alex Curtis

Deputy David Warr

In attendance  

Anna Thorne , Committee and Panel Officer Rosalyn Sharp, Research and Project Officer

Item 6 only

Gwyn Garfield-Bennett, Communications Officer

Deputy Steve Luce , Minister for the Environment

Connétable Mike Jackson , Assistant Minister for the Environment

Kelly Whitehead, Group Director – Regulation, Infrastructure, Housing and Environment Department

Kevin Pilley, Head of Place and Spatial Planning, Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance Department

Lisette Jones, Head of Environment and Climate

Item 7 only

Francis Walker , Head of Policy - Governance and Communities


Agenda matter


1.  Records of Meetings

The Panel agreed to defer approval of the record of meetings to the meeting on Wednesday 18th December 2024.


2.  Declarations and Conflicts of Interest

The Panel noted the declaration of interest section in the Scrutiny and Public Accounts  Committee  Proceedings  Code  of  Practice.  Panel  members  had  no conflicts to declare in relation to the agenda items.


3.  Comments Paper

The Panel reviewed and approved its draft Comments Paper on P.77/2024 Draft Single-Use Plastics etc. (Restrictions) (Jersey) Amendment Law 202- a revised version.


4.  St Helier Youth Centre

The Panel discussed the status of the St Helier Youth Centre project and agreed that a letter be drafted requesting information about the status of this project for the Panel’s approval.


5.  Question Plan

The Panel reviewed the draft question plan for its Quarterly Hearing with the Minister for the Environment and allocated question areas.




6.  Quarterly Hearing

The Panel welcomed the Minister for the Environment and Government Officers for a Quarterly Hearing.

The proceedings were streamed live to the public and a recording was taken so that a written transcript could be produced.  


7.  Regulation of Hospital and Ambulance Services

The  Panel  welcomed  Francis   Walker ,  Head  of  Policy  Governance  and Communities for a briefing on the Regulation of Hospital and Ambulance Services.


8.  Project Breakwater briefing

The Panel discussed its forthcoming briefing with the Deputy Chief Minister and Minister for Infrastructure on Project Breakwater - a group of long-term projects under different Ministerial remits – and confirmed that the briefing would not be held jointly with other Scrutiny Panels at this time. The briefing was scheduled to take place on 12th December 2024.


9.  Future Meetings

The  Panel  noted  that  its  next  meeting  was  scheduled  for  Wednesday  18th December 2024 in the Le Capelain Room of the States Building.