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Letter from Minister - Vehicle testing update - 24 June 2019

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19-21 Broad Street | St Helier Jersey | JE2 4WE

Connetable Mike Jackson

Chairman, Environment, Housing and Infrastructure Scrutiny Panel Scrutiny Office

States Greffe

Morier House

St Helier



24 June 2019

Dear Chairman

Vehicle Testing Regime – update

Here are the answers to the questions you raised regarding the vehicle testing regime:

  1. How many vehicles have been reported? 390
  2. How many owners of reported vehicles have been contacted? 390
  3. How many reported vehicles were called in for an inspection? 390
  4. What actions are taken over reported vehicles that have been called in for an inspection but have not been produced? A second letter is sent within 7 days
  5. How many reported and inspected vehicles were found to be defective? Vehicle faults are normally rectified before being presented. 12 were scrapped.
  6. How many owners of reported vehicles have been prosecuted for failing to produce them? None
  7. How many owners have been prosecuted for their vehicle being defective? One
  1. Do you intend to publically promote the online reporting tool to make people more aware of its existence?

Not at the moment as all DVS inspection resource is fully utilised

  1. Do you have the resources to cope with a possible influx in vehicle inspections if this information was more widely publicised?

Not currently

  1. How is work progressing to have a live registration database?

This is a complex IT project which is progressing with the anticipated completion by the end of the year.

Yours sincerely

Deputy Kevin Lewis Minister for Infrastructure

D +44 (0)1534 448394 E