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Research - Citizens' Assembly for Climate Change Scrutiny Review - Job Description Chair-Convenor -

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Chair-Convener – Carbon Neutral Citizens' Assembly

Could you support a group of over 40 Islanders brought together to consider Jersey's journey towards becoming carbon neutral?

The States Assembly will convene a Citizens' Assembly in 2021 to consider how and over what timeframe Jersey should work towards becoming carbon neutral. After completing its deliberations, which will take place in 14 online sessions between 13th March and 12th May, the Citizens' Assembly will publish recommendations to the States Assembly.

We are seeking to recommend an independent person to take the role of Chair- Convener  (elect).  The  successful  applicant  will  work  with  the  Citizen's Assembly participants, the Lead Facilitator and other independent experts that will run the Assembly, in order to:

hear the thoughts and experiences of participants and liaise with the independent experts as they plan the content for future meetings

offer advice to the lead facilitator on guiding meetings of the assembly

talk publicly about the experience of the Citizens' Assembly, particularly in its formative stages

We are looking for someone who is:

interested in and cares deeply about what is going on in his/her community

experienced (ideally professionally) in governance and guiding or participating in formal processes

interested in public policy

a good listener and communicator

able to contribute the time necessary to undertake the role effectively

 not currently politically active, and without commercial conflicts of interest

The Chair does not need to be an expert in climate change or other public policy (this is the role of the Advisory Panel) or expert in the planning and delivery of a Citizens' Assembly (this is the role of the Lead Facilitator).

Residency requirements do not formally apply as this is not a paid position, however we expect that local knowledge and understanding of the Jersey context will be required in order to fulfil the role.

The Chair will be recommended to the Citizens' Assembly, who will be asked to endorse them in the role. They will work alongside a small team with extensive experience of facilitating deliberative discussion. The Chair plays a different role to other participants in the Citizens' Assembly, primarily as a supporter and enabler of the process; they may reflect the discussions they are hearing but should reserve their own opinions throughout and remain neutral regarding recommendations.

If required, additional support can be provided to enable the Chair to undertake the role, including support with technology or any other access requirements.

Applicants will need to submit a CV and covering letter by 5.00pm on Thursday 4th February 2021.