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Jersey's Overseas Aid - Mr J Henwood - Submission - 29 December 2006

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To whom it may concern,

I write in relation to Senator Jim Perchard's call for a review of Overseas Aid.

Having already publicly expressed my support for an increase in the Overseas Aid budget, this is to underline my belief that, notwithstanding the difficulties currently faced in balancing the Island's budget, Jersey should be donating a greater proportion of its income to the support of developing nations.

It is the aim of some that we should make 0.7% of GNI available for Overseas Aid. Further, it has been suggested that 2015 would be an appropriate date at which to aim. Whilst I feel this is a laudable target and would like to see a timetable set in which 0.7% might be achieved, I also understand and support the need for prudence of approach. One of the problems of the local political environment is short-term thinking, with many actively engaged in politics unable or unwilling to think beyond a three to six years horizon: I should like to see some thinking spanning a generation (which for most purposes may be put at 25 years). Surely with this longer term approach the whole question of Overseas Aid can be better considered and more appropriately planned.

It would not seem unreasonable to set a target of, say, 2027 as the latest date for the achievement of the 0.7% of GNI as Jersey's contribution to Overseas Aid. With a long term commitment made it would be easier to graduate annual increases from today to that back-stop year.

Yours sincerely, John Henwood.