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27 June 2008-08-20 Submission from Mr Jouault Dear Deputy Duhamel
Thank you for the time and consideration that you a fisheries matters. I have a copy of a page from a S relevant, which I suspect is from about 2003, the
c. Conservation of fishing stocks and the marine en to the future of the industry.
In a climate of increasing pressure from both comme essential to maintain effective controls and enforc initiatives need to be taken where stocks come unde ensure that the Department has the capabilities and implied.
- There is a lack of economic data in relation to
Future policies need to address this issue to ensur indicate trends in the industry, to enable analysis financial support or the provision of infrastructur implications of other financial measures.
- There is increasing pressure on marine environme
Future policy needs to address the overall preserva including anthropogenic inputs (e.g. waste from whe reclamation projects). Disease control, introductio particular species or habitats by various forms of
- Little is known of the non-commercial fishing ac
A recent study indicates that this may be an import local population. Policies need to be formulated to these activities in the best long term interest of
nd your panel are giving towards the tates review or report that may be
page is 69:
vironment are fundamentally important
rcial operators and leisure users, it is ement procedures. Conservation
r threat. Future policies need to
resources to undertake the work
fishing and fish farming practices.
e adequate information is available to of requests from the industry for
e, and to enable assessment of financial
ntal quality including biodiversity.
tion of the marine environment
lk processing, dredging, and
n of alien species and the damage to fishing gear.
tivity or its effects on marine resources.
ant resource both for visitors and the provide this knowledge and to manage
the Island.
Best wishes Mr Jouault