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or disturb many potentially polluting materialsConstruction and demolition activities can use, create Prevention Checklist
Construction including silt, cement, oil, fuel and chemicals.
Water containing silt and other suspended material I
Planning and PreparationInvestigate the previous use of the land. This will must undergo a settlement or filtration processbefore being discharged. arnd the aquatic environment
identify whether or not a site that is intended for Cement and concrete are highly polluting. Mix them
development may be contaminated. Sites that may in a contained area and don't allow the washings
be contaminated include garages, petrol stations, from plant or machinery to enter surface water
gas works, dry cleaners etc. The relevant policy and drains.
guidance note relating to the information that might Spilt oils, fuels or chemicals should never be washed
need to be provided in the process of applying for into a drain or watercourse or allowed to soak into
permission to develop land that is or might be the ground.
contaminated is available from Planning and
Building Services Tel: 445508. Contain leaks and spills of oil, fuel or chemicals
where possible and prevent the spill from entering
Ensure that there is a plan in place to deal with
any waste generated on site and that it complies drains or watercourses by using suitable absorbent
with the provisions of the Waste Management materials. Collect and dispose of contaminated
materials correctly in order to reduce the risk of
(Jersey) Law, 2005. Environmental Protection can
further pollution.
provide advice on the requirements of this Law
Tel: 441600. Report any spillages to Environmental Protection via
Alert staff to the potential causes and risks of the hotline number.
pollution from their individual activities. Ensure that
workers are fully aware of precautions to prevent Remember
pollution and procedures to follow in the event of Causing or knowingly permitting pollution of controlled
an accident. Make sure that there is an adequate waters is an offence under the Water Pollution (Jersey)
spill kit to use in the event of a spill or leak. Law, 2000. There are however strong defences that
Secure the site from vandalism and other third party
may be available to persons acting in a responsible
damage. Vandalism is a common factor leading to
manner. A copy of the law can be obtained from the
pollution e.g. by deliberate interference or collision.
States Greffe bookshop or it can be viewed at
Site Drainage
On most sites there are likely to be two separate types of drainage system with which everyone Water
should be familiar. The surface water system includes most roadside and other outside drains. Pollution
This system is designed to carry clean rain water
from rooftops roads and driveways. Surface water Hotline
drains almost always discharge into a watercourse and then on to the sea, and nothing which could Tel: 709535 cause pollution should enter them e.g. paints, oils,
silt. The foul water system carries foul water to
Bellozanne sewage treatment works or an
individual private sewage treatment system if the
property is not on mains drains. It may be possible
to pump certain types of effluent generated on
site to the foul sewer by prior arrangement with
Transport and Technical Services Tel: 445509.
Sources of Pollution from Construction
Silt may appear harmless because it is not directly toxic to aquatic life. It can however cause serious damage if washed into streams, ponds, reservoirs etc. Deposits of silt can cause problems with flooding, reduce the growth of aquatic plants and clog the gills of aquatic animals.
Silty water can arise from excavations, de-watering, borehole construction, exposed ground, stockpiles, plant and wheel washing and site roads. Water containing silt should never be pumped or discharged directly into a stream or
rf a e ater drain.
Sources of Pollution from Construction
Concrete and Cement
Fresh concrete and cement are very alkaline and corrosive and can cause serious pollution in watercourses. They raise the pH of the water, resulting in damage to biological aquatic habitats and may result in death to plants and animals including fish.
Suitable provision should be made for the washing out of concrete mixing plant. Washings should not be allowed to flow into a drain or watercourse.
Mix in a contained area that is well away from surface water drains and watercourses.
Only use quick drying or setting mixes near drains or watercourses.
Sources of Pollution from Construction
Oil, Fuel and Chemicals
Oil, fuel and other chemicals can be very damaging to aquatic eco-systems. Some chemicals are directly poisonous to plants and animals whilst others may deplete the water of oxygen.
A growing number of pollution incidents are a result of oil and fuel spillages. Even relatively small spills can be time-consuming and expensive to clean up.
Oil, fuel and chemicals containers should be kept in secure, vandal-proof areas. They should be protected from the elements or accidental damage.
Storage areas, tanks and drums should be bunded. The base and bund walls should be impervious to the materials being stored.
Use a re-circulating system for cleaning equipment.
lt Never discharge the effluent to surface water drains or
po ion – The bund should be able to hold a minimum of 110% of
nt the volume being stored.
e watercourses.
Leaking, corroded or empty' drums should be ashed
immediately remove and dispose of correctly. ponds,
ms, rese o i If you're not sure, don't guess. Contain, absorb and dispose of spilt products correctly.
Keep appropriate equipment nearby so that spilt materials are prevented from entering drains, watercourses or soaking into the ground.
Vehicle refuelling should be strictly controlled and take
place away from watercourses or drains. Never leave Water containing silt and other suspended
vehicles unattended whilst refuelling. material must undergo a settle
process before being discharged. Check hoses and valves regularly for corrosion or
damage. Turn off valves and lock securely when not in Prevent surface or groundwater
e n use.
excavations. Pump or bail surplus
minimum disturbance to reduce the nee d or Cement pollution Storage tanks should be empty before being moved or settlement or filtration. Can dramatically alter the chemical decommissioned. Pipes should be capped and valves
Seed or cover exposed ground or soil to prevent composition of surface waters. locked to prevent spills. rain washing away silt. See the oil pollution prevention leaflet in this series for
more pollution prevention measures. Regularly scrape or brush dust and mud from site
Water Pollution
roads or investigate the construction of wheel-
washing facilities
Hotline Tel: 709535